Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

List of Resplendent Heroes

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List of Respldendent Heroes Final.png

Resplendent Heroes are heroes that have Resplendent Outfits available to them. These outfits are given out for free every month if users are subscribed to the FEH Pass. Previously distributed outfits can be purchased with real-world currencies, but this still requires a FEH Pass subscription. Resplendent Outfits provides the heroes not only a new look and new voice lines, but some bonus stats as well!

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Resplendent Heroes FEH Pass Information

Newest Resplendent Heroes

02/25 to 03/09 02/10 to 02/24
Quan - Luminous LancerQuan Eliwood - Marquess PheraeBrave Eliwood

Quan is a bulky Lance Cavalry hero that can utilize either an offensive or physically defensive role. While the Resplendent boost can help out with either, his statline and kit are too outdated to compete in the current metagame.

Brave Eliwood is a Lance Cavalry hero that can fulfill a niche due to his effective damage against beasts and dragons. While the Resplendent boost helps him out, outside of his beast and dragon slaying niche, he is rather outdated and not as good as modern units.

List of Resplendent Heroes

Move Type
Hector - Brave Warrior ImageBrave Hector Armored ImageArmored 50 55 24 41 30 9.5
Ike - Brave Mercenary ImageBrave Ike Infantry ImageInfantry 45 54 30 37 22 9.0
Reinhardt - ThunderReinhardt Cavalry ImageCavalry 40 43 20 29 27 9.0
Ryoma - Peerless Samurai ImageRyoma Infantry ImageInfantry 43 52 37 29 23 9.0
Karla - Sword Vassal ImageKarla Infantry ImageInfantry 44 53 42 25 24 9.0
Lucina - Brave Princess ImageBrave Lucina Infantry ImageInfantry 43 52 38 32 21 9.0
Aversa - Dark One ImageAversa Flying ImageFlying 48 49 38 19 29 9.0
Surtr - Ruler of Flame ImageSurtr Armored ImageArmored 52 57 19 45 35 9.0
Veronica - Brave Princess ImageVeronica Cavalry ImageCavalry 38 48 38 23 21 9.0
Black Knight - Sinister General ImageBlack Knight Armored ImageArmored 50 52 36 37 20 9.0
Ayra - AstraAyra Infantry ImageInfantry 43 51 42 33 23 9.0
Haar - Black Tempest ImageHaar Flying ImageFlying 47 47 22 38 20 9.0
Laegjarn - Sheathed Steel ImageLaegjarn Flying ImageFlying 48 50 41 38 19 9.0
Micaiah - Queen of Dawn ImageBrave Micaiah Flying ImageFlying 38 53 30 19 42 9.0
Alm - Imperial Ascent ImageBrave Alm Infantry ImageInfantry 44 59 37 39 22 9.0
Claude - The Schemer ImageClaude Cavalry ImageCavalry 41 49 42 22 23 9.0
Camilla - Light of Nohr ImageBrave Camilla Flying ImageFlying 41 49 39 23 27 9.0
Eliwood - Marquess Pherae ImageBrave Eliwood Cavalry ImageCavalry 42 55 40 34 20 9.0
Eliwood - Knight of Lycia ImageEliwood Cavalry ImageCavalry 41 49 32 25 34 8.5
Julia - NagaJulia Infantry ImageInfantry 40 51 28 19 37 8.5
Celica - Caring Princess ImageCelica Infantry ImageInfantry 41 48 35 24 24 8.5
Sonya - Vengeful Mage ImageSonya Infantry ImageInfantry 38 49 33 17 34 8.5
Sothe - Zephyr ImageSothe Infantry ImageInfantry 41 57 40 19 18 8.5
Deirdre - Lady of the Forest ImageDeirdre Infantry ImageInfantry 38 49 30 18 37 8.5
Ophelia - Dramatic Heroine ImageOphelia Infantry ImageInfantry 40 53 35 22 25 8.5
Elise - Budding Flower ImageElise Cavalry ImageCavalry 32 44 34 21 34 8.5
