Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Should I Merge or Fodder Off My Units?

★ Latest Banner - New Heroes: Rearmed Þjazi & Rearmed Lilina
☆ New Units - Elffin, Ogier, Rearmed Lilina, Þjazi, Bors
☆ Free Units - Zeiss

Merge or Fodder Fire Emblem Heroes FEH

This is a comprehensive list of heroes in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) classified into Merge or Fodder. If you are wondering whether to merge up a certain hero or fodder them off for Skill Inheritance, read on!

Should you merge or fodder?

Regardless of our advice below, we highly suggest you save excess copies of heroes as combat manuals.

Try to keep at least one copy of each hero, unless you're positive that you won't be using them often. Certain game modes like Limited Hero Battles and Resonant Battles require units from specific game titles. Having a diverse barracks allows you to complete these game modes.

If you feel that you will use a certain hero in multiple game modes, or if they are your among your favorites, we suggest merging the hero. Merges increase the unit's stats, remove their bane, and increase their score in Arena.

We also suggest keeping at least one hero of each unit archetype, such as Bow Flier, Axe Cavalry, etc. This way, you'll have a versatile barracks that can deal with most situations.

For heroes that are unused in multiple game modes, we suggest using them for Skill Inheritance to improve your favorites.

List of Heroes we suggest merging

Adrift Camilla IconAdrift Camilla Altena IconAltena Altina IconAltina Arden IconArden
Ares IconAres Arete IconArete Arion IconArion Arthur IconArthur
Arvis IconArvis Ascended Eir IconAscended Eir Ascended Florina IconAscended Florina Ascended Idunn IconAscended Idunn
Ascended Ishtar IconAscended Ishtar Ash IconAsh Ashera IconAshera Ashnard IconAshnard
Askr IconAskr Astram IconAstram Athena IconAthena Atlas IconAtlas
Aversa IconAversa Ayra IconAyra Azama IconAzama Azura IconAzura
Azura (Young) IconAzura (Young) Bantu IconBantu Barst IconBarst Bartre IconBartre
Bastian IconBastian Benny IconBenny Berkut IconBerkut Beruka IconBeruka
Black Knight IconBlack Knight Boey IconBoey Bors IconBors Bow Hinoka IconBow Hinoka
Bramimond IconBramimond Brave Alm IconBrave Alm Brave Edelgard IconBrave Edelgard Brave Hector IconBrave Hector
Brave Ike IconBrave Ike Brave Lucina IconBrave Lucina Brave Lyn IconBrave Lyn Brave Micaiah IconBrave Micaiah
Bridal Caeda IconBridal Caeda Bridal Cecilia IconBridal Cecilia Bridal Charlotte IconBridal Charlotte Bridal Cordelia IconBridal Cordelia
Bridal Flavia IconBridal Flavia Bridal Larum IconBridal Larum Bridal Sophia IconBridal Sophia Bridal Tharja IconBridal Tharja
Brigand Boss IconBrigand Boss Brunnya IconBrunnya Caeda IconCaeda Caellach IconCaellach
Camus IconCamus Canas IconCanas Candace IconCandace Caspar IconCaspar
Castor IconCastor Cath IconCath Catria IconCatria Cecilia IconCecilia
Celica IconCelica Cervantes IconCervantes Cherche IconCherche Clair IconClair
Clarine IconClarine Clarisse IconClarisse Clive IconClive Cormag IconCormag
Cornelia IconCornelia Corrin (F) IconCorrin (F) Corrin (M) IconCorrin (M) Cyril IconCyril
Dagr IconDagr Darros IconDarros Death Knight IconDeath Knight Deirdre IconDeirdre
Delthea IconDelthea Díthorba IconDíthorba Dorothea IconDorothea Dorothy IconDorothy
Draug IconDraug Duma IconDuma Dwyer IconDwyer Effie IconEffie
Eir IconEir Eirika IconEirika Eitri IconEitri Eldigan IconEldigan
Elimine IconElimine Elincia IconElincia Elise IconElise Eliwood IconEliwood
Emblem Marth IconEmblem Marth Ena IconEna Ephraim IconEphraim Eremiya IconEremiya
Erk IconErk Est IconEst Ethlyn IconEthlyn Etie IconEtie
Eyvel IconEyvel Fae IconFae Fallen Celica IconFallen Celica Fallen Delthea IconFallen Delthea
