Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Summon Results Board

★ Latest Banner - New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel
☆ New Units - Nel, Rafal, Zelestia, Aided Yunaka
☆ Free Units - Griss

This is the Build Submission Board for Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Please use this page for showing us what you were able to pull from your recent summons within the game Fire Emblem Heroes.

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Message Board

Submissions: 93
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93 Avarita8 monthsReport

So I guess I finally got lucky. After spending over 400 stones to get Emblem Ike. I just got Winter Edel on first click(Free pull). I am glad :D

92 Dreaded10 monthsReport

Not sure if I understand this right but I have been playing feh for some time (on and off) but I want to reroll for Legendary robin can I just sign out of my account and try to reroll him then log back into my account and get him or can I use a brand-new account and later log into my account and keep him if I roll him?

91 Anonymous10 monthsReport

Not sure about the entire event, but in the same session, if u have the rate get up high (it goes up 0.25% after every 5 pulls without a 5*), it's more likely. It resets when u get a 5*, but only after u exit the screen. So, if u pull a 5* on the 1st or 2nd pull, i always pull the rest that are left, because the rate is still high until u leave the screen. I've gotten quite a few extra 5* this way.

90 Anonymous10 monthsReport

89 Anonymous10 monthsReport

88 Fealther11 monthsReport

Awesome rearmed & ascended farm

87 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

not officially but I swear if I pull a 5* I always do another pull even if it’s a trash banner. Hasn’t happened for a while that I get a double but not long ago it happened ALL the time

86 Anonymousabout 1 yearReport

if you pull a 5 star, are you more likely to pull another 5 star within the same summoning event?

85 Siabout 1 yearReport

This made me happy, and since it was my 40th pull I got another 5 star hero!

84 Allekeyn over 1 yearReport

I have a dream!

75 BeToalmost 2 yearsReport


74 Amontluckballover 2 yearsReport

I got the pass for him actually

73 Amontluckballover 2 yearsReport

Soooooooo on the mythic summon, I got two eitri on the same draw! but yet no Otr

71 JoshuaZabout 3 yearsReport

130 orbs spent today plus two summon tickets on the legendary pack. Got 2 Fallen Edelgards, Muspell, and Yune, plus Nifl for the free summon.

70 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

Best luck on pulls so far with the recent mythic banner

69 stalwartheartabout 3 yearsReport

wow, congrats!

68 Anonymousabout 3 yearsReport

I call this justice

67 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport


66 Anonymousover 3 yearsReport


65 Cloudover 3 yearsReport

140 orbs and still zero 5* I think I would have to climb the rate to 100%.

64 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

Thanks a lot Mike. Yes that’s duo/ninja Lyn. I’ll keep it then.

63 Mikealmost 4 yearsReport

Personally, I'd stick with what you have. The Lyn you got is the Duo Lyn (Ninja version) from the recent "Choose Your Legends," right? That was a very rare banner and having her and Dimitri are extremely powerful units. Reginn is a free unit, though she's also incredibly useful too. Michiah destroys armored and cavalry units. But in all honesty, I personally think even just Dimitri and Duo Lyn (If that's the one you got) are reason enough for keeping, themselves. Have fun!

62 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

Hi, my apology if it is not the proper place as to ask as newcomer. So, I got Dimitri, Lyn (Free), Eirika, Miciah, Natasha, and Reginn using all my initial ords and free pulls. However, Reginn Speed is 12. Should I keep the account or reroll. All other 5* heroes stats are base.

61 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

if you've watched the FEH channel from February, it shows the new changes on summoning. What you've got was the 4* special rate, a separate pool that has 5* heroes from the release to August of 2018, including the winners of the second round of Choose Your Legends. When you pull them, they will no longer reset your 5* pick up rate, unless stated otherwise.

60 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

Hello yesterday i pulles Chrom, and in summoning him he was with ??? Stars, which became 4 and 1 star fell from above and Chrom became a 5 star. What does it mean? Is it a normal 5 star or is it special? Today i pulled the same with Sigurd

59 stalwartheartalmost 4 yearsReport

wouldn't say Mike scored big considering 500+ orbs, but still! Congrats, Mike :) Those Seiros Merges will protect you well and the Lynja Merges will raid you well :D

58 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

Grats. You scored big on the best FEH banner so far lol

57 Mikealmost 4 yearsReport

Very true, I did Spark Dimitri luckily. I just find it funny cuz I think it was literally like 4 Seiros and 4 Lyns and the odds didn't once favor the other two. But you're right, at least I have all. Scored Corrin a few months back but with a -ATK IV lol.

56 Anonymousalmost 4 yearsReport

Better than nothing, Mike! On the brighter side of things Corrin and Dimitri are both Legendaries so you'll nab them soon

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