Roy - Brave Lion ImageBrave Roy Cavalry ImageCavalry 40 53 36 28 26 8.5
Lyn - Brave Lady ImageBrave Lyn Cavalry ImageCavalry 37 49 40 20 30 8.5
Sigurd - Holy Knight ImageSigurd Cavalry ImageCavalry 43 53 34 36 22 8.5
Ephraim - Sacred Twin Lord ImageBrave Ephraim Armored ImageArmored 48 59 29 39 28 8.5
Celica - Warrior Priestess ImageBrave Celica Infantry ImageInfantry 40 51 44 31 26 8.5
Robin - Fell Reincarnation ImageFallen Robin (M) Armored ImageArmored 50 58 26 37 29 8.5
Hector - General of Ostia ImageHector Armored ImageArmored 54 54 26 39 21 8.0
Roy - Young Lion ImageRoy Infantry ImageInfantry 46 48 33 27 30 8.0
Minerva - Red Dragoon ImageMinerva Flying ImageFlying 42 54 40 29 19 8.0
Caeda - TalysCaeda Flying ImageFlying 38 43 39 26 36 8.0
Marth - Altean Prince ImageMarth Infantry ImageInfantry 43 49 36 31 25 8.0
Tiki - Dragon Scion ImageTiki (Young) Infantry ImageInfantry 43 49 32 34 31 8.0
Elincia - Lost Princess ImageElincia Flying ImageFlying 37 47 36 26 29 8.0
Micaiah - Priestess of Dawn ImageMicaiah Infantry ImageInfantry 37 51 30 20 40 8.0
Lilina - Delightful Noble ImageLilina Infantry ImageInfantry 37 56 27 21 33 8.0
Nino - Pious Mage ImageNino Infantry ImageInfantry 35 49 38 21 31 8.0
Amelia - Rose of the War ImageAmelia Armored ImageArmored 49 52 36 37 25 8.0
Kagero - Honorable Ninja ImageKagero Infantry ImageInfantry 33 51 34 24 30 8.0
Nowi - Eternal Youth ImageNowi Infantry ImageInfantry 47 47 29 35 29 8.0
Ishtar - Thunder Goddess ImageIshtar Infantry ImageInfantry 40 50 38 19 28 8.0
Est - Junior Whitewing ImageEst Flying ImageFlying 38 53 32 26 34 8.0
Seliph - Heir of Light ImageSeliph Infantry ImageInfantry 54 52 26 32 24 8.0
Corrin - Fateful Prince ImageCorrin (M) Infantry ImageInfantry 44 50 34 33 26 8.0
Fae - Divine Dragon ImageFae Infantry ImageInfantry 48 48 30 27 32 8.0
Mia - Lady of Blades ImageMia Infantry ImageInfantry 40 53 42 30 27 8.0
Gordin - Altean Archer ImageGordin Infantry ImageInfantry 45 45 22 34 19 8.0
Corrin - Fateful Princess ImageCorrin (F) Infantry ImageInfantry 43 45 36 36 23 8.0
Cecilia - Etrurian General ImageCecilia Cavalry ImageCavalry 38 51 27 24 31 8.0
Ninian - Oracle of Destiny ImageNinian Infantry ImageInfantry 44 39 35 25 29 8.0
Nina - Eye Spy ImageNina Infantry ImageInfantry 37 46 39 18 33 8.0
Nephenee - Fierce Halberdier ImageNephenee Infantry ImageInfantry 39 51 39 36 22 8.0
Morgan - Lad from Afar ImageMorgan (M) Infantry ImageInfantry 39 49 36 25 28 8.0
Rhajat - Black Magician ImageRhajat Infantry ImageInfantry 38 49 36 23 26 8.0
Ursula - Blue Crow ImageUrsula Cavalry ImageCavalry 37 45 34 21 32 8.0
Shigure - Uplifting Artist ImageShigure Flying ImageFlying 42 48 39 29 27 8.0
Ilyana - Hungering Mage ImageIlyana Infantry ImageInfantry 41 52 34 19 42 8.0
Chrom - Knight Exalt ImageExalt Chrom Cavalry ImageCavalry 43 58 33 39 22 8.0
Tharja - Dark Shadow ImageTharja Infantry ImageInfantry 41 48 36 25 22 8.0
Dimitri - The Protector ImageDimitri Cavalry ImageCavalry 42 57 31 36 20 8.0
Nino - Pale Flower ImageFlying Nino Flying ImageFlying 38 49 43 19 27 8.0
Cordelia - Knight Paragon ImageCordelia Flying ImageFlying 42 47 35 24 27 7.5
Ike - Young Mercenary ImageIke Infantry ImageInfantry 44 53 33 34 20 7.5
Sophia - Nabata Prophet ImageSophia Infantry ImageInfantry 42 49 21 30 31 7.5
