Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Tempest Trials Guide and Bonus Heroes

Tempest Trials Fire Emblem Heroes FEH

This is a walkthrough for the Tempest Trials event in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Here you can find information such as Tempest Trials rewards, bonus units, availability, as well as tips and tricks to beat this event.

Tempest Trials A Future Gift Fire Emblem Heroes FEH
Availability 02/07/2025 - 02/16/2025

Tempest Trials: Eternity for You Key Points

Make use of Valentine's Units!

Tempest Trials+: Eternity for You is centered around the newly released Special heroes, obtainable through the Seeking and Finding summoning event.

The other bonus units from this event include the Valentine's Hubert gained from this event as well as Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude.

This event's big prize is Valentine's Hubert!

FEH Blue StoneBlue Blue Tome IconBlue Tome Armored IconArmored
Base Stats
Lv. 1 HP
Lv. 40 HP
44 (44)
60 (48)
39 (39)
23 (23)
41 (41)
Default Skills
Assist Skill Icon:-
Special Skill IconGlacies
Passive Skill A Icon:-
Attuned Skill Icon:-

Valentine's Hubert Builds and Best IVs

The free unit obtained through a high score in this event is Valentine's Hubert. Since Valentine's Hubert cannot be obtained through regular summon, be sure to obtain your copies here before the event expires.

A 5★ version of Valentine's Hubert will be given as a reward once you reach a cumulative score of 15,000.

Obtainable Seals from this Event

Score 10,000 Score 20,000

We recommend scoring at least 20,000 points so that you can claim all major rewards.

Tempest Trials - Bonus Units

Heroes That Add a 40% Bonus
Rhea - Aura of Love ImageValentine's Rhea Edelgard - Adorned Eagle ImageValentine's Edelgard Dimitri - Stargazing Lion ImageValentine's Dimitri Claude - Distant Deer ImageValentine's Claude
Hubert - Crimson Schemer ImageValentine's Hubert Edelgard - The Future ImageEdelgard Dimitri - The Protector ImageDimitri Claude - The Schemer ImageClaude

In addition to the new units, the bonus heroes include Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude.

Be sure to edit your team and put them in for those bonus points!

Final Map of Eternity for You

Eternity for You Final Boss Information

Rhea - Aura of Love ImageValentine's Rhea HP
Assist Skill Icon:-
Sacred Seal Icon:-
Attuned Seal Icon:-

Valentine's Rhea is the final boss of this iteration of Tempest Trials.

She is very bulky Colorless Breath Armored unit that can survive high damage nukes and can deal massive damage.

She does not have a Distant Counter effect on her kit. Attack her with ranged units repeatedly until she is defeated!

This Event's Recommended Heroes

Seiðr - Goddess of Hope ImageSeiðr Hubert - Crimson Schemer ImageValentine's Hubert Peony - Sweet Dream ImagePeony Reginn - Bearing Hope ImageReginn

Seiðr and Reginn are our F2P duo with Peony as the team's dancer. Valentine's Hubert takes up the slot of the bonus unit, so you can swap Valentine's Hubert out with any of the bonus units for this event.

Bonus Heroes receive a stat boost

You Win

During Tempest Trials, Bonus Units will receive HP+10 and +4 to all other stats. These bonus points will give a non-merged ally the same stat bonuses of a +10 ally, which is also like having a Fortify skill constantly active on all stats. Bonus Units are very powerful with these stat boosts, so use them as much as possible.

Other Tempest Trials Information

Tempest Trials Rewards

Tempest Trial Rewards

Featured Rewards

Depending on the total number of points you accumulate, you can obtain various prizes, such as Hero Feathers, Orbs, Sacred Coins, and even Heroes. While you should aim to collect as many of these rewards as possible, you will need to reach a score of 15,000 in order to obtain the event's hero. After you have reached the 15,000 point threshold, you can either quit playing this event, or continue racking up a bigger score to get more and more orbs.

