Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

The Best Summons to Pull From and Release Dates

★ Latest Banner - New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel
☆ New Units - Nel, Rafal, Zelestia, Aided Yunaka
☆ Free Units - Griss

Best Summons

This is a page on available summoning events in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). If you want to know which banners you should pull from and see which focus heroes are available, as well as learn about appearance rates, be sure to check here first!

Summon Categories
Legendary HeroesLegendary Heroes Mythic HeroesMythic Heroes Special HeroesSpecial Heroes New HeroesNew Heroes List of Hero AltsList of Hero Alts
The Best Summons to Pull From and Release Dates

Recent Changes to Summoning

Free 5 Star Hero after 40th Summon!

New Feature for Summoning Events.png

A new gacha feature was announced on the FEH Channel on April 2nd, 2020. This feature allows players to summon a free 5 star focus hero after their 40th summon. However, this feature is only available on New Hero summons and not on Special Heroes, Mythic Heroes and so on. The free 5 star focus summon is only available once per player unless otherwise specified, so choose wisely!

FEH Pass subscribers have access to a free 5 star focus hero after their 40th summon on Special Heroes, Double Special Heroes, Legendary Heroes, Mythic Heroes, Emblem Heroes, and Hero Fest summoning banners.

Up to 5 Free Summons!

Redeem Fire Emblem Heroes.png

You can get up to 5 free summons using the initial free summon and the 4 summoning tickets you can get from the Forging Bonds event! This means that you can theoretically get the free 5 star focus summons by using only 140 orbs! Happy summoning, summoners!

Available Summons and Their Ratings

Chart: All Current Summons and Recommendation Rate

Summon Availability Rating
Revival - Weekly Revival ImageRevival - Weekly Revival Weekly
Revival - Legendary Revival Summons ImageRevival - Legendary Revival Summons Monthly
Hero Fest - 8th Anniversary Hero Fest (New Players) ImageHero Fest - 8th Anniversary Hero Fest (New Players) Date of Installation
10 Days after Installing
New Heroes - New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel ImageNew Heroes - New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel 02/16/2025
Focus - 8th Anniversary "12 Luminaries" 2 ImageFocus - 8th Anniversary "12 Luminaries" 2 02/14/2025
Revival - Here With Me (Revival) ImageRevival - Here With Me (Revival) 02/13/2025
Revival - A Special Gift (Revival) ImageRevival - A Special Gift (Revival) 02/12/2025
Revival - May This Last (Revival) ImageRevival - May This Last (Revival) 02/11/2025
Focus - Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix: Legendary Xander ImageFocus - Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix: Legendary Xander 02/10/2025
Focus - Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix: Ash ImageFocus - Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix: Ash 02/10/2025
Special Heroes - Seeking and Finding ImageSpecial Heroes - Seeking and Finding 02/06/2025
Hero Fest - 8th Anniversary Hero Fest ImageHero Fest - 8th Anniversary Hero Fest 02/02/2025

Which Banner Should You Pull From?

Save your orbs for future banners!

We recommend saving your orbs for the annual A Hero Rises banner which is expected to drop mid-March.

Historically, A Hero Rises banners have been the best banners in Fire Emblem Heroes, filled with powerful metagame threats and sources of elite rare skills useful for inheritance.

If you start saving now, you will have hundreds of orbs available when this banner drops and can supply your barracks with highly merged top tier metagame heroes as well as rare skills to provide to your Rearmed or Attuned heroes to duplicate for your other heroes.

Heroes Available in Each Summon

8th Anniversary Hero Fest (New Players) Hero Fest

Summon Name Appearance Rate
title Hero Fest Banner8th Anniversary Hero Fest (New Players) 5★ Featured Units 5.00%
5★ 3.00%
4★ Special Rate 3.00%
4★ 55.00%
3★ 34.00%

Featured Heroes from 8th Anniversary Hero Fest (New Players) Hero Fest

Heroes from 8th Anniversary Hero Fest (New Players) Hero Fest
Emblem Marth IconEmblem Marth
Ivy IconIvy
Rearmed Lucina IconRearmed Lucina
Mythic Loki IconMythic Loki

The appearance rate for 5★ Featured Heroes from 8th Anniversary Hero Fest (New Players) Hero Fest is 5.00%. The drop rates are divided between 5★ Featured Heroes proportionately, so the drop rate for each individual 5★ Featured Hero is 1.25%.

Note: A 5★ Featured Hero's appearance rate will increase by 0.5% for each 5 rolls in a row without a 5★ Hero summon.

