Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Hapi Builds and Best IVs

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FEH Hapi Banner

This is a ranking page for the hero Hapi - Drawn-Out Sigh from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Hapi.

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Hapi IconHapi
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Hapi Rating and Basic Information

FEH Hapi Banner

Overall Rating 9.0/10
Reroll Ranking (excluding Inherit Skill) A
(▶Reroll Ranking)
Ranking (including Inherit Skill) A
(▶FEH Tier List)

Hapi - Drawn-Out Sigh: Basic Information

Color / Weapon Type / Move Type
What Kind of Character Are They? ・Weapon is effective against dragon an beast units and also grants Special cooldown count -1 when Special is at max at the start of turn
・Has【Canto】and inflicts debuffs to Atk and Res to her target during combat.

Hapi Skills at 5★

Might: 14  Range: 2
Effective against dragon and beast foes. Aceelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Res+6 to unit during combat.

Cooldown Count = 2
Boosts damage dealt by 50%.

At start of combat, if foe's HP=100% or if 【Penalty】 is active on foe, grants Atk/Res+7 to unit during combat. At start of combat, if foe's HP = 100% and 【Penalty】 is active on foe, grants an additional Atk/Res+2 to unit during combat.
All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).

Enables 【Canto (Rem.)】.
Inflicts Atk/Res-3 on foe during combat.
【Canto (Rem.)】 After combat, unit can move spaces equal to the number of spaces they have not used yet in their previous action according to their movement type. For example, a flying unit who has moved 1 space to attack an opponent, can move 1 spaces after as fliers have 2 spaces of movement.

Hapi Best IVs

Recommended IVs

Stat Superboon/Superbane IV Recommendation
HP (18) HP Superbane ★★★☆☆
Atk (12) Attack Boon ★★★★★
Spd (4) Spd Bane ★★★☆☆
Def (3) Def Bane ★★☆☆☆
Res (9) No Res IV ★★★★☆

◯ = Stat gains +4 with a superboon, ✕= Stat goes down by -4 with a superbane, - = No assets or flaws

See the IV Checker for All Units Trait Fruits—How to Change IVs

When using an Ascendant Floret, we recommend getting the next superboon if it fits the hero. If not, consider what stat your hero needs most.

+Atk and -Def

Hapi's best IVs are +Atk and -Def. +Atk is a Superboon and boosts her already high Atk stat even higher to deal more damage. Her Def is a dump stat and boosting it will not change most of her matchups, thus it is safe to take as a bane.

+Atk for a +10 Merge Project

If you want to build a +10 merged Hapi, we recommend a +Atk IV. Maximizing her Atk ensures she deals as much as possible, boosted further by her effective damage.

Hapi Best Builds

General Use / Budget Hapi

Special Skill IconGlimmer
Emblem Icon: -
Attuned Skill Icon: -

How to Use, Explanation

This build uses Hapi's base kit as it functions well out of the box. Panic Smoke is one of the best options for her C slot - Atk Smoke can be used if on a budget.

Source Heroes for All Skills

Hapi Stats

Stat Rankings

Neutral Stats at Lv. 40 (5★)
HP 40 40
Rank: 489/1200
Atk 42 42
Rank: 279/1200
Spd 26 26
Rank: 910/1200
Def 16 16
Rank: 1099/1200
Res 39 39
Rank: 115/1200

Stat Values

Lv 40+10 Stats (5★)

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
+10 Merges W/ Skill Bonuses 45 61 30 20 44 200
Lv.40 +10 45 47 30 20 44 186

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
Lv.40 +10
47 46 30 20 43 186
Lv.40 +10
44 50 30 20 43 187
Lv.40 +10
44 46 33 20 43 186
Lv.40 +10
44 46 30 23 43 186
Lv.40 +10
44 46 30 20 46 186

Stats at Lv 40

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
5★- Adjusted for Skills 40 56 26 16 39 177
5★ Lv.40 40 42 26 16 39 163

Initial Stats (with Skills)

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
5★ Lv.1 18 26 4 3 9 60

Stat Comparison of Similar Heroes

40 43 47 17 27 174
41 46 45 22 20 174
40 46 31 35 16 168
40 45 44 19 20 168
39 44 22 16 42 163
36 43 40 16 28 163
Hapi Icon Hapi
40 42 26 16 39 163
37 38 40 23 24 162
39 37 43 21 22 162
40 39 39 16 23 157
40 36 38 21 22 157
35 29 32 19 30 145
38 32 23 27 25 145
33 33 31 17 31 145
36 32 35 18 23 144
37 33 34 19 21 144
34 26 34 20 30 144
37 35 33 14 25 144

Note: Stats bonuses from skills are not taken into account.

Hapi Roles, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Hapi Roles

Hapi - Drawn-Out Sigh Roles
Close Physical AttackClose-Physical Ranged Physical AttackRanged-Physical Close Magic AttackClose-Magic Ranged Magic ImageRanged-Magic
Physical Wall ImagePhysical Wall Magic WallMagic Wall Effective ImageEffective Weapon Movement Assist ImageMovement Assist
Exclusive Skill ImageExclusive Skill No All Range Counterattack ImageAll-Range Counter RecoveryRecovery No Refresher ImageRefresher
No Legendary Hero ImageLegendary No Mythic Hero ImageMythic No Duo and Harmonized ImageDuo /
No Resplendent ImageResplendent

Hapi is a ranged magic attacker (range = 2). Therefore, when not accounting for the Weapon Triangle, the amount of damage she deals will be equivalent to her Atk minus the foe's Res stat.

