Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Summoner Duels Guide

Summoner Duels Fire Emblem Heroes FEH

This is a guide on the Summoner Duels game mode for Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). To know how this game mode works, how to score high, and the rewards, read on!

What Are Summoner Duels?

Summoner Duels is a game mode available in Coliseum. It is a real-time PvP game mode where players engage in timed battle using five heroes, one of which is designated as captain.

The captain unit can equip certain Captain Skills to aid the player during combat.

Two variations of the mode, Summoner Duels R and Summoner Duels S, are released as events from time to time.

  • Summoner Duels R leave all team choices to each individual player.
  • Summoner Duels S require players to build four teams and give their opponents two team bans to apply prior to the match starting.

Summoner Duels Guide

Teambuilding and Restrictions

Each Summoner Duels team consists of five heroes. The first hero slot is designated as the team captain, and can equip Captain Skills for the team's benefit.

There are a few restrictions during teambuilding:

  • Duplicate heroes are not allowed.
  • Refresher skills (such as Sing, Dance, or higher tier skills like Gentle Dream and Gray Waves) are limited to one per team.
  • Units with Savior skills equipped (such as D/R Near Save 3 and D/R Far Save 3) are limited to one per team.
  • Only three Captain Skills are available to choose from each week.

There are also matchmaking settings that can be toggled by the player. At present, there are only two settings:

  • No restrictions.
  • Book III and prior. (Only units that were introduced into the game from books I to III are allowed. Skills that are released later, but inherited onto these units are allowed.)

List of Captain Skills

Skill Name
Grants Spd+5 to captain during combat.
Captain and allies within 2 spaces of captain receive: "If Spd > foe's Spd, neutralizes effects that guarantee foe's follow-up attacks and prevent unit's follow-up attacks."
At the start of turns 2 through 5, grants Special cooldown charge +1 per attack to captain and allies within 2 spaces of captain for 1 turn and inflicts 【Guard】 on foes in cardinal directions of captain through their next actions.
At the start of turns 2-4, if your captain is in the Capture Area, the Capture Area will move one space closer to your team. (Red: moves up. Blue: moves down.)
Grants Atk/Spd+4 and neutralizes penalties to your captain and allies within 2 spaces of your captain during combat.
Captain has【Pathfinder】effect.
Inflicts Def/Res-3 on foes within 3 spaces of your captain during combat.
When your captain is in combat, foes' Savior skills will not trigger.
When a foe's Savior skill triggers, inflicts Def/Res-4 on that foe during combat and that foe cannot counterattack.
Captain deals damage = X during combat and allies within 3 spaces of captain deal damage = 50% of X during combat (X = highest total penalties among target and foes within 2 spaces of target; excluding area-of-effect Specials).
If captain initiates combat, captain can make a follow-up attack before foe can counterattack.
Grants the following to captain and allies within 2 spaces of captain during combat: "neutralizes effects that grant 'Special cooldown charge +X' to foe or inflict 'Special cooldown charge -X' on unit."
At the start of turns 2-5, grants 【Rally Spectrum】 to captain for 1 turn.
At the start of turns 2 through 5, grants 【Charge】 and 【Canto (1)】 to captain for 1 turn.
Unit can move up to 3 spaces in any cardinal direction. (Cannot move through foes, terrain that blocks movement, or effects of skills like Obstruct. Granted movement treated as Warp movement.)
If captain uses or is targeted by a Rally or movement Assist skill, inflicts Gravity (Movement = 1 space) on foes with Range = 2 in cardinal directions of captain and target ally or captain and targeting ally after movement (once per turn; triggers only when there are targets that can be inflicted with Gravity).
At start of turns 2-5, grants 【Assign Decoy】 to captain for 1 turn. (If foe's Range = unit's Range and foe initiates combat against an ally within 2 spaces of unit, triggers Savior on unit; triggers only if unit is not equipped with a skill that can trigger the Savior effect.)
Grants Atk+5 to captain during combat.
At start of turns 2-5, if any foe is adjacent to another foe, inflicts Atk/Def/Res-7 on that foe through its next action.
Grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6 to captain during combat. Captain can counterattack regardless of foe's range (excluding when unit's Savior skill triggers).
At the start of turns 2-5, if captain is within 6 spaces of a foe, inflicts Spd-7 and 【Frozen】 on closest foes to captain and foes within 2 spaces of those foes.
Attack first every turn (unless foe also has Quick Draw).
At start of turns 2 and 4, reduces foe's number of actions by one.
At start of turns 2-5, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6 to captain and allies within 2 spaces of captain for 1 turn.
Grants Atk+5 to captain during combat. Grants the following effect to captain and allies within 2 spaces of captain: "inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res-X on foe during combat (X = current bonus on each of foe's stats × 2; calculates each stat penalty independently)."
During captain's combat, disables skills of all foes excluding foe in combat.
At start of turns 2-5, grants Special cooldown count-1 to all allies.
Neutralizes bonuses of captain's foes during combat. Captain and allies within 2 spaces of captain make guaranteed follow-up attacks.
Grants Atk/Spd+4 to captain during combat. At the start of turns 2 through 5, grants "unit can move to a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces" to captain and allies within 2 spaces of captain for 1 turn.
At the start of the turn, captain can move 1 extra space. (That turn only. Does not stack.)
Captain counts as two Heroes for scoring purposes while in the Capture Area.

