Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Fastest Pokemon: List of Pokemon by Speed

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Player Riding Miraidon for Speed
This is a ranking of every Pokemon by their Speed stat with Choice Scarf and each available EV and Nature setting in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Check each the fastest Pokemon in the game, and see each Pokemon's Speed to see if your Pokemon can outspeed it in a competitive battle.

List of Pokemon by Speed

The following table shows the Speed of each Pokemon based on a specific grouping. Compare your Pokemon's Speed against others in each group to determine how much investment it will need to outspeed major threats.

Label Explanation
Spe Base Speed
(Nature + Scarf + EVs)
Holding a Choice Scarf
Speed boosting nature
252 Speed EVs
(No Nature + Scarf + EVs)
Holding a Choice Scarf
Non-Speed boosting nature
252 Speed EVs
(Nature + EVs)
Speed boosting nature
252 Speed EVs
(No Nature + EVs)
Non-Speed boosting nature
252 Speed EVs
(No boosts)
Non-Speed boosting nature
0 Speed EVs

All stat values assume a Speed IV of 31 at level 50.

Spe Pokemon MaxS 0NatS Max 0Nat 0EV
200 Regieleki ImageRegieleki 416 378 277 252 220
180 Deoxys (Speed Forme) ImageDeoxys (Speed Forme) 383 348 255 232 200
150 Electrode ImageElectrode 333 303 222 202 170
150 Hisuian Electrode ImageHisuian Electrode 333 303 222 202 170
150 Calyrex (Shadow Rider) ImageCalyrex (Shadow Rider) 333 303 222 202 170
150 Deoxys (Normal Forme) ImageDeoxys (Normal Forme) 333 303 222 202 170
150 Deoxys (Attack Forme) ImageDeoxys (Attack Forme) 333 303 222 202 170
148 Zacian (Crowned Sword) ImageZacian (Crowned Sword) 330 300 220 200 168
142 Dragapult ImageDragapult 320 291 213 194 162
138 Zacian (Hero of Many Battles) ImageZacian (Hero of Many Battles) 314 285 209 190 158
138 Zamazenta (Hero of Many Battles) ImageZamazenta (Hero of Many Battles) 314 285 209 190 158
136 Barraskewda ImageBarraskewda 309 282 206 188 156
136 Iron Bundle ImageIron Bundle 309 282 206 188 156
135 Koraidon ImageKoraidon 308 281 205 187 155
135 Miraidon ImageMiraidon 308 281 205 187 155
135 Flutter Mane ImageFlutter Mane 308 281 205 187 155
135 Chien-Pao ImageChien-Pao 308 281 205 187 155
130 Jolteon ImageJolteon 300 273 200 182 150
130 Mewtwo ImageMewtwo 300 273 200 182 150
130 Eternatus ImageEternatus 300 273 200 182 150
130 Spectrier ImageSpectrier 300 273 200 182 150
128 Meloetta (Pirouette Forme) ImageMeloetta (Pirouette Forme) 297 270 198 180 148
128 Zamazenta (Crowned Shield) ImageZamazenta (Crowned Shield) 297 270 198 180 148
127 Shaymin (Sky Forme) ImageShaymin (Sky Forme) 294 269 196 179 147
126 Talonflame ImageTalonflame 293 267 195 178 146
125 Weavile ImageWeavile 291 266 194 177 145
125 Kilowattrel ImageKilowattrel 291 266 194 177 145
125 Darkrai ImageDarkrai 291 266 194 177 145
124 Ribombee ImageRibombee 290 264 193 176 144
124 Iron Boulder ImageIron Boulder 290 264 193 176 144
123 Noivern ImageNoivern 288 263 192 175 143
123 Meowscarada ImageMeowscarada 288 263 192 175 143
122 Greninja ImageGreninja 287 261 191 174 142
121 Cyclizar ImageCyclizar 285 260 190 173 141
121 Tornadus (Therian Forme) ImageTornadus (Therian Forme) 285 260 190 173 141
120 Dugtrio ImageDugtrio 284 258 189 172 140
120 Wugtrio ImageWugtrio 284 258 189 172 140
120 Inteleon ImageInteleon 284 258 189 172 140
120 Sneasler ImageSneasler 284 258 189 172 140
120 Palkia (Origin Forme) ImagePalkia (Origin Forme) 284 258 189 172 140
120 Arceus ImageArceus 284 258 189 172 140
120 Sceptile ImageSceptile 284 258 189 172 140
120 Minior (Core) ImageMinior (Core) 284 258 189 172 140
119 Roaring Moon ImageRoaring Moon 282 257 188 171 139
119 Cinderace ImageCinderace 282 257 188 171 139
118 Hawlucha ImageHawlucha 281 255 187 170 138
117 Salazzle ImageSalazzle 278 254 185 169 137
116 Iron Valiant ImageIron Valiant 276 252 184 168 136
116 Whimsicott ImageWhimsicott 276 252 184 168 136
116 Zebstrika ImageZebstrika 276 252 184 168 136
115 Persian ImagePersian 275 251 183 167 135
115 Sneasel ImageSneasel 275 251 183 167 135
115 Floatzel ImageFloatzel 275 251 183 167 135
115 Hisuian Sneasel ImageHisuian Sneasel 275 251 183 167 135
115 Alolan Persian ImageAlolan Persian 275 251 183 167 135
115 Azelf ImageAzelf 275 251 183 167 135
30 Snorlax ImageSnorlax 135 123 90 82 50
45 Alolan Exeggutor ImageAlolan Exeggutor 159 146 106 97 65
115 Raikou ImageRaikou 275 251 183 167 135
113 Serperior ImageSerperior 272 248 181 165 133
112 Lycanroc (Midday Form) ImageLycanroc (Midday Form) 270 246 180 164 132
111 Maushold ImageMaushold 269 245 179 163 131
111 Scream Tail ImageScream Tail 269 245 179 163 131
111 Tornadus (Incarnate Forme) ImageTornadus (Incarnate Forme) 269 245 179 163 131
111 Thundurus (Incarnate Forme) ImageThundurus (Incarnate Forme) 269 245 179 163 131
110 Gengar ImageGengar 267 243 178 162 130
110 Raichu ImageRaichu 267 243 178 162 130
110 Froslass ImageFroslass 267 243 178 162 130
110 Jumpluff ImageJumpluff 267 243 178 162 130
110 Grafaiai ImageGrafaiai 267 243 178 162 130
110 Espeon ImageEspeon 267 243 178 162 130
110 Lycanroc (Dusk Form) ImageLycanroc (Dusk Form) 267 243 178 162 130
110 Iron Moth ImageIron Moth 267 243 178 162 130
110 Hisuian Zoroark ImageHisuian Zoroark 267 243 178 162 130
110 Ogerpon ImageOgerpon 267 243 178 162 130
110 Alolan Raichu ImageAlolan Raichu 267 243 178 162 130
110 Alolan Dugtrio ImageAlolan Dugtrio 267 243 178 162 130
110 Tauros ImageTauros 267 243 178 162 130
110 Dodrio ImageDodrio 267 243 178 162 130
110 Ogerpon (Wellspring Mask) ImageOgerpon (Wellspring Mask) 267 243 178 162 130
110 Ogerpon (Hearthflame Mask) ImageOgerpon (Hearthflame Mask) 267 243 178 162 130
110 Ogerpon (Cornerstone Mask) ImageOgerpon (Cornerstone Mask) 267 243 178 162 130
110 Lugia ImageLugia 267 243 178 162 130
