Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

How to Use Orbs

★ Latest Banner - New Heroes: Attuned Alm & Rearmed Nuibaba
☆ New Units - Nuibaba, Nomah, Jesse, Attuned Alm
☆ Free Units - Jedah

How to Use Orbs Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

This is an article on how to use Orbs in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). To learn how to use Orbs for Summoning Heroes, Upgrading your Castle, Expanding your Barracks and other features, read on!

How to Use Orbs

For Summoning Heroes

Hero Summon Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

The main use for Orbs is summoning Heroes to use in battle and other various modes in the game.

All active summoning events can be accessed in the Summon tab on the main menu.

You can check the list of best units to summon as well as the latest events for new heroes below:

List of Best Heroes to Summon

Save Orbs by Summoning 5 times in a row!

The cost of one summon in Fire Emblem Heroes is 5 Orbs, but if you summon consecutively in one session, the cost of summoning will decrease.

Number of Summons Orb Cost
1 5 Orbs
2 4 Orbs
3 4 Orbs
4 4 Orbs
5 3 Orbs
Total 20 Orbs

You can save Orbs by pulling all the colors in a session, rather than pulling once then exiting the session to pull again.

For Upgrading your Castle

Upgrading Your Castle Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

One of the most important aspects that you can use your Orbs on is to upgrade your castle.

This not only changes the look of the home screen, but also permanently grants you additional experience points for all units in your barracks.

Expand your Barracks

You can use Orbs to expand your barracks. This increases the maximum number of units that you can have.

All players have a default of 300 slots (not including combat manuals), but it can be expanded to 5 additional slots per Orb.

Replenish Stamina

Stamina is used for many game modes such as the Story Quests and Training Tower.

The current maximum Stamina is at 99. When you run out of Stamina, you can use Orbs to instantly refill it.

If you have Stamina Potions, use them instead

Stamina Potion Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

However, if you do have Stamina potions, use them instead to save on Orbs!

Stamina potions can be obtained through quests and as login rewards.

To keep fighting in the Arena

In the Arena, you are provided with 3 dueling swords a day.

This allows you to battle 3 times a day to try to ge tthe highest score to get maximum rewards.

You can use an Orb to restore your dueling swords so you can keep going!

If you have Dueling Crests, use them instead

Dueling Crest Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

However, if you have Dueling Crests, use them instead to also save on Orbs!

Dueling Crests can be obtained through quests and login rewards.


There are many uses for Orbs, but the feature we recommend using them on aside from Summoning is Upgrading your Castle.

The extra experience points is a huge boost for new players and through this, units can be leveled and built quickly.

You can also get free orbs without spending real currency! To learn how to get free orbs, you can check out our guide here.

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