Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

7-Star Greninja Tera Raid Event: Best Counters and Rewards

★ Upcoming: 7☆ Tyranitar Tera Raid Event
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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - 7-Star Poison Tera Raid

Trainers can catch a Poison Tera Type Greninja with the Mightiest Mark during the 7-Star Unrivaled Greninja Event in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Learn the start and end date of the raid event, the best Pokemon to counter Greninja with, all rewards, and how to join.

7-Star Greninja Raid Event Duration

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - 7-Star Poison Tera Raid
Schedule Round 1
Start Date: 2023/01/27 00:00 UTC
End Date: 2023/01/30 23:59 UTC
Round 2
Start Date: 2023/02/10 00:00 UTC
End Date: 2023/02/12 23:59 UTC
Rewards 7-Star Greninja Up For Grabs
Defeat the "Greninja the Unrivaled" in a Black Crystal Tera Raid during the event and you'll get a Poison Tera Type Greninja with the Mightiest Mark.
Unlock Requirements Unlock 6-Star Tera Raid Battles to Participate
To do this, you'll need to complete the Academy Ace Tournament, then do 8-10 4-Star or 5-Star Raids until you get a call from Jacq.

The second round of the 7-Star Tera Raid Event featuring a Poison Tera Type Greninja with the Mightiest Mark is now over! This round ran from February 10 up until February 12.

Greninja Tera Raid Codes Board

Encounter Bronzong and Lucario

During the event, Tera Raids featuring Bronzong and Lucario were also available in 4-Star and 5-Star raid dens.

7-Star Greninja Moveset

Greninja Uses Both Special and Physical Attacks

Pokemon Set
Greninja ImageGreninja
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon
Tera Type: Pokemon Poison Type Icon
Ability: Protean (Hidden Ability)
IVs: 31 IVs in Every Stat
Nature: Sassy
Gunk Shot
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam
Night Slash
During the Raid, the 7-Star Greninja could also use Double Team and Toxic Spikes, and will always lead with those 2 moves prior to the battle commencing.

Greninja has a higher Special Attack Stat than its Physical Attack Stat, so its Gunk Shot and Night Slash will do less damage compared to Hydro Pump and Ice Beam.

Greninja will use Hydro Pump repeatedly against Pokemon who are not immune to it.

It also has Ice Beam which is useful against Ground-types, and Night Slash to use against Psychic-types.

Greninja's Gunk Shot is further boosted by its Poison Tera Typing.

It is recommended to pump up your Pokemon's HP and Special Defense stats before participating in these raids to raise your chance of surviving longer against Greninja.

Has Protean Hidden Ability

Greninja has Protean as its Ability during the raid. This works similarly to Cinderace's Libero, but since Greninja will always be Terastallized during the raid, it will be a Poison-type throughout the entire raid even if it uses different moves.

Greninja Will Wipe Your Team's Stat Buffs at the End of Turn 3

While the timing of when the Tera shield goes up for this 7-Star Raid is timer based, generally if you are quick to input your moves, you will get 3 moves in before your stat buffs are removed. Keep this in mind and use these first 3 turns to instead debuff Greninja with moves such as Acid Spray and Screech, as Greninja's debuffs are wiped at a much later stage in the battle.
Tera Raid Battle Mechanics Explained

7-Star Greninja Rewards

1x Ability Patch, 1x Toxic Spikes, Bottle Caps, Ability Capsules, Poison Tera Shards and More!

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - Greninja Tera Raid Rewards

You can get many useful rewards for completing the Greninja Tera Raid. These range from treasures you can sell to items you can use to train competitively viable Pokemon. Furthermore, you can obtain some of these rewards as many times as you can as long as you clear the Greninja raid!

List of Rewards

Greninja Raid Event Rewards
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bottle Cap ImageBottle Cap Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Exp. Candy L ImageExp. Candy L Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Exp. Candy XL ImageExp. Candy XL
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ability Patch ImageAbility Patch
(First Win Only)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ability Capsule ImageAbility Capsule Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Rare Candy ImageRare Candy
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Nugget ImageNugget Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Star Piece ImageStar Piece Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Comet Shard ImageComet Shard
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sassy Mint ImageSassy Mint Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Carbos ImageCarbos Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - PP Up ImagePP Up
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Poison Tera Shard ImagePoison Tera Shard (TM091)
Toxic Spikes

(First Win Only)

Greninja with the Unrivaled Mark

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - Mightiest Mark Greninja

The biggest reward from conquering this raid is the opportunity to catch Greninja itself. Keep in mind that it can only be caught once per save file.

The Greninja will have its Hidden Ability Protean, max IVs in every stat, and the unique Mightiest Mark which confers it the title of Greninja the Unrivaled.

Shiny Greninja Will Not Appear in Raids

You will not be able to encounter any Shiny Greninja for the entire duration of the raid event. If you want a Shiny Greninja, you need to breed and hatch for a Shiny Froakie.

