Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Guide for Returning Players

★ Latest Banner - New Heroes: Aided Yunaka & Rearmed Nel
☆ New Units - Nel, Rafal, Zelestia, Aided Yunaka
☆ Free Units - Griss

Guide for Returning Players 2021 Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

This is a guide for returning players for Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). To know what a returning player should do, including new features or new units added recently, read on!

Guide for Returning Players

Quick Reference Table for Returning Players

  1. Check the currently strong units
  2. Check which banners are up
  3. Obtain units from the Heroes' Path
  4. Forge Sacred Seals and Refine weapons
  5. Learn about new skills and maps

Fire Emblem Heroes is a game that you can play at your own pace, so there are a lot of things to do if you're a returning player.

Whether you're the type who wants to challenge difficult maps or aim for the higher tiers in Arena and Aether Raids or the type who just wants to check back now and then and see what's changed, you should definitely do the things above.

When you're done with the above, you can catch up with the current story, try clearing Grand Hero Battles, or whatever game mode is being features in the Events tab.

Check the Currently Strong Units

Tier List Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH) 2021

Some units right now are insanely strong like Brave Edelgard and Brave Hector, partly due to the weapon refinery.

By knowing which units are meta right now, you know what to expect when you go into game modes like Arena and Aether Raids or know which ones to add to your own barracks.

Check the Tier List

Check Which Banners Are Up

Best Summons

If you're a returning player, you can get a lot of Orbs by clearing any story quests you haven't done yet.

Knowing which banners are active in conjuction to checking the tier list will allow you to see which to spend your orbs on and which units to aim for!

Check Current Summoning Banners

Obtain Powerful Free Units

Obtain Through the Main Story
Reginn - Bearing Hope ImageReginn
Book V, Chapter 1
Fjorm - Princess of Ice ImageFjorm
Book II, Chapter 1
Peony - Sweet Dream ImagePeony
Book IV, Chapter 1
Eir - Merciful Death ImageEir
Book III, Chapter 1
Obtain Through Xenologue
Ike - Vanguard Legend ImageLegendary Ike
Xenologue 3
Obtain Through Heroes' Path
Eirika - Anamnesis Lady ImageRed Tome Eirika
Rank 10
Reinhardt - ThunderReinhardt
Rank 1
Ninian - Oracle of Destiny ImageNinian
Rank 5
Ike - Brave Mercenary ImageBrave Ike
Rank 15
Obtain Through Heroic Grails
Aversa - Dark One ImageAversa Petrine - Icy Flame-Lancer ImagePetrine Minerva - Princess-Knight ImageYoung Minerva Kronya - Gleaming Blade ImageKronya
Obtain Brave Echoes Banner (Only 1 Can Be Chosen)
Alm - Imperial Ascent ImageBrave Alm Eliwood - Marquess Pherae ImageBrave Eliwood Micaiah - Queen of Dawn ImageBrave Micaiah Camilla - Light of Nohr ImageBrave Camilla
Obtain Through A New Future Banner (Only 1 Can Be Chosen)
Lysithea - Earnest Seeker ImageBrave Lysithea Dimitri - King of Faerghus ImageBrave Dimitri Edelgard - Adrestian Emperor ImageBrave Edelgard Claude - AlmyraBrave Claude

These units are available to you when you come back to the game. You can access the Heroes' Path on the upper left of the main menu screen, below the castle upgrade icon.

It could take some time to get to rank 15, but getting Legendary Ike is worth it!

You can take your time in choosing which free unit to get from the banners that are currently active, though the recommended units are Brave Camilla and Brave Edelgard.

Forge Sacred Seals and Refine Weapons

Sacred Seal Tier List Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.png

Various Sacred Seals have been given to players that they can forge, though keep in mind that you will need Sacred Coins in order to forge and upgrade them.

Units have also been made stronger through additional effects on their weapons through the Weapon Refine feature.

Using both these features will make your own units stronger and make clearing various maps easier.

New weapon refines come out every month for existing units, so watch out if your favorite unit receives one!

List of Sacred Seals

Learn How to Use New Skill Through Tactics Drills

Tactics Drill Walkthrough.png

The Skill Studies section in the Tactics Drills will allow you to control newer units that have been released and learn how to use them and their skills.

Clearing these maps will award you with Hero Feathers or Orbs.

Skill Studies Guide

Summary of New Features for Returning Players

Free Unit Summon After 40 Pulls

Limited to new banners only, you can now obtain a free 5★ unit from the banenr after pulling 40 times.

This counts the free pull you have at the beginning as well as the tickets obtained from Forging Bonds.

It's Now Possible to Change IVs

Trait Fruit Banner.png

A new item called a Trait Fruit is now available and will give you the ability to change any unit's IVs.

You will need 100 Trait Fruits to change IVs, so only save them for your favorite units!

You can obtain Trait Fruits through quests and other game modes.

