Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

List of All Sacred Seals - Sacred Seal Forge

Sacred Seals Top Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

This page lists the effects of all Sacred Seals in the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH), as well as how to obtain them. All information relating to Sacred Seals, such as where they are found and what they do can be found here!

Effects and Obtainability of All Sacred Skills

Sacred Seals are primarily obtained through limited time events or as a reward for completing Quests & Missions.

Note: The following list only displays Sacred Seals that have been enhanced to the highest priority. To see the Sacred Seals at lower priorities, check out their individual pages.

Sacred Seal Rating How to Obtain
S Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Inflicts Spd/Def-3 on foe and neutralizes effects that grant "Special cooldown charge +X" to foe or inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.
S Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, if Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1.
S Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd during combat = X + 5. (X = number of spaces moved by whoever initiated combat; max 3.)
S Available through Sacred Seal Creation
Great Transparent Badge×20 Transparent Badge×100 Sacred Coin×40

At start of turn, if unit's HP = 100%, unit can move 1 extra space.
(That turn only. Does not stack.)
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit receives consecutive attacks and foe uses magic, reduces damage from foe's second attack onward by 80%.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit receives consecutive attacks and foe uses bow or dagger, reduces damage from foe's second attack onward by 80%.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit receives consecutive attacks and foe uses a sword, lance, or axe, reduces damage from foe's second attack onward by 80%.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

After combat, inflicts Spd-7 on foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Infantry and armored allies within 2 spaces can move to a space adjacent to unit.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit's Spd ≥ foe's Spd, grants Special cooldown charge +1 per unit's attack.
(Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
S Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Unit can move to a space adjacent to any infantry, armored, or cavalry unit within 2 spaces.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

After combat, inflicts Atk -7 on foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions.
Great Transparent Badge×20 Transparent Badge×100 Sacred Coin×20

At the start of turn 1, grants Special cooldown count-1.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit's Atk ≥ foe's Atk, grants Special cooldown charge +1 per unit's attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit's HP ≥ 70% and foe initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Disables unit's and foe's skills that change attack priority.
S Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd +4 during combat.
S Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Disables foe’s skills that "calculate damage using the lower of foe’s Def or Res" and "calculate damage from staff like other weapons." Restores 6 HP after combat.
S Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Spd +6 during combat.
S Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit initiates combat, grants bonus to unit’s Atk/Spd during combat = 3 + number of allies who have already acted × 3 (min value of 3).
S Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
If foe initiates combat, grants Def+4 during combat and Special cooldown charge +1 per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
S Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
If foe initiates combat, grants Spd +4 during combat and Special cooldown charge +1 per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack).
S Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res +3. Unit take 6 damage after combat.
S Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
If foe initiates combat, grants Res+4 during combat and Special cooldown charge +1 per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)
S Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.
S Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Disables foe’s skills that guarantee foe’s follow-up attack and foe’s skills that prevent unit’s follow-up attack.
S Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
If foe initiates combat, grants Atk +4 during combat and Special cooldown charge +1 per attack. (Only highest value applies. Does not stack. )
S Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if foe’s HP = 100% or if【Penalty】is active on foe, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit during combat.
All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
S Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.
S Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if 【Bonus】 is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit during combat. At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% and 【Bonus】 is active on unit, grants an additional Atk/Spd+2 to unit during combat.
S Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If foe initiates combat, reduces damage from foe's first attack by 20% during combat, and also, if unit's Atk > foe's Res, unit's first attack deals damage = 20% of unit's Atk minus foe's Res during combat.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Spd+3.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Attack +3
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Adjacent allies Res +4 through their next actions at the start of each turn.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants adjacent allies Res +4 during combat.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Inflicts Res -5 on foes within 2 spaces through their next actions at the start of each turn.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Res +5. Inflicts Atk -3.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Res +3.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If foe initiates combat, grants Atk+6 during combat.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If foe initiates combat, grants Spd+6 during combat.
C Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If Sing or Dance is used, grants Res +5 to target.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit's HP ≥ 50%, foes cannot move through spaces adjacent to unit.
(Does not affect foes with Pass skills.)
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Inflicts Spd -7 on foe through its next action after combat.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Spd/Def +2
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, grants Spd+4 to adjacent allies for 1 turn.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants adjacent allies Spd +4 during combat.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Spd-5 on foes within 2 spaces through their next actions.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants HP+5.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants HP+5.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Def+3.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants HP+5.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants HP+5.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If Sing or Dance is used, grants Spd +4 to target.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If Sing or Dance is used, grants Atk+4 to target.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If foe initiates combat, grants Res+6 during combat.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≤ 80%, grants Atk/Res+7 during combat.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk/Spd +2.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Inflicts Atk -7 on foe through its next action after combat.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit’s HP ≤ 80% at start of combat, grants Atk/Def +7 during combat.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, grants Atk+4 to adjacent allies for 1 turn.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants adjacent allies Atk +4 during combat.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Atk-5 on foes within 2 spaces through their next actions.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants adjacent allies Atk/Res +3 during combat.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, grants Def+4 to adjacent allies for 1 turn.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants adjacent allies Def +4 during combat.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Def-5 on foes within 2 spaces through their next actions.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Def + 3.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If Sing or Dance is used, grants Def+5 to target.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

