Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

List of Abilities with Effects Outside Battle

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Certain abilities in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) still have effects outside of battle, but others no longer do. Read on to see lists of which abilities you can count on to work in the field, and those that no longer work as intended.

List of Abilities with Effects Outside Battle

Abilities with Effects Outside Battle That Still Work

Ability Name Effect Outside of Battle
Flame Body Decreases time to hatch a Pokemon Egg by half.
Magma Armor Decreases time to hatch a Pokemon Egg by half.
Steam Engine Decreases time to hatch a Pokemon Egg by half.
Honey Gather The Pokemon with this ability may end up holding Honey after a battle.
Pickup The Pokemon with this ability may end up holding an item after a battle.

Abilities with Effects Outside Battle That Don't Work

Ability Name Effect Outside of Battle
Compoundeyes Increases the chance of finding a wild Pokemon holding an item if the Pokemon that has this ability is leading your team.
Synchronize Guarantees that the Nature of wild Pokemon encountered will be the same as the lead Pokemon of your team that has this ability.
Super Luck Increases the chance of finding a wild Pokemon holding an item if the Pokemon that has this ability is leading your team.
Static Increases chances of encountering wild Electric-type Pokemon if the Pokemon with this ability is leading your team.
Magnet Pull Increases chances of encountering wild Steel-type Pokemon if the Pokemon with this ability is leading your team.
Cute Charm Increases the chance of encountering wild Pokemon of the gender opposite that of the Pokemon leading your team that has this ability.
Intimidate Decreases the chance of encountering wild Pokemon that are weaker than the Pokemon leading your team that has this ability.
Flash Fire Increases the chance of encountering wild Fire-type Pokemon if the Pokemon with this ability is leading your team.
Hustle Increases the chance of encountering high-level wild Pokemon if the Pokemon with this ability is leading your team.
Infiltrator Decreases the chance of encountering wild Pokemon if the Pokemon with this ability is leading your team.
Keen Eye Decreases the chance of encountering wild Pokemon that are weaker than the Pokemon leading your team that has this ability.
Lightning Rod Increases chances of encountering wild Electric-type Pokemon if the Pokemon with this ability is leading your team.
No Guard Increases the chances of encountering wild Pokemon if the Pokemon with this ability is leading your team.
Pressure Increases the chance of encountering high-level wild Pokemon if the Pokemon with this ability is leading your team.
Quick Feet Decreases the chance of encountering wild Pokemon if the Pokemon with this ability is leading your team.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV -  Abilities

List of All Abilities

All Abilities by Initial Letter
Other Ability Guides
All Gen 9 New Abilities List of Hidden Abilities
Unavailable Abilities List of Abilities with Effects Outside Battle
List of New DLC Abilities Returning DLC Abilities


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