Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Binding Worlds Guide and Rewards

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Binding Worlds Guide.png

This is a walkthrough to Binding Worlds event in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). If you would like to know how to play this event, as well as rewards, strategy, and other information about Binding Worlds, please read on.

What is Binding Worlds?

An event where you must battle with a select set of Heroes!

Binding Worlds

Binding Worlds is an event where you must battle using selected heroes with predetermined skillsets. Each map, or enclosure, allows the player to swap one of their current heroes for a new, higher level hero.

This new hero can be one picked out at random, a friend's hero, or even the player's own hero.

Make Use of a Special Type of Stamina


Binding Worlds uses a special kind of stamina when played. You will receive three of these stamina every day, meaning that you can challenge the event three times daily when active. Additionally, you can earn Binding Torches as a reward in this event, which can be used to refill your stamina.

Begin the event with the Askr Trio and Ash

Binding Worlds Starting Team

At the start of the event, players will have a starting team of Alfonse, Sharena, Anna, and Ash, all at Level 10. They will not have any of their exclusive skills equipped; instead, they will have basic weapons and lower level skills.

Choosing Your Units

Step on the tile with the Divine Gate!

Each enclosure will have a tile with a Divine Gate. Ending a unit's action on this tile will trigger the unit swap mechanic.

Moving an ally to that tile without ending their action, such as with skills like Reposition, will not trigger the unit swap mechanic.

Additionally, the AI will not swap units if they step on the Divine Gate. Ensure that you play manually in order to swap to better units.

Newly swapped units will have their turn available, allowing them to either attack or retreat!

You can view their equipped skills before choosing!

When choosing new units to swap, you will be given four options. The first three options are chosen at random among the playerbase, your friends list, or even your lead unit in your barracks. The fourth option is always the same unit that you just used; however, this option is given at a lower level compared to the other three.

You may also view their skillsets before choosing which unit to swap in! Ensure that you select the most powerful unit available to make clearing maps easier.

Bonuses on units carry over!

Binding Worlds Unit Bonuses

As shown in the image above, the Fallen Edelgard has an Atk bonus when swapping to her.

Bonuses on the unit that steps on the Divine Gate will carry over to the newly swapped unit. All bonuses apply, such as stat bonuses, movement enhancing bonuses like Move+1 and Formation/Orders from Gentle Dream, and combat enhancing bonuses like Bonus Doubler or Triangle Attack.

Lower Level Enclosures Give Low Level Units!

The lower level enclosures provide low level units when given the option to swap, as well as an option to not swap units.

We recommend playing the highest level enclosures when possible, to ensure that you receive the best units from the random draw.

Binding Worlds Rewards

Earn Rewards for Playing Daily

Binding Worlds Daily Rewards
You will obtain a reward for your first time playing each day until all the rewards have been claimed.

List of Rewards Earned Once a Day

Day Played Reward
1st Day
Orb ImageOrb ×2
2nd Day
3rd Day
Orb ImageOrb ×2
4th Day
5th Day
Orb ImageOrb ×2
6th Day
7th Day
Orb ImageOrb ×2
Orb ImageOrb ×8

Rewards For Each Enclosure

In addition to the daily rewards, there are also rewards given each time you clear a new enclosure. Be sure and clear each enclosure at least once to get all of the rewards.

List of Clear Rewards

Enclosure Reward
Enclosure 0
Binding Torch Icon Binding Torch ×1
Divine Code: Ephemera ImageDivine Code: Ephemera x5
Enclosure 1
Enclosure 2
Enclosure 3
Enclosure 4
Binding Torch Icon Binding Torch ×1
Dragonflower (I) ImageDragonflower (I) ×20
Enclosure 5
Enclosure 6
Enclosure 7
Binding Torch Icon Binding Torch ×1
Dragonflower (I) ImageDragonflower (I) ×20
Enclosure 8
Enclosure 9
Enclosure 10
Binding Torch Icon Binding Torch ×1
Orb ImageOrb ×1
Enclosure 11
Enclosure 12
Enclosure 13
Enclosure 14
Enclosure 15
Enclosure 16
Enclosure 17
Enclosure 18
Enclosure 19
Enclosure 20
Orb ImageOrb ×1
Enclosure 21
Binding Torch ImageBinding Torch ×1
Divine Code: Ephemera ImageDivine Code: Ephemera x10
Enclosure 22
Binding Torch ImageBinding Torch ×1
Divine Code: Ephemera ImageDivine Code: Ephemera x10
Enclosure 23
Binding Torch ImageBinding Torch ×1
Divine Code: Ephemera ImageDivine Code: Ephemera x10
Enclosure 24
Binding Torch ImageBinding Torch ×1
Divine Code: Ephemera ImageDivine Code: Ephemera x10
Enclosure 25
Binding Torch ImageBinding Torch ×1
Divine Code: Ephemera ImageDivine Code: Ephemera x10
Enclosure 26
Binding Torch ImageBinding Torch ×1
Divine Code: Ephemera ImageDivine Code: Ephemera x10
Enclosure 27
Binding Torch ImageBinding Torch ×1
Divine Code: Ephemera ImageDivine Code: Ephemera x10
Enclosure 28
Binding Torch ImageBinding Torch ×1
Divine Code: Ephemera ImageDivine Code: Ephemera x10
Orb ImageOrb ×2
Binding Torch Icon Binding Torch ×12

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