When healing an ally with a staff, restores HP to unit = HP restored to target.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants HP+4, Res+2.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants HP+4, Spd+2.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants HP+5.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Def +6 during combat when this unit is attacked.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Def +6 during combat if unit initiates the attack.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At the start of each turn, inflicts Spd -7 on foe on the enemy team with the highest Spd through its next action.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Def + 3.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants +5 to max HP.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk/Res +2.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants adjacent allies Atk/Spd +3 during combat.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At the start of each turn, inflicts Atk -7 on foe on the enemy team with the highest Atk through its next action.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At the start of each turn, inflicts Def -7 on foe on the enemy team with the highest Def through its next action.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At the start of each turn, inflicts Res -7 on foe on the enemy team with the highest Res through its next action.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Spd +7 at start of turn if unit’s HP ≤ 50%.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Res +6 during combat when unit initiates combat.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants adjacent allies Atk/Res +3 during combat.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Def/Res +2.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Def +7 at start of turn if unit’s HP ≤ 50%.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants HP +4, Atk +2.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants HP +4, Def +2.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≤ 80%, grants Spd/Res+7 during combat.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit’s HP ≤ 80% at start of combat, grants Def/Res +7 during combat.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit initiates combat, grants Spd/Def +4 during combat.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≤ 80%, grants Spd/Def+7 during combat.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Def/Res +4 during combat if unit initiates combat.
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×60 Verdant Badge×200 Sacred Coin×50

Grants adjacent allies Atk/Def +3 during combat.
C Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×60 Badge×200 Sacred Coin×50

Grants adjacent allies Spd/Res +3 during combat.
C Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit initiates combat, grants Spd/Res +4 during combat.
C Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×60 Verdant Badge×200 Sacred Coin×50

