Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

0 Attack IV Pecharunt Reroll Guide

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Pokemon SV - 0 IV Pecharunt Banner

As a special attacker, Pecharunt would want to have 0 IVs in Attack to maximize its stat distribution for battles in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Read on to learn how to reroll for a 0 Attack IV Pecharunt during the Indigo Disk Epilogue.

Pecharunt Stat Reroll Guide

Save Before Facing Pecharunt at the Loyalty Plaza

Pokemon SV - Before Pecharunt Fight

Make sure to turn off your autosave and save your game right after fighting Nemona and before you choose to fight Pecharunt in front of the statues of the Loyal Three at the Loyalty Plaza. Double-check that autosave is off, otherwise, the game might save for you and you won't be able to reset the game for a new Pecharunt.

Pokemon DLC Epilogue Story Walkthrough

How to Check Pecharunt for 0 Attack IVs

Recommended Pokemon and Steps

Recommended Pokemon
Victreebel ImageVictreebel
Grass TypePoison Type
Vileplume ImageVileplume
Grass TypePoison Type
Required Move
Strength Sap
No. Step
1 Prepare Victreebel/Vileplume by making it take 144 or more damage before fighting Pecharunt.
2 Double-check that autosave is off and that you've saved before initiating the battle.
3 Use Strength Sap and check if you've healed 143 HP. If you healed more than that, reset.
4 If you healed exactly 143 HP, then catch Pecharunt.

The lowest possible Attack stat for Pecharunt to have is 143 Attack. To easily check for a 0 Attack IV Pecharunt, you will need a Victreebel or Vileplume with the move Strength Sap.

At the start of the fight, you will simply have to use Strength Sap to recover your HP based on Pecharunt's Attack stat. If you heal more than 143 HP, then Pecharunt doesn't have the lowest possible Attack stat. If you heal exactly 143 HP, it has the lowest possible Attack stat and it's good to catch.

0 IV and 1 IV Have the Same Value at Lv. 50

If you're planning to use Pecharunt in battle formats that set the Pokemon's level to 50, then it is also worth catching one with 1 Attack IV. To check for this, Strength Sap will need to heal 144 HP for a 1 Attack IV.

Do note however that this is also the same Attack value as a 2 Attack IV Pecharunt, so it is up to you to decide if going for a 1 Attack IV Pecharunt is worth it or not.

Alternative Strength Sap Pokemon

If you don't have a Victreebel or Vileplume, you can use any other Pokemon that learns Strength Sap for this method. Just make sure that it has enough health to check if it heals for 143 HP and it has at least 206 Speed to outspeed Pecharunt.

Ideally, it would still be best to use either of these two Pokemon since every other Strength Sap user is weak to Pecharunt's STAB attacks and these two are Poison-types that are immune to getting poisoned and Poison Puppeteer's effect.

Why Reroll Pecharunt IVs?

Less Damage Taken From Foul Play or While Confused

Attack IVs Foul Play Damage
0 50 ~ 62
31 60 ~ 72

The reason why you would want 0 Attack IVs is to reduce the damage taken from moves like Foul Play, or the damage dealt by hitting yourself when confused.

Foul Play uses the target's Attack stat in the damage calculation, so we would want to minimize that damage by having the lowest possible Attack stat. It is also a Dark-type move that is super-effective against Pecharunt's Ghost typing.

Meanwhile, being confused causes a Pokemon to hit itself with the attack counting as a Physical Attack. For the same reason as Foul Play, it would be best to have the lowest Attack possible in order to minimize the amount of damage taken from being confused.

0 Attack IV Pecharunt Odds

Stats Odds
0 Attack IVs 1 in 32

The chance of getting a 0 Attack IV Pecharunt is a 1 in 32 or 3.125% chance. If you plan on using Pecharunt in battle, then it is well worth resetting and trying to get one with a minimum Attack stat.

Also Aim for 'Decent' Attack IVs

Since getting a 0 Attack IV Pecharunt may be considered time-consuming, rolling for one with a Decent Attack rating is also a viable option. In battle formats where the Pokemon's level is set to 50, the stats are significantly lower making a low Attack IV viable.

Also as a note, at level 50, Pecharunt's Attack stat is still 143 even if it has 1 Attack IV. In the Judge function, this will display the stat as 'Decent', so it is also worth considering taking a low but not minimum Attack stat.

0 IV vs 31 IV Attack Stat Differences

Pecharunt Stat Differences w/ -Atk Nature & 0 EVs
Level 0 IVs (No Good) 31 IVs (Best)
50 83 97
88 143 168
100 162 190

Depending on the battle format being used, the difference between 0 IVs in Attack compared to 31 IVs can be significant. At level 50, the difference is only 14 points while at level 100 it's doubled to 28.

The main thing to note is that Pecharunt's bulk also changes depending on the level. This means that while it has a lower Attack stat at 50, it still takes a lot of damage due to the lower HP stat.

What are IVs?

Individual Values that Help Determine a Pokemon's Stats

Pokemon SV - Bloodmoon Ursaluna IVs
IVs, or Individual Values, are hidden values which are combined with a Pokemon's Base Stats and EVs to calculate their Stats which are visible to players and used in battle.

Unlike EVs, IVs are determined randomly for each Pokemon and are generally uncontrollable by the player. IVs are valued at 0 to 31 for each stat, where 0 is the worst number and 31 is the best number. Pokemon with high IVs in a stat will have a higher-than-normal value in that stat.

EVs, IVs, and Natures Explained

How to Check IVs

Use the Judge Function

Unlocking the Judge Function - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)
In order to check a Pokemon's IVs, you will need to use the Judge Function. When you highlight a Pokemon in your boxes, press the + button until their IVs are displayed on screen.

If you do not have access to the Judge Function, then you will need to finish the base game first to unlock it.

How to Check IVs and Unlock the Judge Function

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