Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Friend Request Message Board

★ Latest Banner - New Heroes: Attuned Alm & Rearmed Nuibaba
☆ New Units - Nuibaba, Nomah, Jesse, Attuned Alm
☆ Free Units - Jedah

This is the Friend Request Message Board for Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Please use this page for adding new friends within the game Fire Emblem Heroes.

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Note: If you violate any of these conditions, your submission may be deleted and you may be banned from posting.

Message Board

Submissions: 31
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31 Zde8290410 monthsReport

ID: 0098319589 Long time player, f2p

30 Rae and Loloover 1 yearReport

ID: 0476564167 Been playing for 4 years now and had some in breaks in between. Used to collect units to try them all out but I recently just stuck with my favorites and foddered 600+ units away (lol). Anyways, my game got deleted a few months back, got it back and I have no friends. Add me if you like bunnies :)

18 Virianabout 2 yearsReport

ID: 5983236681 Longtime off-and-on player and lurker of the site with a weak spot for Fates. Working on building all of my Azuras because she's the best c: Always looking for more friends.

17 InsxneMxndabout 2 yearsReport

ID: 3548876382 I first played this game when it came out W! of 2017, had some occasional long breaks because never found interest until recently Last summer I started playing again and now I wanna play Meta wise while pulling for favourites Arena 19 My +1 Askr has 1212 favor AR Tier 22 My best/favourite characters are: +1 Askr +4 Naesala +2 Ylgr and will merge her up more and get her forma +4 Guy with Arcane Forma Nah and L! Eliwood And a lot more so feel free to add me ;)

16 Baalezabout 2 yearsReport

5363748186 add me pls, i dont have any friend in this game, i have legendary shez and legendary sigurd <3

15 piepieover 2 yearsReport

1469366498. i have a dimitri +1, claude+2, edelgard, lysithea, and a lot more units that i could list off but thats just the ones i use the most. feel free to add me up!

14 Amontluckballover 2 yearsReport

So- My friend code is 0654426265, I have legendary Lilina, B dimitri, all the Lifs, Eitri, M! Legendary Byleth, Legendary Xander, Hrid and Askr My current main Otr at the moment I was able Build him in one day so that's cool I guess

13 Prosakalmost 3 yearsReport

If anyone wants to add me my Friend ID code is 7133344831, I tend to heavily use, Ninja Corrin (F), Reginn, Hattari Azura, Veronica, LEG Ike, Thorr, & various other OP characters because OP

12 JoshuaZabout 3 yearsReport

If anyone wants to add me as a friend my ID is 9618794900. My main units are Ash, NY Dagr, Otr, Reginn, FEdelgard, B Hector, Elimine, V Chrom, Nifl, Muspell, Plumeria, Bridal Catria, V Lucina, V Robin, V Henrietta, Su Hilda, A Joshua, B Lysithea, Bridal Juno, B Marianne, Peony, B Ike, Reinhart, Walhart, Jamke, F Corrin, B Dimitri, and B Marth, although I'm saving orbs also for L Sigurd and Flayn.

11 Boopkinabout 3 yearsReport

friend request sent!! ^^

10 Boopkinabout 3 yearsReport

friend request sent!

9 Boopkinabout 3 yearsReport

heyoo just sent you a request!

8 Boopkinabout 3 yearsReport

just found your message and sent ya a request it's been over 2 years now so Idk if you're still active or not

7 Kayholeover 3 yearsReport

ID 8583812823 Just started playing again fairly recently. Usually have Fallen Edelgard in my 1st slot right now Rheas there because of voting gauntlet. Add me if you want to.

6 stalwartheartover 4 yearsReport


5 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport


4 Anonymousover 4 yearsReport

wow very lucky pulls!

3 Yoonaover 4 yearsReport

ID 8827149371 Just started for 2weeks.Have Red Tibarn Spring Idunn Surtr Fallen Tiki etc still learning this game.

2 Anonymousabout 5 yearsReport

I play every day and am currently at tier 19!! Add me!!

1 Bryan Jabout 5 yearsReport

I started playing my builds are pretty meh but my ID is 7257984472

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