Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

IVs Explained: How to Check IVs

★ Latest Banner - New Heroes: Attuned Alm & Rearmed Nuibaba
☆ New Units - Nuibaba, Nomah, Jesse, Attuned Alm
☆ Free Units - Jedah

How to Check IVs Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

This is a guide to understanding how Individual Values (IVs) work in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Learn what IVs do, how to check a unit's IVs, and how you can change a unit's IVs.

Guides to Hero IVs
Explanation of IVs IV Checker
Best IVs for All Heroes Best IVs for All Free Units
Trait Fruits: How to Change IVs

How to Change IVs

Trait Fruit.png

With the September 2020 update, you can now change a unit's IVs with Trait Fruits.

Trait Fruits will allow you to change the IVs of all Free Units and units obtained from the Hall of Forms, making them stronger!

However, you will need 100 Trait Fruits in order to change a unit's IVs, so be mindful of which one you choose. You can change the IVs of either your favorite or most powerful units!

Understanding How IVs Work

Fire Emblem Heroes Peony IVs Display FEH.PNG

In Fire Emblem Heroes, every individual unit pulled from a banner has what are known as Individual Values (IVs). When IVs differ between units, the same hero can have different stats after reaching its max level.

A Raised Stat and a Lowered Stat

There exists a basic set of stats for every hero in the game (known as base stats). IVs cause one of a hero's base stats to rise by 3~4 points and another to lower by 3~4 points.

Lv 40 Base Stats for All Units

Superboons and Superbanes

5★ heroes can have stats that are strong or weak (these are not present for 4★ heroes and lower). When a unit has this strong stat (called a superboon) as its IV, it will result in +4 points to the base value. Likewise, when a unit has a superbane (lowered IV) in a weak stat, the value will be 4 points lower than the base stat.

Superboon Superbane
Asset (Boon) +4 +3
(Normal Value)
Flaw (Bane) -3
(Normal Value)

When a hero receives both a superboon and a superbane, the resulting change will be ±4.

Stats will differ depending on IVs!


Comparison of Camilla: Bewitching Beauty's Stats at the Max Level

This side by side of Camilla's stats was sent in by a user through Twitter. We can use it to compare possible stats for this hero.

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
Base Values 37 38 27 28 31 161
A 37 38 27 24↓ 34↑ 160
B 37 38 24↓ 31↑ 31 161

When a hero reaches the max level, the difference in IVs will be very significant!

Comparing two Camilla units with the base values shows us that one stat will be higher and one stat will be lower than rgw base values. Very rarely, you may come across a unit whose stats do not differ from the base values.

How to Check IVs

Check on the Stats Screen

Fire Emblem Heroes Asset IVs FEH.PNG

Deirdre's asset is shown here in blue (Atk). Her flaw (HP) is displayed in red.

You can check a hero's IVs via the stats screen. A stat name, such as HP or Atk, will be written in blue when it is an asset, and red when it is a flaw.

Since the color may be a bit difficult to see, you can always press the place where the stat is shown and asset or flaw will be displayed.

Fire Emblem Heroes Merged Asset IVs FEH.PNG

Because Hel has been merged, any flaws have disappeared and only her asset remains (Atk).

When you Merge Allies, the flaw will disappear, so only the asset written in blue will remain for that hero. When a hero's stats show neither blue or red letters, this unit has base values (no IVs).

You must first turn the feature on through settings.

Fire Emblem Heroes Asset IVs Display FEH.PNG

Asset/Flaw Color Display is turned off by default. To turn it on, you must go to Misc. → Settings → and select On next to Asset/Flaw Color Display.

You can also check with the IV calculator tool.

It is also possible to check a hero's IVs through the IV calculator tool. However, this method can only be used when the hero is at level 1 or level 40.

IV Checker and Calculator

Can You Choose IVs?

4★ or 3★ Unit 5★ Unit Free Unit
Easy to choose IVs Difficult to choose IVs Cannot choose IVs

For units only obtainable through summons, it is very difficult to obtain the IVs that you want.

Units obtained through Quests & Missions as well as Grand Hero Battles will always have base stats, meaning you cannot select their IVs either.

You would need to pull from many summons in order to get a 5★ unit with the IVs you want, so we recommend that you select a 4★ or 3★ hero with the IVs you want, unlock their potential, and build them instead. Additionally, you can pull a 5★ and use Trait Fruit to change their IVs, but since ths is a limited resource, you should use it very sparingly.

Fire Emblem Heroes Related Guides

Stats at Level 40

Level 40 Stats
Stats for all 5★ Heroes
(With Skills)
Stats for all 5★ Heroes
(Without Skills)
Stats for all 4★ Heroes
(Without Skills)
Stats for all 3★ Heroes
(Without Skills)

Stats at Level 1

Level 1 Stats
5★ Initial Stats 4★ Initial Stats
3★ Initial Stats -

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2 Anonymousalmost 5 years

You have to toggle something in the options for it to show up. I don't know why its not by default. It's in this page, actually

1 Anonymousalmost 5 years

How come my units look like they're all neutral? Is this unreal luck or am I missing out on something?

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