Fallen Edelgard IconFallen Edelgard Fallen Ike IconFallen Ike Fallen Linus IconFallen Linus Fallen Lloyd IconFallen Lloyd
Fallen Morgan (F) IconFallen Morgan (F) Fallen Morgan (M) IconFallen Morgan (M) Fallen Muarim IconFallen Muarim Fallen Orson IconFallen Orson
Fallen Takumi IconFallen Takumi Fargus IconFargus Fee IconFee Felicia IconFelicia
Ferdinand IconFerdinand Fernand IconFernand Finn IconFinn Fir IconFir
Flame Emperor IconFlame Emperor Flame Tribe Mordecai IconFlame Tribe Mordecai Flavia IconFlavia Florina IconFlorina
Fomortiis IconFomortiis Forrest IconForrest Forsyth IconForsyth Frederick IconFrederick
Freyja IconFreyja Gaius IconGaius Galle IconGalle Gangrel IconGangrel
Garon IconGaron Gerome IconGerome Gharnef IconGharnef Gonzalez IconGonzalez
Gordin IconGordin Gotoh IconGotoh Gray IconGray Green Tome Olwen IconGreen Tome Olwen
Groom Robin (M) IconGroom Robin (M) Groom Roy IconGroom Roy Groom Zelot IconGroom Zelot Gunnthrá IconGunnthrá
Gunter IconGunter Guy IconGuy Haar IconHaar Halloween Dorcas IconHalloween Dorcas
Halloween Henry IconHalloween Henry Halloween Jakob IconHalloween Jakob Halloween Kellam IconHalloween Kellam Halloween Nils IconHalloween Nils
Halloween Seadall IconHalloween Seadall Halloween Yarne IconHalloween Yarne Hana IconHana Hans IconHans
Hatari Deen IconHatari Deen Hawkeye IconHawkeye Heath IconHeath Hel IconHel
Henry IconHenry Hestia IconHestia Hilda (Genealogy) IconHilda (Genealogy) Hinata IconHinata
Hinoka IconHinoka Holst IconHolst Hoshidan Summer Takumi IconHoshidan Summer Takumi Hubert IconHubert
Hugh IconHugh Iago IconIago Ice Tribe Nils IconIce Tribe Nils Idunn IconIdunn
Ilyana IconIlyana Inigo IconInigo Innes IconInnes Ishtar IconIshtar
Itsuki IconItsuki Jaffar IconJaffar Jagen IconJagen Jakob IconJakob
Jarod IconJarod Jeorge IconJeorge Jeralt IconJeralt Jorge IconJorge
Julia IconJulia Julius IconJulius Kaden IconKaden Kagero IconKagero
Kagetsu IconKagetsu Kamui IconKamui Kana (F) IconKana (F) Kana (M) IconKana (M)
Karel IconKarel Karla IconKarla Katarina IconKatarina Kempf IconKempf
Kiragi IconKiragi Knoll IconKnoll Kronya IconKronya Lachesis IconLachesis
Laegjarn IconLaegjarn Laevatein IconLaevatein Lapis IconLapis Laslow IconLaslow
Laurent IconLaurent Leanne IconLeanne Legault IconLegault Legendary Alm IconLegendary Alm
Legendary Azura IconLegendary Azura Legendary Caeda IconLegendary Caeda Legendary Celica IconLegendary Celica Legendary Chrom IconLegendary Chrom
Legendary Claude IconLegendary Claude Legendary Corrin (F) IconLegendary Corrin (F) Legendary Deirdre IconLegendary Deirdre Legendary Edelgard IconLegendary Edelgard
Legendary Eirika IconLegendary Eirika Legendary Eliwood IconLegendary Eliwood Legendary Ephraim IconLegendary Ephraim Legendary Ike IconLegendary Ike
Legendary Julia IconLegendary Julia Legendary Lilina IconLegendary Lilina Legendary Lucina IconLegendary Lucina Legendary Lyn IconLegendary Lyn
Legendary Marth IconLegendary Marth Legendary Micaiah IconLegendary Micaiah Legendary Myrrh IconLegendary Myrrh Legendary Nanna IconLegendary Nanna
Legendary Ninian IconLegendary Ninian Legendary Robin (F) IconLegendary Robin (F) Legendary Robin (M) IconLegendary Robin (M) Legendary Roy IconLegendary Roy
Legendary Ryoma IconLegendary Ryoma Legendary Seliph IconLegendary Seliph Legendary Shez (F) IconLegendary Shez (F) Legendary Sigurd IconLegendary Sigurd
Legendary Tiki (Young) IconLegendary Tiki (Young) Legendary Xander IconLegendary Xander Legendary Yuri IconLegendary Yuri Legion IconLegion
Leif IconLeif Lena IconLena Leon IconLeon Lethe IconLethe
Lex IconLex Lilina IconLilina Limstella IconLimstella Linde IconLinde
Linhardt IconLinhardt Linus IconLinus Lissa IconLissa Lloyd IconLloyd