New Heroes: New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel

Summon Name Appearance Rate
New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel Banner New Heroes: New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel 5★ Featured Units 3.00%
5★ 3.00%
4★ Featured Units 3.00%
4★ Special Rate 3.00%
4★ 52.00%
3★ 36.00%

Featured Heroes from New Heroes: New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel

Heroes from New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel
Rafal IconRafal
Nel IconNel
Zelestia IconZelestia
Aided Yunaka IconAided Yunaka

The appearance rate for 5★ Featured Heroes from New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel is 3.00%. The drop rates are divided between 5★ Featured Heroes proportionately, so the drop rate for each individual 5★ Featured Hero is 0.75%.

Note: A 5★ Featured Hero's appearance rate will increase by 0.25% for each 5 rolls in a row without a 5★ Hero summon.

Focus - 8th Anniversary 12 Luminaries 2

Summon Appearance Rate
8th Anniversary "12 Luminaries" 2 Banner8th Anniversary "12 Luminaries" 2 5★ Featured Units 8.00%
5★ 0%
4★ Special Rate 3.00%
4★ 55.00%
3★ 34.00%

Featured Heroes from Focus - 8th Anniversary 12 Luminaries 2

Heroes from Focus - 8th Anniversary "12 Luminaries" 2

The appearance rate for 5★ Featured Heroes from Focus - 8th Anniversary 12 Luminaries 2 is 8.00%. The drop rates are divided between 5★ Featured Heroes proportionately, so the drop rate for each individual 5★ Featured Hero is 0.66%.

Note: A 5★ Featured Hero's appearance rate will increase by 0.5% for each 5 rolls in a row without a 5★ Hero summon.

Special Heroes: Seeking and Finding

Summon Name Appearance Rate
Seeking and Finding Banner Special Heroes: Seeking and Finding 5★ Featured Units 3.00%
5★ 3.00%
4★ Featured Units 3.00%
4★ Special Rate 3.00%
4★ 52.00%
3★ 36.00%

Featured Heroes from Special Heroes: Seeking and Finding

Heroes from Seeking and Finding
ValentineValentine's Dimitri
ValentineValentine's Claude
ValentineValentine's Edelgard
ValentineValentine's Rhea

The appearance rate for 5★ Featured Heroes from Seeking and Finding is 3.00%. The drop rates are divided between 5★ Featured Heroes proportionately, so the drop rate for each individual 5★ Featured Hero is 0.75%.

Note: A 5★ Featured Hero's appearance rate will increase by 0.25% for each 5 rolls in a row without a 5★ Hero summon.

8th Anniversary Hero Fest Hero Fest

Summon Name Appearance Rate
title Hero Fest Banner8th Anniversary Hero Fest 5★ Featured Units 5.00%
5★ 3.00%
4★ Special Rate 3.00%
4★ 55.00%
3★ 34.00%

Featured Heroes from 8th Anniversary Hero Fest Hero Fest

Heroes from 8th Anniversary Hero Fest Hero Fest
Emblem Marth IconEmblem Marth
Ivy IconIvy
Rearmed Lucina IconRearmed Lucina
Mythic Loki IconMythic Loki

The appearance rate for 5★ Featured Heroes from 8th Anniversary Hero Fest Hero Fest is 5.00%. The drop rates are divided between 5★ Featured Heroes proportionately, so the drop rate for each individual 5★ Featured Hero is 1.25%.

Note: A 5★ Featured Hero's appearance rate will increase by 0.5% for each 5 rolls in a row without a 5★ Hero summon.

FEH Summon Simulator

Recent Summon Simulators

Click on the link below to be transported to a page featuring simulators for all of the active summoning events.

List of Active Summon Simulators

What is Summon Heroes in FEH

Summon Heroes

It's how you get new heroes!

Summon Heroes in FEH is what is often referred to as a 'gacha' in mobile games. You are able to spend the game's premium currency known as orbs (which are available via distribution and in-app purchases) in order to summon new characters (heroes) and add them to your team.

Five random summoning stones will appear

In Summon Heroes, five random stones, which can be red, blue, green, or colorless, will appear. You can select the stone of whatever color you like, so choose the stone which shares the same color type with the Hero you wish to pull.

Save orbs by pulling multiple times in a row!

After pulling a Hero, the other stones will remain, and it is possible to summon more heroes in succession. Doing so will reduce the amount of orbs that you must spend in the following order: 5, 4, 4, 4, 3. You will only use 20 orbs total when you roll five times in a row, saving you a total of 5 orbs.

Your first roll is free!

When a new summon event is released, you can pull one Hero without spending any orbs.

Use Summon Heroes in FEH to reroll!

