Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

List of Tactics Drills (Grandmaster)


This is a list of Tactics Drills Guides for the Grandmaster difficulty. If you are looking for solutions for Tactics Drills (Grandmaster), find the map title from the list of maps below.

List of Tactics Drills (Grandmaster) and Guides

Grandmaster Drills are for advanced players of Fire Emblem Heroes. These challenges are unlocked after completing Book 1 Chapter 13 of the Main Story.

Reward Map Name
Grandmaster 134 Hero Feathersx300 Army of Gluttons
Grandmaster 133 Hero Feathersx300 Beautiful Warriors
Grandmaster 132 Orbx1 A Battle Foretold
Grandmaster 131 Hero Feathersx300 Monetary Quiz Results
Grandmaster 130 Hero Feathersx300 Grado of Bygone
Grandmaster 129 Hero Feathersx300 Feast of Askr's Forces
Grandmaster 128 Hero Feathersx300 Askr's Test of Courage
Grandmaster 127 Hero Feathersx300 Sweet, Sweet Power
Grandmaster 126 Orbx1 Overprotective Siblings
Grandmaster 125 Hero Feathersx300 Lifelong Bond
Grandmaster 124 Hero Feathersx300 House Reglay
Grandmaster 123 Hero Feathersx300 Care for Tea?
Grandmaster 122 Hero Feathersx300 In Bern's Name
Grandmaster 121 Hero Feathersx300 Kitty-Cat to the Rescue!
Grandmaster 120 Orbx1 This Year's Outlook Is...
Grandmaster 119 Hero Feathersx300 Inevitable Death
Grandmaster 118 Hero Feathersx300 March of the Saints
Grandmaster 117 Hero Feathersx300 Anna & Company
Grandmaster 116 Hero Feathersx300 Parasol Assault
Grandmaster 115 Hero Feathersx300 Wishing You the Best
Grandmaster 114 Orbx1 It's My Naptime!
Grandmaster 113 Hero Feathersx300 Adorable Nohrians
Grandmaster 112 Hero Feathersx300 Trademark Headgear
Grandmaster 111 Hero Feathersx300 Tears of Strength
Grandmaster 110 Hero Feathersx300 Mercenary Might
Grandmaster 109 Hero Feathersx300 How It's Done in Sacae
Grandmaster 108 Orbx1 Frosty Princesses
Grandmaster 107 Hero Feathersx300 Golden Deer Summer
Grandmaster 106 Hero Feathersx300 Askr Treasure Hunt
Grandmaster 105 Hero Feathersx300 Strength of Heart
Grandmaster 104 Hero Feathersx300 Winged Guidance
Grandmaster 103 Hero Feathersx300 Bashful Bouquets
Grandmaster 102 Orbx1 Aurelis Elites
Grandmaster 101 Hero Feathersx300 Seasonal Grandmaster?
Grandmaster 100 Hero Feathersx300 Duma on Holiday?
Grandmaster 99 Hero Feathersx300 Astra Dance
Grandmaster 98 Hero Feathersx300 Library Denizens
Grandmaster 97 Hero Feathersx300 Wild Tomes
Grandmaster 96 Orbx1 Cute Coven
Grandmaster 95 Hero Feathersx300 Corrin Contingent
Grandmaster 94 Hero Feathersx300 Hero-King Killers
Grandmaster 93 Hero Feathersx300 Might of Begnion
Grandmaster 92 Hero Feathersx300 At Your Service
Grandmaster 91 Hero Feathersx300 Windswept Field
Grandmaster 90 Orbx1 For Marquess Ostia!
Grandmaster 89 Hero Feathersx300 Nifl's Protection
Grandmaster 88 Hero Feathersx300 Loosing Cupid's Arrow
Grandmaster 87 Hero Feathersx300 Fly True, Fujin Yumi!
Grandmaster 86 Hero Feathersx300 Play of Light and Shadow
Grandmaster 85 Hero Feathersx300 With One Eye
Grandmaster 84 Orbx1 Returning Champions
Grandmaster 83 Hero Feathersx300 Magical Boys
Grandmaster 82 Hero Feathersx300 On the Wind
Grandmaster 81 Hero Feathersx300 Mastery of the Blade
Grandmaster 80 Hero Feathersx300 Tireless Support
Grandmaster 79 Hero Feathersx300 Those Wielding Legends
Grandmaster 78 Orbx1 Dragons and Guardian
Grandmaster 77 Hero Feathersx300 Garm Axe from Above
Grandmaster 76 Hero Feathersx300 Sister and Princess
Grandmaster 75 Hero Feathersx300 CHOP Outing
Grandmaster 74 Hero Feathersx300 Warriors behind Masks
Grandmaster 73 Hero Feathersx300 Test of Control