Lucia IconLucia Ludveck IconLudveck Luke IconLuke Lumera IconLumera
Lute IconLute Lyon IconLyon Mae IconMae Mamori IconMamori
Maria IconMaria Marla IconMarla Marni IconMarni Masked Marth IconMasked Marth
Masquerade Eldigan IconMasquerade Eldigan Masquerade Lachesis IconMasquerade Lachesis Masquerade Quan IconMasquerade Quan Mathilda IconMathilda
Matthew IconMatthew Mauvier IconMauvier Medeus IconMedeus Metodey IconMetodey
Michalis IconMichalis Mila IconMila Mirabilis IconMirabilis Miranda IconMiranda
Morgan (F) IconMorgan (F) Morgan (M) IconMorgan (M) Murdock IconMurdock Myrrh IconMyrrh
Nabata Hawkeye IconNabata Hawkeye Naesala IconNaesala Naga IconNaga Nanna IconNanna
Narcian IconNarcian Natasha IconNatasha Neimi IconNeimi Nemesis IconNemesis
New Year Alfonse IconNew Year Alfonse New Year Azura IconNew Year Azura New Year Camilla IconNew Year Camilla New Year Corrin (M) IconNew Year Corrin (M)
New Year Dagr IconNew Year Dagr New Year Fafnir IconNew Year Fafnir New Year Kaden IconNew Year Kaden New Year Keaton IconNew Year Keaton
New Year Kyza IconNew Year Kyza New Year Lethe IconNew Year Lethe New Year Selkie IconNew Year Selkie New Year Takumi IconNew Year Takumi
New Year Yarne IconNew Year Yarne Niime IconNiime Ninja Hana IconNinja Hana Ninja Noire IconNinja Noire
Ninja Shamir IconNinja Shamir Ninja Zihark IconNinja Zihark Nino IconNino Norne IconNorne
Nótt IconNótt Nowi IconNowi Oboro IconOboro Ogier IconOgier
Oliver IconOliver Olivia IconOlivia Olwen IconOlwen Orochi IconOrochi
Osian IconOsian Ótr IconÓtr Panette IconPanette Panne IconPanne
Peony IconPeony Performing Azura IconPerforming Azura Peri IconPeri Perne IconPerne
Phila IconPhila Picnic Lukas IconPicnic Lukas Pirate Vika IconPirate Vika Plegian Kris (M) IconPlegian Kris (M)
Plegian Raphael IconPlegian Raphael Plumeria IconPlumeria Python IconPython Rafiel IconRafiel
Rath IconRath Raven IconRaven Red Tome Eirika IconRed Tome Eirika Reginn IconReginn
Reinhardt IconReinhardt Rennac IconRennac Reyson IconReyson Rhea IconRhea
Ricken IconRicken Riev IconRiev Rinkah IconRinkah Robin (F) IconRobin (F)
Robin (M) IconRobin (M) Rolf IconRolf Ross IconRoss Roy IconRoy
Rutger IconRutger Ryoma IconRyoma Sage Byleth (M) IconSage Byleth (M) Sage Soren IconSage Soren
Saias IconSaias Salem IconSalem Sanaki IconSanaki Saul IconSaul
Scathach IconScathach Scion Nanna IconScion Nanna Seiðr IconSeiðr Seiros IconSeiros
Seliph IconSeliph Selkie IconSelkie Seteth IconSeteth Shannan IconShannan
Sheena IconSheena Shigure IconShigure Shiro IconShiro Siegbert IconSiegbert
Sigurd IconSigurd Silas IconSilas Sirius IconSirius Soleil IconSoleil
Solon IconSolon Sonia IconSonia Sonya IconSonya Sophia IconSophia
Spring Alfonse IconSpring Alfonse Spring Bartre IconSpring Bartre Spring Camilla IconSpring Camilla Spring Catria IconSpring Catria
Spring Chrom IconSpring Chrom Spring Henry IconSpring Henry Spring Kagero IconSpring Kagero Spring Loki IconSpring Loki
Spring Luthier IconSpring Luthier Spring Maria IconSpring Maria Spring Michalis IconSpring Michalis Spring Minerva IconSpring Minerva
Spring Mirabilis IconSpring Mirabilis Spring Narcian IconSpring Narcian Spring Sharena IconSpring Sharena Spring Xander IconSpring Xander
Sully IconSully Summer Camilla IconSummer Camilla Summer Caspar IconSummer Caspar Summer Claude IconSummer Claude
Summer Cordelia IconSummer Cordelia Summer Corrin (F) IconSummer Corrin (F) Summer Dimitri IconSummer Dimitri Summer Donnel IconSummer Donnel
Summer Dorothea IconSummer Dorothea Summer Edelgard IconSummer Edelgard Summer Elincia IconSummer Elincia Summer Ephraim IconSummer Ephraim
Summer Fiora IconSummer Fiora Summer Frederick IconSummer Frederick Summer Gaius IconSummer Gaius Summer Innes IconSummer Innes