110 Latios ImageLatios 267 243 178 162 130
110 Latias ImageLatias 267 243 178 162 130
109 Walking Wake ImageWalking Wake 266 242 177 161 129
109 Alolan Ninetales ImageAlolan Ninetales 266 242 177 161 129
108 Iron Jugulis ImageIron Jugulis 264 240 176 160 128
108 Infernape ImageInfernape 264 240 176 160 128
108 Cobalion ImageCobalion 264 240 176 160 128
108 Terrakion ImageTerrakion 264 240 176 160 128
108 Virizion ImageVirizion 264 240 176 160 128
108 Galvantula ImageGalvantula 264 240 176 160 128
108 Keldeo ImageKeldeo 264 240 176 160 128
106 Pyroar ImagePyroar 260 237 173 158 126
106 Iron Treads ImageIron Treads 260 237 173 158 126
106 Munkidori ImageMunkidori 260 237 173 158 126
106 Enamorus (Incarnate Forme) ImageEnamorus (Incarnate Forme) 260 237 173 158 126
105 Cryogonal ImageCryogonal 258 236 172 157 125
105 Mismagius ImageMismagius 258 236 172 157 125
105 Scyther ImageScyther 258 236 172 157 125
105 Zoroark ImageZoroark 258 236 172 157 125
105 Espathra ImageEspathra 258 236 172 157 125
105 Pawmot ImagePawmot 258 236 172 157 125
105 Zarude ImageZarude 258 236 172 157 125
105 Hisuian Lilligant ImageHisuian Lilligant 258 236 172 157 125
105 Mienshao ImageMienshao 258 236 172 157 125
105 Electabuzz ImageElectabuzz 258 236 172 157 125
104 Meowstic (Male) ImageMeowstic (Male) 257 234 171 156 124
104 Meowstic (Female) ImageMeowstic (Female) 257 234 171 156 124
104 Iron Leaves ImageIron Leaves 257 234 171 156 124
104 Delphox ImageDelphox 257 234 171 156 124
102 Drakloak ImageDrakloak 254 231 169 154 122
102 Garchomp ImageGarchomp 254 231 169 154 122
101 Dedenne ImageDedenne 252 230 168 153 121
101 Sandy Shocks ImageSandy Shocks 252 230 168 153 121
101 Thundurus (Therian Forme) ImageThundurus (Therian Forme) 252 230 168 153 121
101 Landorus (Incarnate Forme) ImageLandorus (Incarnate Forme) 252 230 168 153 121
100 Slaking ImageSlaking 251 228 167 152 120
100 Salamence ImageSalamence 251 228 167 152 120
100 Staraptor ImageStaraptor 251 228 167 152 120
100 Paldean Tauros (Fighting Form) ImagePaldean Tauros (Fighting Form) 251 228 167 152 120
100 Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Water Form) ImagePaldean Tauros (Fighting/Water Form) 251 228 167 152 120
100 Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Fire Form) ImagePaldean Tauros (Fighting/Fire Form) 251 228 167 152 120
100 Voltorb ImageVoltorb 251 228 167 152 120
100 Volcarona ImageVolcarona 251 228 167 152 120
100 Chi-Yu ImageChi-Yu 251 228 167 152 120
100 Toedscruel ImageToedscruel 251 228 167 152 120
100 Palafin ImagePalafin 251 228 167 152 120
100 Palafin (Hero Form) ImagePalafin (Hero Form) 251 228 167 152 120
100 Charizard ImageCharizard 251 228 167 152 120
100 Ninetales ImageNinetales 251 228 167 152 120
100 Typhlosion ImageTyphlosion 251 228 167 152 120
100 Hisuian Voltorb ImageHisuian Voltorb 251 228 167 152 120
100 Zapdos ImageZapdos 251 228 167 152 120
100 Galarian Zapdos ImageGalarian Zapdos 251 228 167 152 120
100 Mew ImageMew 251 228 167 152 120
100 Palkia ImagePalkia 251 228 167 152 120
20 Sentret ImageSentret 119 108 79 72 40
100 Shaymin (Land Forme) ImageShaymin (Land Forme) 251 228 167 152 120
100 Jirachi ImageJirachi 251 228 167 152 120
100 Manaphy ImageManaphy 251 228 167 152 120
100 Entei ImageEntei 251 228 167 152 120
100 Comfey ImageComfey 251 228 167 152 120
100 Tentacruel ImageTentacruel 251 228 167 152 120
100 Regigigas ImageRegigigas 251 228 167 152 120
99 Fezandipiti ImageFezandipiti 249 227 166 151 119
98 Hydreigon ImageHydreigon 248 225 165 150 118
98 Basculin ImageBasculin 248 225 165 150 118
98 Basculin (White Striped Form) ImageBasculin (White Striped Form) 248 225 165 150 118
98 Swanna ImageSwanna 248 225 165 150 118
98 Iron Crown ImageIron Crown 248 225 165 150 118
97 Luvdisc ImageLuvdisc 245 224 163 149 117
97 Haxorus ImageHaxorus 245 224 163 149 117
97 Frogadier ImageFrogadier 245 224 163 149 117
97 Urshifu Single-Strike Style ImageUrshifu Single-Strike Style 245 224 163 149 117
97 Urshifu Rapid-Strike Style ImageUrshifu Rapid-Strike Style 245 224 163 149 117
97 Morpeko ImageMorpeko 245 224 163 149 117
97 Solgaleo ImageSolgaleo 245 224 163 149 117
97 Lunala ImageLunala 245 224 163 149 117
96 Mimikyu ImageMimikyu 243 222 162 148 116
95 Arcanine ImageArcanine 242 221 161 147 115
95 Sawsbuck ImageSawsbuck 242 221 161 147 115
95 Houndoom ImageHoundoom 242 221 161 147 115
95 Pachirisu ImagePachirisu 242 221 161 147 115
95 Haunter ImageHaunter 242 221 161 147 115
95 Leafeon ImageLeafeon 242 221 161 147 115
95 Wiglett ImageWiglett 242 221 161 147 115
95 Diglett ImageDiglett 242 221 161 147 115
95 Primeape ImagePrimeape 242 221 161 147 115
95 Indeedee (Male) ImageIndeedee (Male) 242 221 161 147 115
95 Dachsbun ImageDachsbun 242 221 161 147 115
95 Yanma ImageYanma 242 221 161 147 115
95 Yanmega ImageYanmega 242 221 161 147 115
95 Galarian Articuno ImageGalarian Articuno 242 221 161 147 115
95 Hisuian Typhlosion ImageHisuian Typhlosion 242 221 161 147 115
95 Rayquaza ImageRayquaza 242 221 161 147 115
95 Uxie ImageUxie 242 221 161 147 115
30 Reuniclus ImageReuniclus 135 123 90 82 50
95 Grovyle ImageGrovyle 242 221 161 147 115
95 Kyurem ImageKyurem 242 221 161 147 115
95 Elekid ImageElekid 242 221 161 147 115
95 Electivire ImageElectivire 242 221 161 147 115
95 Minun ImageMinun 242 221 161 147 115
95 Plusle ImagePlusle 242 221 161 147 115
95 Black Kyurem ImageBlack Kyurem 242 221 161 147 115
95 White Kyurem ImageWhite Kyurem 242 221 161 147 115
94 Tinkaton ImageTinkaton 240 219 160 146 114
94 Raboot ImageRaboot 240 219 160 146 114
93 Oricorio (Baile Style) ImageOricorio (Baile Style) 239 218 159 145 113
93 Oricorio (PaOricorio (Pa'u Style) 239 218 159 145 113
93 Oricorio (Pom-Pom Style) ImageOricorio (Pom-Pom Style) 239 218 159 145 113
93 Oricorio (Sensu Style) ImageOricorio (Sensu Style) 239 218 159 145 113