Matchmaking Options

Favor Battles

Favor Battles is the default matchmaking option in Summoner Duels. It is the only mode that impacts the player's Favor Level, which leads to rewards.

Favor Battles have a set ruleset at all times. The ruleset is:

  • Ignores custom rules.
  • 30 second time limit per action.
  • Battles on only one map for the entire season.
  • Merge counts and supports are active.

Free Duel

Free Duel allows players to battle with custom rules and maps. However, this mode does not impact the player's Favor Level and thus, does not lead to rewards.

The custom rules available are:

  • Time Limit: 30 seconds, 60 seconds, Off, or Random.
  • Map: Random, Enclosed Ruins, Mountain Pass, Bridges, Shifting Sands, or Desert Trees.
  • Lv.40, No Support: Off, On, or Random. (If active, ignores merge counts and supports on all units.)

Practice Duel

Practice Duels are simply Free Duels but against AI-controlled enemies. They also do not impact Favor Level.

Summoner Duels R

Summoner Duels R is an event mode that has a start and end date. During this event, each player can play matches until they have accumulated 3 losses for the week, or 4 losses if their team includes at least one of three bonus units designated for that week.

Favor Battles settings are active in Summoner Duels R.

Additionally, the following changes are applied during Summoner Duels R:

  • Three bonus allies are available for the week. These units can be Legendary or Mythic Heroes.
  • Only three Captain Skills are available to choose from each week.

We suggest running at least one bonus unit in order to extend your run as long as possible.

Summoner Duels S

Summoner Duels S is similar to Summoner Duels R, except you have to create four teams with no overlapping heroes.

Prior to the start of the match, each player see all of his/her foe's teams and can ban two out of the four teams that the opposing player has fielded.

Each player then selects a team that hasn't been banned and fields that team for the current match.

Summoner Duels Rewards

Coliseum Summoner Duels

Favor Level Reward
2,900 Heroic Grails Fire Emblem Heroes FEHHeroic Grails x 200
2,800 Divine Dew Fire Emblem Heroes FEHDivine Dew x 400
2,700 Sacred Coin Fire Emblem Heroes FEHSacred Coins x 200
2,600 Flying Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHFlying Dragonflowers x 100
2,500 Cavalry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHCavalry Dragonflowers x 100
2,400 Armored Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHArmored Dragonflowers x 100
2,300 Infantry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHInfantry Dragonflowers x 100
2,200 Divine Codes Fire Emblem Heroes FEHDivine Codes Part 2 x 200
2,100 Heroic Grails Fire Emblem Heroes FEHHeroic Grails x 200
2,000 Divine Dew Fire Emblem Heroes FEHDivine Dew x 400
1,900 Sacred Coin Fire Emblem Heroes FEHSacred Coins x 200
1,800 Flying Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHFlying Dragonflowers x 100
1,700 Cavalry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHCavalry Dragonflowers x 100
1,600 Armored Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHArmored Dragonflowers x 100
1,500 Infantry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHInfantry Dragonflowers x 100
1,400 Divine Codes Fire Emblem Heroes FEHDivine Codes Part 2 x 200
1,300 Heroic Grails Fire Emblem Heroes FEHHeroic Grails x 200
1,200 Divine Dew Fire Emblem Heroes FEHDivine Dew x 400
1,100 Sacred Coin Fire Emblem Heroes FEHSacred Coins x 200
1,000 Flying Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHFlying Dragonflowers x 100
900 Cavalry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHCavalry Dragonflowers x 100
800 Armored Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHArmored Dragonflowers x 100
700 Infantry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHInfantry Dragonflowers x 100
600 Divine Codes Fire Emblem Heroes FEHDivine Codes Part 2 x 200
500 Heroic Grails Fire Emblem Heroes FEHHeroic Grails x 200
400 Divine Dew Fire Emblem Heroes FEHDivine Dew x 400
350 Sacred Coin Fire Emblem Heroes FEHSacred Coins x 200
300 Flying Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHFlying Dragonflowers x 100
250 Cavalry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHCavalry Dragonflowers x 100
225 Fighter Badge Fire Emblem Heroes FEHFighter Badge
200 Armored Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHArmored Dragonflowersx 100
150 Infantry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHInfantry Dragonflowers x 100
100 Forma Soul Fire Emblem Heroes FEHForma Soul x 1
80 DuelistDuelist's Badge
60 Divine Codes Fire Emblem Heroes FEHDivine Codes Part 2 x 200
40 Heroic Grails Fire Emblem Heroes FEH Heroic Grails x 200
20 Divine Dew Fire Emblem Heroes FEHDivine Dew x 400
10 Sacred Coin Fire Emblem Heroes FEHSacred Coins x 200