Summer LSummer L'Arachel Summer Leo IconSummer Leo Summer Linde IconSummer Linde Summer Lorenz IconSummer Lorenz
Summer Micaiah IconSummer Micaiah Summer Norne IconSummer Norne Summer Ogma IconSummer Ogma Summer Shez (M) IconSummer Shez (M)
Summer Sylvain IconSummer Sylvain Summer Tiki (Adult) IconSummer Tiki (Adult) Summer Tiki (Young) IconSummer Tiki (Young) Summer Xander IconSummer Xander
Summer Ymir IconSummer Ymir Sylvain IconSylvain Tana IconTana Tanya IconTanya
Tatiana IconTatiana Tethys IconTethys Tharja IconTharja Thief Cath IconThief Cath
Thief Leila IconThief Leila Thief Nina IconThief Nina Thief Rickard IconThief Rickard Thief Sothe IconThief Sothe
Thórr IconThórr Thrasir IconThrasir Tiki (Adult) IconTiki (Adult) Tiki (Young) IconTiki (Young)
Tine IconTine Titania IconTitania Tobin IconTobin Travant IconTravant
Triandra IconTriandra Ullr IconUllr Ursula IconUrsula Valbar IconValbar
ValentineValentine's Alm ValentineValentine's Chrom ValentineValentine's Effie ValentineValentine's Eliwood
ValentineValentine's Hana ValentineValentine's Lilina ValentineValentine's Lissa ValentineValentine's Lyn
ValentineValentine's Robin (F) ValentineValentine's Veronica ValentineValentine's Vigarde Validar IconValidar
Valter IconValter Vanessa IconVanessa Veld IconVeld Velouria IconVelouria
Veronica IconVeronica Virion IconVirion Vyland IconVyland Walhart IconWalhart
Wil IconWil Wind Tribe Fuga IconWind Tribe Fuga Winter Annette IconWinter Annette Winter Artur IconWinter Artur
Winter Bruno IconWinter Bruno Winter Chrom IconWinter Chrom Winter Cordelia IconWinter Cordelia Winter Ephraim IconWinter Ephraim
Winter Felix IconWinter Felix Winter Hilda IconWinter Hilda Winter Ignatz IconWinter Ignatz Winter Marth IconWinter Marth
Winter Sothis IconWinter Sothis Wolt IconWolt Wrys IconWrys Xander IconXander
Xane IconXane YenYen'fay Ylgr IconYlgr Young Boyd IconYoung Boyd
Young Caeda IconYoung Caeda Young Frederick IconYoung Frederick Young Ilyana IconYoung Ilyana Young Innes IconYoung Innes
Young Lucius IconYoung Lucius Young Lyon IconYoung Lyon Young Marth IconYoung Marth Young Minerva IconYoung Minerva
Young Robin (F) IconYoung Robin (F) Young Soren IconYoung Soren Yuliya IconYuliya Yune IconYune
Zeiss IconZeiss Zelgius IconZelgius Zephiel IconZephiel

List of Heroes we suggest foddering

Abel IconAbel Adrift Corrin (F) IconAdrift Corrin (F) Adrift Corrin (M) IconAdrift Corrin (M) Aelfric IconAelfric
Aided Dagr IconAided Dagr Aided Reginn IconAided Reginn Alcryst IconAlcryst Alear (F) IconAlear (F)
Alear (M) IconAlear (M) Alfred IconAlfred Alm IconAlm Amelia IconAmelia
Annand IconAnnand Annette IconAnnette Apotheosis Anna IconApotheosis Anna Arlen IconArlen
Arthur (Fates) IconArthur (Fates) Arval IconArval Asbel IconAsbel Ascended Amelia IconAscended Amelia
Ascended Ced IconAscended Ced Ascended Celica IconAscended Celica Ascended Elincia IconAscended Elincia Ascended Fir IconAscended Fir
Ascended Fjorm IconAscended Fjorm Ascended Hilda IconAscended Hilda Ascended Joshua IconAscended Joshua Ascended Laegjarn IconAscended Laegjarn
Ascended Mareeta IconAscended Mareeta Ascended Merric IconAscended Merric Ascended Tiki (Young) IconAscended Tiki (Young) Ashe IconAshe
Astrid IconAstrid Attuned Azura IconAttuned Azura Attuned Caeda IconAttuned Caeda Attuned Eirika IconAttuned Eirika
Attuned Micaiah IconAttuned Micaiah Attuned Nino IconAttuned Nino Attuned Peony IconAttuned Peony Attuned Timerra IconAttuned Timerra
Attuned Triandra IconAttuned Triandra August IconAugust Azelle IconAzelle Balthus IconBalthus
Basilio IconBasilio Bernadetta IconBernadetta Bertram IconBertram Brady IconBrady
Brave Alfonse IconBrave Alfonse Brave Bernadetta IconBrave Bernadetta Brave Byleth (F) IconBrave Byleth (F) Brave Camilla IconBrave Camilla