Shiny Hunting Guide and Shiny Odds

Best Sandwich for Greninja Tera Raid Event

Raid Power: Poison Level 2 Sandwich

Raid Power Poison Sandwich Lv. 2 - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)
Raid Power Poison Sandwich Lv. 2
Ingredients Meal Powers
・ Chorizo x4
・ Potato Tortilla x2
・ Mustard x2
・ Peanut Butter x 1
・ Pepper x1
・Exp. Point Power: Fire Lv. 2
・Raid Power: Poison Lv. 2
・Humungo Power: Dragon Lv. 1
Title Power Fire Chorizo Sandwich Lv. 2 - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)
Title Power Fire Chorizo Sandwich Lv. 2
Ingredients Meal Powers
・ Basil x1
・ Chorizo x1
・ Kiwi x1
・ Potato Tortilla x1
・ Red Bell Pepper x1
・ Olive Oil x1
・ Peanut Butter x1
・ Spicy Herba Mystica x1
・Title Power: Fire Lv. 2
・Humungo Power: Fire Lv. 2
・Raid Power: Poison Lv. 2

Sandwiches give various meal powers when consumed. If you want to gain even more rewards after defeating Greninja during its Raid Event, make sure to eat this sandwich before challenging the raid!

Meal Powers last for 30 minutes, so try to find and beat as many raids as possible during that time!
All Raid Power Sandwich Recipes

Best Pokemon for 7-Star Greninja

Use Pokemon with Water Absorb, Storm Drain or Dry Skin

As Greninja has access to Hydro Pump so it is recommended to use Pokemon that are immune to Water Type moves. Luckily there are many Water immunity granting Abilities in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, including Water Absorb, Storm Drain and Dry Skin. If you combine this with a Ground Type Pokemon that can deal super-effective damage to the Poison Tera Greninja, you have a winning formula.

Although Poison is weak to Psychic and Ground Type moves, Greninja is able to deal STAB super effective damage to these two types with its Water and Dark Type moves, so only use them in conjunction with an immunity granting ability.

Water Immunity Attackers Support
Vaporeon Best Build Gastrodon Best Tera Build Quagsire Best Tera Raid Build Pokemon SV
Slowbro Armarouge Best Tera Raid Build Krookodile Best Tera Build Pokemon SV - Great Tusk
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV Florges Oranguru Best Tera Raid Build Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV Mimikyu Murkow Best Tera Build
Clodsire Best Build
Klefki Best Tera Build Pokemon SV
Qwilfish Best Tera Build Glalie Best Tera Build
Toxicroak Best Tera Build Pokemon SV
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Kingambit.png
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Lucario

Best Water Immunity Counters

Greninja has Hydro Pump as its Water-type Move. Using Pokemon with high defenses and Abilities that grant it a water immunity are very useful in this raid.

Pokemon Moveset / Strengths
Vaporeon ImageVaporeon
Aqua Ring
Acid Armor
Calm Mind
Stored Power
・Aqua Ring provides residual healing.
・Calm Mind and Acid Armor boosts Vaporeon's Offense and Defense.
・Stored Power Deals massive damage after a +6 to 3 separate stats.
・Heals off of Water-type moves thanks to Water Absorb.
▶︎ Best Vaporeon Build for Tera Raids
Quagsire ImageQuagsire
・Haze removes Greninja's Double Team boosts.
・Can deal 2x Damage with STAB Earthquake.
・Heals off of Water-type moves thanks to Water Absorb.
▶︎ Best Quagsire Build for Tera Raids
Gastrodon (West Sea) ImageGastrodon (West Sea)
Mud Shot
Clear Smog
Earth Power
・Stockpile allows Gastrodon to boost its Defense and Sp. Defense by up to three stages.
・Clear Smog removes Greninja's evasion boosts
・Gains +1 Sp. Atk from Water-type moves thanks to Storm Drain.
▶︎ Best Gastrodon Build for Tera Raids
Clodsire ImageClodsire
・Curse improves offense and defense on top of naturally high Sp. Defense.
・Heals off of Water-type moves thanks to Water Absorb.
▶︎ Best Clodsire Build for Tera Raids
Toxicroak ImageToxicroak
Swords Dance
・Access to Swords Dance and Earthquake makes it a viable attacker.
・Resists Dark and Poison type moves thanks to its dual-typing.
・Heals off of Water-type moves thanks to Dry Skin
▶︎ Best Toxicroak Build for Tera Raids

Best Set Up Attackers

Pokemon with resistances to Greninja's moves are very useful for this raid, as these Pokemon can set up their offenses and deal meaningful damage.

