Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Pawns of Loki Guide and Rewards List

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Pawns of Loki

This page is an introduction, and a guide to the board game-based game mode in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH), Pawns of Loki. If you would like to learn how to play Pawns of Loki, how to get a high score or simply learn about the rewards you can get from playing, then this page is for you.

How to Get a High Score | Tips on getting a High Score

List of Tips on getting a High Score

  • Power-up your Formas by aiming for Trio Formas and Combos!
  • Make Combos easy to obtain by strategizing your Brigade composition
  • Include bonus weapon types in your Brigade
  • Play at least once a day to get Cumulative Points rewards

Raise Forma levels by aiming for Trio Formas

Trio Forma Pawns of Loki

If you are able to purchase and place 3 Formas of the same unit, they will merge into a Trio Forma. The forma will gain +10 levels from its base forms and all your other Formas will gain +2 levels. This is the only way to level-up your formas so make sure to aim for Trio Formas as much as possible.

If you are already satisfied with the number of Formas you have in the field, it may be time to start aiming for a Trio Forma. Remember that re-shuffling the formas available in the drafting section is free for the first shuffle every turn. We encourage you to make the most out of this free shuffle as it can help you to obtain Trio formas earlier.

General Tip : Focus on forma quantity in the first half, then aim for Trio Formas in the second half

In the first phase of the game, you should focus on the number of Formas you have in the field instead of trying to aim for a Trio Forma immediately. This is because Combos and Bonuses are a big part of the game mode and focusing on aiming for these increases both your power and score effectively.

Once you have a reliable number of Formas that ideally meet the Combos and the Bonuses, then it is time to strengthen your army by aiming for Trio Formas.

Aim to Chain and Stack Combos

Move Type Chain Together Combos Pawns of Loki

At the beginning of the battle phase, if you have met specific types of Forma composition combinations, you will be granted a Combo bonus depending on the kinds of criteria that you have met.

Combo bonuses completely stack with each other so make sure to try and aim for all of them as much as possible. Combo bonuses grant flat bonuses to HP, Atk, Spd, Def, and Res.

Move Type Bonus

In this case, the player has met the requirements for the Move-Type Mix Combo bonuses. Because of this, all of his units gain +4 to all stats.

Pay close attention to the Combo system!

The Combo system adds a layer of strategy to Pawns of Loki. It prevents people from just putting overpowered units into their Brigades and steamrolling the competition. If efficiently harnessed, the power of the Combo system can allow less powerful formas to defeat even the most powerful of Formas! Again, try to aim for all of them.

Example of a Maximum Combo
Weapon-Type Combo 1 Dragon Bonus.png(Max 4 Types)
Weapon-Type Combo 2 Tome Combo.png(Max 4 Types)
Move-Type Mix Combo 4 Move-Type Combo Example Pawns of Loki.png(Max 4 Types)
Move-Type Pair Combo 3 Pair Move-Type Pair Combo FEH Pawns of Loki.png(Max 3 Types)

The maximum stat bonus you can get from stacking combos is +28 Atk/Spd/Def/Res. +16 from 2 instances of 4 Colors, Same Weapon-Type Combo, +6 from 4 Types of Movement Combo and +6 from 3 Types of Pairs Combo

It is pretty hard to get 2 instances of 4 Colors, Same Weapon-Type Combo, so +28 to all stats might be too hard to get as you would need near-perfect variables. However, if you manage to nail it, the stat boost is insane! At least try to aim for +20 Atk/Spd/Def/Res as it is much more feasible.

Weapon-Type Combos

Weapon-Type Combo Categories Atk/Spd/Def/Res Boost Combo Example
Same Color, Same Weapon-Type Combo +2 All Red Dragonstone Weapon-Type Combo.png
2 Colors, Same Weapon-Type Combo +4 2 Color 2 Tome Combo.png
3 Colors, Same Weapon-Type Combo +6 Melee Weapons FEH Pawns of Loki.png
4 Colors, Same Weapon-Type Combo +8 Dagger Icons FEH Pawns of Loki.png
A Weapon-Type Combo occurs if you have 3 or more of the same weapon type. If the colors of the same weapon type vary, the bonus will be even greater so make sure to get varying units. Up to 2 types of Weapon-Type Combos can be active at a single instance ( e.g. Sword / Lance / Axe + Red Tome / Blue Tome / Green Tome )
Swords, Spears and Axes are treated as a single weapon type with varying colors.