Brave Celica IconBrave Celica Brave Chrom IconBrave Chrom Brave Claude IconBrave Claude Brave Corrin (F) IconBrave Corrin (F)
Brave Dimitri IconBrave Dimitri Brave Eirika IconBrave Eirika Brave Eliwood IconBrave Eliwood Brave Ephraim IconBrave Ephraim
Brave Felix IconBrave Felix Brave Gullveig IconBrave Gullveig Brave Lysithea IconBrave Lysithea Brave Marianne IconBrave Marianne
Brave Marth IconBrave Marth Brave Robin (F) IconBrave Robin (F) Brave Robin (M) IconBrave Robin (M) Brave Roy IconBrave Roy
Brave Seliph IconBrave Seliph Brave Soren IconBrave Soren Brave Tiki (Adult) IconBrave Tiki (Adult) Bridal Anna IconBridal Anna
Bridal Catria IconBridal Catria Bridal Embla IconBridal Embla Bridal Fjorm IconBridal Fjorm Bridal Juno IconBridal Juno
Bridal Lapis IconBridal Lapis Bridal Lilina IconBridal Lilina Bridal Louise IconBridal Louise Bridal Lyn IconBridal Lyn
Bridal Micaiah IconBridal Micaiah Bridal Nailah IconBridal Nailah Bridal Nel IconBridal Nel Bridal Ninian IconBridal Ninian
Bridal Oboro IconBridal Oboro Bridal Sanaki IconBridal Sanaki Bridal SayBridal Say'ri Bridal Shanna IconBridal Shanna
Bridal Sharena IconBridal Sharena Bridal Sigrun IconBridal Sigrun Bridal Tanith IconBridal Tanith Bridal Tiki (Adult) IconBridal Tiki (Adult)
Brigid IconBrigid Byleth (F) IconByleth (F) Byleth (M) IconByleth (M) Caeldori IconCaeldori
Cain IconCain Caineghis IconCaineghis Camilla IconCamilla Catherine IconCatherine
Ced IconCed Céline IconCéline Chad IconChad Charlotte IconCharlotte
Chloé IconChloé Chrom IconChrom Citrinne IconCitrinne Claude IconClaude
Colm IconColm Conrad IconConrad Constance IconConstance Cordelia IconCordelia
Cynthia IconCynthia Dedue IconDedue Dheginsea IconDheginsea Diamant IconDiamant
Dieck IconDieck Dimitri IconDimitri Donnel IconDonnel Dorcas IconDorcas
Dozla IconDozla Duessel IconDuessel Duo Eirika IconDuo Eirika Duo Ephraim IconDuo Ephraim
Echidna IconEchidna Edelgard IconEdelgard Edward IconEdward Eikþyrnir IconEikþyrnir
Eitr IconEitr Eleonora IconEleonora Elffin IconElffin Elice IconElice
Embla IconEmbla Emblem Celica IconEmblem Celica Emblem Ike IconEmblem Ike Emblem Sigurd IconEmblem Sigurd
Emmeryn IconEmmeryn Erinys IconErinys Ewan IconEwan Exalt Chrom IconExalt Chrom
Fallen Anankos IconFallen Anankos Fallen Berkut IconFallen Berkut Fallen Byleth (F) IconFallen Byleth (F) Fallen Chrom IconFallen Chrom
Fallen Corrin (F) IconFallen Corrin (F) Fallen Corrin (M) IconFallen Corrin (M) Fallen Dimitri IconFallen Dimitri Fallen Gustav IconFallen Gustav
Fallen Hardin IconFallen Hardin Fallen Julia IconFallen Julia Fallen Lilith IconFallen Lilith Fallen Lumera IconFallen Lumera
Fallen Lyon IconFallen Lyon Fallen Mareeta IconFallen Mareeta Fallen Maria IconFallen Maria Fallen Nergal IconFallen Nergal
Fallen Ninian IconFallen Ninian Fallen Rhea IconFallen Rhea Fallen Robin (M) IconFallen Robin (M) Fallen Tiki (Young) IconFallen Tiki (Young)
Fallen Ursula IconFallen Ursula Fallen Veyle IconFallen Veyle Farina IconFarina Faye IconFaye
Febail IconFebail Felix IconFelix Fiora IconFiora Fjorm IconFjorm
Flame Tribe Lyn IconFlame Tribe Lyn Flame Tribe Múspell IconFlame Tribe Múspell Flame Tribe Rinkah IconFlame Tribe Rinkah Flame Tribe Tana IconFlame Tribe Tana
Flayn IconFlayn Flora IconFlora Flying Nino IconFlying Nino Flying Olivia IconFlying Olivia
Fogado IconFogado Forde IconForde Freyr IconFreyr Galzus IconGalzus
Ganglöt IconGanglöt Gatekeeper IconGatekeeper Gatrie IconGatrie Geese IconGeese
Genny IconGenny Geoffrey IconGeoffrey Gerik IconGerik Gilliam IconGilliam
Ginnungagap IconGinnungagap Glen IconGlen Gregor IconGregor Groom Alcryst IconGroom Alcryst
Groom Hinata IconGroom Hinata Groom Marth IconGroom Marth Groom Pent IconGroom Pent Groom Saul IconGroom Saul
