Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Sumia Builds and Best IVs

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FEH Sumia Banner

This is a ranking page for the hero Sumia - Maid of Flowers from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Sumia.

Focus - Heroes with Close Def Featured Heroes
Sumia IconSumia
Brave Ephraim IconBrave Ephraim
Velouria IconVelouria

Sumia Rating and Basic Information

FEH Sumia Banner

Overall Rating 8.0/10
Reroll Ranking (excluding Inherit Skill) B
(▶Reroll Ranking)
Ranking (including Inherit Skill) B
(▶FEH Tier List)

Sumia - Maid of Flowers: Basic Information

Color / Weapon Type / Move Type
What Kind of Character Are They? ・High Spd stat
・Multiple skills that grant bonuses when the foe initiates combat
・She and an ally receive a buff when using a movement skill like Reposition

Sumia Skills at 5★

Might: 16  Range: 1
At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat.

Range: 1
Moves adjacent ally to opposite side of unit.

If foe initiates combat and uses sword, lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast damage, grants Def/Res+6 during combat.

If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot etc. ) is used by unit or targets unit, grants Atk\Def +6 to unit and target ally or unit and targeting ally for 1 turn.

Sumia Best IVs

Recommended IVs

Stat Superboon/Superbane IV Recommendation
HP (17) HP Superbane ★★☆☆☆
Atk (20) No Attack IV ★★★★★
Spd (11) No Spd IV ★★★★☆
Def (7) Def Bane ★★★★☆
Res (6) Res Boon ★★★☆☆

◯ = Stat gains +4 with a superboon, ✕= Stat goes down by -4 with a superbane, - = No assets or flaws

See the IV Checker for All Units Trait Fruits—How to Change IVs

When using an Ascendant Floret, we recommend getting the next superboon if it fits the hero. If not, consider what stat your hero needs most.


The best IVs for Sumia are +Spd and -Res. A higher Spd stat allows Sumia to get a ton of follow-up attacks on her foes. It also protects her from hostile follow-up attacks. Her Res of is less importance and thus safe to be taken as a bane.

+Spd for a +10 Merge

We recommend a +Spd IV when merging Sumia to 10. This is for the same reasons as above. At max merges, she reaches 46 Spd. This range allows her to score follow-up attacks on a wide range of foes. You can also go for a +Atk IV if you prefer raw damage! Only go through the Atk route if you can supplement her Spd with skills like Hone Fliers.

Sumia Best Builds

Firesweep Sumia

Special Skill IconGaleforce
Emblem Icon: -
Attuned Skill Icon: -

How to Use, Explanation

This is a simple Firesweep set for Sumia. Make sure to pair her up with refresher-assist allies when running this build. If you can afford it, you can also use Trace skills in the B slot.

Budget Sumia

Special Skill IconIgnis
Emblem Icon: -
Attuned Skill Icon: -

How to Use, Explanation

This is a budget build for Sully that allows her to specialize in the enemy phase.

Refined Sumia

Special Skill IconBonfire
Emblem Icon: -
Attuned Skill Icon: -

How to Use, Explanation

This build utilizes Sumia's weapon refine. Because of her increased stats, she has a lot of opportunity to one-shot enemy units by using her weapon in tangent to her A skill and Sacred Seal. Hit and Run will ensure she retreats to safety, but can be swapped out with another B skill of your choice.

Source Heroes for All Skills

Sumia Best Weapon Refine

Effect of Sumia's Refined Weapon

Exclusive Weapon Effect from Refining (Special Effect Type)
SP: 400
Might: 16 Range: 1 HP: +3
At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat. Enables【Canto (2)】.
If an ally's HP ≤ 80%, unit can move to a space adjacent to that ally. If unit initiates combat or is within 2 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd+5 to unit during combat.
【Canto (2)】
After an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction, unit can move 2 space(s). (Unit moves according to movement type. Once per turn. Cannot attack or assist. Only highest value applied. Does not stack. After moving, if a skill that grants another action would be triggered (like with Galeforce), Canto will trigger again. Unit's base movement has no effect on movement granted. Cannot warp (using skills like Wings of Mercy) a distance greater than 2 space(s).)
Arena Medal:500 Divine Dew:200

We recommend the Special Effect Refine for Flower Lance

Flower Lance's refine enables【Canto (2)】, which allows Sumia to reposition herself to safety or within range of a dancer so she can take another action.

This opens up more strategic uses for her as a unit and can be very useful when paired with fliers that have skills such as Flier Formation 3 or Air Orders 3.

About the Weapon Refinery

Sumia Stats

Stat Rankings

Neutral Stats at Lv. 40 (5★)
HP 39 39
Rank: 778/1202
Atk 30 30
Rank: 1072/1202
Spd 39 39
Rank: 368/1202
Def 29 29
Rank: 575/1202
Res 25 25
Rank: 668/1202

Stat Values

Lv 40+10 Stats (5★)

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
+10 Merges W/ Skill Bonuses 44 48 44 34 29 199
Lv.40 +10 44 34 44 34 29 185

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
Lv.40 +10
46 34 43 33 29 185
Lv.40 +10
43 37 43 33 29 185
Lv.40 +10
43 34 46 33 29 185
Lv.40 +10
43 34 43 36 29 185
Lv.40 +10
43 34 43 33 33 186

Stats at Lv 40

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
5★- Adjusted for Skills 39 44 39 29 25 176
5★ Lv.40 39 30 39 29 25 162

Initial Stats (with Skills)

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
5★ Lv.1 17 20 11 7 6 61

Stat Comparison of Similar Heroes

40 44 46 28 26 184
38 44 47 30 25 184
36 38 40 28 42 184
39 40 44 30 31 184
41 44 44 31 23 183
39 40 43 27 34 183
40 44 43 33 23 183
39 38 43 27 31 178
35 41 38 25 37 176
39 36 38 30 30 173
40 39 41 29 23 172
43 35 38 23 33 172
39 37 41 32 23 172
39 32 40 26 30 167
38 32 38 21 37 166
40 35 36 28 23 162
Sumia Icon Sumia
39 30 39 29 25 162
42 33 38 28 21 162
37 34 36 33 21 161
41 35 32 25 24 157
36 34 36 25 25 156

Note: Stats bonuses from skills are not taken into account.