Move-Type Mix Combos

Move-Type Mix Combo Categories Atk/Spd/Def/Res Boost Combo Example
3 Types of Movement +4 Move-Type Combo Example Pawns of Loki.png
4 Types of Movement +6 4 Move-Type Combo Example Pawns of Loki.png
A Move-Type Mix Combo occurs if you have 3 or more units with varying movement types. ( e.g. Infantry / Cavalry / Flying / Armored )

Move-Type Pair Combos

Move-Type Pair Combo Categories Atk/Spd/Def/Res Boost Combo Example
2 Types of Pairs +4 Move-Type Pair Combo.png
3 Types of Pairs +6 3 Pair Move-Type Pair Combo FEH Pawns of Loki.png
A Move-Type Pair Combo occurs if you have at lease 2 pairs of units with the same movement type.( e.g. Infantry / Infantry + Cavalry / Cavalry )

Know the Bonus Weapon per round!

Unit Type Score Bonus Revised.jpg

By purchasing characters that fall in the bonus category indicated in each Pawns of Loki round, you can get scoring bonuses! Rewards, Tier Upgrades and victory itself relies on your score so make sure that you are aware of the Bonus Weapons of the current Pawns of Loki round.

Bonuses per Round

Round 1 Melee Units
Round 2 Ranged Units
Round 3 No Restrictions

Make sure to check the bonus units on each round and modify your Brigades to take advantage of them.

These bonuses have a cap

Number of Unit Slots in the Board 1-3 4-6 7-8
Number of Units Eligible for Bonus 1 Unit 2 Units 3 Units

This is to prevent players from drafting just one kind of unit and abuse the bonus. The max you can get from this is +100 bonus points.

Make In-game friends to get access to more powerful Formas


If you did not know, you can make use of your friends' featured units in your Brigades. This means that they can be used as Formas in Pawns of Loki. Since unit mechanics are significantly different in this game mode, you might not have some of the best units, but maybe some other people have them.

We encourage people to make more friends so that they will have access to a unit pool for to be made as Formas.

How to Add Friends Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Make friends on the friend bulletin board!

If you prefer adding users that you are acquainted with at the very least over adding random users you bump into while playing, we invite you to participate in your Friend Request Message Board!

Friend Request Message Board

Play at least once a day

Pawns of Loki has a feature that triples your score once a day. Since, you need to accumulate 200,000 points every Pawns of Loki event to claim all rewards, you must take advantage of the 3x boost every day to get to 200,00 points more easily.

This is pretty similar to how Tempest Trials+ gives out a score boost twice a day, and we all know how important properly taking advantage of that boost is in trying to get all the rewards!

Brigade Formation Guide and Sample Brigades for Scoring

Brigades Pawns of Loki

Decide which Weapon-Type / Movement-Type Combo to aim for!

One key to success in Pawns of Loki is how quickly you are able to nail down a Weapon-Type or a Movement-Type Combo! This is why it is very important to add lots of friends so that you have lots of unit choices when constructing your Brigades.

Tip ①: Narrow down your weapon types in your Brigades

As mentioned earlier, it is possible to get a +16 Atk/Spd/Def/Res bonus by stacking 2 instances of 4 piece Weapon-Type Combos. Instead of randomly putting units in Brigades, try to aim for just 2 weapon types and make sure to cover both physical and magical damage.

(e.g. Sword/Spear/Axe units + Red/Blue/Green/Colorless Dragonstone units)

Tip ②: Balance the movement types of your units

Because Movement-Type Combos are also a feature and they completely stack with all other types of Combos, make sure that your units' movement types are varied too! Try to keep the numbers of each movement type evently.

Since there are less categories of movement compared to weapon type, it is easier to think about the weapon type organization first before prioritizing movement type.

(e.g. 5 Infantry, 5 Flying, 5 Cavalry, 5 Armored)

Brigade Composition Example ① : Beginner

Brigade Composition
Brigade Composition Example 1 Pawns of Loki PNG.png
Weapon-Type to aim for
Melee Weapons FEH Pawns of Loki.png Tome Combo + Colorless.png

This is a Brigade composition aimed at Combo-ing the three melee weapons and all tome colors. It is very easy to Combo for movement types too!

If you can also observe the range of the units, they are also split quite evenly between melee and ranged so it is also very easy to follow the Bonus Weapons for a scoring boost.