Guinivere IconGuinivere Gullveig IconGullveig Gwendolyn IconGwendolyn Halloween Anna IconHalloween Anna
Halloween Askr IconHalloween Askr Halloween Corrin (F) IconHalloween Corrin (F) Halloween Corrin (M) IconHalloween Corrin (M) Halloween Duma IconHalloween Duma
Halloween Flayn IconHalloween Flayn Halloween Hector IconHalloween Hector Halloween Ilyana IconHalloween Ilyana Halloween Kagero IconHalloween Kagero
Halloween Kurthnaga IconHalloween Kurthnaga Halloween LHalloween L'Arachel Halloween Lethe IconHalloween Lethe Halloween Mia IconHalloween Mia
Halloween Myrrh IconHalloween Myrrh Halloween Naga IconHalloween Naga Halloween Nagi IconHalloween Nagi Halloween Nah IconHalloween Nah
Halloween Niles IconHalloween Niles Halloween Nowi IconHalloween Nowi Halloween Rhea IconHalloween Rhea Halloween Robin (F) IconHalloween Robin (F)
Halloween Robin (M) IconHalloween Robin (M) Halloween Sakura IconHalloween Sakura Halloween Sophia IconHalloween Sophia Halloween Sothis IconHalloween Sothis
Halloween Tiki (Young) IconHalloween Tiki (Young) Halloween Timerra IconHalloween Timerra Hapi IconHapi Hardin IconHardin
Harken IconHarken Hatari Azura IconHatari Azura Hatari Karla IconHatari Karla Hatari Nailah IconHatari Nailah
Hatari Xane IconHatari Xane Hayato IconHayato Hector IconHector Heiðr IconHeiðr
Heiðrún IconHeiðrún Helbindi IconHelbindi Hilda IconHilda Hortensia IconHortensia
Hoshidan Summer Elincia IconHoshidan Summer Elincia Hoshidan Summer Leo IconHoshidan Summer Leo Hoshidan Summer Lucia IconHoshidan Summer Lucia Hoshidan Summer Mia IconHoshidan Summer Mia
Hoshidan Summer Micaiah IconHoshidan Summer Micaiah Hoshidan Summer Nephenee IconHoshidan Summer Nephenee Hoshidan Summer Ryoma IconHoshidan Summer Ryoma Hoshidan Summer Xander IconHoshidan Summer Xander
Hostile Springs Camilla IconHostile Springs Camilla Hostile Springs Elise IconHostile Springs Elise Hostile Springs Hinoka IconHostile Springs Hinoka Hostile Springs Ryoma IconHostile Springs Ryoma
Hostile Springs Sakura IconHostile Springs Sakura Hræsvelgr IconHræsvelgr Hríd IconHríd Ice Tribe Felicia IconIce Tribe Felicia
Ice Tribe Fjorm IconIce Tribe Fjorm Ice Tribe Flora IconIce Tribe Flora Ice Tribe Thea IconIce Tribe Thea Igrene IconIgrene
Ike IconIke Ingrid IconIngrid Isadora IconIsadora Ivy IconIvy
Jamke IconJamke Jill IconJill Joshua IconJoshua Julian IconJulian
Karin IconKarin Kaze IconKaze Keaton IconKeaton Kent IconKent
Kiria IconKiria Kjelle IconKjelle Klein IconKlein Kliff IconKliff
Kris (F) IconKris (F) Kris (M) IconKris (M) Kvasir IconKvasir Kyle IconKyle
LL'Arachel Lara IconLara Larcei IconLarcei Larum IconLarum
Legendary Alear (F) IconLegendary Alear (F) Legendary Alear (M) IconLegendary Alear (M) Legendary Byleth (F) IconLegendary Byleth (F) Legendary Byleth (M) IconLegendary Byleth (M)
Legendary Camilla IconLegendary Camilla Legendary Corrin (M) IconLegendary Corrin (M) Legendary Dimitri IconLegendary Dimitri Legendary Elincia IconLegendary Elincia
Legendary Fae IconLegendary Fae Legendary Guinivere IconLegendary Guinivere Legendary Hector IconLegendary Hector Legendary Hinoka IconLegendary Hinoka
Legendary Leif IconLegendary Leif Legendary Shez (M) IconLegendary Shez (M) Legendary Veronica IconLegendary Veronica Leila IconLeila
Lene IconLene Leo IconLeo Leonardo IconLeonardo Letizia IconLetizia
Lewyn IconLewyn Libra IconLibra Líf IconLíf Lifis IconLifis
Lilith IconLilith Loki IconLoki LonLon'qu Louise IconLouise
Lucina IconLucina Lucius IconLucius Lugh IconLugh Lukas IconLukas
Luthier IconLuthier Lyn IconLyn Lysithea IconLysithea Malice IconMalice
Marcia IconMarcia Mareeta IconMareeta Marianne IconMarianne Maribelle IconMaribelle
Marisa IconMarisa Marth IconMarth Masquerade Ethlyn IconMasquerade Ethlyn Masquerade Sigurd IconMasquerade Sigurd