Trait Fruit Guide

New Game Mode: Resonant Battles and Harmonized Heroes

Duo and Harmonized Heroes Banner.png

A new game mode is available in the coliseum called Resonant Battles, where you try to chase and defeat thieves before they can leave the map.

New Hero units called Harmonized Heroes have also been added that function similarly to Duo units, except they are two units from different Fire Emblem titles rather than being from the same game.

Harmonized units also come with a special skill that can only be used once per battle.

List of Harmonized and Duo Units

My Summoner


Just like in other Fire Emblem games, you as the player can now participate in battle through the My Summoner feature!

Through this system you can change your appearance, copy skills from your own units to build yourself, and also fight on the battlefield in Mjolnir's Strike!

My Summoner Guide

Obtaining Combat Manuals Through Divine Codes


An item called Divine Codes can be collected and used to trade in for combat manuals of a unit.

These combat manuals can be used for fodder or merging your units.

Keep in mind that these combat manuals cannot be built like any units obtained from Heroic Grails. You can obtain Divine Codes from Mjolnir's Strike, quests, and other game modes.

Divine Codes - Compile Manuals Guide

Auto-Dispatch Added to Aether Raids

Auto Dispatch AR Fire Emblem Heroes FEH.PNG

A feature in Aether Raids called random dispatch has been added. This allows you to do your Aether Raids battles automatically and can be used up to 3 times per season.

If you don't have a lot of time on your hands, you can utilize auto-dispatch and earn the rewards for playing.

Feh Pass (Subscription-Based)

FEH Pass.jpg

A subscription-based system called Feh Pass is also available for $9.49 per month.

In addition to getting Resplendent Heroes, you can also make use of additional features like the autobattler, which will loop a map over and over for you.

This makes it easy to farm for SP or Hero Feathers. If you're interested in these features, getting the Feh Pass may be worth looking into!

Feh Pass Guide

The Message Boards Are Open If You Have Questions!

Discussion Board.png

If you have any questions about the game or how to build your units, you can post in our Message Boards!

Other Summoners are there to help you out or add you as their friend so you can go check them out.

Game8 FEH Message Boards

New Units Guide for Returning Players

New Units in 2021

Units from Genealogy of the Holy War

Annand IconAnnand Azelle IconAzelle Erinys IconErinys Díthorba IconDíthorba
Lex IconLex

Units from Thracia 776

Miranda IconMiranda Veld IconVeld Ronan IconRonan Asbel IconAsbel
Sara IconSara

Units from Three Houses

Plegian Dorothea IconPlegian Dorothea Seiros IconSeiros Ingrid IconIngrid Marianne IconMarianne
Dedue IconDedue Plegian Raphael IconPlegian Raphael Linhardt IconLinhardt

New Units in 2020

Units from Shadow Dragon/Mystery of the Emblem/New Mystery of the Emblem

Kris (M) IconKris (M) Kris (F) IconKris (F) Darros IconDarros Julian IconJulian
Lena IconLena Eremiya IconEremiya Xane IconXane

Units from Echoes

ValentineValentine's Rudolf Mila IconMila

Units from Generalogy of the Holy War

Shannan IconShannan Larcei IconLarcei Altena IconAltena Travant IconTravant
Ced IconCed Brigid IconBrigid

Units from the Binding Blade

Geese IconGeese Melady IconMelady Guinivere IconGuinivere Galle IconGalle
Dieck IconDieck

Units from the Blazing Blade

Nils IconNils Fiora IconFiora Heath IconHeath Rath IconRath
Leila IconLeila Bramimond IconBramimond

Units from Sacred Stones

Knoll IconKnoll Duessel IconDuessel Selena IconSelena Caellach IconCaellach
Natasha IconNatasha

Units from Path of Radiance / Radiant Dawn

Ashnard IconAshnard Dheginsea IconDheginsea Ena IconEna Ninja Zihark IconNinja Zihark
Jorge IconJorge Ilyana IconIlyana Gatrie IconGatrie Petrine IconPetrine
Haar IconHaar Jill IconJill Summer Rhys IconSummer Rhys Shinon IconShinon
Winter Sephiran IconWinter Sephiran

Units from Awakening

SaySay'ri Apotheosis Anna IconApotheosis Anna Mustafa IconMustafa Gangrel IconGangrel
Emmeryn IconEmmeryn

Units from Fates

Midori IconMidori Iago IconIago Lilith IconLilith Rinkah IconRinkah
Forrest IconForrest

Units from Three Houses

Lysithea IconLysithea Catherine IconCatherine Nemesis IconNemesis Ferdinand IconFerdinand
Summer Ingrid IconSummer Ingrid Seteth IconSeteth Winter Felix IconWinter Felix Annette IconAnnette
Flame Emperor IconFlame Emperor Summer Sylvain IconSummer Sylvain Shamir IconShamir Bernadetta IconBernadetta
Summer Dorothea IconSummer Dorothea Flayn IconFlayn

Units from Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE

Kiria IconKiria Itsuki IconItsuki Tsubasa IconTsubasa Mamori IconMamori
Eleonora IconEleonora

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