Pokemon Moveset / Strengths
Slowbro ImageSlowbro
Iron Defense
Nasty Plot
Stored Power
Slack Off
・Stored Power becomes a 260 base power move after one Iron Defense and Nasty Plot
・Can heal off lost health with Slack Off
▶︎ Best Slowbro Build for Tera Raids
Armarouge ImageArmarouge
Stored Power

・Part of a one-turn Greninja One-Shot strategy featuring Florges, Mimikyu and Oranguru
・Stored Power can take out Greninja in just the first turn after receiving multiple buffs from teammates
▶︎ Best Armarouge Build for Tera Raids
Krookodile ImageKrookodile
Scary Face
Bulk Up
Power Trip

・Part of a two-turn Greninja One-Shot strategy featuring 2 Murkrow and a Glalie
・Earthquake can take out Greninja in just the second turn after maxxing its attack and with Greninja's Def at -6
▶︎ Krookodile Best Tera Raid Build
Great Tusk ImageGreat Tusk
Ice Spinner
Headlong Rush
Close Combat

・Part of a one-turn Greninja One-Shot strategy featuring Koraidon, Oranguru and Stonjourner
・Headlong Rush can take out Greninja in the first turn after several boosts from teammates.
▶︎ Great Tusk Best Tera Raid Build
Klefki ImageKlefki
Calm Mind
Iron Defense
Stored Power
・Calm Mind and Iron Defense give Klefki enough buffs to make effective use of Stored Power.
・Recycle + Sitrus Berry is a reliable combo for recovering HP.
▶︎ Best Klefki Build for Tera Raids
Kingambit ImageKingambit
Zen Headbutt
Swords Dance
Thunder Wave
Night Slash
・Zen Headbutt can deal good damage after Swords Dance setup
・Immune to Poison and resists Dark type moves
▶︎ Best Kingambit Build for Tera Raids

Best Support Pokemon

These Pokemon are used to set up the main attacker to use a powerful move to OHKO Greninja.

Pokemon Moveset / Strengths
Florges ImageFlorges
Helping Hand
・Part of a one-turn Greninja One-Shot strategy featuring Armarouge
・Florges' Symbiosis Hidden Ability allows it to transfer its held item to Armarouge.
・Helping Hand to boost Armarouge's Stored Power.

▶︎ Best Florges Build for Tera Raids
Oranguru ImageOranguru
Foul Play
・Part of a one-turn Greninja One-Shot strategy featuring Armarouge
・Use Foul Play to activate Armarouge's Weakness Policy.
・Let Oranguru have Symbiosis Hidden Ability so it can transfer its held item to Armarouge.

▶︎ Best Oranguru Build for Tera Raids
Mimikyu ImageMimikyu

・Part of a one-turn Greninja One-Shot strategy featuring Armarouge
・This Mimikyu holds Petaya Berry, and uses Fling to boost Armarouge with its effect, as well as activate Weakness Policy and Weak Armor on the first turn.

▶︎ Best Mimikyu Build for Tera Raids
Murkrow ImageMurkrow

・Part of a two-turn Greninja One-Shot strategy featuring Krookodile.
・On turn 1, one of the Murkrow use Haze to remove Greninja's Evasion buff, while the other uses Screech.
・On turn 2 both use Screech to bring its Defense down to -6.
・Prankster Ability allows Murkrow to always move first when using Status moves.
▶︎ Best Murkrow Build for Tera Raids
Glalie ImageGlalie
Frost Breath
Helping Hand

・Part of a two-turn Greninja One-Shot strategy featuring Krookodile.
・On turn 1, Glalie uses Frost Breath on Krookodile to activate its Anger Point Ability.
・On turn 2 it uses Helping Hand to Boost Krookodile's Earthquake even further
・Frost Breath always lands a critical hit
▶︎ Best Glalie Build for Tera Raids
Qwilfish ImageQwilfish
Acid Spray
Chilling Water
・Haze can be used turn 1 to remove Greninja's evasion boost
・Can boost allies using Stored Power as well as sharply lower Greninja's Sp. Def.
・Resists most of Greninja's moves
▶︎ Best Qwilfish Build for Tera Raids
Lucario ImageLucario
Sunny Day
Heal Pulse
Life Dew
Howl or Helping Hand
・Can provide group and burst healing with Life Dew and Heal Pulse respectively.
・Can help Stored Power users boost with Howl or increase the base power of ally moves with Helping Hand.
・Immune to Poison and resists Dark and Ice-type moves.
▶︎ Best Lucario Build for Tera Raids

Alternative Counters

These are less viable counters that can work against Greninja, but will require a little more effort on the player's part.