By rerolling, you can use Summon Heroes to obtain very powerful heroes at the start of your game (→FEH: Reroll Tier List

Summoning Event Archive

Summon Events in 2025

Event Name Featured Heroes
A Place to Rest (Revival) Banner
Revival -
A Place to Rest (Revival)


Special Heroes -
Special Heroes Summoning


Orb ImageSummon Simulator
(Coming Soon!)
Legendary Heroes -
Legendary Hero Summoning


Orb ImageSummon Simulator
(Coming Soon!)
Love Abounds (Revival) Banner
Revival -
Love Abounds (Revival)


Focus -
8th Anniversary "12 Luminaries" 3


Orb ImageSummon Simulator
(Coming Soon!)
Revival -
Greil's Devoted (Revival)


Lovely Gifts (Revival) Banner
Revival -
Lovely Gifts (Revival)


Love of a King (Revival) Banner
Revival -
Love of a King (Revival)


New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel Banner
New Heroes -
New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel


8th Anniversary "12 Luminaries" 2 Banner
Focus -
8th Anniversary "12 Luminaries" 2


Here With Me (Revival) Banner
Revival -
Here With Me (Revival)


A Special Gift (Revival) Banner
Revival -
A Special Gift (Revival)


Free Summon: Arena Reward 6 Banner
Free Summon -
Free Summon: Arena Reward 6


May This Last (Revival) Banner
Revival -
May This Last (Revival)


Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix: Legendary Xander Banner
Focus -
Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix: Legendary Xander


Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix: Ash Banner
Focus -
Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix: Ash


Seeking and Finding Banner
Special Heroes -
Seeking and Finding


8th Anniversary "12 Luminaries" 1 Banner
Focus -
8th Anniversary "12 Luminaries" 1


Special Hero Summon (Year 8) Banner
Free Summon -
Special Hero Summon (Year 8)


8th Anniversary Celebration - Guaranteed 4★SHSR Banner
Free Summon -
8th Anniversary Celebration - Guaranteed 4★SHSR


8th Anniversary Hero Fest Banner
Hero Fest -
8th Anniversary Hero Fest


Legendary Ayra & Mythic Athos Banner
Mythic Heroes -
Legendary Ayra & Mythic Athos


Sage of Khadein? (Revival) Banner
Revival -
Sage of Khadein? (Revival)


New Heroes & Rearmed Lumera (Revival) Banner
Revival -
New Heroes & Rearmed Lumera (Revival)


Dark Desert Rituals (Revival) Banner
Revival -
Dark Desert Rituals (Revival)


New Heroes Return January 2025 Banner
Focus -
New Heroes Return January 2025


Revival -
Nabata's Shield (Revival)


Of Lost Kingdoms (Revival) Banner
Revival -
Of Lost Kingdoms (Revival)


Dust Storm Mercs Banner
Special Heroes -
Dust Storm Mercs


Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix: Legendary Micaiah Banner
Focus -
Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix: Legendary Micaiah


Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix: Legendary Fae Banner
Focus -
Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix: Legendary Fae


Hostile Springs (Revival) Banner
Revival -
Hostile Springs (Revival)


New Heroes & Attuned Brigid Banner
New Heroes -
New Heroes & Attuned Brigid


Happy New Year! (Revival) Banner
Revival -
Happy New Year! (Revival)


New Year
Revival -
New Year's of Fire and Ice (Revival)


Renewed Spirit (Revival) Banner
Revival -
Renewed Spirit (Revival)


New Year: ω Special Heroes 1 Banner
Focus -
New Year: ω Special Heroes 1


New Year: ω Special Heroes 2 Banner
Focus -
New Year: ω Special Heroes 2


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IV CheckerIV Checker Tier ListHero Tier List RerollingRerolling
SummoningPull from These Summons! Unlock PotentialUnlock Potential Tier List Beginners GuideBeginner's Guide
List of HeroesAll FEH Heroes Skills and SealsSkills and Sacred Seals Weapon RefineryWeapon Refinery

FEH Related Links: Summoning

See All Summon Events

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Summoning Categories

Legendary Heroes Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEHLegendary Heroes Mythic Heroes Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEHMythic Heroes
Special Heroes Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEHSpecial Heroes New Heroes Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEHNew Heroes
Featured Heroes Banner Fire Emblem Heroes FEHFeatured Heroes List of Hero Alts Banner.pngList of Hero Alts


18 twztid1322 days

Why is the summoning event archive only through 2024? Where can we see the 2025 events?

17 twztid13 9 months

The banner w rearmed plumeria, which started May 25th 2024, isn't on this list.

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