93 Magmar ImageMagmar 239 218 159 145 113
92 Krookodile ImageKrookodile 237 216 158 144 112
92 Lokix ImageLokix 237 216 158 144 112
92 Bruxish ImageBruxish 237 216 158 144 112
92 Squawkabilly ImageSquawkabilly 237 216 158 144 112
92 Leavanny ImageLeavanny 237 216 158 144 112
91 Murkrow ImageMurkrow 236 215 157 143 111
91 Lumineon ImageLumineon 236 215 157 143 111
91 Rotom ImageRotom 236 215 157 143 111
91 Landorus (Therian Forme) ImageLandorus (Therian Forme) 236 215 157 143 111
91 Gouging Fire ImageGouging Fire 236 215 157 143 111
90 Pikachu ImagePikachu 234 213 156 142 110
90 Meowth ImageMeowth 234 213 156 142 110
90 Lucario ImageLucario 234 213 156 142 110
90 Vigoroth ImageVigoroth 234 213 156 142 110
90 Lilligant ImageLilligant 234 213 156 142 110
90 Venomoth ImageVenomoth 234 213 156 142 110
90 Zangoose ImageZangoose 234 213 156 142 110
90 Flamigo ImageFlamigo 234 213 156 142 110
90 Revavroom ImageRevavroom 234 213 156 142 110
90 Brambleghast ImageBrambleghast 234 213 156 142 110
90 Annihilape ImageAnnihilape 234 213 156 142 110
90 Drizzile ImageDrizzile 234 213 156 142 110
90 Alolan Diglett ImageAlolan Diglett 234 213 156 142 110
90 Alolan Meowth ImageAlolan Meowth 234 213 156 142 110
90 Hisuian Arcanine ImageHisuian Arcanine 234 213 156 142 110
90 Moltres ImageMoltres 234 213 156 142 110
90 Galarian Moltres ImageGalarian Moltres 234 213 156 142 110
90 Kyogre ImageKyogre 234 213 156 142 110
90 Groudon ImageGroudon 234 213 156 142 110
90 Dialga ImageDialga 234 213 156 142 110
90 Dialga (Origin Forme) ImageDialga (Origin Forme) 234 213 156 142 110
90 Giratina (Altered Forme) ImageGiratina (Altered Forme) 234 213 156 142 110
90 Giratina (Origin Forme) ImageGiratina (Origin Forme) 234 213 156 142 110
90 Meloetta (Aria Forme) ImageMeloetta (Aria Forme) 234 213 156 142 110
70 Vibrava ImageVibrava 201 183 134 122 90
90 Poliwhirl ImagePoliwhirl 234 213 156 142 110
90 Poliwag ImagePoliwag 234 213 156 142 110
90 Torracat ImageTorracat 234 213 156 142 110
90 Ho-Oh ImageHo-Oh 234 213 156 142 110
90 Reshiram ImageReshiram 234 213 156 142 110
90 Zekrom ImageZekrom 234 213 156 142 110
90 Deoxys (Defense Forme) ImageDeoxys (Defense Forme) 234 213 156 142 110
90 Porygon-Z ImagePorygon-Z 234 213 156 142 110
89 Vivillon ImageVivillon 233 212 155 141 109
88 Pecharunt ImagePecharunt 231 210 154 140 108
88 Excadrill ImageExcadrill 231 210 154 140 108
87 Baxcalibur ImageBaxcalibur 228 209 152 139 107
87 Great Tusk ImageGreat Tusk 228 209 152 139 107
87 Hitmonlee ImageHitmonlee 228 209 152 139 107
86 Heat Rotom ImageHeat Rotom 227 207 151 138 106
86 Wash Rotom ImageWash Rotom 227 207 151 138 106
86 Frost Rotom ImageFrost Rotom 227 207 151 138 106
86 Fan Rotom ImageFan Rotom 227 207 151 138 106
86 Mow Rotom ImageMow Rotom 227 207 151 138 106
86 Glimmora ImageGlimmora 227 207 151 138 106
85 Wingull ImageWingull 225 206 150 137 105
85 Qwilfish ImageQwilfish 225 206 150 137 105
85 Girafarig ImageGirafarig 225 206 150 137 105
85 Misdreavus ImageMisdreavus 225 206 150 137 105
85 Golduck ImageGolduck 225 206 150 137 105
85 Ceruledge ImageCeruledge 225 206 150 137 105
85 Toxicroak ImageToxicroak 225 206 150 137 105
85 Buizel ImageBuizel 225 206 150 137 105
85 Quaquaval ImageQuaquaval 225 206 150 137 105
85 Heracross ImageHeracross 225 206 150 137 105
85 Stantler ImageStantler 225 206 150 137 105
85 Indeedee (Female) ImageIndeedee (Female) 225 206 150 137 105
85 Pawmo ImagePawmo 225 206 150 137 105
85 Mabosstiff ImageMabosstiff 225 206 150 137 105
85 Articuno ImageArticuno 225 206 150 137 105
85 Hisuian Qwilfish ImageHisuian Qwilfish 225 206 150 137 105
85 Cresselia ImageCresselia 225 206 150 137 105
85 Hisuian Samurott ImageHisuian Samurott 225 206 150 137 105
85 Rillaboom ImageRillaboom 225 206 150 137 105
85 Overqwil ImageOverqwil 225 206 150 137 105
55 Exeggutor ImageExeggutor 176 161 117 107 75
10 Trapinch ImageTrapinch 102 93 68 62 30
85 Kingdra ImageKingdra 225 206 150 137 105
85 Seadra ImageSeadra 225 206 150 137 105
85 Cramorant ImageCramorant 225 206 150 137 105
85 Duraludon ImageDuraludon 225 206 150 137 105
85 Kommo-o ImageKommo-o 225 206 150 137 105
85 Volbeat ImageVolbeat 225 206 150 137 105
85 Illumise ImageIllumise 225 206 150 137 105
85 Kleavor ImageKleavor 225 206 150 137 105
85 Suicune ImageSuicune 225 206 150 137 105
85 Terapagos (Terastal Form) ImageTerapagos (Terastal Form) 225 206 150 137 105
85 Terapagos (Stellar Form) ImageTerapagos (Stellar Form) 225 206 150 137 105
85 Archaludon ImageArchaludon 225 206 150 137 105
84 Fletchinder ImageFletchinder 224 204 149 136 104
84 Skuntank ImageSkuntank 224 204 149 136 104
84 Gholdengo ImageGholdengo 224 204 149 136 104
84 Cutiefly ImageCutiefly 224 204 149 136 104
83 Floragato ImageFloragato 222 203 148 135 103
83 Magmortar ImageMagmortar 222 203 148 135 103
83 Magby ImageMagby 222 203 148 135 103
83 Servine ImageServine 222 203 148 135 103
82 Lycanroc (Midnight Form) ImageLycanroc (Midnight Form) 221 201 147 134 102
82 Dreepy ImageDreepy 221 201 147 134 102
82 Gabite ImageGabite 221 201 147 134 102
82 Tatsugiri ImageTatsugiri 221 201 147 134 102
82 Bombirdier ImageBombirdier 221 201 147 134 102
81 Gyarados ImageGyarados 219 200 146 133 101
81 Slither Wing ImageSlither Wing 219 200 146 133 101
81 Milotic ImageMilotic 219 200 146 133 101
81 Monferno ImageMonferno 219 200 146 133 101
80 Magikarp ImageMagikarp 218 198 145 132 100
80 Altaria ImageAltaria 218 198 145 132 100
80 Drifblim ImageDrifblim 218 198 145 132 100
80 Dragonite ImageDragonite 218 198 145 132 100
80 Gastly ImageGastly 218 198 145 132 100
80 Gardevoir ImageGardevoir 218 198 145 132 100
80 Gallade ImageGallade 218 198 145 132 100
80 Glalie ImageGlalie 218 198 145 132 100
80 Skiploom ImageSkiploom 218 198 145 132 100
80 Staravia ImageStaravia 218 198 145 132 100
80 Goodra ImageGoodra 218 198 145 132 100