Pokemon Moveset / Strengths
Tinkaton ImageTinkaton
Swords Dance
Gigaton Hammer
Light Screen
・Immune to Poison and resistant to Dark-type moves.
・Bulldoze lowers Greninja's Speed by one stage.
▶︎ Best Tinkaton Build for Tera Raids
Gallade ImageGallade
Psycho Cut
Swords Dance
Thunder Wave
Psychic Terrain
・Swords Dance, Sharpness, and Psychic Terrain all boost Psycho Cut's Super Effective Damage.
・Psychic Terrain disables Greninja's Water Shuriken.
▶︎ Best Gallade Build for Tera Raids
Lucario ImageLucario
Swords Dance
Life Dew
Zen Headbutt
・Immune to Poison-type attacks, thanks to Steel typing
・Swords Dance boosted Zen Headbutt can deal decent damage
▶︎ Best Lucario Build for Tera Raids

Solo Offline 7-Star Greninja Counter

Best Solo Vaporeon Build for Greninja Tera Raid

EV Spread, Ability, Held Item and Moveset

Vaporeon ImageVaporeon
Water Type
Tera Type Nature
Psychic Icon Modest
(↑SpA, ↓Atk)
EV Spread
Sp. Atk:
Ability Moveset
Water Absorb Stored Power
Calm Mind
Aqua Ring
Acid Armor
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Covert Cloak ImageCovert Cloak


The best ability for Vaporeon in Tera Raid Battles is Water Absorb. This allows Vaporeon to be completely immune from Greninja's Water-type attacks, and heal from it instead. This becomes even more valuable when you Terastallize, since Ground types are usually weak to Water-types.

Best Tera Type

We also recommend getting a Vaporeon with a Ground Tera Type to be able to hit the Poison Tera Greninja with Super Effective Tera Blast once you Terastallize. As a Special Attacker, a Modest nature would be best.

EV Spread Explanation

Tera Raid EV spreads should lean towards bulky offense to help with survivability, while increasing your maximum damage output. Max out your HP, and Sp. Attack EVs, while adding the remaining EVs into Defense. The Covert Cloak protects Vaporeon from the additional effects of Greninja's moves, such as Gunk Shot's poison chance.

Tera Raid Strategy

Greninja Tera Raid Turn-by-Turn Counter Strategy
Turn 1 Use Acid Armor to boost your Defense against Greninja's Gunk Shot.
Turn 2 Use Aqua Ring to set up passive healing after Greninja removes all effects.
Note: Aqua Ring stays on the field indefinitely unless Greninja removes alll effects.
Turn 3~5 Use Acid Armor again to boost your Defense.
Turns 6~8 Use Calm Mind to further boost the power Stored Power
Turns 9+ Use stat-boosted Stored Power to deal Super Effective Damage. Terastallize once you have enough Tera charge to deal multi stat boosted STAB Super Effective damage.

Start off the raid by using Acid Armor, which will boost Vaporeon's defensive capabilities against Greninja's Gunk Shot.

On the second turn and after Greninja removes alll effects, use Aqua Ring to provide Vaporeon passive healing that will stay on the field indefinitely. Afterwards, continue using Acid Armor to further boost Vaporeon's Defense.

Once you maximize your Defense, use Calm Mind to further accumulate boosts for Stored Power.

Using Acid Armor twice, and Calm Mind 3 times brings the base power of Stored Power to 220, which should deal decent enough damage against the Poison Tera Greninja.

Key Damage Calculations

Attack Icon Pokemon SVDamage Dealt by Vaporeon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Greninja Image 8550 HP|210 Sp. Def
Max HP x30 | 128 Sp. Def
Stored Power
(220 Base Power, +3 Sp. Atk)
956 ~ 1126 (11.18 ~ 13.17%)
Defense Icon Pokemon SVDamage Received by Vaporeon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Greninja Image 226 Atk
Gunk Shot
63 ~ 75 (13.5 ~ 16.1%)
Possible 7-Hit KO
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Greninja Image 242 Sp. Atk
Ice Beam
34 ~ 41 (18.5 ~ 21.8%)
Possible 13-Hit KO
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Greninja Image 226 Atk
Night Slash
(+4 Def)
Tera Type: Psychic Icon
74 ~ 90 (15.9 ~ 19.3%)
Possible 6-Hit KO

Stored Power Slowbro Build

EV Spread, Ability, Held Item and Moveset

SlowbroSolo Slowbro
Tera Type Nature
Psychic Icon Modest
(↑SpA, ↓Atk)
EV Spread
Ability Moveset
Oblivious Iron Defense
Nasty Plot
Stored Power
Psychic Terrain
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Leftovers ImageLeftovers


This is a variation of the standard Bulky Raid Attacker Build with a modified strategy to solo 7-Star Greninja.

This set boosts its stats to deal massive damage with Stored Power thanks to Iron Defense and Nasty Plot which both boost Defense and Special Attack respectively by two stages. With 6 stages worth of boosts, the move's base power goes up dramatically to 260.

Psychic Terrain and a Go All Out Cheer are used to tip the damage output over the edge and one-shot Greninja.

Heal Up Cheers are used when Slowbro needs health, but the timing of when they are used is crucial. Leftovers gives it much needed additional recovery.