Summoner Duels R

Rank Rewards

Infantry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHArmored Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHCavalry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHFlying Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEH
I/A/C/F Dragonflowers
Divine Codes Fire Emblem Heroes FEHDivine Codes Feather Fire Emblem Heroes FEHFeathers Sacred Coin Fire Emblem Heroes FEHSacred Coins Refining Stones Fire Emblem Heroes FEHRefining Stones
1 - 1,000 120 50 5,500 30 30
1,001 - 3,000 114 48 5,250 29 29
3,001 - 6,000 108 46 5,000 28 28
6,001 - 10,000 102 44 4,750 27 27
10,001 - 20,000 96 42 4,500 26 26
20,001 - 30,000 90 40 4,250 25 25
30,001 - 50,000 84 38 4,000 24 24
50,001 - 70,000 78 36 3,750 23 23
70,001 - 100,000 72 34 3,500 22 22
100,001 - 300,000 66 32 3,250 21 21
300,001 - Last 60 30 3,000 20 20

Tier Rewards

Tier Divine Codes Fire Emblem Heroes FEHDivine Codes
Infantry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHArmored Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHCavalry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHFlying Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEH
I/A/C/F Dragonflowers
Gold Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEHSilver Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEHBronze Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEH
Duelist Medals
24 50 80
Gold Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEHSilver Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEHBronze Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEH
23 49 76
Silver Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEHBronze Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEH
22 48 72
Silver Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEHBronze Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEH
21 47 70
Silver Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEHBronze Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEH
20 46 68
Bronze Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEH
19 45 66
Bronze Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEH
18 44 64
Bronze Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEH
17 43 62
Bronze Duelist Medal Fire Emblem Heroes FEH
16 42 60
15 41 58
14 40 56
13 38 54
12 36 52
11 36 52
10 36 52
9 34 48
8 34 48
7 34 48
6 32 44
5 32 44
4 32 44
3 30 40
2 30 40
1 30 40

Summoner Duels S

Rank Rewards

Infantry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHArmored Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHCavalry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHFlying Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEH
I/A/C/F Dragonflowers
Divine Codes Fire Emblem Heroes FEHDivine Codes Feather Fire Emblem Heroes FEHFeathers Sacred Coin Fire Emblem Heroes FEHSacred Coins Refining Stones Fire Emblem Heroes FEHRefining Stones
1 - 1,000 120 50 5,500 30 30
1,001 - 3,000 114 48 5,250 29 29
3,001 - 6,000 108 46 5,000 28 28
6,001 - 10,000 102 44 4,750 27 27
10,001 - 20,000 96 42 4,500 26 26
20,001 - 30,000 90 40 4,250 25 25
30,001 - 50,000 84 38 4,000 24 24
50,001 - 70,000 78 36 3,750 23 23
70,001 - 100,000 72 34 3,500 22 22
100,001 - 300,000 66 32 3,250 21 21
300,001 - Last 60 30 3,000 20 20

Tier Rewards

Tier Divine Codes Fire Emblem Heroes FEHDivine Codes
Infantry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHArmored Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHCavalry Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEHFlying Dragonflower Fire Emblem Heroes FEH
I/A/C/F Dragonflowers
14 40 56
13 38 54
12 36 52
11 36 52
10 36 52
9 34 48
8 34 48
7 34 48
6 32 44
5 32 44
4 32 44
3 30 40
2 30 40
1 30 40

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