Azura - Lady of the Lake ImageAzura Infantry ImageInfantry 38 45 38 23 30 7.5
Sanaki - BegnionSanaki Infantry ImageInfantry 35 53 28 19 36 7.5
Robin - High Deliverer ImageRobin (M) Infantry ImageInfantry 40 43 29 29 22 7.5
Olwen - Blue Mage Knight ImageOlwen Cavalry ImageCavalry 36 37 31 22 32 7.5
Eirika - Restoration Lady ImageEirika Infantry ImageInfantry 44 44 37 28 30 7.5
Lucina - Future Witness ImageLucina Infantry ImageInfantry 45 52 38 27 21 7.5
Niles - Cruel to Be Kind ImageNiles Infantry ImageInfantry 39 41 36 19 36 7.5
Delthea - Free Spirit ImageDelthea Infantry ImageInfantry 35 52 36 15 33 7.5
Eldigan - Lionheart ImageEldigan Cavalry ImageCavalry 47 53 29 39 24 7.5
Tana - Winged Princess ImageTana Flying ImageFlying 38 52 40 29 27 7.5
Leif - Prince of Leonster ImageLeif Infantry ImageInfantry 42 50 40 35 25 7.5
Chrom - Exalted Prince ImageChrom Infantry ImageInfantry 49 55 27 33 19 7.5
Raven - Peerless Fighter ImageRaven Infantry ImageInfantry 43 52 37 27 24 7.5
Tailtiu - Thunder Noble ImageTailtiu Infantry ImageInfantry 41 49 37 19 29 7.5
Shanna - Sprightly Flier ImageShanna Flying ImageFlying 41 48 37 27 31 7.5
Saber - Driven Mercenary ImageSaber Infantry ImageInfantry 46 49 37 34 24 7.5
Faye - Devoted Heart ImageFaye Infantry ImageInfantry 44 46 27 28 33 7.5
Effie - Army of One ImageEffie Armored ImageArmored 52 57 24 35 25 7.5
Matthew - Faithful Spy ImageMatthew Infantry ImageInfantry 43 41 36 32 20 7.5
LL'Arachel Cavalry ImageCavalry 35 49 33 22 33 7.5
Ephraim - Restoration Lord ImageEphraim Infantry ImageInfantry 47 53 27 34 22 7.5
Jaffar - Angel of Death ImageJaffar Infantry ImageInfantry 43 44 40 22 19 7.5
Palla - Eldest Whitewing ImagePalla Flying ImageFlying 44 49 33 30 28 7.5
Robin - Mystery Tactician ImageRobin (F) Infantry ImageInfantry 42 45 31 31 24 7.5
Sheena - Princess of Gra ImageSheena Armored ImageArmored 47 48 27 38 35 7.5
Fir - Sword Student ImageFir Infantry ImageInfantry 43 43 41 26 33 7.5
Tiki - NagaTiki (Adult) Infantry ImageInfantry 42 53 25 37 26 7.5
Hinoka - Warrior Princess ImageHinoka Flying ImageFlying 43 53 34 27 26 7.5
Catria - Middle Whitewing ImageCatria Flying ImageFlying 41 49 36 31 27 7.5
Morgan - Lass from Afar ImageMorgan (F) Flying ImageFlying 39 50 32 18 35 7.5
Lyn - Lady of the Plains ImageLyn Infantry ImageInfantry 39 46 39 28 31 7.0
Linde - Light Mage ImageLinde Infantry ImageInfantry 37 51 41 16 29 7.0
Merric - Wind Mage ImageMerric Infantry ImageInfantry 50 42 34 30 21 7.0
Serra - Outspoken Cleric ImageSerra Infantry ImageInfantry 35 39 33 23 35 7.0
Florina - Lovely Flier ImageFlorina Flying ImageFlying 44 47 29 27 36 7.0
Lachesis - LionheartLachesis Infantry ImageInfantry 41 41 27 24 32 7.0
Gaius - Candy Stealer ImageGaius Infantry ImageInfantry 44 45 38 24 21 7.0
LonLon'qu Infantry ImageInfantry 47 47 44 24 24 7.0
Jeorge - Perfect Shot ImageJeorge Infantry ImageInfantry 39 48 34 26 24 7.0
Odin - Potent Force ImageOdin Infantry ImageInfantry 45 38 34 27 27 7.0
Innes - Regal Strategician ImageInnes Infantry ImageInfantry 37 46 36 16 38 7.0
Lucius - The Light ImageLucius Infantry ImageInfantry 44 44 32 15 37 7.0
Azama - Carefree Monk ImageAzama Infantry ImageInfantry 45 33 28 34 27 7.0
Seth - Silver Knight ImageSeth Cavalry ImageCavalry 39 47 33 39 24 7.0
Rebecca - Wildflower ImageRebecca Infantry ImageInfantry 39 45 36 23 29 7.0