Despite its weakness to Dark-type moves, it's high Defense stat coupled with Heal Up Cheers allows it to shrug off super effective hits and retaliate with boosted Stored Power.

Best Tera Type

We also recommend getting a Slowbro with a Psychic Tera Type to further boost its offensive power. Since this Slowbro functions as a bulky attacker a Modest Nature is best to boost its Defense.

EV Spread Explanation

Tera Raid EV spreads should lean towards physical bulk to withstand physical attacks, while also investing heavily into Special Attack to deal maximum damage. Max out your HP and Special Attack EVs, while adding the remaining EVs into Def.

Tera Raid Strategy

Solo Stored Power Turn-by-Turn Strategy
Turn 1~3 Use **Stored Power to Charge up your Tera Orb. Do this three times.
Turn 4 You will likely have very low HP by this point so use any move and let Greninja knock you out.
Turn 5~6 Use Iron Defense two times to increase Slowbro's Defense. This boosts the power of Stored Power and also allows Slowbro to take reduced damage from Night Slash.
Turn 7 Use 'Heal Up' Cheer to heal off damage and remove Poison Status
Turn 8 Use Iron Defense one more time to max out Slowbro's Defense.
Turn 9~11 Use Nasty Plot three times to max out Slowbro's Special Attack and boost Stored Power even further.
Turn 12 Use 'Heal Up' Cheer to heal off damage.
Turn 13 Use 'Psychic Terrain Cheer to boost Stored Powers damage on the following turn
Turn 14 Use 'Go All Out' Cheer to boost Stored Powers damage on the following turn
Turn 15 Finally Use Stored Power to OHKO Greninja

Greninja will reset your stat buffs on the conclusion of turn 3. Therefore it is best to use your first 3 turns building up Tera Charge instead.

After that you will need 3 Iron Defenses, 3 Nasty Plots and 1 Go All Out Cheer before you can Terastallize and safely OHKO 7-Star Greninja.

Be mindful of your HP and use 'Heal Up' Cheers in between as necessary. The step table above includes the general timing of when you will need to use Heal Up.

Although there are many steps to this strategy, if followed properly it is a consistent method to solo 7-Star Greninja.

Note that you must execute your moves quickly as if the timer runs too low your stat buffs will be removed. If the timer is getting down below the final quarter mark you are best to use Stored Power as quickly as possible in order to keep the battle still viable.

Damage Breakdown

Slowbro's Total Damage Output
Boost Percentage
STAB +50%
Tera STAB +50%
Super Effective Damage +200%
'Go All Out' Cheer +50%
Psychic Terrain +50%
+6 Sp. Atk +300%
Effective Total 700%
Stored Power Total Base Power
Beginning Base Power 20
+6 Sp. Atk +120
+6 Sp. Def +120
Final Base Power 260

Key Damage Calculations

Attack Icon Pokemon SVDamage Dealt by Slowbro
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Greninja Image (-6 Def) 8550 HP
(Max HP x30 | 128 Sp. Def)
Stored Power (260 BP)
('Go All Out' Cheer, +6 Sp. Atk, Psychic Terrain)
8228 ~ 9680
(96.23% ~ 113.22%
Almost Guaranteed OHKO (Greninja will already have lost 2.2%~2.6% HP from first 3 Stored Powers)

The above damage calculations are for the 7-Star Level 100 Greninja with 30x HP and 128 EVs in Def and Sp. Def.

How to Solo and One-Shot 6 and 7-Star Tera Raids

One-Shot 7-Star Greninja Teams and Strategies

Best 7-Star Greninja One-Shot Strategies
Pokemon SV - ArmarougeStored Power Armarouge SlowbroStored Power Slowbro Krookodile Best Tera BuildAnger Point Krookodile Pokemon SV - Great TuskTurn One
Great Tusk

Armarouge One-Shot Strategy

This strategy is from 101Leafy, and consists of utility Pokemon powering up an Armarouge with stat boosts to deal massive damage with Stored Power.

Armarouge Stored Power Counter Strategy for 7-Star Greninja
Turns Pokemon SV - Oranguru Choice Specs Holder Pokemon SV - FlorgesWeakness Policy Holder Pokemon SV - MimikyuPetaya Berry Holder Pokemon SV - ArmarougeSpecial Attacker
#1 Foul Play Helping Hand Fling Stored Power

How to One-Shot Greninja

At the start of the raid, let Oranguru attack Armarouge with Foul Play, which will activate Armarouge's held Weakness Policy and Weak Armor Ability.

Once Armarouge consumes it, Florges' Symbiosis will activate and transfer a second Weakness Policy to Armarouge. At this point Florges can use Helping Hand on Armarouge to boost its damage output. Have Mimikyu use Fling on Armarouge which will let it consume its second held Weakness Policy as well as receive the benefits of the Berry and Weak Armor Ability. After this, Oranguru will give Oranguru its held Choice Specs thanks to Symbiosis.