80 Medicham ImageMedicham 218 198 145 132 100
80 Masquerain ImageMasquerain 218 198 145 132 100
80 Grumpig ImageGrumpig 218 198 145 132 100
80 Braviary ImageBraviary 218 198 145 132 100
80 Passimian ImagePassimian 218 198 145 132 100
80 Charmeleon ImageCharmeleon 218 198 145 132 100
80 Shiftry ImageShiftry 218 198 145 132 100
80 Feebas ImageFeebas 218 198 145 132 100
80 Okidogi ImageOkidogi 218 198 145 132 100
80 Quilava ImageQuilava 218 198 145 132 100
80 Gimmighoul (Roaming Form) ImageGimmighoul (Roaming Form) 218 198 145 132 100
80 Mesprit ImageMesprit 218 198 145 132 100
80 Hoopa Unbound ImageHoopa Unbound 218 198 145 132 100
80 Thwackey ImageThwackey 218 198 145 132 100
80 Regidrago ImageRegidrago 218 198 145 132 100
80 Calyrex ImageCalyrex 218 198 145 132 100
80 Chandelure ImageChandelure 218 198 145 132 100
80 Mandibuzz ImageMandibuzz 218 198 145 132 100
80 Mamoswine ImageMamoswine 218 198 145 132 100
80 Arbok ImageArbok 218 198 145 132 100
80 Venusaur ImageVenusaur 218 198 145 132 100
80 Meganium ImageMeganium 218 198 145 132 100
80 Blaziken ImageBlaziken 218 198 145 132 100
80 Phione ImagePhione 218 198 145 132 100
79 Necrozma ImageNecrozma 216 197 144 131 99
78 Tinkatuff ImageTinkatuff 215 195 143 130 98
78 Basculegion (Male) ImageBasculegion (Male) 215 195 143 130 98
78 Basculegion (Female) ImageBasculegion (Female) 215 195 143 130 98
78 Blastoise ImageBlastoise 215 195 143 130 98
78 Feraligatr ImageFeraligatr 215 195 143 130 98
77 Corvisquire ImageCorvisquire 212 194 141 129 97
77 Salandit ImageSalandit 212 194 141 129 97
77 Heatran ImageHeatran 212 194 141 129 97
77 Necrozma (Dusk Mane) ImageNecrozma (Dusk Mane) 212 194 141 129 97
77 Necrozma (Dawn Wings) ImageNecrozma (Dawn Wings) 212 194 141 129 97
76 Blitzle ImageBlitzle 210 192 140 128 96
76 Hitmonchan ImageHitmonchan 210 192 140 128 96
75 Deerling ImageDeerling 209 191 139 127 95
75 Florges ImageFlorges 209 191 139 127 95
75 Armarouge ImageArmarouge 209 191 139 127 95
75 Klawf ImageKlawf 209 191 139 127 95
75 Toxtricity (Amped Form) ImageToxtricity (Amped Form) 209 191 139 127 95
75 Toxtricity (Low Key Form) ImageToxtricity (Low Key Form) 209 191 139 127 95
75 Shroodle ImageShroodle 209 191 139 127 95
75 Delibird ImageDelibird 209 191 139 127 95
75 Klefki ImageKlefki 209 191 139 127 95
75 Falinks ImageFalinks 209 191 139 127 95
75 Flittle ImageFlittle 209 191 139 127 95
75 Finizen ImageFinizen 209 191 139 127 95
75 Scovillain ImageScovillain 209 191 139 127 95
75 Tandemaus ImageTandemaus 209 191 139 127 95
50 Hoothoot ImageHoothoot 168 153 112 102 70
75 Trumbeak ImageTrumbeak 209 191 139 127 95
75 Doduo ImageDoduo 209 191 139 127 95
75 Smeargle ImageSmeargle 209 191 139 127 95
75 Raging Bolt ImageRaging Bolt 209 191 139 127 95
74 Drednaw ImageDrednaw 207 189 138 126 94
74 Krokorok ImageKrokorok 207 189 138 126 94
74 Stunky ImageStunky 207 189 138 126 94
73 Cetitan ImageCetitan 206 188 137 125 93
73 Braixen ImageBraixen 206 188 137 125 93
73 Malamar ImageMalamar 206 188 137 125 93
72 Tsareena ImageTsareena 204 186 136 124 92
72 Litleo ImageLitleo 204 186 136 124 92
72 Iron Thorns ImageIron Thorns 204 186 136 124 92
72 Kubfu ImageKubfu 204 186 136 124 92
71 Honchkrow ImageHonchkrow 203 185 135 123 91
71 Sandaconda ImageSandaconda 203 185 135 123 91
71 Froakie ImageFroakie 203 185 135 123 91
70 Stonjourner ImageStonjourner 201 183 134 122 90
70 Combee ImageCombee 201 183 134 122 90
70 Drifloon ImageDrifloon 201 183 134 122 90
70 Dragonair ImageDragonair 201 183 134 122 90
70 Luxray ImageLuxray 201 183 134 122 90
70 Polteageist ImagePolteageist 201 183 134 122 90
70 Cloyster ImageCloyster 201 183 134 122 90
70 Flapple ImageFlapple 201 183 134 122 90
70 Magneton ImageMagneton 201 183 134 122 90
70 Breloom ImageBreloom 201 183 134 122 90
70 Mankey ImageMankey 201 183 134 122 90
70 Bisharp ImageBisharp 201 183 134 122 90
70 Morgrem ImageMorgrem 201 183 134 122 90
70 Veluza ImageVeluza 201 183 134 122 90
70 Wattrel ImageWattrel 201 183 134 122 90
70 Wo-Chien ImageWo-Chien 201 183 134 122 90
70 Toedscool ImageToedscool 201 183 134 122 90
70 Dewgong ImageDewgong 201 183 134 122 90
70 Metagross ImageMetagross 201 183 134 122 90
70 Hisuian Zorua ImageHisuian Zorua 201 183 134 122 90
70 Decidueye ImageDecidueye 201 183 134 122 90
70 Samurott ImageSamurott 201 183 134 122 90
70 Sobble ImageSobble 201 183 134 122 90
70 Hoopa Confined ImageHoopa Confined 201 183 134 122 90
70 Volcanion ImageVolcanion 201 183 134 122 90
90 Furret ImageFurret 234 213 156 142 110
70 Noctowl ImageNoctowl 201 183 134 122 90
55 Golurk ImageGolurk 176 161 117 107 75
70 Hitmontop ImageHitmontop 201 183 134 122 90
70 Skarmory ImageSkarmory 201 183 134 122 90
70 Politoed ImagePolitoed 201 183 134 122 90
70 Poliwrath ImagePoliwrath 201 183 134 122 90
70 Treecko ImageTreecko 201 183 134 122 90
70 Litten ImageLitten 201 183 134 122 90
70 Victreebel ImageVictreebel 201 183 134 122 90
70 Ludicolo ImageLudicolo 201 183 134 122 90
70 Sinistcha ImageSinistcha 201 183 134 122 90
70 Tentacool ImageTentacool 201 183 134 122 90
69 Scorbunny ImageScorbunny 200 182 133 121 89
68 Gogoat ImageGogoat 198 180 132 120 88
68 Houndstone ImageHoundstone 198 180 132 120 88
68 Espurr ImageEspurr 198 180 132 120 88
68 Drilbur ImageDrilbur 198 180 132 120 88
67 Hypno ImageHypno 195 179 130 119 87
67 Corviknight ImageCorviknight 195 179 130 119 87
67 Fraxure ImageFraxure 195 179 130 119 87
67 Chinchou ImageChinchou 195 179 130 119 87
67 Lanturn ImageLanturn 195 179 130 119 87
66 Finneon ImageFinneon 194 177 129 118 86
66 Skeledirge ImageSkeledirge 194 177 129 118 86
66 Arrokuda ImageArrokuda 194 177 129 118 86
66 Cottonee ImageCottonee 194 177 129 118 86
65 Sprigatito ImageSprigatito 192 176 128 117 85
65 Pelipper ImagePelipper 192 176 128 117 85
65 Seviper ImageSeviper 192 176 128 117 85
65 Fidough ImageFidough 192 176 128 117 85