Sumia Roles, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Sumia Roles

Sumia - Maid of Flowers Roles
Close Physical Attack ImageClose-Physical Ranged Physical AttackRanged-Physical Close Magic AttackClose-Magic Ranged MagicRanged-Magic
Physical Wall ImagePhysical Wall Magic WallMagic Wall Effective ImageEffective Weapon Movement Assist ImageMovement Assist
No Exclusive Skill ImageExclusive Skill No All Range Counterattack ImageAll-Range Counter RecoveryRecovery No Refresher ImageRefresher
No Legendary Hero ImageLegendary No Mythic Hero ImageMythic No Duo and Harmonized ImageDuo /
No Resplendent ImageResplendent

Sumia is a close physical attacker (range = 1). Therefore, when not accounting for the Weapon Triangle, the amount of damage she deals will be equivalent to her Atk minus the foe's Def stat.

Sumia Strengths

Weapon Refine adds stats during combat!

Flower Lance grants Sumia +4 Atk to all her stats during combat. Additionally, Close Def 3 grants her +6 Def/Res during combat. This is a total of +10 Atk/Def/Res in the enemy phase.

It also grants【Canto (2)】, which will allow her to move again after performing certain actions.

Useful buff skill triggered by Movement Assists

Sumia's B Skill Atk/Def Link will give her and an ally Atk/Def+6 when one of them uses a movement assist like Swap or Reposition on the other. Since she learns Reposition by default, her skills have rather good synergy, allowing her to go offensive or play more of a support role.

You can fling her into the danger zone if the enemies are mostly consisted units covered by Close Def 3. That way, Sumia will tank and throw counterattacks onto them the next enemy phase!

Sumia Weaknesses

Weak to bows

As a flying unit, Sumia takes 1.5x damage from bows and weapons effective on flying units. Be sure to keep them out of the range of archers and leave them to other units.

Heroes with Effective Skills

Should you Unlock Potential?

Should You Unlock Potential for this Hero? Cannot Unlock Potential

Sumia - Maid of Flowers Only Appears as a 5 Star Hero!

Sumia - Maid of Flowers only appears as a 5 Star Hero. We will include whether or not you should Unlock Potential for Sumia - Maid of Flowers if a 4 Star version is released!

Unlock Potential Tier List

Sumia - List of Skills


Skill Name Might Range Effect Learned At
6 1 No Effect 5★
8 1 No Effect 5★
10 1 If foe initiates combat, grants Atk +6 during combat. 5★
14 1 If foe initiates combat, grants Atk +6 during combat. 5★
16 1 At start of combat, if foe's HP ≥ 75%, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4 to unit during combat.


Skill Name Range Effect Learned At
1 Moves adjacent ally to opposite side of unit. 5★


This Hero has no Special skills that can be learned.


Skill Name Effect Learned At
If foe initiates combat and uses sword, lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast damage, grants Def/Res+2 during combat. 5★
If foe initiates combat and uses sword, lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast damage, grants Def/Res+4 during combat. 5★
If foe initiates combat and uses sword, lance, axe, dragonstone, or beast damage, grants Def/Res+6 during combat. 5★
If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot etc. ) is used by unit or targets unit, grants Atk\Def +2 to unit and target ally or unit and targeting ally for 1 turn. 5★
If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot etc. ) is used by unit or targets unit, grants Atk\Def +4 to unit and target ally or unit and targeting ally for 1 turn. 5★
If a movement Assist skill (like Reposition, Shove, Pivot etc. ) is used by unit or targets unit, grants Atk\Def +6 to unit and target ally or unit and targeting ally for 1 turn. 5★

Sumia as a Source Hero

Sumia Avatar

Value of Skills ★★★★☆

Inheriting Close Def 3 and Atk/Def Link 3

Sumia can be used to inherit the skills Close Def 3 and Atk/Def Link 3. Take note that Close Def 3 is available as a Sacred Seal. Think carefully before fodderring Sumia off for said skill as she is a 5★ exclusive.

How to Get Sumia / Illustrations / Voice Actor / Quotes

How to Get Sumia

Obtain Through Regular Summon

Sumia is a Hero who can be pulled from any summon.

Note: Not currently a featured hero in any Summon events.

Current Focuses and Which You Should Pull From

Voice Actor and Illustrator Information

Voice Actor
Eden Riegel
Illustrator pikomaro
Appears In


Quotes: Special Triggered

Special Triggered Quotes are voice lines that play upon activating a Special attack.

I’ll end this now!
Coming through!
My turn!
I won’t back down!

Lv 40 5★ Dialogue

Lv 40 5★ Dialogue become available when a hero attains Lv. 40 at 5★ rarity.

I can do it. I can’t do it... I can do it. I can’t do it... I can— Oh, hello, {Summoner}.
I was just doing flower fortunes. I’m trying to figure out if I can become a proper Hero or not.
Fighting by your side has given me a new goal. I don’t want to be a klutz forever. I want to become stronger.
I want to become a Hero that looks like she belongs by your side. But I’m...just not that confident…
So I thought I’d consult the flowers. I can’t do it. I can do it... I can’t... I can!
Oh, thank goodness! The flower says I can do it! Now I just need to work hard to prove it right.
I’ll become your strongest wings!

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