Note the stats here are for after equipping the unit's Resplendent Attire

What is a Resplendent Outfit?

  • Resplendent Outfits change the appearance and dialogue of the hero who equips it.
  • Once purchased or claimed, the hero becomes a Resplendent Hero permantly.
  • A Resplendent Hero is given +2 all stats regardless if the Resplendent Outfit is equipped or not. These bonuses and the outfit are also kept even if the player's FEH Pass subscription expires.
  • Resplendent Outfits are obtainable by subscribing to the FEH Pass and claiming or purchasing depending on the availability.

New Appearance Granted to Old Heroes

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Resplendent Outfits grant a new appearance and new voicelines for old heroes. The hero keeps all of its previous properties besides those two plus they are granted +2 to all stats regardless if the Resplendent Outfit is equipped or not. Atll these benefits are kept even if a player's FEH Pass subscription expires.

Unlike Legendary or Mythic Alts, Resplendent Outfits are similar design-wise to the look of the original alt.

If claimed or purchased, all copies will become Resplendent Heroes

Resplendent Announcement.png

When claimed or purchased, not only will you get a 5★ Respldendent copy of the chosen hero, but all your existing copies will turn into Respldendent Heroes as well. This means that all of them will get access to the outfit and they are all granted +2 to all stats. As stated earlier, these stats are kept whether or not you choose the new look.

Sample purchase / distribution scenario

Upon claiming Lyn: Lady of the Plains' Resplendent Outfit

  1. All existing Lyn: Lady of the Plains units gets all of the benefits of a Resplendent Hero.
  2. You are gifted a free 5★ copy of Lyn: Lady of the Plains which also enjoys said benefits.
  3. Benefits include: Alternative look, alternative voice lines, and +2 to all stats.

Icon Granted to Resplendent Hero

Lyn Lady of the Plains.png

Once purchased, all heroes affected will have a Resplendent Icon displayed on top of their title.

How to Get Resplendent Heroes

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Get a FEH Pass Subscription

Subscribe to the FEH Pass and you can get two Resplendent Heroes in a span of a month! The FEH Pass available at $9.49 a month.

How to Wear Resplendent Outfit

  1. Go to Allies
  2. Click on the Interact with Allies Tab
  3. Click on the Change Attire Tab
  4. There you will see an intuitive menu wherein you can freely change from the default and the Resplendent Outfits for all your heroes.

Can I get Resplendent Outfits after the Distribution Period?

Previously distributed Resplendent Outfits are available for purchase from the shop for around 5$ each. However, you will need to be currently subscribed to the FEH Pass in order to purchase said Resplendent Outfits.

FEH Pass Purchase Information and Benefits

Other Information

Bonus stats do not affect Arena Scoring

The +2 to all stats bonus apply in the Arena, but they do not affect Arena Scoring. Those who want to purchase Respldent Outfits for the sake of Arena Scoring should take note of this.

Respledent outfits are applied to the all hero copies and not individual units

The option to wear Resplendent Outfits are not separate for each unit. This means that you cannot have a Lyn: Lady of the Plains that is wearing the outfit and another which is not.

Benefits are kept after FEH Pass expires

The Resplendent Outfit and all of its features including the stat bonus are kept even if player's FEH Pass subscription expires.