65 Houndour ImageHoundour 192 176 128 117 85
65 Scizor ImageScizor 192 176 128 117 85
65 Flareon ImageFlareon 192 176 128 117 85
65 Vaporeon ImageVaporeon 192 176 128 117 85
65 Umbreon ImageUmbreon 192 176 128 117 85
65 Glaceon ImageGlaceon 192 176 128 117 85
65 Komala ImageKomala 192 176 128 117 85
65 Sandile ImageSandile 192 176 128 117 85
65 Frosmoth ImageFrosmoth 192 176 128 117 85
65 Quaxwell ImageQuaxwell 192 176 128 117 85
65 Oinkologne (Male) ImageOinkologne (Male) 192 176 128 117 85
65 Oinkologne (Female) ImageOinkologne (Female) 192 176 128 117 85
65 Surskit ImageSurskit 192 176 128 117 85
65 Banette ImageBanette 192 176 128 117 85
65 Kricketune ImageKricketune 192 176 128 117 85
65 Zorua ImageZorua 192 176 128 117 85
65 Gothitelle ImageGothitelle 192 176 128 117 85
65 Alomomola ImageAlomomola 192 176 128 117 85
65 Orthworm ImageOrthworm 192 176 128 117 85
65 Charmander ImageCharmander 192 176 128 117 85
65 Chimecho ImageChimecho 192 176 128 117 85
65 Vulpix ImageVulpix 192 176 128 117 85
65 Cyndaquil ImageCyndaquil 192 176 128 117 85
65 Magearna ImageMagearna 192 176 128 117 85
65 Grookey ImageGrookey 192 176 128 117 85
65 Wyrdeer ImageWyrdeer 192 176 128 117 85
65 Hisuian Braviary ImageHisuian Braviary 192 176 128 117 85
65 Pikipek ImagePikipek 192 176 128 117 85
65 Alolan Sandslash ImageAlolan Sandslash 192 176 128 117 85
65 Hakamo-o ImageHakamo-o 192 176 128 117 85
65 Alolan Vulpix ImageAlolan Vulpix 192 176 128 117 85
65 Sandslash ImageSandslash 192 176 128 117 85
65 Emboar ImageEmboar 192 176 128 117 85
65 Mienfoo ImageMienfoo 192 176 128 117 85
65 Joltik ImageJoltik 192 176 128 117 85
64 Alcremie ImageAlcremie 191 174 127 116 84
64 Chesnaught ImageChesnaught 191 174 127 116 84
63 Crabrawler ImageCrabrawler 189 173 126 115 83
63 Snivy ImageSnivy 189 173 126 115 83
62 Fletchling ImageFletchling 188 171 125 114 82
62 Steenee ImageSteenee 188 171 125 114 82
62 Arctibax ImageArctibax 188 171 125 114 82
61 Tyranitar ImageTyranitar 186 170 124 113 81
61 Chimchar ImageChimchar 186 170 124 113 81
60 Pawmi ImagePawmi 185 168 123 112 80
60 Starly ImageStarly 185 168 123 112 80
60 Growlithe ImageGrowlithe 185 168 123 112 80
60 Sylveon ImageSylveon 185 168 123 112 80
60 Luxio ImageLuxio 185 168 123 112 80
60 Rockruff ImageRockruff 185 168 123 112 80
60 Magnezone ImageMagnezone 185 168 123 112 80
60 Pichu ImagePichu 185 168 123 112 80
60 Riolu ImageRiolu 185 168 123 112 80
60 Tynamo ImageTynamo 185 168 123 112 80
60 Sliggoo ImageSliggoo 185 168 123 112 80
60 Meditite ImageMeditite 185 168 123 112 80
60 Farigiraf ImageFarigiraf 185 168 123 112 80
60 Abomasnow ImageAbomasnow 185 168 123 112 80
60 Spoink ImageSpoink 185 168 123 112 80
60 Barboach ImageBarboach 185 168 123 112 80
60 Whiscash ImageWhiscash 185 168 123 112 80
60 Pawniard ImagePawniard 185 168 123 112 80
60 Rufflet ImageRufflet 185 168 123 112 80
60 Larvesta ImageLarvesta 185 168 123 112 80
60 Oranguru ImageOranguru 185 168 123 112 80
60 Grimmsnarl ImageGrimmsnarl 185 168 123 112 80
60 Glimmet ImageGlimmet 185 168 123 112 80
60 Bramblin ImageBramblin 185 168 123 112 80
60 Nuzleaf ImageNuzleaf 185 168 123 112 80
60 Terapagos ImageTerapagos 185 168 123 112 80
60 Dewott ImageDewott 185 168 123 112 80
60 Fennekin ImageFennekin 185 168 123 112 80
60 Hisuian Goodra ImageHisuian Goodra 185 168 123 112 80
60 Hisuian Decidueye ImageHisuian Decidueye 185 168 123 112 80
60 Toucannon ImageToucannon 185 168 123 112 80
60 Vullaby ImageVullaby 185 168 123 112 80
60 Lapras ImageLapras 185 168 123 112 80
60 Horsea ImageHorsea 185 168 123 112 80
60 Clefable ImageClefable 185 168 123 112 80
60 Ivysaur ImageIvysaur 185 168 123 112 80
60 Bayleef ImageBayleef 185 168 123 112 80
60 Swampert ImageSwampert 185 168 123 112 80
60 Empoleon ImageEmpoleon 185 168 123 112 80
60 Primarina ImagePrimarina 185 168 123 112 80
60 Incineroar ImageIncineroar 185 168 123 112 80
60 Weezing ImageWeezing 185 168 123 112 80
60 Galarian Weezing ImageGalarian Weezing 185 168 123 112 80
60 Porygon2 ImagePorygon2 185 168 123 112 80
60 Minior (Meteor Form) ImageMinior (Meteor Form) 185 168 123 112 80
59 Clawitzer ImageClawitzer 183 167 122 111 79
58 Zweilous ImageZweilous 182 165 121 110 78
58 Tinkatink ImageTinkatink 182 165 121 110 78
58 Rampardos ImageRampardos 182 165 121 110 78
58 Cranidos ImageCranidos 182 165 121 110 78
58 Wartortle ImageWartortle 182 165 121 110 78
58 Croconaw ImageCroconaw 182 165 121 110 78
58 Scrafty ImageScrafty 182 165 121 110 78
57 Rookidee ImageRookidee 179 164 119 109 77
57 Axew ImageAxew 179 164 119 109 77
57 Quilladin ImageQuilladin 179 164 119 109 77
56 Trevenant ImageTrevenant 177 162 118 108 76
56 Torterra ImageTorterra 177 162 118 108 76
55 Blissey ImageBlissey 176 161 117 107 75
55 Psyduck ImagePsyduck 176 161 117 107 75
55 Cacturne ImageCacturne 176 161 117 107 75
55 Noibat ImageNoibat 176 161 117 107 75
55 Eevee ImageEevee 176 161 117 107 75
55 Ampharos ImageAmpharos 176 161 117 107 75
55 Ursaring ImageUrsaring 176 161 117 107 75
55 Swalot ImageSwalot 176 161 117 107 75
55 Gothorita ImageGothorita 176 161 117 107 75
55 Dudunsparce ImageDudunsparce 176 161 117 107 75
55 Frigibax ImageFrigibax 176 161 117 107 75
55 Brute Bonnet ImageBrute Bonnet 176 161 117 107 75
55 Hisuian Growlithe ImageHisuian Growlithe 176 161 117 107 75
85 Aipom ImageAipom 225 206 150 137 105
70 Mightyena ImageMightyena 201 183 134 122 90
20 Solosis ImageSolosis 119 108 79 72 40
55 Lampent ImageLampent 176 161 117 107 75
55 Ekans ImageEkans 176 161 117 107 75
55 Combusken ImageCombusken 176 161 117 107 75
55 Pignite ImagePignite 176 161 117 107 75
55 Weepinbell ImageWeepinbell 176 161 117 107 75
55 Ducklett ImageDucklett 176 161 117 107 75
52 Skiddo ImageSkiddo 171 156 114 104 72
52 Floette ImageFloette 171 156 114 104 72
52 Dartrix ImageDartrix 171 156 114 104 72