Tempest Trials Reward Types

Reward Type Note
Rewards by Score Receive items and heroes based on the total sum of your points obtained in Tempest Trials.
Rewards by Rank Your total score is compared to others in 2 hour intervals, and your placement at the end determines the amounf of Hero Feathers you can obtain.
Daily Quests Daily Quests cleared by playing Tempest Trials. These reset daily at 2 AM Eastern Time.

Tempest Trials Scoring System

Earn points toward your score by clearing all maps

Score Types
When you clear the final map of Tempest Trials, the score for that playthrough will be added to your cumulative score. In addition to the number of maps, a Speed and Survival rating are also factored into the score. Even if all of your parties are defeated, you will receive the points you have accumulated for the maps already cleared.

How to Grind Tempest Trials Quickly

Score Types Glossary

Score Type Explanation
Base Score A fixed number on every map
Maps Cleared Increases with each map you complete
Speed Dependent on the number of turns you took
Survival Dependent on the number of your units who survived
Bonus Ally Dependent on whether or not you used a Bonus Ally

How to Play Tempest Trials (Rules)


Tempest Trials Basic Rules

  • An event where you must complete multiple high difficulty maps
  • If your party is defeated in battle, you can edit a new team and continue, but defeated allies cannot be reused
  • The points you earn in each playthrough contribute to your total score, and you earn various rewards based off of this score.
  • There is also a Rank Score which is dependent on your Total Score
  • You receive a bonus as long as the bonus ally appears in your party in at least one map.
  • The bonus can still be obtained, even if the party the bonus unit appeared in is completely defeated
  • Enemies already defeated do not reappear on a map if you are defeated and rechallenge it

Changes to Rules from Previous Updates

  • Auto-Battle Ninja Hanabled
  • Save Special Teams for Multi-Map Battles
  • Addition of a Normal Difficulty (~Lv. 10)
  • Bonus available twice per day
  • Doubled Exp. and SP for Bonus Units

Auto-Battle Ninja Hanabled


When Auto-Battle is turned on in Multi-Map battles, it will continue until the map is completed or all of your allies are defeated.

Save Special Teams for Multi-Map Battles

Special Teams

You can save up to 10 parties for use with Multi-Map Battles, separate from the normal teams saved in your barracks

Addition of a Normal Difficulty (~Lv. 10)

Normal Difficulty
With the addition of the Normal Difficuly map, an even lower level map is available. This could be useful for leveling up your weaker heroes while collecting points.

Bonus available twice per day

Twice Per Day Bonus

Every day the event is available, you will receive a 3x score bonus on the first two playthroughs of Tempest Trials. Even if you are only playing the event a little bit day by day, be sure and take advantage of this bonus, as it will make it much easier to reach the Rewards.

Boosted stats for Bonus Units

Bonus Unit Stat Boost

Using bonus units gives them a significant stat boost. An HP+10 and +4 to all other stats boost will automatically be added to these units, so be sure to add them to your party and make the most of them.=

Doubled Exp. and SP for Bonus Units

Doubled Exp and SP

Bonus Allies who are used in Tempest Trials will also get a 2x Exp. and SP bonus. This makes it easy to train your units while aiming for a big score in Tempest Trials.

Basic Procedure

Difficulty Levels

In Tempest Trials, you must choose from one of several maps. In addition to the enemies' strength, the number of maps and amount of teams you can choose from will differ based on the difficulty level, so be sure and choose the difficulty level that is right for your heroes.

  1. Select the difficulty
  2. Select the number of Teams and then choose your party
  3. If you complete a map, you will continue to the next one
    (HP and Cooldown Count carry over, but fallen allies do not return)
  4. If all party members are defeated, select the next party and continue

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15 Anonymous10 months

Hello. Anyone have tips on beating the last stage, specifically the Young F Robin Duo Unit? I know it has low Res, but my green tome unit can barely deal any damage!

2 Anonymous@Game8about 2 years

Those only occur once every event.

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