With all the stat boosts prepared Armarouge uses Stored Power to wipe out Greninja in just one turn.

Damage Breakdown

Armarouge's Total Damage Output
Boost Percentage
STAB +50%
Super Effective Damage +200%
Choice Specs +50%
+5 Sp. Atk +250%
Helping Hand +50%
Total 600%
Stored Power's Base Damage Breakdown
Source Stat Boost
Weakness Policy + 2 Atk, +2 Sp. Atk
Weak Armor +2 Speed
Petaya Berry
(Fling from Mimikyu)
+1 Sp. Atk
Weakness Policy
(Symbiosis from Florges)
+2 Atk, +2 Sp. Atk
Weak Armor +2 Speed
Total 280 Base Power
(+4 Atk, +5 Sp. Atk, +4 Speed)

Key Damage Calculations

Attack Icon Pokemon SVDamage Dealt by Armarouge
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Greninja Image 8550 HP
(Max HP x30 | 128 Sp. Def)
Stored Power
(280 Base Power)
7,830 ~ 9,212 (91.58% ~ 107.74%)
50% Chance to OHKO

The above damage calculations are for the 7-Star Level 100 Greninja with 30x HP and 128 EVs in Def and Sp. Def.

Armarouge 7-Star Greninja One-Shot Strategy

Slowbro One-Shot Strategy

This one-shot strategy requires a dedicated team with 3 Quagsires to provide Acid Spray and Eerie Impulse support.

Slowbro Stored Power Counter Strategy for 7-Star Greninja
Turns QuagsireFast Haze Support
QuagsireFling Support
Flame Orb
QuagsireDebuff Support
SlowbroSpecial Attacker
#1 Haze Fling Eerie Impulse Nasty Plot
#2 Acid Spray Acid Spray Acid Spray Nasty Plot
#3 Helping Hand Helping Hand Helping Hand Stored Power

How to One-Shot Greninja

Turn 1

At the start of the raid, the Fast Haze Support Quagsire with 4 Speed Evs should use Haze to remove Greninja's evasion boost from Double Team.

Once Haze resets the stat boosts, the Fling Support should use Fling to inflict a burn, while the Debuff Support should use Eerie Impulse to lower Greninja's Special Attack by 2 stages.

Finally, Nasty Plot to increase Slowbro's Special Attack by 2 stages.

Turn 2

On Turn 2, all Quagsire users should use Acid Spray to lower Greninja's Special Defense by 2 stages. The Slowbro user should once again setup with Nasty Plot.

Turn 3

On Turn 3, all Quagsire users should use Helping Hand to boost Slowbro's next move by a total of 237.5%.

With three Helping Hand boosts, Slowbro can one-shot Greninja with boosted Stored Power.

Damage Breakdown

Slowbro's Total Damage Output
Boost Percentage
STAB +50%
Helping Hand (x3) +237.5%
Super Effective Damage +200%
+4 Sp. Atk +200%
Total 687.5%

Key Damage Calculations

Attack Icon Pokemon SVDamage Dealt by Slowbro
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Greninja Image (-6 Sp. Def) 8550 HP
(Max HP x30 | 128 Sp. Def)
Stored Power
(100 Base Power, +3 Helping Hand, +4 Sp. Atk)
12494 ~ 14702 (146.13% ~ 171.95%)
Guaranteed OHKO

The above damage calculations are for the 7-Star Level 100 Greninja with 30x HP and 128 EVs in Def and Sp. Def.

Slowbro Best Tera Build to Beat 7-Star Greninja

Krookodile One-Shot Strategy

This one-shot strategy requires a dedicated team with Glalie for its guaranteed critical hit Frost Breath to activate Krookodile's Anger Point Ability, and 2 Murkrow to provide Haze and Screech support.

Krookodile Anger Point Counter Strategy for 7-Star Greninja
Turns Murkow Best Tera BuildHaze Support Murkow Best Tera BuildScreech Support Glalie Best Tera BuildAnger Point Activation Krookodile Best Tera BuildPhysical Attacker
#1 Haze Screech Frost Breath
Scary Face
#2 Screech Screech Helping Hand Earthquake

How to One-Shot Greninja

Turn 1

At the start of the raid, the faster Haze Support Murkrow with 4 Speed EVs should use Prankster priority boosted Haze to remove Greninja's evasion boost from Double Team.

Once Haze resets the stat boosts, the Screech Support Murkrow should use Screech to lower Greninja's Defense by 2 stages.

Glalie should then use Frost Breath on Krookodile, guaranteeing a critical hit and activating its Anger Point Ability to max out its Attack.

Finally, Krookodile uses Scary Face to lower Greninja's Speed in order to outspeed it next turn.

Turn 2

On Turn 2, both Murkrow users should use Screech to lower Greninja's Defense to the lowest it can go.

Glalie then uses Helping Hand on Krookodile to give it one final boost.

