Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

SP Grinding | How to Get SP

SP Farming Guide.png

A guide on how to quickly grind SP in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Read on for tips on how to make your grinding more efficient for raising Hero skills.

What is SP (Skill Points)?

FEH Skill Learning.png

SP (Skill Points) are used to acquire new Hero skills for allies. These are needed to upgrade units and make them more effective in combat.

Best Way to Get SP

Gaining SP

Fight foes that are within 7 levels

SP cannot be gained if your unit defeats a foe that's more than 7 levels lower than their current level.

If you're using the Training Tower, try the 8th stratum, or refresh the enemy rosters until you find enemies that have higher levels. For example:

Units gain SP if: Your lv. 39 unit defeats a lv. 32 foe.
Units cannot gain SP when: Your lv. 40 unit defeats a lv. 32 foe.

Estimated SP Earning Cost

Including all prerequisites, inheriting a passive skill requires at least 525 SP. This can be farmed quickly in the Training Tower starting from the 7th and 8th Strata, where players can get 12 SP for every four foes defeated.

At least 44 battles (about 8 Orbs) are needed to gain the SP needed to learn Inherited passive skills.

How to Get Free Orbs

Best Modes for SP Grinding

Map Time Efficiency Stamina Efficiency
Training Tower ★★☆ ★★☆
Tempest Trials ★★☆ ★★★

Training Tower

The Training Tower is the most recommended place for grinding SP. Every defeated enemy gains 3 SP for the Hero in that particular map.

It's best to start with the 7th Stratum when SP grinding, since enemies are relatively weak compared to the 10th level. Keep in mind that SP cannot be obtained if the defeated enemy is 7 levels weaker than your Hero.

Training Tower Guide

Tempest Trials

Gain SP with as little stamina as possible

The Tempest Trials is a stamina-efficient way to farm SP due to its challenge stages.

Tempest Trials Guide

SP Grinding on Double SP Weekends

Double SP Weekends Duration

Campaign Period Every Friday to Sunday starting at 16:00 PST

The Double SP Weekends events are the best ways to get more SP. This period is held from Friday to Sunday, making it ideal for raising Heros.

SP Aquired Per Map

Double SP Weekends grant twice the normal amount of skill points when defeating an enemy or healing an ally. This means you get 3 SP for story mission battles and arena maps other than the Training Tower.

Map Normal SP Gained Double SP Weekends Amount
Training Tower 3 6
Arena 1 3
Story Missions 1 3
Arena Bonus Units 3 6

How to SP Grind from Lv. 1

It will be easier to earn SP when characters are at lower levels. These add up over time to learn more skills as they grow.

Maximize the Training Tower

When using the Training Tower, it's recommended to gain as much SP as possible in the lower Strata in order to keep stamina consumption to a minimum.

Earning SP with Training Skills

Double SP

Skills that Double SP Earned

Certain Valor Skills can double the amount of SP earned through each battle, especially if they defeat enemies using a certain weapon type. These skills also stack with other SP gaining buffs, so it's possible to gain up to 12 times the skill points per sortie.

List of Training Skills

Skill List

Sword Valor 3 Lance Valor 3 Axe Valor 3
Red Tome Valor 3 Blue Tome Valor 3 Green Tome Valor 3
Dagger Valor 3 Bow Valor 3 Dragon Valor 3
Staff Valor 3 Beast Valor 3

Units with Training Skills

Hero Weapon Type Move Type Rarity Rating
Hostile Springs Elise ImageHostile Springs Elise Red Dagger ImageRed Dagger Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Keaton ImageKeaton Red Beast ImageRed Beast Infantry ImageInfantry 8.5/10
Winter Tharja ImageWinter Tharja Red Tome ImageRed Tome Armored ImageArmored 8.0/10
Summer Tiki (Young) ImageSummer Tiki (Young) Red Breath ImageRed Breath Flying ImageFlying 8.5/10
Exalt Chrom ImageExalt Chrom Sword ImageSword Cavalry ImageCavalry 8.0/10
Gray ImageGray Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Lene ImageLene Sword ImageSword Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
Summer Robin (F) ImageSummer Robin (F) Lance ImageLance Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Performing Shigure ImagePerforming Shigure Blue Tome ImageBlue Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
ValentineValentine's Mist Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Nagi ImageNagi Green Breath ImageGreen Breath Armored ImageArmored 9.0/10
Summer Tiki (Adult) ImageSummer Tiki (Adult) Axe ImageAxe Infantry ImageInfantry 7.0/10
Summer Elise ImageSummer Elise Green Tome ImageGreen Tome Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Nina ImageNina Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Infantry ImageInfantry 8.0/10
ValentineValentine's Roy Colorless bow ImageColorless bow Cavalry ImageCavalry 7.5/10
Halloween Sakura ImageHalloween Sakura Colorless Dagger ImageColorless Dagger Infantry ImageInfantry 7.5/10
Maribelle ImageMaribelle Staff ImageStaff Cavalry ImageCavalry 9.0/10

Other Ways to Obtain SP

Leveling up Heroes

Level grinding is the most basic way to gain SP. As the Hero gains levels, they also gain the respecting amount of skill points according to their level.