Grants adjacent allies Spd/Def +3 during combat.
C Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Res +6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent. )
C Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Grants Atk/Spd +4 to dragon allies within 2 spaces during combat.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit's HP ≥ 25% and foe initiates combat, neutralizes bonuses (from skills like Fortify, Rally, etc.) on foe during combat and unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, if unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Spd+6 for 1 turn.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Def/Res-4 on foes within 2 spaces through their next actions.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Res-5 on foes in cardinal directions with Res < unit's Res through their next actions.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, grants Res +6 to allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. Granted only if the number of that ally’s movement type on current team ≤ 2.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants allies within 2 spaces Res +3 during combat.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit initiates combat, grants Spd+6 during combat.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Spd/Res +5 to unit during combat if adjacent to an ally.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Spd-5 on foes in cardinal directions with Res < unit's Res through their next actions.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit initiates combat, deals 10 damage to foe after combat.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Spd+3.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Res+3.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Def+3.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk+3.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Spd+3.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Res+3.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Def+3.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk+3.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Spd+3.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Res+3.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk+3.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Spd+3.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Res+3.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Def+3.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk+3.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ foe's HP+3, grants Res+6 during combat.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ foe's HP+3, grants Atk+6 during combat.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit initiates combat, restores 7 HP to adjacent allies after combat.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Def+5 during combat.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk/Def +1.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Atk-5 on foes in cardinal directions with Res < unit's Res through their next actions.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit initiates combat against a foe that can counter and unit's HP ≤ 50%, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Def-5 on foes in cardinal directions with Res < unit's Res through their next actions.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, grants Def +6 to allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. Granted only if number of that ally’s movement type on current team ≤ 2.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Def +5. Inflicts Atk -3.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If foe initiates combat, grants Spd/Res +4 during combat.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit has at least 3 more HP than enemy at the start of combat, unit receives Spd +6 during combat.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit has at least 3 more HP than enemy at the start of combat, unit receives Def +6 during combat.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk/Res +5 to this unit during combat if unit is adjacent to an ally.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit’s HP ≤ 80% at start of combat, grants Atk/Spd +7 during combat.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, grants Atk +6 to allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. Granted only if the number of that ally’s movement type on current team ≤ 2.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If a Rally Assist skill is used by unit or targets unit, inflicts Atk-7 on foes in cardinal directions of unit through their next actions.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Def/Res+5 during combat.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If a Rally Assist skill is used by unit or targets unit, inflicts Spd -7 on foes in cardinal directions of unit through their next actions.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of even-numbered turns, grants Atk +6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent. )
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If a Rally Assist skill is used by unit or targets unit, inflicts Def -7 on foes in cardinal directions of unit through their next actions.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, grants Spd +6 to allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. Granted only if the number of that ally’s movement type on current team ≤ 2.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of even-numbered turns, grants Spd +6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent. )
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Spd/Def +5 to unit during combat if adjacent to an ally.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk/Res +4 during combat if unit initiates combat.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If a Rally Assist skill is used by unit or targets unit, inflicts Res-7 on foes in cardinal directions of unit through their next actions.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Def/Res +4. Inflicts Atk -3.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, grants the following status effect to adjacent flying allies for 1 turn: "Unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces."