With Krookodile's +6 Attack, Helping Hand Boost, Life Orb and Greninja's -6 Defense, Earthquake will get the OHKO on 7-Star Greninja.

Damage Breakdown

Krookodile's Total Damage Output
Boost Percentage
STAB +50%
Super Effective Damage +200%
Life Orb +30%
Helping Hand +50%
+6 Atk +300%
-6 Def
(effective +300% Krookodile)
Effective Total 930%

Key Damage Calculations

Attack Icon Pokemon SVDamage Dealt by Krookodile
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Greninja Image (-6 Def) 8550 HP
(Max HP x30 | 128 Sp. Def)
(100 Base Power, Helping Hand, +6 Atk, Life Orb)
12231 ~ 14391
(143.1% ~ 168.3%)
Guaranteed OHKO

The above damage calculations are for the 7-Star Level 100 Greninja with 30x HP and 128 EVs in Def and Sp. Def.

Krookodile 7-Star Greninja One-Shot Strategy

Great Tusk One-Shot Strategy

This strategy is from HoodlumCallum, and consists of utility Pokemon powering up a Great Tusk using a Weakness Policy to deal massive damage with Headlong Rush.

Great Tusk Counter Strategy for 7-Star Greninja
Turns Pokemon SV - KoraidonWeather Setter Pokemon SV - Oranguru Choice Band Holder Pokemon SV - StonjournerPower Spot User Pokemon SV - Great TuskPhysical Attacker
#1 Screech Go All Out! Cheer Gravity Headlong Rush

How to One-Shot Greninja

At the start of the raid, both Oranguru will use Go All Out! cheers to boost their team's offense, and more importantly, Great Tusk's. Stonjourner will use Gravity

Koraidon sets weather with Orichalcum Pulse to trigger Great Tusk's Protosynthesis and boost its Attack. It will then use Screech to reduce Greninja's Defense stat by two stages.

Stonjourner boosts Great Tusk's Attack stat simply by being on the field thanks to its Ability, Power Spot. It then uses Gravity to increase the accuracy of moves, nullifying the effects of Greninja's Double Team.

Great Tusk simply clicks Headlong Rush, which happens after Greninja Attacks it with Ice Beam, triggering its Weakness Policy.

Oranguru's Symbiosis will trigger and give Great Tusk its Choice Band.

With all the boosts prepared Great Tusk uses Headlong Rush to cleanly KO Greninja in just one turn.

Damage Breakdown

Great Tusk's Total Damage Output
Boost Percentage
STAB +50%
Super Effective Damage +200%
Choice Band +50%
+2 Atk +100%
Cheers +50%
Total 600%

Key Damage Calculations

Attack Icon Pokemon SVDamage Dealt by Great Tusk
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Greninja Image 8550 HP
(Max HP x30 | 128 Def)
Headlong Rush
6,404 ~ 9,044 (74.90% ~ 105.78%)
18.75% Chance to OHKO

The above damage calculations are for the 7-Star Level 100 Greninja with 30x HP and 128 EVs in Def and Sp. Def.

Great Tusk 7-Star Greninja One-Shot Strategy

How to Join the 7-Star Greninja Event

Unlock 6-Star Tera Raids to Participate

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - 7-Star Charizard Tera Raid Battle  World View

Greninja normally cannot be found in Paldea, making the 7-Star Event Greninja quite the catch, but you have to fight it in a Black Crystal Tera Raid.

These raids are tough, so trainers will have to prepare in advance. It's also recommended to complete the post-game before you participate. Players who are in earlier points of the game can still join via Link Code, but it is highly discouraged since these 7-Star raids will be extremely difficult.

How to Unlock 6-Star Raids and List of Pokemon

Black Tera Raids vs. Normal Tera Raids

Remember that Black Tera Raid symbols on the map do not come in any other color except black. Meanwhile, normal Tera Raid symbols are colored according to the Tera Type of the Pokemon in them.

When you're looking for the Tera Raid with the 7-Star Greninja, keep your eyes peeled for a Black Tera Raid symbol on the map with the Poison-type Pokemon icon.

Black Crystal Tera Raid Battles

Join Online Event Tera Raids

Tera Raid Online Event Cards
You are able to join Event Raid Dens online. When the event is live, you can use our Tera Raid Board to coordinate a team to take it down!

Greninja Tera Raid Codes Board

How to Join Online Tera Raid Events

Nintendo Online Needed to Play with Others

SV - Tyranitar - Ghost Tera Type.png

To participate in the event with other players, you must have a paid Nintendo Switch Online membership, which is bought separately from the game.

Multiplayer Modes: All New Co-Op Adventure and Connectivity Options

Update Poke Portal News

Trainers must also make sure they have the latest version of Poke Portal News in their game. This should automatically download if your Switch is connected to the Internet.

