Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Canas Builds and Best IVs

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FEH Canas Banner

This is a ranking page for the hero Canas - Wisdom Seeker from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Canas.

Canas Rating and Basic Information

FEH Canas Banner

Overall Rating 8.0/10
Reroll Ranking (excluding Inherit Skill) N/A
(▶Reroll Ranking)
Ranking (including Inherit Skill) C
(▶FEH Tier List)

Canas - Wisdom Seeker: Basic Information

Color / Weapon Type / Move Type
What Kind of Character Are They? ・Obtained as a reward from Tempest Trials
・Gains a stat boost when adjacent to allies
・Grants a powerful buff to the allies' Res

Canas Skills at 5★

Range: 1
Swap HP with adjacent ally (neither unit can go above their max HP).

Grants HP +4, Res +2.

At start of turn, grants Res +6 to allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. Granted only if the number of that ally’s movement type on current team ≤ 2.

Canas Best IVs

Recommended IVs

Stat Superboon/Superbane IV Recommendation
HP (17) HP Superboon ★★★☆☆
Atk (20) Attack Bane ★★★★★
Spd (5) No Spd IV ★★★☆☆
Def (4) No Def IV ★★☆☆☆
Res (9) No Res IV ★★★★☆

◯ = Stat gains +4 with a superboon, ✕= Stat goes down by -4 with a superbane, - = No assets or flaws

See the IV Checker for All Units Trait Fruits—How to Change IVs

When using an Ascendant Floret, we recommend getting the next superboon if it fits the hero. If not, consider what stat your hero needs most.

Neutral IVs by default!

As a hero obtainable only through Tempest Trials, Canas will always have neutral IVs by default. The only way to access IVs for this unit is through using Trait Fruits.


The best IVs for Canas are +Atk and -Def. Canas does not rely on Spd for follow-up attacks or for protecting him against hostile follow-up attacks so the only way to effectively increase his damage is through a +Atk IV. His Def is very low and is of less importance so it can be safely taken as his bane.

+Atk for a +10 Merge

We recommend a +Atk IV when merging Canas to 10. This is for the same reason as above. This helps him get more damage per each attack. This increases his overall viability as a unit.

Canas Best Builds

Refined Canas

Special Skill IconGlimmer
Emblem Icon: -
Attuned Skill Icon: -

How to Use, Explanation

This is a build that aims to maximize the effects of his weapon's refine effect. The goal is to boost is Atk and Res as much as possible, by stacking buffs for himself and debuffing enemies.

Source Heroes for All Skills

Canas Best Weapon Refine

Effect of Canas' Refined Weapon

Exclusive Weapon Effect from Refining (Special Effect Type)
SP: 400
Might: 14 Range: 2 HP:
If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, deals damage = 20% of the greater of unit's Res or foe's Res and grants Atk/Res+5 to unit during combat.
At the start of turns 1 through 3, grants Special cooldown count-1 to unit. At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥, grants Atk/Res+5 to unit during combat.
Arena Medal:500 Divine Dew:200

We recommend the Special Effect Refine for Ancient Codex

A refined Ancient Codex provides the following effects:

  • Res-based bonus damage if Canas has higher Res than his foe
  • An upwards of +10 Atk/Res
  • Special cooldown reduction from turns 1 to 3.

This provides him with lots of tools offensive, and defensive so it is a no-brainer upgrade from a regular Ancient Codex or a Rauðrowl+.

Weapon Refinery Tier List

About the Weapon Refinery

Canas Stats

Stat Rankings

Neutral Stats at Lv. 40 (5★)
HP 36 36
Rank: 1053/1200
Atk 32 32
Rank: 955/1200
Spd 29 29
Rank: 845/1200
Def 21 21
Rank: 912/1200
Res 33 33
Rank: 285/1200

Stat Values

Lv 40+10 Stats (5★)

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
+10 Merges W/ Skill Bonuses 45 47 33 25 40 190
Lv.40 +10 41 37 33 25 38 174

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
Lv.40 +10
44 36 33 25 37 175
Lv.40 +10
40 39 33 25 37 174
Lv.40 +10
40 36 36 25 37 174
Lv.40 +10
40 36 33 28 37 174
Lv.40 +10
40 36 33 25 40 174

Stats at Lv 40

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
5★- Adjusted for Skills 40 42 29 21 35 167
5★ Lv.40 36 32 29 21 33 151
4★ Lv.40 34 30 26 19 31 140

Initial Stats (with Skills)

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
5★ Lv.1 17 20 5 4 9 55
4★ Lv.1 16 16 4 3 9 48

Stat Comparison of Similar Heroes

Canas Icon Canas
36 32 29 21 33 151
36 32 29 22 29 148

Note: Stats bonuses from skills are not taken into account.