Hapi Strengths

Demonic Tome is a Powerful Weapon

Demonic Tome.png

Demonic Tome is a powerful weapon loaded with multiple effects.

Below is a summary of its effects both in and out of battle:

1 Effective against dragon and beast foes.
2 Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1).
3 Grants Special cooldown count-1 at the start of the turn if Hapi's Special cooldown count is at its maximum value.
4 Grants Atk/Res+6 during combat if Hapi's HP ≥ 25%.

Both the accelerated Special trigger and the Time's Pulse effect stack, meaning Hapi will always have her Special ready at the start of each turn as long as it is a 2 charge Special, like Glimmer which is already in her kit!

Skewed Atk and Res During Combat

Hapi Combat.png

Hapi skews Atk and Res in her favor during combat by granting herself up to Atk/Res+9 through Atk/Res Catch 4 and an additional Atk/Res+6 if Demonic Tome is active.

She also applies an Atk/Res-3 penalty to her foes from A/R Far Trace 3.

All of these combined ensure that Hapi has enough Atk and Res to perform her duties during combat!

Canto Grants Mobility After Combat

Hapi Canto.png

【Canto (Rem.)】allows Hapi to move again after performing an attack, Assist skill, or structure destruction.

The amount of additional movement spaces is equal to the number of movement spaces she has not used yet from her previous action.

This will allow her to reposition herself to safety after attacking, or if she's low health, will allow her to move closer to the enemy team and allies with Wings of Mercy 3 can swoop in to her side for surprise attacks.

Hapi Weaknesses

Weak to Cavalry Effective Weapons

As a cavalry unit, Hapi will take massive damage from weapons like Thani which are effective on cavalry units. Be sure and check your foes' weapons beforehand.

All Heroes with Effective Skills

Should you Unlock Potential?

Should You Unlock Potential for this Hero? Cannot Unlock Potential

Hapi - Drawn-Out Sigh Only Appears as a 5 Star Hero!

Hapi - Drawn-Out Sigh only appears as a 5 Star Hero. We will include whether or not you should Unlock Potential for Hapi - Drawn-Out Sigh if a 4 Star version is released!

Unlock Potential Tier List

Hapi - List of Skills


Skill Name Might Range Effect Learned At
4 2 No Effect 5★
6 2 No Effect 5★
9 2 No Effect 5★
14 2 Effective against dragon and beast foes. Aceelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). At start of turn, if Special cooldown count is at its maximum value, grants Special cooldown count-1. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Res+6 to unit during combat. 5★


This Hero has no Assist skills that can be learned.


Skill Name Effect Learned At
(Cooldown Count = 3) Boosts damage dealt by 50%. 5★
(Cooldown Count = 2) Boosts damage dealt by 50%. 5★


Skill Name Effect Learned At
At start of combat, if foe’s HP = 100% or if【Penalty】is active on foe, grants Atk/Res+3 to unit during combat.
All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
At start of combat, if foe’s HP = 100% or if【Penalty】is active on foe, grants Atk/Res+4 to unit during combat.
All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
At start of combat, if foe’s HP = 100% or if【Penalty】is active on foe, grants Atk/Res+5 to unit during combat.
All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
At start of combat, if foe's HP=100% or if 【Penalty】 is active on foe, grants Atk/Res+7 to unit during combat. At start of combat, if foe's HP = 100% and 【Penalty】 is active on foe, grants an additional Atk/Res+2 to unit during combat.
All effects that last "on foe through its next action." Includes penalties inflicted by a skill like Panic or Threaten and negative status effects (preventing counterattacks, restricting movement, or the effects of a skill like Triangle Adept or Guard).
Enables 【Canto (Rem.)】.
Inflicts Atk/Res-1 on foe during combat.
【Canto (Rem.)】 After combat, unit can move spaces equal to the number of spaces they have not used yet in their previous action according to their movement type. For example, a flying unit who has moved 1 space to attack an opponent, can move 1 spaces after as fliers have 2 spaces of movement.
Enables 【Canto (Rem.)】.
Inflicts Atk/Res-2 on foe during combat.
【Canto (Rem.)】 After combat, unit can move spaces equal to the number of spaces they have not used yet in their previous action according to their movement type. For example, a flying unit who has moved 1 space to attack an opponent, can move 1 spaces after as fliers have 2 spaces of movement.
Enables 【Canto (Rem.)】.
Inflicts Atk/Res-3 on foe during combat.
【Canto (Rem.)】 After combat, unit can move spaces equal to the number of spaces they have not used yet in their previous action according to their movement type. For example, a flying unit who has moved 1 space to attack an opponent, can move 1 spaces after as fliers have 2 spaces of movement.

Hapi as a Source Hero

Hapi Avatar

Value of Skills ★★★★☆

Hapi has two skills worth inheriting to other units in Atk/Res Catch 4 and A/R Far Trace 3.

These two skills are difficult to find elsewhere, thus it may be worth foddering off Hapi for your other units for these if you really need them.

How to Get Hapi / Illustrations / Voice Actor / Quotes

How to Get Hapi

Obtain Through Regular Summon

Hapi is a Hero who can be pulled from any summon.

Note: Not currently a featured hero in any Summon events.

Current Focuses and Which You Should Pull From

Voice Actor and Illustrator Information

Voice Actor
Christine Marie Cabanos
Illustrator Hirooka Masaki
Appears In


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