52 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ImageBloodmoon Ursaluna 171 156 114 104 72
51 Pupitar ImagePupitar 170 155 113 103 71
51 Tropius ImageTropius 170 155 113 103 71
51 Maschiff ImageMaschiff 170 155 113 103 71
50 Quaxly ImageQuaxly 168 153 112 102 70
50 Swablu ImageSwablu 168 153 112 102 70
50 Dratini ImageDratini 168 153 112 102 70
50 Hoppip ImageHoppip 168 153 112 102 70
50 Bagon ImageBagon 168 153 112 102 70
50 Snorunt ImageSnorunt 168 153 112 102 70
50 Donphan ImageDonphan 168 153 112 102 70
50 Beartic ImageBeartic 168 153 112 102 70
50 Eelektross ImageEelektross 168 153 112 102 70
50 Eiscue (Ice Face) ImageEiscue (Ice Face) 168 153 112 102 70
50 Hariyama ImageHariyama 168 153 112 102 70
50 Azumarill ImageAzumarill 168 153 112 102 70
50 Sinistea ImageSinistea 168 153 112 102 70
50 Carkol ImageCarkol 168 153 112 102 70
50 Chansey ImageChansey 168 153 112 102 70
50 Kirlia ImageKirlia 168 153 112 102 70
50 Shelgon ImageShelgon 168 153 112 102 70
50 Sableye ImageSableye 168 153 112 102 70
50 Muk ImageMuk 168 153 112 102 70
50 Croagunk ImageCroagunk 168 153 112 102 70
50 Impidimp ImageImpidimp 168 153 112 102 70
50 Perrserker ImagePerrserker 168 153 112 102 70
50 Capsakid ImageCapsakid 168 153 112 102 70
50 Iron Hands ImageIron Hands 168 153 112 102 70
50 Kingambit ImageKingambit 168 153 112 102 70
50 Metang ImageMetang 168 153 112 102 70
50 Ursaluna ImageUrsaluna 168 153 112 102 70
50 Alolan Muk ImageAlolan Muk 168 153 112 102 70
50 Carbink ImageCarbink 168 153 112 102 70
50 Diancie ImageDiancie 168 153 112 102 70
50 Calyrex (Ice Rider) ImageCalyrex (Ice Rider) 168 153 112 102 70
75 Minccino ImageMinccino 209 191 139 127 95
50 Bellossom ImageBellossom 168 153 112 102 70
50 Vileplume ImageVileplume 168 153 112 102 70
50 Piloswine ImagePiloswine 168 153 112 102 70
50 Swinub ImageSwinub 168 153 112 102 70
50 Marshtomp ImageMarshtomp 168 153 112 102 70
50 Prinplup ImagePrinplup 168 153 112 102 70
50 Brionne ImageBrionne 168 153 112 102 70
50 Poltchageist ImagePoltchageist 168 153 112 102 70
50 Lombre ImageLombre 168 153 112 102 70
50 Regirock ImageRegirock 168 153 112 102 70
50 Regice ImageRegice 168 153 112 102 70
50 Registeel ImageRegisteel 168 153 112 102 70
49 Hattrem ImageHattrem 167 152 111 101 69
49 Crocalor ImageCrocalor 167 152 111 101 69
48 Ditto ImageDitto 165 150 110 100 68
48 Scraggy ImageScraggy 165 150 110 100 68
47 Hippowdon ImageHippowdon 162 149 108 99 67
47 Varoom ImageVaroom 162 149 108 99 67
46 Silicobra ImageSilicobra 161 147 107 98 66
46 Grubbin ImageGrubbin 161 147 107 98 66
46 Enamorus (Therian Forme) ImageEnamorus (Therian Forme) 161 147 107 98 66
45 Magnemite ImageMagnemite 159 146 106 97 65
45 Flaaffy ImageFlaaffy 159 146 106 97 65
45 Venonat ImageVenonat 159 146 106 97 65
45 Lurantis ImageLurantis 159 146 106 97 65
45 Mudbray ImageMudbray 159 146 106 97 65
45 Mareanie ImageMareanie 159 146 106 97 65
45 Shinx ImageShinx 159 146 106 97 65
45 Dunsparce ImageDunsparce 159 146 106 97 65
45 Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff 159 146 106 97 65
45 Bellibolt ImageBellibolt 159 146 106 97 65
45 Nymble ImageNymble 159 146 106 97 65
45 Shuppet ImageShuppet 159 146 106 97 65
45 Gothita ImageGothita 159 146 106 97 65
45 Yungoos ImageYungoos 159 146 106 97 65
45 Gumshoos ImageGumshoos 159 146 106 97 65
45 Rabsca ImageRabsca 159 146 106 97 65
45 Tadbulb ImageTadbulb 159 146 106 97 65
45 Ting-Lu ImageTing-Lu 159 146 106 97 65
45 Chingling ImageChingling 159 146 106 97 65
45 Seel ImageSeel 159 146 106 97 65
45 Oshawott ImageOshawott 159 146 106 97 65
115 Ambipom ImageAmbipom 275 251 183 167 135
45 Alolan Golem ImageAlolan Golem 159 146 106 97 65
45 Inkay ImageInkay 159 146 106 97 65
45 Dusknoir ImageDusknoir 159 146 106 97 65
45 Conkeldurr ImageConkeldurr 159 146 106 97 65
45 Jangmo-o ImageJangmo-o 159 146 106 97 65
45 Golem ImageGolem 159 146 106 97 65
45 Bulbasaur ImageBulbasaur 159 146 106 97 65
45 Chikorita ImageChikorita 159 146 106 97 65
45 Torchic ImageTorchic 159 146 106 97 65
45 Tepig ImageTepig 159 146 106 97 65
45 Granbull ImageGranbull 159 146 106 97 65
44 Clauncher ImageClauncher 158 144 105 96 64
44 Chewtle ImageChewtle 158 144 105 96 64
44 Dragalge ImageDragalge 158 144 105 96 64
44 Hydrapple ImageHydrapple 158 144 105 96 64
43 Cetoddle ImageCetoddle 156 143 104 95 63
43 Crabominable ImageCrabominable 156 143 104 95 63
43 Vikavolt ImageVikavolt 156 143 104 95 63
43 Squirtle ImageSquirtle 156 143 104 95 63
43 Totodile ImageTotodile 156 143 104 95 63
42 Flabebe ImageFlabebe 155 141 103 94 62
42 Drowzee ImageDrowzee 155 141 103 94 62
42 Gible ImageGible 155 141 103 94 62
42 Rowlet ImageRowlet 155 141 103 94 62
42 Sewaddle ImageSewaddle 155 141 103 94 62
42 Swadloon ImageSwadloon 155 141 103 94 62
42 Araquanid ImageAraquanid 155 141 103 94 62
41 Larvitar ImageLarvitar 153 140 102 93 61
40 Shellder ImageShellder 152 138 101 92 60
40 Cufant ImageCufant 152 138 101 92 60
40 Cubchoo ImageCubchoo 152 138 101 92 60
40 Marill ImageMarill 152 138 101 92 60
40 Forretress ImageForretress 152 138 101 92 60
40 Eelektrik ImageEelektrik 152 138 101 92 60
40 Phanpy ImagePhanpy 152 138 101 92 60
40 Ralts ImageRalts 152 138 101 92 60
40 Vespiquen ImageVespiquen 152 138 101 92 60
40 Goomy ImageGoomy 152 138 101 92 60
40 Teddiursa ImageTeddiursa 152 138 101 92 60
40 Snover ImageSnover 152 138 101 92 60
40 Toxel ImageToxel 152 138 101 92 60
40 Camerupt ImageCamerupt 152 138 101 92 60
40 Galarian Meowth ImageGalarian Meowth 152 138 101 92 60
40 Gulpin ImageGulpin 152 138 101 92 60
40 Hisuian Sliggoo ImageHisuian Sliggoo 152 138 101 92 60
35 Poochyena ImagePoochyena 143 131 95 87 55
40 Gloom ImageGloom 152 138 101 92 60
40 Alolan Sandshrew ImageAlolan Sandshrew 152 138 101 92 60
40 Rhyperior ImageRhyperior 152 138 101 92 60
40 Rhydon ImageRhydon 152 138 101 92 60
40 Gurdurr ImageGurdurr 152 138 101 92 60