Canas Roles, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Canas Roles

Canas - Wisdom Seeker Roles
Close Physical AttackClose-Physical Ranged Physical AttackRanged-Physical Close Magic AttackClose-Magic Ranged Magic ImageRanged-Magic
Physical Wall ImagePhysical Wall Magic WallMagic Wall Effective ImageEffective Weapon Movement Assist ImageMovement Assist
No Exclusive Skill ImageExclusive Skill No All Range Counterattack ImageAll-Range Counter RecoveryRecovery No Refresher ImageRefresher
No Legendary Hero ImageLegendary No Mythic Hero ImageMythic No Duo and Harmonized ImageDuo /
No Resplendent ImageResplendent

Canas is a ranged magic attacker (range = 2). Therefore, when not accounting for the Weapon Triangle, the amount of damage he deals will be equivalent to his Atk minus the foe's Res stat. In addition, he possesses a weapon that will buff his stats with nearby allies, as well as skills to buff his allies' stats.

Canas's Strengths

A refined Ancient Codex provides the following bonuses

  • Res-based bonus damage if Canas has higher Res than his foe
  • An upwards of +10 Atk/Res
  • Special cooldown reduction from turns 1 to 3.

This makes him a great matchup against units that have abysmally low Res stats and / or magic foes!

Stats increase with number of adjacent allies

Thanks to his weapon skill Rauðrowl+, Canas can gain a bonus on all of his stats. In a normal party this means that he can gain up to a max of +6 to all stats, and in Aether Raids he can gain up to +8 to all stats.

This will stack with bonuses granted during combat, so if you customize your party right, you can give him massive stat boosts.

Can greatly buff his allies' Res stat

Res Tactic 3.png

In this case, Shiro's Def Tactic 3 affects all of his allies because there is no one movement type that surpasses a unit count of 2. Shiro and Rhajat make up for 2 infantry types, there is 1 axe cavalier in the far left and 1 sword knight in the bottom screen. This trigger condition is exactly the same as Canas' Res Tactic 3.

Canas's default C skill, Res Tactic 3, will grant Res+6 to all party members with less than 2 of the same movement type ally on their team. For a mixed party with two infantry units and two cavalry units (etc.), this can be a useful skill, but you must pay close attention to your party's construction to get the most use of it.

Canas's Weaknesses

Mediocre Stats

Canas does not have any relatively high stats, so to speak of. This means that he will have a hard time combating a large variety of foes, so he may be more useful if specialized to a specific role with a Triangle Adept build, etc.

Should you Unlock Potential?

Should You Unlock Potential for this Hero? B Rank Icon

Unlock Potential Tier List

Canas - List of Skills


Skill Name Might Range Effect Learned At
4 2 No Effect 4★
6 2 No Effect 4★
6 2 During combat, unit’s Atk/Spd/Def/Res boosted by number of adjacent allies ×2. 4★
10 2 During combat, unit’s Atk/Spd/Def/Res boosted by number of adjacent allies ×2. 5★


Skill Name Range Effect Learned At
1 Swap HP with adjacent ally (neither unit can go above their max HP). 4★


This Hero has no Special skills that can be learned.


Skill Name Effect Learned At
Grants Res +1. 4★
Grants HP +3, Res +1. 4★
Grants HP +4, Res +2. 5★
At start of turn, grants Res +2 to allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. Granted only if the number of that ally’s movement type on current team ≤ 2. 4★
At start of turn, grants Res +4 to allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. Granted only if the number of that ally’s movement type on current team ≤ 2. 4★
At start of turn, grants Res +6 to allies within 2 spaces for 1 turn. Granted only if the number of that ally’s movement type on current team ≤ 2. 4★

Canas as a Source Hero

Canas Avatar

Value of Skills ★★★☆☆

Inheriting Rauðrowl+ or Res Tactic 3

Canas can be used to inherit Rauðrowl+ or Res Tactic 3. However, as a hero only obtainable through Tempest Trials, the number of times you can obtain this unit is limited. Be sure that you do not mind giving up this unit before foddering him off.

Source Heroes for Skills
Source Heroes Tier List

How to Get Canas / Illustrations / Voice Actor / Quotes

How to Get Canas

Obtained as a Reward in Tempest Trials

Canas is a limited time Hero who can be obtained as a reward for your score in the Tempest Trials. They do not appear in regular summons. After the event has ended, they can be obtained by using Heroic Grails.

Voice Actor and Illustrator Information

Voice Actor
Joe Zieja
Illustrator Tobi
Appears In


Quotes: Special Triggered

Special Triggered Quotes are voice lines that play upon activating a Special attack.

I must see the other side.
Journey beyond the darkness.
This scares me.
This book is the key.

Lv 40 5★ Dialogue

Lv 40 5★ Dialogue become available when a hero attains Lv. 40 at 5★ rarity.

My apologies... I didn’t even see you there, with my nose buried in this book...
But you must understand how fascinating it is! Truly!
You want to know why I’m always reading? You could say that I am driven by curiosity...
Once I identify a topic of interest, I must study it from every angle.
I do wonder, sometimes, where this habit will take me...
When I consider the fate that befell my brothers, as they pushed the limits of magical study, I...
But I must be honest with you. I cannot control my thirst for knowledge.
It is a flaw in my character. One could even call it greed...
The short answer to your question is this: For me, to read is to live.
Now, while I have you here, perhaps you could answer one of my questions...
Observe the pattern on this page. It is totally unfamiliar to me—like nothing from my realm. Tell me...

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