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk/Def+X to unit during combat. (X = 2 × number of allies within 2 spaces, + 1; max 7.)
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Grants Def/Res+4 to dragon allies within 2 spaces during combat.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, grants Res+6 to ally with the highest Res for 1 turn. (Excludes unit.)
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit’s HP = 100%, grants Atk/Def+5, but if unit attacked, deals 1 damage to unit after combat.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Infantry allies within 2 spaces gain: "If unit’s Atk ≥ foe’s Atk +1, grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack.)"
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, grants Spd+6 to ally with the highest Spd for 1 turn. (Excludes unit.)
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Def +6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent. )
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Grants Def/Res+4 to beast allies within 2 spaces during combat.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, grants Atk+6 to ally with the highest Atk for 1 turn. (Excludes unit.)
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Spd/Res-5 on foe on the enemy team with the highest Spd+Res total through its next action.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100%, grants Atk/Res+5, but if unit attacked, deals 1 damage to unit after combat.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Res+5 to unit for 1 turn.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, grants Def+6 to ally with the highest Def for 1 turn. (Excludes unit.)
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Def-5 on foe on the enemy team with the highest Atk+Def total through its next action.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If adjacent infantry allies use sword, lance, axe, bow, or dagger, grants Atk/Spd+2 to those allies and calculates their damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res during combat. (Does not affect damage dealt by Specials that trigger before combat.)
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Spd/Res+5 to unit for 1 turn.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Spd +6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent. )
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Def/Res-5 on foe on the enemy team with the highest Def+Res total through its next action.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
At start of turn, grants Def/Res+6 to adjacent dragon allies for 1 turn.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Spd/Res-4 on foes within 2 spaces through their next actions.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, if unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Spd/Def +6 to unit for 1 turn.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of odd-numbered turns, grants Atk +6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent. )
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Res -5 on foe on the enemy team with the highest Atk+Res total through its next action.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
At start of turn, grants Def/Res+6 to adjacent beast allies for 1 turn.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Def-4 on foes within 2 spaces through their next actions.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of even-numbered turns, unit can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack.)
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Spd/Def +5 to unit for 1 turn.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Atk/Res-4 on foes within 2 spaces through their next actions.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, if unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Def/Res+6 to unit for 1 turn.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Grants Atk/Spd+4 to beast allies within 2 spaces during combat.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit's Spd ≥ foe's Spd-7, inflicts penalty on foes Atk/Def during combat = 50% of difference between Res stats (unit’s Res minus foe’s Res) before combat. (Maximum penalty of -7).
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Spd/Def -5 on foe on the enemy team with the highest Spd+Def total through its next action.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, inflicts Spd/Def-4 on foes within 2 spaces through their next actions.
B Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Removes the condition to transform.
B Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot, etc.) is used by unit or target's unit, inflicts Def/Res-6 on nearest foes within 4 spaces of both unit and target through their next actions.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If foe initiates combat and uses sword, lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast damage, grants Def/Res+6 during combat.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If foe initiates combat and uses bow, dagger, magic, or staff, grants Def/Res+6 during combat.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If a skill compares unit's Spd to a foe's or ally's Spd, treats unit's Spd as if granted +10.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants allies within 2 spaces Spd +3 during combat.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Unit can move to a space adjacent to a flying ally within 2 spaces.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit initiates attack, foes within 2 spaces of target take 7 damage after combat.
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Spd+5 during combat.
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants allies within 2 spaces Atk +3 during combat.
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, converts bonuses on foes in cardinal directions with HP ≤ unit's HP into penalties through their next actions.
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of even-numbered turns, grants Def +6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn. (Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent. )
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants allies within 2 spaces Def +3 during combat.
A Available through Sacred Seal Creation
Great Verdant Badge Icon ×20 Verdant Badge Icon ×100 Sacred Coin×20

