Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Rival Domains Guide

★ Latest Banner - New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel
☆ New Units - Nel, Rafal, Zelestia, Aided Yunaka
☆ Free Units - Griss

Rival Domains 2021 Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

This is a guide on Rival Domains for Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). To learn how to play Rival Domains, as well as tips for building your brigades, read on!

Rival Domains Map from 2/22 to 2/27

Rival Domains Maps Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

Battle Period 2/22/2021-2/27/2021
Bonus Conditions +1 Bonus for defeating foe with cavalry

What is Rival Domains?

How Rival Domains Works

Rival Domains is a game mode that can be found under the Special Maps section of the Battle tab.

8 units from a brigade of 20 will begin on the map, with the 12 others coming in as reinforcements.

Enemy units are random, and in Infernal difficulty, they will also be carrying refined weapons.

Rival Domains are refreshed every Saturday at 11 PM PST / 2 AM EST.

Bigger Teams

Rival Domains Brigade Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

Unlike other maps, you are not limited to only 4 units on a team.

Like Grand Conquests, you use brigades, which are teams of up to 20 units.

You can mix and match these units, but you cannot have any duplicates!


Difficulty Target Score First Clear Reward
Infernal 1400 Divine Dew Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png Divine Dew x 10
Lunatic 1100 Hero Feather Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png Hero Feathers x 500
Hard 800 Greater Badge Fier Emblem Heroes FEH.png Great Badge x 50
Normal 600 orb feh.png Orb x 1

The battle will end after 10 turns or if one side's fortress has been destroyed.

Rewards are different according to the difficulty of the map and are given upon your first clear.


Rival Domains Scoring Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

Every map will have a target score that you must meet or exceed to clear it.

You can get the target score even if one of the following has a C rating, while everything else has an S rating:

Foes Defeated

You will earn points for every enemy unit defeated. This caps at 20 units defeated.

Camps Held

Points for this will vary, as the number of camps are different depending on the map.

You earn more points the more camps you control at the end of the map.

Fortress Defense

This shows how well you kept your own fortress safe.

You earn more points the more HP your fortress has at the end of the map.

Fortress Offense

This shows how well you were at attacking your opponent's fortress.

You earn more points the lower the HP of your opponent's fortress is, maxing out if its destroyed.


Every map will have conditions in which a specific unit type will earn more points when they defeat enemy units.

Take advantage of this and use units that will fulfill the bonus condition for more points!

Tips for Getting an S Rating on Rival Domains

Make Use of Your Friends' Powerful Units!

Rival Domains Friends Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

Aside from using your own units, you can also borrow units from your friends.

These units are those set on the leftmost slot of Team 1 in the Edit Teams section in the Allies tab. You can make a brigade comprised only of your friends' units, provided you don't use any duplicates.

If you have friends with really powerfully built units, use them!

Only One Unit With Sing/Dance

A brigade can only have one unit that has either Sing or Dance, even if they currently do not have it equipped.

This means that you need to choose your designated Dancer carefully!

Build Brigades of Every Movement Type

Rival Domains Bonus Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

Bonus conditions from Rival Domains include using units of a certain movement type.

The easiest way to do this is to build separate brigades with units of every movement type - Cavalry, Infantry, Flying, and Armored.

With 4 different brigades, you can just swap them out every week to use for Rival Domains.

Use Units With Movement Assist Skills

Units with assist skills like Reposition and Draw Back can help in protecting low HP units, or to give them additional mobility.

Use Units With Warp Skills

Skills like Wings of Mercy 3 or Guidance 3 can help units close the distance across the map.

Since the map in Rival Domains tends to get crowded, there are many opportunities to use these skills to your advantage.

Use Units With Galeforce

Because you're only restricted to one dancer, it's important to have units that can take another action with a skill like Galeforce.

This will allow you to clear the map faster and net you the points for defeating 20 units.

Use Units With High Mobility

Alongside Galeforce, unit that have high mobility like fliers or cavalry will help in covering ground quickly.

Being able to cross the map quickly will prevent your own forces from getting overwhelmed and will allow you to be able to reach enemy camps faster.

Fliers, in particular, can bypass mountains and trees, reaching camps faster than other units.

Use Rival Domains to Farm for Hero Merit

Hero Merit Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

Although you can't earn SP or EXP in Rival Domains, you can use the maps to farm for Hero Merit.

You do not need to win the map, just to complete it.

We recommend using the Lunatic map on auto battle for farming.

Rival Domains Maps

Map Layout

Unlike a normal map, the maps in Rival Domains are significantly bigger, the same as you can see in Grand Conquests.

This map comes with special structures that are tied with the goal of winning the map.

Map Structures


Fortress Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Reinforcements will appear from fortresses every turn. The goal of Rival Domains is to destroy your opponent's fortress.

A fortress counts as a defense tile, which will mitigate damage a unit takes while standing in it. It will also heal the unit inside it 10 HP at the start of each turn.

Units can also freely warp between fortresses and camps, allowing them to reposition and retreat at will.

A fortress is destroyed if it's attacked 3 times, so be careful in guarding your own!


Camp Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Camps function the same as fortresses, they act as a defense tile and will heal the unit inside it.

The difference, however, is that instead of being destroyed, a camp can be captured.

Attacking a camp twice will convert it to the attacking team's side, enabling them to use it as a warp point.

Keep in mind that if you capture a camp, your opponent can take it back and can capture your own camps!

Rival Domains Summary

Rival Domains is a quick game mode you can play every week to earn some rewards.

They can also be used to farm for Hero Merit to earn more Hero Feathers, which you can use for the Unlock Potential feature that boosts the power of your units.

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