40 Sandshrew ImageSandshrew 152 138 101 92 60
40 Mudkip ImageMudkip 152 138 101 92 60
40 Piplup ImagePiplup 152 138 101 92 60
40 Popplio ImagePopplio 152 138 101 92 60
40 Ariados ImageAriados 152 138 101 92 60
40 Bellsprout ImageBellsprout 152 138 101 92 60
40 Probopass ImageProbopass 152 138 101 92 60
40 Dipplin ImageDipplin 152 138 101 92 60
40 Porygon ImagePorygon 152 138 101 92 60
39 Hatenna ImageHatenna 150 137 100 91 59
39 Gastrodon (East Sea) ImageGastrodon (East Sea) 150 137 100 91 59
39 Gastrodon (West Sea) ImageGastrodon (West Sea) 150 137 100 91 59
39 Arboliva ImageArboliva 150 137 100 91 59
38 Deino ImageDeino 149 135 99 90 58
38 Chespin ImageChespin 149 135 99 90 58
38 Hisuian Avalugg ImageHisuian Avalugg 149 135 99 90 58
38 Phantump ImagePhantump 149 135 99 90 58
37 Cosmog ImageCosmog 146 134 97 89 57
37 Cosmoem ImageCosmoem 146 134 97 89 57
36 Fuecoco ImageFuecoco 144 132 96 88 56
36 Charjabug ImageCharjabug 144 132 96 88 56
36 Grotle ImageGrotle 144 132 96 88 56
35 Lechonk ImageLechonk 143 131 95 87 55
35 Toxapex ImageToxapex 143 131 95 87 55
35 Mareep ImageMareep 143 131 95 87 55
35 Cacnea ImageCacnea 143 131 95 87 55
35 Fomantis ImageFomantis 143 131 95 87 55
35 Mudsdale ImageMudsdale 143 131 95 87 55
35 Scatterbug ImageScatterbug 143 131 95 87 55
35 Shroomish ImageShroomish 143 131 95 87 55
35 Numel ImageNumel 143 131 95 87 55
35 Quagsire ImageQuagsire 143 131 95 87 55
35 Spiritomb ImageSpiritomb 143 131 95 87 55
35 Palossand ImagePalossand 143 131 95 87 55
35 Spidops ImageSpidops 143 131 95 87 55
35 Dondozo ImageDondozo 143 131 95 87 55
35 Naclstack ImageNaclstack 143 131 95 87 55
35 Garganacl ImageGarganacl 143 131 95 87 55
35 Charcadet ImageCharcadet 143 131 95 87 55
5 Munchlax ImageMunchlax 93 86 62 57 25
40 Exeggcute ImageExeggcute 152 138 101 92 60
30 Duosion ImageDuosion 135 123 90 82 50
35 Tyrogue ImageTyrogue 143 131 95 87 55
35 Alolan Graveler ImageAlolan Graveler 143 131 95 87 55
35 Timburr ImageTimburr 143 131 95 87 55
35 Clefairy ImageClefairy 143 131 95 87 55
35 Graveler ImageGraveler 143 131 95 87 55
35 Koffing ImageKoffing 143 131 95 87 55
34 Greavard ImageGreavard 141 129 94 86 54
34 Shellos (East Sea) ImageShellos (East Sea) 141 129 94 86 54
34 Shellos (West Sea) ImageShellos (West Sea) 141 129 94 86 54
34 Milcery ImageMilcery 141 129 94 86 54
33 Bronzong ImageBronzong 140 128 93 85 53
33 Dolliv ImageDolliv 140 128 93 85 53
32 Bounsweet ImageBounsweet 138 126 92 84 52
32 Hippopotas ImageHippopotas 138 126 92 84 52
31 Turtwig ImageTurtwig 137 125 91 83 51
30 Smoliv ImageSmoliv 135 123 90 82 50
30 Petilil ImagePetilil 135 123 90 82 50
30 Coalossal ImageCoalossal 135 123 90 82 50
30 Slowking ImageSlowking 135 123 90 82 50
30 Appletun ImageAppletun 135 123 90 82 50
30 Copperajah ImageCopperajah 135 123 90 82 50
30 Happiny ImageHappiny 135 123 90 82 50
30 Rolycoly ImageRolycoly 135 123 90 82 50
30 Slakoth ImageSlakoth 135 123 90 82 50
30 Slowbro ImageSlowbro 135 123 90 82 50
30 Sudowoodo ImageSudowoodo 135 123 90 82 50
30 Sunflora ImageSunflora 135 123 90 82 50
30 Sunkern ImageSunkern 135 123 90 82 50
30 Amoonguss ImageAmoonguss 135 123 90 82 50
30 Skrelp ImageSkrelp 135 123 90 82 50
30 Rellor ImageRellor 135 123 90 82 50
30 Seedot ImageSeedot 135 123 90 82 50
30 Beldum ImageBeldum 135 123 90 82 50
30 Galarian Slowbro ImageGalarian Slowbro 135 123 90 82 50
30 Glastrier ImageGlastrier 135 123 90 82 50
30 Galarian Slowking ImageGalarian Slowking 135 123 90 82 50
95 Gliscor ImageGliscor 242 221 161 147 115
35 Corphish ImageCorphish 143 131 95 87 55
115 Cinccino ImageCinccino 275 251 183 167 135
30 Oddish ImageOddish 135 123 90 82 50
30 Bastiodon ImageBastiodon 135 123 90 82 50
30 Shieldon ImageShieldon 135 123 90 82 50
30 Spinarak ImageSpinarak 135 123 90 82 50
30 Lotad ImageLotad 135 123 90 82 50
30 Nosepass ImageNosepass 135 123 90 82 50
30 Magcargo ImageMagcargo 135 123 90 82 50
30 Snubbull ImageSnubbull 135 123 90 82 50
29 Hatterene ImageHatterene 134 122 89 81 49
29 Spewpa ImageSpewpa 134 122 89 81 49
28 Bergmite ImageBergmite 132 120 88 80 48
28 Avalugg ImageAvalugg 132 120 88 80 48
27 Dewpider ImageDewpider 129 119 86 79 47
25 Makuhita ImageMakuhita 126 116 84 77 45
25 Skwovet ImageSkwovet 126 116 84 77 45
25 Grimer ImageGrimer 126 116 84 77 45
25 Nacli ImageNacli 126 116 84 77 45
25 Kricketot ImageKricketot 126 116 84 77 45
25 Alolan Grimer ImageAlolan Grimer 126 116 84 77 45
25 Rhyhorn ImageRhyhorn 126 116 84 77 45
25 Dusclops ImageDusclops 126 116 84 77 45
25 Duskull ImageDuskull 126 116 84 77 45
23 Bronzor ImageBronzor 123 113 82 75 43
20 Applin ImageApplin 119 108 79 72 40
20 Azurill ImageAzurill 119 108 79 72 40
20 Greedent ImageGreedent 119 108 79 72 40
20 Torkoal ImageTorkoal 119 108 79 72 40
20 Jigglypuff ImageJigglypuff 119 108 79 72 40
20 Snom ImageSnom 119 108 79 72 40
20 Tarountula ImageTarountula 119 108 79 72 40
20 Clodsire ImageClodsire 119 108 79 72 40
55 Crawdaunt ImageCrawdaunt 176 161 117 107 75
100 Flygon ImageFlygon 251 228 167 152 120
20 Alolan Geodude ImageAlolan Geodude 119 108 79 72 40
20 Litwick ImageLitwick 119 108 79 72 40
20 Geodude ImageGeodude 119 108 79 72 40
20 Slugma ImageSlugma 119 108 79 72 40
15 Paldean Wooper ImagePaldean Wooper 110 101 73 67 35
15 Pineco ImagePineco 110 101 73 67 35
15 Pincurchin ImagePincurchin 110 101 73 67 35
15 Slowpoke ImageSlowpoke 110 101 73 67 35
15 Igglybuff ImageIgglybuff 110 101 73 67 35
15 Wooper ImageWooper 110 101 73 67 35
15 Foongus ImageFoongus 110 101 73 67 35
15 Sandygast ImageSandygast 110 101 73 67 35
15 Galarian Slowpoke ImageGalarian Slowpoke 110 101 73 67 35
15 Cleffa ImageCleffa 110 101 73 67 35
10 Bonsly ImageBonsly 102 93 68 62 30
10 Gimmighoul (Chest Form) ImageGimmighoul (Chest Form) 102 93 68 62 30
85 Gligar ImageGligar 225 206 150 137 105
35 Golett ImageGolett 143 131 95 87 55

