Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Exclusive Skills

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☆ New Units - Jehanna Ike, Jehanna Malice, Jehanna Tethys, Jehanna Marisa
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Exclusive Skills.png

This is a page of all of the skills which can only be learned by certain units, and cannot be inherited. Use this page to save time if you are curious about which skills can or cannot be inherited by your unit.

What Are Exclusive Skills?

Skills that cannot be inherited!

Exclusive skills, also known as unique skills, can only be learned by the original unit who possesses them. This means that they cannot be transferred to any other unit via Inherit Skill, regardless of weapon or move type. Exclusive skills play a big factor in determining how much potential a hero has overall.

Which Weapon Skills Cannot Be Inherited?

  • Weapons can only be inherited by units of the same weapon type.
  • Legendary weapons and other exclusive skills cannot be inherited by any unit, regardless of weapon or move type.

Exclusive Weapon Skills

Skill Name Hero With This Skill
Kvasir Icon Kvasir (Enemy)

Which Assist Skills Cannot Be Inherited?

In General, Dance, Sing, and other refresher assists cannot be learned by anyone other than the original unit. There are a few additional assist skills which are only learnable by the original unit.

Exclusive Assist Skills

Skill Name Hero With This Skill

Special Skills That Cannot Be Inherited

The following special skills are exclusive and can only be learned by the original unit.

Skill Name Hero With This Skill

Passive Skills That Cannot Be Inherited

The following passive skills are exclusive and can only be learned by the original unit.

Skill Name Hero With This Skill

Inherit Skill - Related Links

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