SP Acquisition Table

Level Bracket SP Gained
1 to 10 12
11 to 20 24
21 to 30 36
31 to 40 48

Raising via Merge Allies

You can get a ton of SP via Merge Allies, a system that lets you combine duplicate units.

Even using lower-rarity units gains you SP when using Merge Allies. When you do so, stats will not increase, and you will only gain SP.

Merge Allies SP Gain Table

Rarity SP Gained
5-Star 120
4-Star 80
3-Star 40
2-Star 20
1-Star 10

Example of SP Amount Gained through Merge Allies

  • When merging a 4-Star unit to a 4-star unit, the unit receiving a merge gains 80 SP and a +1 Stat Bonus
  • When merging a 4-Star unit to a 5-star unit, the unit receiving a merge gains 80 SP and no Stat Bonus

Merge Allies Guide | How to Merge Units

Fast SP For Staff Units

Using Chain Challenge

Refresh Staff User

Staff users gain 1 SP for healing allies, and 3 SP for defeating enemies. Have them heal until farming 50 SP for learning the Assault Skill, and then have your Staff user fight enemies using it or similar weapon skills. For this method, we recommend playing on Normal Difficulty through Chain Challenges (Chapter 1~2 / 3~4).

Sample Party for Healers and Refreshers
Serra - Outspoken Cleric ImageSerra
Ninian - Oracle of Destiny ImageNinian
Olivia - Blushing Beauty ImageOlivia
Maribelle - Dire Damsel ImageMaribelle

While staff users may not deal enough damage, it's easy to make up for this with refresher characters like Ninian and Olivia, allowing them to attack multiple times per turn. If the staff unit knows Absorb, they will gain HP when attacking, so have refreshers and chip damage units.

Tips for Staff Users

Staff users used purely for healing gain SP at a slower pace. It's also recommended to bring support healers when training other heroes to passively gain SP while healing them, but keep in mind that you can only gain skill points 8 times per map in this manner.


This guide gives the most efficient ways to gain SP. Maxing a character to Lv.40 will ensure that they have enough SP to spare especially when learning inherited skills. Train your Heroes the best you can, while getting as much SP as possible.

Useful Links

Useful Information

Useful Information and Guides

Building Units

Building Your Heroes
Level Grinding | How to Level Up Fast How to Gain SP Quickly
How to Use Inherit Skill Merge Allies Guide
Heroes You Should Unlock Potential For Which Heroes Should You Send Home?
When Should You Unlock Potential? How to Use the Training Tower
Trait Fruits: How to Change IVs How to use Dragonflowers
How to Get Divine Codes How to Grind Summoner Support
How to Increase Ally Support General Tips for Building Units

Building Specific Roles

Hero Roles
Heroes with Refresher Skills List of Staff Users
Physical Wall Heroes (Tanks) Magic Wall Heroes (Res Tanks)

Beginner Guides

Beginner Guides
Five Things to Know Before Starting Reroll Tier List
Hero Building Beginner's Guide
List of All Skills How to Get Free Orbs
My Summoner Guide Should I Merge or Fodder Off Units?


Arena Guides
Arena Guide Best Arena Teams
Win 5 Battles in Arena With No Deaths Arena and Aether Raids Seasons

Aether Raids

Aether Raids Articles
Aether Guides List of Aether Raids Structures
Aether Raids Offense Guide Best Aether Raid Defense Units

Summoner Duels

Summoner Duels Articles
Summoner Duels Guide


1 Anonymousalmost 3 years

Rival domains is a far more efficient means of farming SP than any method listed in this guide. If you have many heroes which need SP you can get hundreds of SP with every attempt for 0 stamina and it only takes a minute or two on auto battle. Even if only one unit needs SP, practically any level 40 unit can survive for multiple kills on the hard difficulty, earning more SP than the methods listed here with less time, effort, and stamina expended.

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