Bridal Micaiah and Xane are also present in this lineup so it is very possible to aim for a 4 Colors, Same Weapon-Type Combo

Brigade Composition Example ② : Maximum Combo / Combo Stacking

Brigade Composition
Brigade Composition Example 2 Pawns of Loki PNG.png
Weapon-Type to aim for
Dragon Bonus.png Tome Combo.png

This set-up's main goal is to aim for the max +28 Atk/Spd/Def/Res bonus by nailing down 2 instances of 4 Colors, Same Weapon-Type Combo namely 4 colors of Dragonstones and 4 colors of Tomes.

The max bonus is highly-reliant on your luck on the appearing Formas, but this kind of composition maximizes the probability.

Final board example using Brigade Composition Example ②

Final Board and High Score Example
Board Example Pawns of Loki.png
Pawns of Loki Score Example.png

This is an example of an ideal endgame with the 2nd Brigade Composition. The final board consists of all 4 Dragonstone colors and all 4 Tome colors. They also vary in movement type so the board qualifies for all types of Weapon-Type and Movement-Type bonuses.

This grants the player the maximum +28 Atk/Spd/Def/Res. It is not impossible to average 9500 points with this set-up and in this specific run, the board player was able to succeed the 10,000 point mark.

Recommended Units and Skills

Recommended Units / Heroes

Recommended Units Characteristics / Reasons
Powerful units that have access to or have it easy activating Galeforce allowing them to attack another enemy in the same turn
Tanky characters that can dish out counterattacks on both melee and ranged units
Massive buffs to all nearby allies
Accessible debuffs to enemies
Buffs to allies
Prevents enemy counterattacks and inflicts fixed AoE damage
Sword PNG FEH Pawns of Loki.png Heroes with Effective Skills Easy to cover lots of enemies

Recommended Skills

Recommended Skills Reasons
Galeforce combined with a Brave weapon makes it easy to activate Galeforce with the extra action.
Low-cooldown specials that are easy to activate
Allow allies to score counterattacks on all units. It has good compatibility with Vantage
To simply increase your score
It isEasy to take advantage of because units are tightly grouped together. For Atk/Spd Rein 3, make sure to use it on units that are in the frontline.
Easy to utilize because everyone is adjacent to an ally
Easy to utilize because enemies are tightly knit together
Powerful as it activates at every turn

Units and Skills that need adjustment when in use

Recommended Skills Reasons
Beast Characters Icon.pngBeast Units Beast units will find it hard to transform because your units are in a fixed space. They will almost always be adjacent to another allied unit.
If you want to utilize beast units in your Brigades, make sure to integrate lots of beasts and dragonstone units to make transformation feasible.
Staff Units IconStaff Units Assist Characters Icon.pngRefresher-Assist Units The main strength of these units are their assist skills and unfortunately, assist skills cannot be used in Pawns of Loki.
Remember, a part of your scoring lies on how much HP you have left so skills that chip away from you HP might not be as good here compared to other game modes.
Hard to activate in the latter parts of the battle where there are already lots of units
Skills that have positioning-related trigger conditions will be hard to activate because units are fixed on a certain tile.
These skills are hard to activate because HP is restored every turn.
If you want to utilize them, pair them up with Galeforce

Units and skills that we do not recommend using

Recommended Units Characteristics / Reasons
Harms your scoring because he damages allies
Useless because of how movement works in this game mode
HP is automatically recovered after every turn so Renewal 3 is of no need
It is only effective in the first turn

Rewards List and Summary

Pawns of Loki Rewards List

Cumulative Point Rewards

Total Reward Summary

Reward Item Total Number
Sacred Coin IconSacred Coin
10 Each Color

You can get all of these rewards by gaining points throughout the duration of the event. Remember, there is a one time 3x point boost every day so make sure to use it up!

Rank Rewards

It will allow you to get all rewards with less time of play.

Rank Rewards

Orbs and Hero Feathers will be rewarded to you depending on Rank in the Tier System for Pawns of Loki. These rewards will be distributed after each round so they can be claimed up to 3 times per Pawns of Loki run.

Rewards increase as you climb the Tiers

Since there are 3 rounds per event, you can do lots of Tier climbing in one run. Each tier you climb up will give you better rewards so make sure to do your best each round to get some juicy rewards!

Like the Arena and Aether Raids, Pawns of Loki will reward you with a cosmetic trophy item if you succeed in climbing the top ranks.

Tier will be carried over to the next Pawns of Loki run

Your Pawns of Loki tier will be carried over to the next run of the event so it is very possible for you to reach the top ranks throughout multiple event runs. Again, this makes it very similar to Aether Raids and the Arena ranking wise.