How to Check Poke Portal News

1 Accessing Poke Portal News, first step - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)
Press the X Button and select "Poke Portal." Make sure your Switch is connected to the internet.
2 Accessing Poke Portal News, second step - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)
Select "Mystery Gift."
3 Accessing Poke Portal News, third step - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)
Select "Check Poke Portal News."

Greninja Raid FAQs

What is Poison-type's Weakness?

Poison Types are Weak to Ground and Psychic-type Moves

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) -Using Ground Type Moves

Greninja, during the Tera Raid, will have a Poison Tera Type and not its regular Water and Dark-typing. Its weakness will be Ground and Psychic-type moves, so make sure to attack with those!

How to Remove Greninja's Evasion Buff?

Use Clear Smog to Clear Stat Boost

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - Greninja Using Double Team

Greninja will use Double Team to raise its evasiveness, which may result in your team missing most of your attacks. Use Clear Smog to remove this buff to ensure all of your attacks will land!

Can You Catch Greninja Again?

Only Catchable Once Per Event

Players can only catch one 7-Star Greninja, but even after they catch it, Black Crystals containing Greninja will still spawn in their game once per day, and they can still participate in others' raids.

However, they cannot catch another Greninja, and will only gain the other rewards for participating.

Additionally, players who caught the Greninja in Round 1 cannot catch Greninja again even if they participate in Round 2.

Can You Breed the 7-Star Greninja?

You Can Breed for a Froakie

Once you've caught the Greninja, you can easily breed it to produce Froakie Eggs. Like other bred Pokemon, they also have a chance to be Shiny!

However, note that these Froakie will not inherit the Poison Tera Type or the Mightiest Mark from the 7-Star Greninja. If you want to have another with a Poison Tera Type, you need to collect and use 50 Poison Tera Shards to change its Tera Type.

Breeding Guide: How to Breed and Get Eggs

Will Greninja Have Its Hidden Ability?

Raid Greninja Will Have Hidden Ability

The raid Greninja that you will encounter will have Protean, which is its Hidden Ability. During the raid, Greninja will not change types depending on the move it will use, as its Tera Type will always be Poison.

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Current & Upcoming Tera Raid Events

Tera Raid Events
Pokemon SV - Tyranitar Raid Banner7☆ Unrivaled Tyranitar Raid Event Round 1!
Start Date Mar 28, 2025 (Fri) at 00:00 UTC
End Date Mar 30, 2025 (Sun) at 11:59 UTC
Other Tera Raid Events
Event Description
Pokemon SV - Tyranitar Raid Banner7☆ Tyranitar Raid Event Round 2 Featured Pokemon:
Level 100 Tyranitar with the Unrivaled Mark
Duration: 04/04/2025 (12:00 AM) ~ 1/06/2025 (11:59 PM)
Pokemon Scarlet Violet - Blissey Raid Banner.png5-Star Blissey Tera Shard Event Featured Pokemon:
Blissey with increased odds to drop Tera Shards and Candies
Duration: 04/04/2025 (12:00 AM) ~ 1/06/2025 (11:59 PM)

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Current & Upcoming Tournaments, Online Competitions and Ranked Battle Season

Event Description
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Series GRanked Battle Regulation G
Ruleset: Paradox, Sub-Legendary, and Legendaries are allowed in Regulation G again!

Current Mystery Gift Codes

All Mystery Gift Codes
Code/Method Reward Start / End
Book Cover Rotom Phone CaseBook Cover Rotom Phone Case Feb 27, 2025
ELEMENTST0NES Fire StoneEvolution Stones Set 1 Nov 18, 2024
Dec 31, 2025
C0SM1CST0NES Sun StoneEvolution Stones Set 2 Nov 18, 2024
Dec 31, 2025
V1TAM1NS VitaminsVitamins Set Nov 18, 2024
Dec 31, 2025
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Mythical Pokemon Campaign
Nov 22, 2024
April 30, 2025
NE0R0T0MC0VER Pokemon SV Neo-Kitakami Case Rotom Phone Icon.pngNeo-Kitakami Rotom Phone Case Jan 15, 2024
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26 Nemoabout 2 years

Running a build of this type, I can basically guarantee a win as long as you have at least one non-support pokemon and no more than one player incorrectly spec'd. If two players are incorrectly spec'd, it gets trickier, but I've managed a few wins carrying two dead-weight, if the RNG is on our side.

25 Nemoabout 2 years

The Lucario build recommended here does NOT work. I've been in a few raids with players running a Lucario of this type, and they ALWAYS go out by the third turn and weigh the team down. If you want to run Lucario, INSTEAD go full cleric/support. +252 Spe Def, +252 Def, +4 HP (Hold Item: Heat Rock) Life Dew Heal Pulse Sunny Day Howl/Helping Hand 1: Sunny Day 2-8: Keep everyone's health in the green, if everyone's good, howl/helping hand to buff stored power 9: Sunny Day


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