Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Weapon Refinery Tier List

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☆ New Units - Nel, Rafal, Zelestia, Aided Yunaka
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Weapon Refinery Tier List

This is a tier list based on how useful each weapon's upgrade/evolution is in the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). If you are unsure of which weapon to spend your materials on in the Weapon Refinery, read on and see which ones are worth it!

Tier Lists
Hero Tier ListHero Tier List Reroll Tier List.pngReroll Tier List Skill Tier ListSkill Tier List
Best Source HeroesSource Heroes Weapon Refinery Tier ListWeapon Refinery Unlock Potential Tier ListUnlock Potential
Tier Lists by Color
Red Heroes Tier List
Red Heroes
Blue Heroes Tier List
Blue Heroes
Green Heroes Tier List
Green Heroes
Colorless Heroes Tier List
Colorless Heroes

Weapon Refinery Tier List Updates

Date Changes
02/13 Bow of Frelia Added to S
Ebon Bölverk Added to A
Horn of Opening Added to A
Grafcalibur Added to A
Frostfire Breath Added to A
Aerial Longsword Added to A
01/14 Indignant Bow Added to S
Fimbulvetr Morn Added to A
Dazzling Breath Added to A
12/17 Thunderbrand Added to A
Obsidian Lance Added to A
Moonless Breath Added to A

Weapon Refinery Tier List

SS Rank - Absolutely Refine

Weapon Skill Hero With This Skill

The weapons in the SS Tier are weapons that you should definitely refine if you have the materials needed. Each one of them has an extremely powerful effect that gives a huge advantage to its wielder, so prioritize the refinement of these weapons before doing any others.

S Rank - Highly Recommended

Weapon Skill Hero With This Skill

The weapons listed in the S Tier have very powerful effects that can be gained in the Weapon Refinery, granted that they are not quite as powerful as the ones listed in the SS Tier. Every one of them has an effect that is easily used in battle and can be equipped by a versatile hero, giving them a high priority in the Weapon Refinery.

A Rank - Worth Refining

Weapon Skill Hero With This Skill

The weapons listed in the A Tier are very powerful if used correctly. If you use any of the heroes listed above very often then we recommend taking their weapon to the refinery, but if not, you do not need to worry about refining their weapon.

B Rank - Medium Priority

Weapon Skill Hero With This Skill

The weapons listed in the B Tier are not as powerful as those in the A or S tiers, but are almost always a good option for the heroes wielding them. They can perform with or without their special refine, or even with a different inherited weapon. You should only refine the weapons in this tier if you use the hero frequently or if you have plenty of resources to spare.

C Rank and Below - Lower Priority

The weapons not listed in this page are either in the C Tier or below. These weapons should mainly only be refined if you have already done so for all of the heroes you frequently use the the higher tiers and you still have some refining materials to spare. Of course you should refine the weapons in this tier if you use a hero that appears here very often, but if not, you should only do so when you have plenty of extra materials.

Related Links

Fire Emblem Heroes Tier List

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23 Anonymous10 days

I think this needs a massive update. Brave Ike and Brave Lucina's refines aren't good at this point in time, and there are some refines that are really good but considered low on this list, like Mareeta's refine. As it stands, this list is currently unreliable.

22 twztid13 4 months

At least, y'all changed.seteth to an S. Y'all had it at A at first, & i think it deserves an S. Pirate Veronica's refine is great, IMO. Definitely an S. Made her useful, to me.

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