Pawns of Loki Gameplay Guide

Pawns of Loki Event Picture

1 Turn Sequence | 1 Turn Flow

① Purchasing Phase Purchase your Formas with War Funds!
② Combat Pase Formas will fight automatically.
The combat phase will end if either one side is completely taken out or all formas have already acted.
③ Score Calculation After the Combat Phase, your score will be calculated depending on the battle result and if ever you were able to go for Bonus Weapon-Types.

Each turn consists of these 3 main phases. Purchasing PhaseCombat Phase Score Calculation. After each Score Calculation, another turn will begin in the Purchasing Phase and this will happen for the next 9-12 turns. Then, your final score for that battle will be calculated.

Organize a Brigade in advance!

We reiterate that you should prepare a Brigade in advance. This is to make it easier for you to aim for Combos and get scoring bonuses using the Bonus Weapon-Type.

Take note that the Bonus Weapon-Type changes every round so please check and prepare a Brigade for each round.

Purchasing Phase | Drafting Formas

Forma Drafting Phase

In the Purchasing Phase, you will have to purchase Formas to place in your board every turn. You are given 2 War Funds at every start of the turn so use them wisely!

To purchase a Forma, simply drag them from the shop portion to your board as seen above.

Battle Board versus Reserve Board

The 4x2 board highlighted in green in the picture above is your battle board. Units placed in this place will take part in battles. The 2x2 board to its right is the reserve board. Units placed here are purchased, but they will not take part in battle.

The more units you have in your battle board, the higher your score will be so we recommend that you fill-up that portion of the board first.

More details for the Purchasing Phase

  • Units that are placed in your Brigades are the Formas that will be available in a Pawns of Loki Match.
  • Their levels will be random and the higher the level, the more War Funds they will cost.
  • The Formas that were not purchased, will be available again in the next Purchasing Phase. The only way to get rid of them is to shuffle the Formas or put them into battle.
  • Selling Formas for War Funds can also be done. You will get the full cost of the Forma if you sell for the first time in a turn, but the succeeding sells will only return you half the cost.
  • Two consecutive losses in the Combat Phase will increase the War Funds you will get in the next turn by 1.5x.
  • Once you are able to form a Trio Forma, succeeding Formas of the same unit will be 2 War Funds more expensive.

You can shuffle the shop once a turn without drawbacks or cost. We recommend that you do so every turn.

Combat Phase

Move Type Bonus

Skill Bonuses and Debuffs Pawns of Loki

When the Combat Battle starts, the game will check for your Combos and your skill bonuses and debuffs before the actual fight. As mentioned, this phase will end when either a side is completely taken out, or all units have already taken an action. If the latter happens, the winner will be the side with more total HP.

Forma HP automatically regenerates

Even if a Forma is defeated, it will be revived by the next turn with full HP. Formas that take damaged will also be healed as well. You do not need any kind of recovery as it will be automatic. Replace skills like Renewal 3 and get skills that directly help you with combat!

Combat Flow

  • Formas in the front → Formas in the back
  • High level Formas
  • High Spd Formas
  • Allied Formas → Enemy Formas
  • Formas in the battle board are the only ones that attack

In words, high level Formas in the front of your board act first, then come the weaker formas. That is when the the high level Formas in your back attack. The enemies that they attack are the closest possible enemy to them. After all your units have attacked, it is only then when the enemy Formas will attack. All Formas do not have movement restrictions so even armored Formas can land attacks on the farthest of foes.

Enemy Forma

The Formas of the enemies are Embla Soldiers for the 1st to 3rd turns. This is only a warm-up as player-owned Formas will show up from the 4th turn onwards. Strengthen your Formas, aim for Trio Formas, and Combos in the first 3 turns so that you are ready to take on powerful foes when they come.

Scoring Formula

Base Score Formula

Pawns of Loki Scoring System

Base Score
Board Score and Difficulty Score + (Total HP of Allied Formas in the Battle - Remaining HP of Enemy Formas)

The harder the difficulty, the higher your base score will be. Then, the remaining HP of your formas will be added so it is always a good idea to stack combos, and aim for Trio Formas.

If foe's remaining HP is higher than the total HP of your formas, no reduction will be done to your Board Score. It will just count as 0 points.

Bonus Weapon Type Score

Number of Unit Slots in the Board 1-3 4-6 7-8
Number of Units Eligible for Bonus 1 Unit 2 Units 3 Units

This is to prevent players from drafting just one kind of unit and abuse the bonus. The max you can get from this is +100 bonus points.

This was discussed in a previous section above. Again, take note that bonus weapons change with each round so please make time to make another Brigade that suits the bonus units to maximize your scoring potential.