Neutralizes "effective against flying" bonuses.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of even-numbered turns, grants Res+6 to unit and adjacent allies for 1 turn.
(Bonus granted to unit even if no allies are adjacent.)
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit initiates combat, grants Atk/Def +4 during combat.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At the start of every second turn, restores 10 HP.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If foe initiates combat, grants Atk/Res +4 during combat.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Flying allies within 2 spaces can move to a space adjacent to unit.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If foe initiates combat, grants Spd/Def +4 during combat.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Allies within 2 spaces gain: "If foe uses bow, dagger, magic or staff, grants Def/Res +4 during combat."
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Allies within 2 spaces gain: "If foe uses sword, lance, axe or dragonstone, grants Def/Res +4 during combat. "
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit initiates combat, grants Atk +6 during combat.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If foe initiates combat, grants Atk/Def +4 during combat.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit is adjacent to a magic ally, calculates damage using the lower of foe’s Def or Res.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Spd/Res+6 during combat.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If a skill compares unit's Res to a foe's or ally's Res, treats unit's Res as if granted +10.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
At start of turn, grants Atk/Spd+6 to adjacent dragon allies for 1 turn.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit has an adjacent armored ally at start of turn, unit and any such allies can move 1 extra space. (That turn only, does not stack. )
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Def+6 during combat.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
If foe initiates combat, grants Atk/Spd +4 during combat.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
At start of turn, grants Atk/Spd+6 to adjacent beast allies for 1 turn.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If foe initiates combat, grants Def/Res +4 during combat.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk/Spd +5. Inflicts Def/Res -5.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Spd/Def+6 during combat.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Def/Res+6 during combat.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Spd/Res+X to unit during combat. (X = 2 × number of allies within 2 spaces, + 1; max 7.)
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Res +6 during combat.
A Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If foe initiates combat, grants bonus to unit’s Def/Res during combat = 9 - number of foes who have already acted × 3 (min value of 3).
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk/Res+X to unit during combat. (X = 2 x number of allies within 2 spaces + 1; max 7.)
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk/Spd+X to unit during combat. (X = 2 × number of allies within 2 spaces, + 1; max 7.)
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, grants the following status effect to adjacent infantry, armored, and cavalry allies for 1 turn: "Unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces."
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Def/Res+X to unit during combat (X = 2 × number of allies within 2 spaces, + 1; max 7).
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if foe’s HP = 100% or if【Penalty】is active on foe, grants Atk/Def+5 to unit during combat.
All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit’s HP = 100%, grants Atk/Spd +5, but if unit attacked, deals 1 damage to unit after combat.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants bonus to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat = current bonus on each of unit’s stats. Calculates each stat bonus independently.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if 【Bonus】 is active on unit, grants Atk/Res+5 to unit during combat.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Spd/Def+X to unit during combat. (X = 2 × number of allies within 2 spaces, + 1; max 7.)
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if foe’s HP = 100% or if 【Penalty】 is active on foe, grants Spd/Def+5 to unit during combat.
All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit’s HP ≥ 80% at start of combat, enemy is inflicted with Special cooldown charge -1. (If using similar skill, only highest value applied. )
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if 【Bonus】 is active on unit, grants Def/Res+5 to unit during combat.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of odd-numbered turns, unit can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack.)
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, if unit is not adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Def+6 for 1 turn.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if foe’s HP = 100% or if【Penalty】is active on foe, grants Atk/Res+5 to unit during combat.
All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if 【Bonus】 is active on unit, grants Spd/Def+5 to unit during combat.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Spd+5 for 1 turn.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit's HP ≤ 75% and unit initiates combat, unit can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if foe's HP=100% or if【Penalty】is active on foe, grants Def/Res+5 to unit during combat.
All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if 【Bonus】 is active on unit, grants Spd/Res+5 to unit during combat.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Inflicts Atk/Res-4 on foes within 2 spaces during combat.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit initiates combat, unit makes a guaranteed follow-up attack. Grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack. (Does not stack. )
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants HP+5, Atk/Spd+3.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk/Res+5. Inflicts Def-5.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit's HP = 100% or if 【Bonus】 is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+5 to unit during combat.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if unit’s HP ≥ 50%, grants Special cooldown charge +1 to unit and inflicts Special cooldown charge -1 on foe per attack. (Only highest value applied. Does not stack. )
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of combat, if foe’s HP = 100% or if 【Penalty】 is active on foe, grants Spd/Res+5 to unit during combat.
All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Inflicts Spd/Def-4 on foes within 2 spaces during combat.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit or foe initiates combat after moving to a different space, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Def during combat = X + 5. (X = number of spaces moved by whoever initiated combat; max 3.)
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Def+6 to unit during combat, and also, if unit's Special is ready or unit's Special triggered before or during this combat, deals +5 damage during combat. (Except when dealing damage with area-of-effect Specials.)
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Inflicts Atk/Spd-4 on foes within 2 spaces during combat.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Spd/Res+6 to unit during combat, and also, if unit's Special is ready or unit's Special triggered before or during this combat, deals +5 damage during combat. (Except when dealing damage with area-of-effect Specials.)
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, if unit is adjacent to an ally, grants Atk/Def+5 for 1 turn.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants HP+5, Atk/Def+3.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If 【Bonus】 is active on unit, grants Atk/Def+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 3; max 7).
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants HP+5, Def/Res+3.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Calculates damage from staff like other weapons.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Inflicts Spd/Res-3 on foe and neutralizes effects that grant "Special cooldown charge +X" to foe or inflict "Special cooldown charge -X" on unit during combat.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

