Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Frontline Phalanx Guide and List of Rewards

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A guide to Frontline Phalanx, one of the reward-filled events in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). This guide will tell you what Frontline Phalanx is, give you tips for playing Frontline Phalanx, and show potential rewards from this event.

How to Deploy Support Forces for a High Score in Frontline Phalanx

Use Guardian Shield on High-Boost Frontlines

Frontline Phalanx Elincia Victory

The item, Guardian Shield, guarantees that you get your Support Forces' worth as it basically secures a victory in the chosen frontline. It also grants bonus points on top of that! Because it ensures victory, we recommend dumping all your troops in a frontline with a massive boost, like the x 5.6 Boost as seen above!

Frontline Phalanx Massive Boost.png

In this case above, 2 Support Forces were deployed into Elincia's frontline, but that was a bad decision as it would not increase the boost even further as the max is x 9.9. What it only did was lower the win rate from 9% to 0%, but because we used a Guardian Shield on that frontline, it will still register as a win. This means that the player will successfully reap the rewards of a massive x 9.9 boost! If you encounter a x 9.9 boost, just send out 1 Support Force and a Guardian Shield.

Take note that sending Support Forces will increase the boost, but it will lower the chances of that frontline winning. This is why we you should always time your Guardian Shield on high-risk, high-reward frontlines as it will basically eliminate all risks and the rewards will be all yours!

Aim for Skjaldborg Activations!

Skjaldborg Frontline Phalanx.png

The Skjaldborg activation is indicated by a shield icon in the victory animation.

When many players use Guardian Shields on the same frontline in the same round, Skjaldborg will be activated. Like an individual Guardian Shield activation, this will ensure victory, but it will also add another x 1.2 boost to the players' scores. This encourages smart use of Guardian Shields! The ideal situation is that many players use their Guardian Shields on high-boost frontlines as discussed above. This not only ensures they reap their high-rewards, but a Skjaldborg activation boosts their scores even more!

When Guardian Shield is Unavailable, play your resources safe!

Frontline Phalanx Success Rate

As mentioned, sending Support Forces to a frontline increases the boost, but it decreases the chances of success. A Guardian Shield changes the whole strategy, but in the event where Guardian Shields are unavailable, we recommend playing safe.

Monitor other players' actions

Total Support.png

While it is true that you are all fighting for a higher spot in the rankings, you are still fighting for the side-by-side for the same faction. Monitor other players' decisions through the Total Support interface so that you can infer what other people are doing. Remember, Skjaldborg? It screams Synchronicity is Key so gather intel before spending your resources!

This interface can be accessed from the Support Intel button shown below!

Frontline Phalanx Support Intel.png

We also recommend checking the Shared Play Log that can be accessed through the button below. You can try and see a trend there if people are using Guardian Shields when aiming for a Skjaldborg activation.

Frontline Phalanx Shared Play Log.png

Frontline Phalanx Rewards List

Boss Rewards

Frontline Phalanx Boss Rewards

Boss Defeated Rewards
3★ Boss FEH Divine Code Ephemera Divine Code Ephemera x 40 OrbOrb x 1
4★ Boss FEH Divine Code Ephemera Divine Code Ephemera x 40 OrbOrb x 1
5★ Boss FEH Divine Code Ephemera Divine Code Ephemera x 40 OrbOrb x 1

These rewards will are claimable by all players whether they participated or not. Divine Codes and Orbs are very valuable resources so make sure to claim them regardless of your participation.

Rank Rewards

Frontline Phalanx Rank Rewards

Rank Reward
1~1000 Hero Feathers Hero Feathers x 3000
1001~3000 Hero Feathers Hero Feathers x 2500
3001~6000 Hero Feathers Hero Feathers x 2000
6001~10,000 Hero Feathers Hero Feathers x 1500
10,001-30,000 Hero Feathers Hero Feathers x 1000
30,001~60,000 Hero Feathers Hero Feathers x 800
60,001~100,000 Hero Feathers Hero Feathers x 600
100,001~300,000 Hero Feathers Hero Feathers x 400
300,001~ Hero Feathers Hero Feathers x 200

These rewards are given out depending on a players' performance. If you are in need of some feathers, then you should try to score as high as possible. Refer to our scoring guide above! It is really simple if you put some time in analyzing the factors.

Daily Support Rewards

Frontline Phalanx Daily Support Rewards
Day Reward
1st OrbOrb x 2
2nd OrbOrb x 2
3rd Red Dragonflower Dragonflower Variants x 50
4th Red Dragonflower Refining Stone x 5
5th Red Dragonflower Sacred Coin x 5

Players receive rewards just by simply sending out Support Forces every day. If all bosses are defeated under 5 days, these rewards will be given out as Boss Rewards instead. These are great resources, and they definitely add up with the rewards from other events so participate as much as you can!

Frontline Phalanx Event Information and Guide

A fun war-themed resource management event where you aim for a high score!

Frontline Phalanx Risk Return

Frontline Phalanx is an event in Fire Emblem Heroes that is all about resource management. You have 2 main resources to play with, Support Forces and Guardian Shields. With those two resources, you can help out the four frontlines that are in need because they are dealing with a very powerful enemy. Making the most well-thought choices, will score you the highest of points. Doing so will reward you accordingly. It is quite similar to Voting Gauntlet in the sense that you have to manage your resources given a situation, but in the case of Frontline Phalanx, you will not be taking part in actual map battles.

Sending out Support Forces will increase boost, but it decreases the chance of success

Frontline Phalanx Elincia Victory Stats

Weirdly enough, sending out Support Forces to a frontline, decreases the chances of that frontline succeeding. However, it increases the boost for the frontline, allowing you to score more if the frontline succeeds. A failed frontline means that its multiplier will go back x 1. Think carefully before sending out your Support Forces!

Secure a High Score with Guardian Shield

Guardian Shield.jpg

Guardian Shields can be obtained from quests that accompany a Frontline Phalanx event. When used at a front, it provides a x 1.2 multiplier to said front and it secures victory in battle. Because of the latter, we strongly recommend using it on a front with a high multiplier. You can only use 3 Guardian Shields in a Frontline Phalanx event so that is another reason to use this item strategically.

Other Information

1 hour per round

Battle results are calculated every hour. This means you have intervals of 1 hr to analyze the frontlines and make your decisions.

Boost will be kept on defeating a boss

Boosts will only be reset upon a frontline being defeated. You will be able to keep your boost if the frontline wins. Keep this in mind when making a decision.

8 Support Forces per hour

8 Support Forces are given out per hour. You cannot get more than 8 Support Forces in an hour so make sure to send them all out.

Ends when all boss units are defeated

The event can end early if the boss units are defeated early. Do not worry as the daily rewards that will not make it will be distributed as boss rewards instead.

Any of your units can be 'sent' to battle

Do not worry if it is Maria or Lissa that is in the animation of your troops going into battle. This is only an animation and their power level will not reflect the result. Just hope that they will represent your Order of Heroes well.

Current and Upcoming Events

Event Name Active Period
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12/21/2022 - 01/04/2023
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