It is not automatically claimed upon FEH Pass subscription

Past Resplendent Outfits are not automatically granted to the player upon FEH Pass subscription. They must be claimed from the Shop in order to be acquired.

New distributions of Resplendent Outfits are automatically claimed upon logging in every 10th and 25th of the month and upon subscription.

List of Artists for each Resplendent Hero

Resplendent Hero Artist
Lyn - Lady of the Plains ImageLyn cuboon
Cordelia - Knight Paragon ImageCordelia Foo Midori
Ike - Young Mercenary ImageIke Hagi Michihiko
Sophia - Nabata Prophet ImageSophia Miwabe Sakura
Azura - Lady of the Lake ImageAzura Kakage
Eliwood - Knight of Lycia ImageEliwood motsutsu
Hector - General of Ostia ImageHector Ito Misei
Sanaki - BegnionSanaki Yamada Kotaro
Roy - Young Lion ImageRoy Azu-taro
Linde - Light Mage ImageLinde Miyamoto Satoru
Minerva - Red Dragoon ImageMinerva Yoshihisa
Robin - High Deliverer ImageRobin (M) Komiya Kuniharu
Olwen - Blue Mage Knight ImageOlwen ekao
Eirika - Restoration Lady ImageEirika Saori Toyota
Alm - Hero of Prophecy ImageAlm Nishuki Areku
Julia - NagaJulia kanasebench
Takumi - Wild Card ImageTakumi N/A
Caeda - TalysCaeda LAL!ROLE
Marth - Altean Prince ImageMarth Tobi
Lucina - Future Witness ImageLucina Himukai Yuji
Niles - Cruel to Be Kind ImageNiles Suekane Kumiko
Delthea - Free Spirit ImageDelthea kawasumi
Eldigan - Lionheart ImageEldigan Suzuki Rika
Tiki - Dragon Scion ImageTiki (Young) Miwabe Sakura
Ike - Brave Mercenary ImageBrave Ike Kaouru HAGIYA
Tana - Winged Princess ImageTana Yamada Kotaro
Elincia - Lost Princess ImageElincia Niji Hayashi
Reinhardt - ThunderReinhardt Takaya Tomohide
Micaiah - Priestess of Dawn ImageMicaiah sachie
Lilina - Delightful Noble ImageLilina Yamada Kotaro
Leif - Prince of Leonster ImageLeif Suekane Kumiko
Nino - Pious Mage ImageNino Sakura Shiori
Chrom - Exalted Prince ImageChrom PenekoR
Celica - Caring Princess ImageCelica Kae Yamaguchi
Merric - Wind Mage ImageMerric nekomochi
Amelia - Rose of the War ImageAmelia Yo Kanzawa
Raven - Peerless Fighter ImageRaven Niji Hayashi
Sonya - Vengeful Mage ImageSonya PenekoR
Tailtiu - Thunder Noble ImageTailtiu kaya8
Sothe - Zephyr ImageSothe Daisuke Izuka
Shanna - Sprightly Flier ImageShanna Miwabe Sakura
Kagero - Honorable Ninja ImageKagero Kakage
Serra - Outspoken Cleric ImageSerra eihi
Ryoma - Peerless Samurai ImageRyoma CloverK
Nowi - Eternal Youth ImageNowi Kousei Horiguchi
Ishtar - Thunder Goddess ImageIshtar Suzuki Rika
Est - Junior Whitewing ImageEst Konfuzi Kokon
Florina - Lovely Flier ImageFlorina Pukyunosuke
Deirdre - Lady of the Forest ImageDeirdre oukawayu
Lukas - Sharp Soldier ImageLukas Ito Misei
Seliph - Heir of Light ImageSeliph hou
Ophelia - Dramatic Heroine ImageOphelia Gesoking
Lachesis - LionheartLachesis SATO POTE
Saber - Driven Mercenary ImageSaber Shimomura Watari
Faye - Devoted Heart ImageFaye Mikuro
Gaius - Candy Stealer ImageGaius argon / Trys Inc.
Effie - Army of One ImageEffie Asatani Tomoyo