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokedex Banner

Pokedex: All Confirmed Pokemon

▶︎ Pokemon Trading Board (11129 posts)

All DLC Pokemon

New DLC Pokemon and Legendaries
The Indigo Disk
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pecharunt Pecharunt Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TerapagosTerapagos Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - ArchaludonArchaludon Hydrapple.pngHydrapple
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Paradox RaikouRaging Bolt Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SVGouging Fire Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Paradox CobalionIron Crown Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron BoulderIron Boulder
The Teal Mask
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - OgerponOgerpon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Wellspring MaskOgerpon (Wellspring Mask) Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Hearthflame MaskOgerpon (Hearthflame Mask) Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Cornerstone MaskOgerpon (Cornerstone Mask)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - OkidogiOkidogi Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MunkidoriMunkidori Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - FezandipitiFezandipiti
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bloodmoon UrsalunaBloodmoon Ursaluna Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - PoltchageistPoltchageist Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - SinistchaSinistcha Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - DipplinDipplin

All Returning DLC Pokemon

Paldea Pokemon

Starter Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Sprigatito.pngSprigatito Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Fuecoco.pngFuecoco Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Quaxly.pngQuaxly
Legendary Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - KoraidonKoraidon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MiraidonMiraidon
The Four Treasures of Ruin
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Wo-ChienWo-Chien Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Chien-PaoChien-Pao Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ting-LuTing-Lu Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Chi-YuChi-Yu
Paradox Pokemon
Scarlet Exclusive Violet Exclusive
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Great TuskGreat Tusk Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sandy ShocksSandy Shocks Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron TreadsIron Treads Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron ThornsIron Thorns
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Slither WingSlither Wing Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Brute BonnetBrute Bonnet Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron BundleIron Bundle Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron JugulisIron Jugulis
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Scream TailScream Tail Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flutter ManeFlutter Mane Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron MothIron Moth Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron HandsIron Hands
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Roaring MoonRoaring Moon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Walking WakeWalking Wake Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron ValiantIron Valiant Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron LeavesIron Leaves

Pokemon by Pokedex

All Pokemon by Pokedex
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Gen 9 Starters and Evolutions Paldea Pokedex Pokemon SV - The Teal Mask DLC Pokedex The Teal Mask Pokedex Pokemon SV - The Indigo Disk DLC PokedexThe Indigo Disk Pokedex

Pokemon by Type

All Pokemon Types
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost TypeGhost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal
Best Pokemon by Type
Grass Water Fire
Electric Ice Fighting
Ground Poison Flying
Psychic Bug Rock
Ghost Dragon Dark
Steel Fairy Normal

All Pokemon by Generation

Pokemon Generations
Generation 1 PokemonGeneration 1 Generation 2 PokemonGeneration 2 Generation 3 PokemonGeneration 3
Generation 4 PokemonGeneration 4 Generation 5 PokemonGeneration 5 Generation 6 PokemonGeneration 6
Generation 7 PokemonGeneration 7 Generation 8 PokemonGeneration 8 Generation 9 PokemonGeneration 9

All Pokemon by Egg Group

List of Egg Groups
Amorphous Bug Ditto
Dragon Fairy Field
Flying Grass Human-Like
Mineral Monster Undiscovered
Water 1 Water 2 Water 3

Other Pokemon Lists

Pokemon Lists
Paldean Forms Convergent Species
Version Exclusives All Pokemon by Base Stats
Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon List of Pokemon by EV Yield
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Genderless Pokemon Shiny Pokemon
DLC Returning Pokemon New DLC Legendary Pokemon
All Regional Forms and Evolutions All Pokemon HOME Transferable Pokemon
All Returning and New Indigo Disk Pokemon Snacksworth Legendary Pokemon


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