Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

United Warfront: Guide and Rewards

United Warfront - Fire Emblem Heroes

This is a guide to the United Warfront event in Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). If you would like to know how to play this event, as well as rewards, strategy, and other information about United Warfront, please read on.

What is United Warfront?

A multi-battle game mode using friend's heroes!

United Warfront 1 - Fire Emblem Heroes

United Warfront is an event where you must fight multiple battles in succession using both your heroes and your friend's heroes.

Fight five battles in a row

United Warfront 1

Similar to Arena Assault, multiple battles will need to be completed in a row in order to win.

Choose a group of heroes from friends

United Warfront 2

You will be given multiple options of heroes based on who your friends set as their proxy teams.

Add your own heroes

United Warfront 4.png

Once you have selected a friend's group of heroes, you may add up to two heroes from your barracks and replace two of their heroes.

Keep in mind that using heroes from similar titles as your friend's heroes will grant your team HP+10 and Atk/Spd/Def/Res+4, so choose wisely!

Additionally, you will not be able to activate any Duo Skills or Harmonized Skills in this mode.

Select a new group of heroes after each battle

United Warfront 5

After each battle in the series, you will have to select a new group of heroes from other friends and recreate a new team.

Cannot use heroes in multiple battles

United Warfront 6

Similar to Arena Assault, heroes already sent to battle from previous maps cannot be reused in future maps for the rest of the series.

Additionally, the hero restrictions apply even if you use your friend's heroes. For example, if you field your friend's Winter Edelgard, you cannot use your own Winter Edelgard in future battles!

Set your own proxy heroes!

United Warfront 7

Similar to Binding Worlds, you can select which heroes in your barracks are chosen to represent yourself for other summoners.

Select powerful and versatile heroes from similar titles to give your friends an easy path to victory!

United Warfront Rewards

Earn Rewards for Playing

You can earn rewards by playing and winning the game mode.

List of Rewards Earned Through Playing

Map Played Reward
First Battle for the Event
Orb ImageOrb ×1
First Clear of Battle 1
Orb ImageOrb ×1
First Clear of Battle 2
Orb ImageOrb ×1
First Clear of Battle 3
Orb ImageOrb ×1
First Clear of Battle 4
Orb ImageOrb ×1
First Clear of Battle 5
Orb ImageOrb ×1

Rewards For Clearing

In addition to the daily rewards, there are also rewards given each time you clear maps based on the difficulty you chose.

By clearing harder difficulties, you will also receive the rewards for the difficulties below it upon clearing the maps.

List of First Clear Rewards in Hard Difficulty

Battle Reward
Battle 1
Orb ImageOrb x1
Battle 2
Orb ImageOrb x1
Battle 3
Orb ImageOrb x1
Battle 4
Orb ImageOrb x1
Battle 5
Orb ImageOrb x1

List of Clear Rewards in Lunatic Difficulty

Battle Reward
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
Battle 5

List of Clear Rewards in Infernal Difficulty

Battle Reward
Battle 1
Hero Feather ImageHero Feather x1,000
Battle 2
Hero Feather ImageHero Feather x1,000
Battle 3
Hero Feather ImageHero Feather x1,000
Battle 4
Hero Feather ImageHero Feather x1,000
Battle 5
Hero Feather ImageHero Feather x1,000

List of Clear Rewards in Abyssal Difficulty

Battle Reward
Battle 1
Battle 2
Battle 3
Battle 4
Battle 5

Total Rewards

Orb ImageOrb ×11
Hero Feather ImageHero Feather ×5,000

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