Matthis IconMatthis Melady IconMelady Mercedes IconMercedes Merlinus IconMerlinus
Merric IconMerric Merrin IconMerrin Mia IconMia Micaiah IconMicaiah
Midori IconMidori Mikoto IconMikoto Minerva IconMinerva Miriel IconMiriel
Mist IconMist Monica IconMonica Mordecai IconMordecai Mozu IconMozu
Múspell IconMúspell Mustafa IconMustafa Mycen IconMycen Mythic Loki IconMythic Loki
Mythic Lumera IconMythic Lumera Nabata Altina IconNabata Altina Nabata Igrene IconNabata Igrene Nabata Juno IconNabata Juno
Nabata Tormod IconNabata Tormod Nagi IconNagi Nah IconNah Nailah IconNailah
Navarre IconNavarre Nephenee IconNephenee Nerþuz IconNerþuz New Year Anna IconNew Year Anna
New Year Ash IconNew Year Ash New Year Askr IconNew Year Askr New Year Eir IconNew Year Eir New Year Elm IconNew Year Elm
New Year Fjorm IconNew Year Fjorm New Year Gunnthrá IconNew Year Gunnthrá New Year Hríd IconNew Year Hríd New Year Kana (F) IconNew Year Kana (F)
New Year Kana (M) IconNew Year Kana (M) New Year Kvasir IconNew Year Kvasir New Year Laegjarn IconNew Year Laegjarn New Year Laevatein IconNew Year Laevatein
New Year Lyre IconNew Year Lyre New Year Nerþuz IconNew Year Nerþuz New Year Panne IconNew Year Panne New Year Peony IconNew Year Peony
New Year Plumeria IconNew Year Plumeria New Year Reginn IconNew Year Reginn New Year Seiðr IconNew Year Seiðr New Year Velouria IconNew Year Velouria
Niðavellir IconNiðavellir Nifl IconNifl Niles IconNiles Nils IconNils
Nina IconNina Ninian IconNinian Ninja Camilla IconNinja Camilla Ninja Céline IconNinja Céline
Ninja Cherche IconNinja Cherche Ninja Corrin (F) IconNinja Corrin (F) Ninja Corrin (M) IconNinja Corrin (M) Ninja Diamant IconNinja Diamant
Ninja Haar IconNinja Haar Ninja Heath IconNinja Heath Ninja Heather IconNinja Heather Ninja Igrene IconNinja Igrene
Ninja Laegjarn IconNinja Laegjarn Ninja Laevatein IconNinja Laevatein Ninja Lucina IconNinja Lucina Ninja Lyn IconNinja Lyn
Ninja Navarre IconNinja Navarre Ninja Reina IconNinja Reina Ninja Saizo IconNinja Saizo Ninja Sanaki IconNinja Sanaki
Ninja Shinon IconNinja Shinon Ninja Tharja IconNinja Tharja Ninja Zelgius IconNinja Zelgius Noah IconNoah
Nyna IconNyna Nyx IconNyx Odin IconOdin Ogma IconOgma
Ophelia IconOphelia Oscar IconOscar Owain IconOwain Palla IconPalla
Pandreo IconPandreo Patty IconPatty Pelleas IconPelleas Pent IconPent
Perceval IconPerceval Performing Inigo IconPerforming Inigo Performing Olivia IconPerforming Olivia Performing Shigure IconPerforming Shigure
Petra IconPetra Petrine IconPetrine Phina IconPhina Picnic Felicia IconPicnic Felicia
Picnic Flora IconPicnic Flora Picnic Genny IconPicnic Genny Picnic Leo IconPicnic Leo Pirate Hinoka IconPirate Hinoka
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Sage Ursula IconSage Ursula Sain IconSain Saizo IconSaizo Sakura IconSakura
Sara IconSara SaySay'ri Scion Julia IconScion Julia Scion Larcei IconScion Larcei
Scion Leif IconScion Leif Scion Lewyn IconScion Lewyn Sedgar IconSedgar Selena IconSelena
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Spring Idunn IconSpring Idunn Spring Inigo IconSpring Inigo Spring Karla IconSpring Karla Spring Linhardt IconSpring Linhardt
Spring Lucina IconSpring Lucina Spring Marisa IconSpring Marisa Spring Myrrh IconSpring Myrrh Spring Palla IconSpring Palla
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Spring Triandra IconSpring Triandra Spring Veronica IconSpring Veronica Stahl IconStahl Subaki IconSubaki
Sue IconSue Sumia IconSumia Summer Alear (F) IconSummer Alear (F) Summer Ashe IconSummer Ashe
Summer Byleth (F) IconSummer Byleth (F) Summer Caeda IconSummer Caeda Summer Clanne IconSummer Clanne Summer Dedue IconSummer Dedue