Grandmaster 72 Orbx1 Mercenaries, On Guard!
Grandmaster 71 Hero Feathersx300 For the Order!
Grandmaster 70 Hero Feathersx300 Unwavering Purpose
Grandmaster 69 Hero Feathersx300 Byleth's Field Training
Grandmaster 68 Hero Feathersx300 Sweets in Moderation
Grandmaster 67 Hero Feathersx300 To the Master
Grandmaster 66 Orbx1 Hope and Despair
Grandmaster 65 Hero Feathersx300 Take Your Positions!
Grandmaster 64 Hero Feathersx300 Session Struggle
Grandmaster 63 Hero Feathersx300 Rock 'n' Roll
Grandmaster 62 Hero Feathersx300 This Is Power!
Grandmaster 61 Hero Feathersx300 Destructive Impulses
Grandmaster 60 Orbx1 Heirs and Teachers
Grandmaster 59 Hero Feathersx300 Howling Night
Grandmaster 58 Hero Feathersx300 Beyond Destiny
Grandmaster 57 Hero Feathersx300 Motherly Strength
Grandmaster 56 Hero Feathersx300 Loyal without Fail
Grandmaster 55 Hero Feathersx300 Relay of Destiny
Grandmaster 54 Orbx1 Múspell Military
Grandmaster 53 Hero Feathersx300 Guardian Herons
Grandmaster 52 Hero Feathersx300 A Lesson Well Taut
Grandmaster 51 Hero Feathersx300 Desert Dustup
Grandmaster 50 Hero Feathersx300 Dancing Cherry Blossoms
Grandmaster 49 Hero Feathersx300 Special Dance Lesson
Grandmaster 48 Orbx1 Support from Afar
Grandmaster 47 Hero Feathersx300 Securing a Foothold
Grandmaster 46 Hero Feathersx300 Worth Sacrifices
Grandmaster 45 Hero Feathersx300 Maidens of a Feather
Grandmaster 44 Hero Feathersx300 Out of the Woods
Grandmaster 43 Hero Feathersx300 Flooded with Support
Grandmaster 42 Orbx1 Obstruct Them!
Grandmaster 41 Hero Feathersx300 Black Fang, Certain Death!
Grandmaster 40 Hero Feathersx300 Black Fang's Snarl
Grandmaster 39 Hero Feathersx300 Long-Haired Swordsmen
Grandmaster 38 Hero Feathersx300 Winds, Howl!
Grandmaster 37 Hero Feathersx300 Villager Uprising
Grandmaster 36 Orbx1 A Knight's Mercy
Grandmaster 35 Hero Feathersx300 The Path to Victory
Grandmaster 34 Hero Feathersx300 To Create the Future Past
Grandmaster 33 Hero Feathersx300 All-Piercing Arrows
Grandmaster 32 Hero Feathersx300 As Archers Advance
Grandmaster 31 Hero Feathersx300 Laguz Lords Converge
Grandmaster 30 Orbx1 Test the Ruler of Flame
Grandmaster 29 Hero Feathersx300 Close-Quarters Combat
Grandmaster 28 Hero Feathersx300 Break Through the Siege!
Grandmaster 27 Hero Feathersx300 Ride the Waves
Grandmaster 26 Hero Feathersx300 Absolute Strength
Grandmaster 25 Hero Feathersx300 Sacred Stones Strike!
Grandmaster 24 Orbx1 Armored Alliance
Grandmaster 23 Hero Feathersx300 On the Run
Grandmaster 22 Hero Feathersx300 Weak and Worried
Grandmaster 21 Hero Feathersx300 Get it Together
Grandmaster 20 Hero Feathersx300 Coastal Clash
Grandmaster 19 Hero Feathersx300 Dazzling Trilemma
Grandmaster 18 Orbx1 Break Through!
Grandmaster 17 Hero Feathersx300 Here We Go!
Grandmaster 16 Hero Feathersx300 Guided by Guidance
Grandmaster 15 Hero Feathersx300 Spurred On
Grandmaster 14 Hero Feathersx300 Hooray for Extra Actions
Grandmaster 13 Hero Feathersx300 Discretion and Valor
Grandmaster 12 Orbx1 Bridge of Friendship
Grandmaster 11 Hero Feathersx300 A Land Divided
Grandmaster 10 Hero Feathersx300 Who's Going to Break It?
Grandmaster 9 Hero Feathersx300 They Have the Princess!
Grandmaster 8 Hero Feathersx300 Another Reunion
Grandmaster 7 Hero Feathersx300 Caught in a Snare
Grandmaster 6 Orbx1 Jet-Black March
Grandmaster 5 Hero Feathersx300 Horse and Man as One
Grandmaster 4 Hero Feathersx300 Stalwart Defenders
Grandmaster 3 Hero Feathersx300 Counterattack Crew
Grandmaster 2 Hero Feathersx300 Brief Meetings
Grandmaster 1 Hero Feathersx300 Two Birds, One Stone

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