At start of turn, if unit's HP = 100% or any foe is within 3 columns or 3 rows centered on unit, grants 【Charge】 to unit for 1 turn.
Unit can move up to 3 spaces in any cardinal direction. (Cannot move through foes, terrain that blocks movement, or effects of skills like Obstruct. Granted movement treated as Warp movement.)
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Transparent Badge×400 Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Res+6 to unit during combat, and also, if unit's Special is ready or unit's Special triggered before or during this combat, deals +5 damage during combat. (Except when dealing damage with area-of-effect Specials.)
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Verdant Badge×400 Verdant Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk/Def+5. Inflicts Res-5.
A Currently cannot be created in the Sacred Seal Forge
Great Azure Badge×400 Azure Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

If 【Bonus】 is active on unit, grants Atk/Spd+X to unit during combat (X = number of【Bonus】effects active on unit, excluding stat bonuses, × 2, + 3; max 7).
- Can be obtained through Tempest Trials and enhanced through Sacred Seal Enhancement
Great Scarlet Badge×400 Scarlet Badge×1000 Sacred Coin×100

Grants Atk +7 at start of turn if unit’s HP ≤ 50%.

Sacred Seal Creation and Sacred Seal Enhancement

The Sacred Seal Forge was released in the ver. 1.8.0 update in October 2017. Sacred Seals can be created and enhanced by using Sacred Coins (obtained from Arena Assault) and Badges (obtainable in the Training Tower).

Unlock the Sacred Seal Forge by Clearing Story Mode

A Power Awakens

The Sacred Seal Forge feature can be unlocked by clearing the Intermission chapter of Main Story Book I titled A Power Awakens. In order to unlock this chapter, you must first complete all the way through the end of Book I Chapter 13.

Where to Find the Sacred Seal Creation and Enhancement Pages

Sacred Seal Forge

To access the Sacred Seal Forge, go to the Allies screen ⇨ Change Equipment ⇨ Sacred Seal Forge. Once after entering the Sacred Seal Forge, you can change between Sacred Seal Creation and Sacred Seal Enhancement by using the arrows on the top left and right section of the upper screen.

Quick Tips About Sacred Seals

Sacred Seals that raise stats will stack!

Although you will find Sacred Seals that have the same name as Passive A Skills like Attack +1, Speed +1, and HP +1 that your already hero has, equipping these Sacred Seals will stack on top of previous stat bonuses. Sacred Seals give you the ability to raise your stats even more.

Which support Sacred Skills will stack?

Just like with regular Fortify/Hone and Spur/Drive skills, buffs from Spur/Drive skills will stack but those from Fortify/Hone skills will not.

Example of using a Fortify/Hone-type Seal

If you have the skill Fortify Res 3 equipped in your Passive C slot and Fortify Res 1 in the S slot, the one with the larger effect (Fortify Res 3) will be the one to trigger.

Example 1 of using a Spur/Drive-type Skill

If you have the skill Spur Def 3 equipped in your Passive C slot and Spur Def 1 in the S slot, the effects will stack, and adjacent units will gain Def +6 in combat (4+2).

Example 1 of using a Spur/Drive-type Skill

If you have the skill Fortify Def 3 equipped in your Passive C slot and Spur Def 1 in the S slot, the effects will stack, meaning the Fortify skill activates at the beginning of the turn (Def +4), and an adjacent unit will also gain Def +2 in combat.

Detailed Information About Sacred Seals

What are Sacred Seals?

Sacred Seals are an item that can be equipped to a hero. They have the same effects as normal skills, and we expect many more to be released in the future.

How Sacred Seals Work

  • When you equip a Sacred Seal, it will be added to that hero's S skill slot.
  • Sacred Seals can be equipped by clicking Allies ⇨ Equip Seals.
  • Sacred Seals can be removed and re-equipped freely.
  • They can be obtained through Sacred Seals Quests
  • You can only have one of the same Sacred Seal in your possession at a time.
  • If you obtain a duplicate Sacred Seal, it will automatically be traded for Hero Feathers.

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9 Anonymous@Game8almost 1 year

We apologize for the delay. This article hasn't been updated in a while, but we have updated it just now.

8 Twztid13 about 1 year

Makes no sense, once again. Seals that are rated an "SS" here, only get honorable mentions, or aren't even listed in the tier list on this same site. Close & distance defense, neither are even in the tier list (nor honorable mentions), but are "SS" ranking here. Same with null follow up. Lesser skills ARE in the tier list, like close & distant guard, so maybe this was updated after that list? It would make sense if that tier list wasn't specifically said to be updated for 2024. Sighhhhhhh....

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