Summer Eirika IconSummer Eirika Summer Elise IconSummer Elise Summer Fjorm IconSummer Fjorm Summer Freyja IconSummer Freyja
Summer Freyr IconSummer Freyr Summer Goldmary IconSummer Goldmary Summer Gullveig IconSummer Gullveig Summer Gunnthrá IconSummer Gunnthrá
Summer Helbindi IconSummer Helbindi Summer Hilda IconSummer Hilda Summer Hríd IconSummer Hríd Summer Ingrid IconSummer Ingrid
Summer Ivy IconSummer Ivy Summer Joshua IconSummer Joshua Summer Laegjarn IconSummer Laegjarn Summer Laevatein IconSummer Laevatein
Summer Leonie IconSummer Leonie Summer Lilina IconSummer Lilina Summer Lute IconSummer Lute Summer Lyn IconSummer Lyn
Summer Lyon IconSummer Lyon Summer Mercedes IconSummer Mercedes Summer Mia IconSummer Mia Summer Nerþuz IconSummer Nerþuz
Summer Nifl IconSummer Nifl Summer Noire IconSummer Noire Summer Olivia IconSummer Olivia Summer Petra IconSummer Petra
Summer Rhys IconSummer Rhys Summer Robin (F) IconSummer Robin (F) Summer Selena IconSummer Selena Summer Seth IconSummer Seth
Summer Shamir IconSummer Shamir Summer Shez (F) IconSummer Shez (F) Summer Takumi IconSummer Takumi Summer Tana IconSummer Tana
Summer Tharja IconSummer Tharja Summer Thórr IconSummer Thórr Summer Ursula IconSummer Ursula Summer Vaike IconSummer Vaike
Summer Ylgr IconSummer Ylgr Surtr IconSurtr Sword Reinhardt IconSword Reinhardt Syrene IconSyrene
Tailtiu IconTailtiu Takumi IconTakumi Tanith IconTanith Tea Ayra IconTea Ayra
Tea Ferdinand IconTea Ferdinand Tea Lysithea IconTea Lysithea Tea Sigurd IconTea Sigurd Tea Tailtiu IconTea Tailtiu
Thea IconThea Tibarn IconTibarn Tina IconTina Tsubasa IconTsubasa
Valentian Catria IconValentian Catria Valentian Est IconValentian Est Valentian Palla IconValentian Palla ValentineValentine's Alfonse
ValentineValentine's Conrad ValentineValentine's Elise ValentineValentine's Ephraim ValentineValentine's Faye
ValentineValentine's Greil ValentineValentine's Gustav ValentineValentine's Hector ValentineValentine's Henriette
ValentineValentine's Ike ValentineValentine's Leo ValentineValentine's Líf ValentineValentine's Lucina
ValentineValentine's Lyon ValentineValentine's Mist ValentineValentine's Myrrh ValentineValentine's Owain
ValentineValentine's Roy ValentineValentine's Rudolf ValentineValentine's Selena ValentineValentine's Silque
ValentineValentine's Soren ValentineValentine's Takumi ValentineValentine's Titania Veyle IconVeyle
Vigarde IconVigarde Volke IconVolke Wind Tribe Catria IconWind Tribe Catria Wind Tribe Claude IconWind Tribe Claude
Wind Tribe Dagr IconWind Tribe Dagr Wind Tribe Kagero IconWind Tribe Kagero Winter Altina IconWinter Altina Winter Bernadetta IconWinter Bernadetta
Winter Black Knight IconWinter Black Knight Winter Byleth (M) IconWinter Byleth (M) Winter Cecilia IconWinter Cecilia Winter Claude IconWinter Claude
Winter Dimitri IconWinter Dimitri Winter Dorothea IconWinter Dorothea Winter Edelgard IconWinter Edelgard Winter Eirika IconWinter Eirika
Winter Fae IconWinter Fae Winter Jaffar IconWinter Jaffar Winter Lissa IconWinter Lissa Winter Lysithea IconWinter Lysithea
Winter Manuela IconWinter Manuela Winter Mirabilis IconWinter Mirabilis Winter Nino IconWinter Nino Winter Robin IconWinter Robin
Winter Sephiran IconWinter Sephiran Winter Tharja IconWinter Tharja Winter Yunaka IconWinter Yunaka Winter Zephiel IconWinter Zephiel
Wolf IconWolf Yarne IconYarne Ymir IconYmir Young Eliwood IconYoung Eliwood
Young Emmeryn IconYoung Emmeryn Young Hector IconYoung Hector Young Ike IconYoung Ike Young LYoung L'Arachel
Young Lissa IconYoung Lissa Young Mark IconYoung Mark Young Merric IconYoung Merric Young Mia IconYoung Mia
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Yukimura IconYukimura Yuri IconYuri Zeke IconZeke Zephia IconZephia
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