Victory Score

Total Allied HP > Total Enemy HP +200
Enemy Wipeout +50

Additional scores will be added to your total score if all your Forma's total HP is more than the total HP of enemy Formas. Another additional score is added when you are able to entirely take out the enemy lineup.

This is why it is so important to aim for Trio Formas, Weapon-Type Combos and Movement-Type Combos so that you have a higher chance of completely taking out the opposing team!

Forma Information | How to get Powerful Forma Units

Forma Information Pawns of Loki

Forma Level

  • Initial level is randomly assigned when Formas are offered in the shop.
  • Forma levels can only be raised by forming Trio Formas. Remember that the Trio Forma will gain +10 levels and all your other Formas will gain +2.
  • The maximum level is 99 and stats also rise up while leveling up to said level limit.
  • If Formas have already reached Lv. 99, they can still be further empowered by making them into a Trio Forma.

Rarity, Weapon Skills and Skills

Rarity, weapon skills and skills of the Forma will be completely the same as their Brigade counterparts so make sure that the units you pick there contain lots of skills that are strong in Pawns of Loki as discussed above.

Keep in mind that they will only have access to 5★ skills and equipment only if they have reached Lv. 30.

The Forma rarity will never be higher than the original character and if they are not equipped with a weapon, they will be automatically equipped a weapon by default.

Lv. 19 and below

Rarity 3★
Skills and Seals Available Forma's skills and Sacred Seals will be selected from all the skills that they have learned.
  • Weapon Skill and Special Skill : All skills that can be learned at SP 150 or less.
  • A, B, C Passives and Sacred Seals : All skills and Seals that can be learned at SP 75 or less.

(Sacred Seals' SP is equivalent to its skill counterpart's SP)

Lv. 20-29

Rarity 4★
Skills and Seals Available Forma's skills and Sacred Seals will be selected from all the skills that they have learned.
  • Weapon Skill and Special Skill : All skills that can be learned at SP 250 or less.
  • A, B, C Passives and Sacred Seals : All skills and Seals that can be learned at SP 150 or less.

(Sacred Seals' SP is equivalent to its skill counterpart's SP)

Lv. 30 and beyond

Rarity 5★
Skills and Seals Available No limitations! All skills and Sacred Seals are available.

Skills that have no effect in Pawns of Loki

  • Active Skills such as Duo skills and Haromized skills
  • Movement-related passive skills such as Armored March 3, Guidance 3.
  • Skills that do not have direct combat effects such as Disarm Trap 3 or Live for Honor.
  • All kinds of assist skills such as refresher-assist, movement-assist, rally-assist etc.

If your units have these skills equipped, it is better to replace them with somethng else as they will not help your cause in Pawns of Loki. Additionally, active skills of any kind will not be used by your Formas.

Merges, Dragonflowers, Ally Support, Summoner Support, Pair-Up

If the original unit possesses merges and / or dragonflowers, it also applies to the Forma, but again there is a limit depending on their current level as the Forma. If the Forma is Lv. 40 or above, it will be the same as the original unit in your Brigade.

Things like Ally Support and Summoner Support only apply to units that you personally own so take note.

For Merge bonuses

Forma Lv. 39 and below Number of Merges x Current Forma Lv. All divided by 40
This will be rounded down to the nearest whole number
Forma Lv. 40 and above Bonuses show up as is with no limits

For Dragonflower bonuses

Forma Lv. 39 and below Number of Dragonflower Stacks x Current Forma Lv. All divided by 40
This will be rounded down to the nearest whole number
Forma Lv. 40 and above Bonuses show up as is with no limits

Pawns of Loki Overview / Summary

Alternative game mode where battles are automatically decided for after placing units

Battle Commence Pawns of Loki

Pawns of Loki is an event where units are places on a chess-like board to participate in automated fights. This means that you do not need to worry about which unit attacks which. You will just have to plan your Brigade composition excessively to aim for the highest power levels and scoring bouses.

It is quite similar to Battle Chess or Auto Chess games that are popular nowadays.

Because you can make use of your friends' units, you can easily have access to a great variety of units so you would not need to worry about that. This leads to more fun in the game mode in general.

There are 3 rounds in 1 Pawns of Loki event!

A Pawns of Loki event consists of 3 rounds that have different Bonus Weapon Types. Each round consists of 44 Hours so it is pretty similar in round composition and overall event duration as the Voting Gauntlet event.

Current and Ongoing Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) Events

Event Name Active Period
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