Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Heroes Journey Guide and Rewards

Heroes Journey Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEH

Heroes Journey is an event in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) where Summoners pitch a pair of heroes, then send them to adventures. It is simple, but it gives fair rewards. This page contains a guide for Heroes Journey, and it also lists potential rewards.

Heroes Journey Guide

Choosing Heroes for Heroes Journey

Picking Heroes for Heroes Journey

In Heroes Journey, you can choose any two (2) heroes you have in your barracks and set them out on a journey for memories, and rewards. This makes it similar to Lost Lore in a way, but instead of an automated battle system, you have to fight actual map battles to gain Memento.

You can choose your My Summoner unit to go on adventures!

Memento Points

Memento Heroes Journey Fire Emblem Heroes FEH

Memento Points at the top, and the Select Stage button at the bottom.

Memento Points are gained by pressing the Select Stage button and fighting in maps with the two heroes you have chosen. Like other Events, you can choose between varying levels of difficulty.

Beginner and Intermediate Heroes Journey

Upon the first release of Heroes Journey, Beginner and Intermediate maps were available and they give 10 and 11 Memento Points respectively. These maps can be run multiple times until you get the amount of Memento Points that you need.

Collect 100 Memento Points and enter a Memento Event to get Rapport and rewards!

Memento Events

Logbook Heroes Journey FEH

The black logbook is chosen over the green and the blue logbooks!

After choosing a logbook, you willl see the memories the two heroes you sent out on a journey. Here's a snippet from one of the events available, Camping Comforts.

Reinhardt Sothis Heroes Journey

Reinhardt and Sothis ready their tent after fighting off heroes earlier in the day!

Shortly after the event, you gain Rapport which allows you to gain rewards.


Rapport Heroes Journey FEH

Their tent collapsed, but at least the team gets Rapport!

Collecting Rapport after Memento Events is the main method to reap the rewards of the Heroes Journey. Rewards will be given out to the Summoner depending on how much Rapport they have. These rewards are listed at the latter parts of this page.

Boss Battles

Boss Battles Heroes Journey

In addition to the Beginner and Intermediate stages, Boss Battles are also available in Heroes Journey. They are unlocked by gaining Rapport, and unlike the previous two maps, they don't give out Memento Points. Instead, they give out rewards after clearing them once. Being named Boss Battles, they might appear daunting, but the maps are fairly easy so do not hesitate to clear them.

Final Boss Heroes Journey Fire Emblem Heroes FEH

An example of a Final Boss map

How to Get Rapport Quickly

Intermediate Heroes Journey Fire Emblem Heroes FEH

We recommend choosing two dual-phase heroes that have either sustain or durability. Think heroes that are good on Tempest Trials+ autobattles. Autobattle the Intermediate stage, and you will get all the Memento Points you need for Rapport in no time!

Heroes Journey Rewards

Rapport Rewards

Rapport Reward
Dragonflower (F) Icon Dragonflower (F) × 8
Dragonflower (C) Icon Dragonflower (C) × 8
Dragonflower (A) Icon Dragonflower (A) × 8
Dragonflower (I) Icon Dragonflower (I) × 8
Divine Code: Ephemera Icon Divine Code: Ephemera × 40
Hero Feather Icon Hero Feather × 2,000
Refining Stone Icon Refining Stone × 20
Hero Feather Icon Hero Feather × 1,000
Sacred Coin Icon Sacred Coin × 20
Hero Feather Icon Hero Feather × 1,000

These rewards are from the first run of Heroes Journey. They might be subject to change.

Boss Battle - First Clear Reward

Divine Code: Ephemera Icon Divine Code: Ephemera × 40

Like the Rapport rewards, this might be subject to change.

Final Boss - First Clear Reward

Accessory Description
Spring Headband IconSpring Headband Proof that two Heroes bested a boss on their journeys together. Serves as a souvenir from their travels.

Since you can only get one of each accessory, we can assume that every round of Heroes Journey will give a different accessory.

List of Accessories | (FEH)

What is Heroes Journey?

Heroes Journey Alfonse and Sharena

In Heroes Journey, Summoners pick out two heroes to send out on battles and adventures. It is mainly a two part process. Gainining Memento through battles, a process similar to gaining hearts in Forging Bonds, and using up Memento for Rapport by selecting logbooks. The latter is quite similar to the mentioned Lost Lore wherein you will be shown cutscenes of heroes before receiving rewards.

Heroes Journey is a light hearted event that gives out fair rewards. It is recommended that Summoners participate in this event as it gives out lots of Dragonflowers!

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