Matthew - Faithful Spy ImageMatthew Tobi
Karla - Sword Vassal ImageKarla Hirooka Masaki
Corrin - Fateful Prince ImageCorrin (M) Saori Toyota
LL'Arachel Haruno Itsuki
LonLon'qu HAGIYA Kaoru
Ephraim - Restoration Lord ImageEphraim HASUMI KAORU
Fae - Divine Dragon ImageFae SATO POTE
Jeorge - Perfect Shot ImageJeorge RIZ3
Elise - Budding Flower ImageElise Pukyunosuke
Jaffar - Angel of Death ImageJaffar Kano Akira
Mia - Lady of Blades ImageMia Yo Kanzawa
Odin - Potent Force ImageOdin argon / Trys Inc.
Lucina - Brave Princess ImageBrave Lucina Akka
Gordin - Altean Archer ImageGordin Meka
Corrin - Fateful Princess ImageCorrin (F) ekao
Roy - Brave Lion ImageBrave Roy Akio Hiiragi
Innes - Regal Strategician ImageInnes Suzuki Rika
Lyn - Brave Lady ImageBrave Lyn Kakage
Palla - Eldest Whitewing ImagePalla Saine
Aversa - Dark One ImageAversa makitoshi
Cecilia - Etrurian General ImageCecilia ichikawa Halu
Surtr - Ruler of Flame ImageSurtr Daisuke Izuka
Ninian - Oracle of Destiny ImageNinian Naruse Uroko
Sigurd - Holy Knight ImageSigurd Niji Hayashi
Robin - Mystery Tactician ImageRobin (F) Fujikawa Akira
Nina - Eye Spy ImageNina Yo Kanzawa
Lucius - The Light ImageLucius Tobi
Nephenee - Fierce Halberdier ImageNephenee Yoshiro Ambe
Morgan - Lad from Afar ImageMorgan (M) eihi
Rhajat - Black Magician ImageRhajat Chiko
Ursula - Blue Crow ImageUrsula Saori Toyota
Shigure - Uplifting Artist ImageShigure Kano Akira
Sheena - Princess of Gra ImageSheena DAI-XT
Fir - Sword Student ImageFir Asahikawa Hiyori
Azama - Carefree Monk ImageAzama Kinota Tano
Tiki - NagaTiki (Adult) ZONOTAIDA
Ephraim - Sacred Twin Lord ImageBrave Ephraim Nishiki Areku
Ilyana - Hungering Mage ImageIlyana Asao Urata
Veronica - Brave Princess ImageVeronica Kureta
Soren - Shrewd Strategist ImageSoren Manabi Okada
Celica - Warrior Priestess ImageBrave Celica kiyu / Trys Inc.
Selena - Cutting Wit ImageSelena (Fates) Kagawa Ichigo
Hector - Brave Warrior ImageBrave Hector motsutsu / Trys Inc.
Hana - Focused Samurai ImageHana Yuko
Black Knight - Sinister General ImageBlack Knight Nishiki Areku
Robin - Fell Reincarnation ImageFallen Robin (M) Kano Akira
Camilla - Bewitching Beauty ImageCamilla GomashioPonzu
Ayra - AstraAyra Suzuki Rika
Hinoka - Warrior Princess ImageHinoka Yuko
Chrom - Knight Exalt ImageExalt Chrom maCo / Trys Inc.
Seth - Silver Knight ImageSeth Yamada Kotaro
Tharja - Dark Shadow ImageTharja K e G
Haar - Black Tempest ImageHaar kou
Rebecca - Wildflower ImageRebecca Pukyunosuke
Catria - Middle Whitewing ImageCatria Akka
Dimitri - The Protector ImageDimitri Mebaru
Laegjarn - Sheathed Steel ImageLaegjarn Gunjyo / Trys Inc.
Micaiah - Queen of Dawn ImageBrave Micaiah Miwabe Sakura
Nino - Pale Flower ImageFlying Nino Aiwo
Alm - Imperial Ascent ImageBrave Alm Asatani Tomoyo
Claude - The Schemer ImageClaude Hiiragi Akio
Camilla - Light of Nohr ImageBrave Camilla mugiusagi
Morgan - Lass from Afar ImageMorgan (F) Tetsubuta
Eliwood - Marquess Pherae ImageBrave Eliwood ayuko

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