Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Best Treasures of Ruin Doubles Rental Team for VGC & Competitive

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Treasures of Ruin Doubles Team.png
This is a strategy guide and complete explanation of a Doubles Team that makes use of Treasures of Ruin Pokemon for Regulation C Ranked Battles in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Read on for the team's rental code and tips on how to use this team effectively in competitive play, recommended movesets and best builds, and strategies and synergies for each Pokemon.

Best Treasures of Ruin Doubles Team for Ranked Battle

Balanced Treasures of Ruin Doubles Team

Rental Code XC4JCN

This team can switch between hyper offense and defense depending on what the team is up against. Pokemon like Chi-Yu, Flutter Mane, Iron Hands, and Gyarados can be offensive threats, while having defensive options like Gyarados' Intimidate, Assault Vest Ting-Lu's Vessel of Ruin, and bulky Amoonguss.

The user will often have plenty of options during team selection, and many available lines of play over the course of a match.

Balanced Treasures of Ruin Team Movesets & Best Builds

Support Amoonguss Moveset

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Amoonguss Image

Nature Sassy (+Sp.Def, -Spe)
EV Spread 236 HP / 116 Def / 156 Sp. Def
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
Final Stat Values 219 HP / 105 Def / 105 Sp. Atk / 132 Sp. Def / 49 Spe
Ability Regenerator
Tera Type Pokemon Water Type Icon
Held Item Rocky Helmet
Moveset Clear Smog
Rage Powder
Pollen Puff

Amoonguss' dual-typing and access to Rage Powder makes it great at supporting through redirection in Doubles. Clear Smog is very useful for opposing set up strategies like Dondozo and Tatsugiri.

Spore can be immensely annoying for the opponent, making Amoonguss a hot target. Pollen Puff is great for healing its allies.

Amoonguss Movesets and Best Builds

Choice Scarf Chi-Yu Moveset

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Chi-Yu Image

Nature Modest (+Sp. Atk, -Atk)
EV Spread 252 Sp. Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spe
Final Stat Values 130 HP / 100 Def / 205 Sp. Atk / 141 Sp. Def / 152 Spe (228 with Choice Scarf)
Ability Beads of Ruin
Tera Type Pokemon Dark Type Icon
Held Item Choice Scarf
Moveset Heat Wave
Dark Pulse

Chi-Yu is partnered up with Flutter Mane, which makes for a very specially offensive duo. Flutter Mane takes full advantage of Chi-Yu's Beads of Ruin debuff, while also benefitting from Choice Scarf Chi-Yu's fast Snarls.

Dark Pulse is a consistent single-target Dark-type Move which can occasionally flinch opponents, while Heat Wave is a spread option.
Overheat is a great way to deal massive burst damage when Chi-Yu really has to pick up a KO.

Chi-Yu Movesets and Best Builds

Focus Sash Flutter Mane Moveset

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flutter Mane Image

Nature Timid (+ Spe, -Atk)
EV Spread 252 Sp. Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spe
Final Stat Values 130 HP / 75 Def / 187 Sp. Atk / 156 Sp. Def / 205 Spe
Ability Protosynthesis
Tera Type Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
Held Item Focus Sash
Moveset Shadow Ball
Dazzling Gleam
Trick Room

Focus Sash Flutter Mane has good staying power thanks to its held item, which means it can usually get multiple attacks off before getting KOd. Trick Room is on this set, as it allows you to reverse opposing team's Trick Room, or set up Trick Room for Flutter Mane's slower teammates like Iron Hands, Ting-Lu and Amoonguss.

Shadow Ball, Dazzling Gleam, and Protect are all standard Flutter Mane moves that lets it have a single-target option, a double-target option, and an option to protect itself.

Flutter Mane Movesets and Best Builds

Tera Flying Gyarados Moveset

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Gyarados Image

Nature Jolly Nature (+Spe, -Sp. Atk)
EV Spread 164 HP / 132 Atk / 12 Def / 4 Sp. Def / 196 Spe
Final Stat Values 192 HP / 162 Atk / 101 Def / 121 Sp. Def / 138 Spe
Ability Intimidate
Tera Type Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Held Item Lum Berry
Moveset Waterfall
Tera Blast
Dragon Dance

196 Spe allows Gyarados to outspeed Booster Energy Iron Bundle by 1 point after one Dragon Dance. It is then given enough bulk and Attack EVs to survive multiple hits and deal substantial damage to opposing Pokemon.

Waterfall is Gyarados' main STAB Move, which can occasionally cause opponents to flinch. Tera Blast with a Flying Tera lets Gyarados deal neutral damage to most types, and deal super-effective damage to bulky Flying-weak Pokemon like Wo-Chien and Amoonguss. Protect allows Gyarados to protect itself on crucial turns where it has to be defensive, or for stalling out turns of Tailwind and Trick Room.

Gyarados Movesets and Best Builds

Safety Goggles Iron Hands Moveset

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron Hands Image

Nature Adamant (+Atk, -Sp. Atk)
EV Spread 140 HP / 76 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Sp. De / 4 Spef
Final Stat Values 247 HP / 187 Atk / 129 Def / 120 Sp. Def / 75 Spe
Ability Quark Drive
Tera Type Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Held Item Safety Goggles
Moveset Fake Out
Drain Punch
Wild Charge

Wild Charge is its most damaging STAB Move, but deals recoil damage when you use it. Drain Punch gives Iron Hands incremental recovery. Fake Out is an important Move in any Iron Hands build as it can force protects or break Focus Sashes. Protect is a rare move for Iron Hands, which allows it to protect itself from damage, while a teammate takes care of Pokemon that threaten it.

This build makes use of Tera Fire as it lets Iron Hands be immune to Will-O-Wisp, which it is sure to be a target of. Safety Goggles gives Iron Hands immunity from the effects of Spore and Rage Powder

140 HP and 252 Special Defense with Assault Vest gives Iron Hands enough Special bulk to withstand powerful super-effective Moves like Flutter Mane's Moonblast.

Iron Hands Movesets and Best Builds

Bulky Assault Vest Ting Lu Moveset

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ting-Lu Image

Nature Adamant (+Atk, -Sp. Atk)
EV Spread 252 HP / 68 Atk / 4 Def / 180 Sp. Def / 4 Spe
Final Stat Values 262 HP / 152 Atk / 146 Def / 123 Sp. Def / 66 Spe
Ability Vessel of Ruin
Tera Type Pokemon Poison Type Icon
Held Item Assault Vest
Moveset Ruination
Stomping Tantrum
Heavy Slam

Ting-Lu is incredibly durable and is capable of staying on the field for a long time thanks to its natural bulk, Vessel of Ruin Ability, and Assault Vest.

Fissure is a low accuracy Move, but will often win you games on the rare occasions that it connects. When it does miss, it can power up Stomping Tantrum.

Ruination is a consistent way to take opponents to 50% HP.

Its EVs will always allow Ting-Lu to survive Flutter Mane's Moonblast after Beads of Ruin, and will always OHKO Chi-Yu with Stomping Tantrum and Flutter Mane with Heavy Slam.

Ting-Lu Movesets and Best Builds

Balanced Treasures of Ruin Team Strategies and Synergies

Team Synergies

Chi-Yu and Flutter Mane

Chi-Yu ImageChi-Yu
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Icon
Flutter Mane ImageFlutter Mane
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ghost Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Icon

Chi-Yu and Flutter Mane make for a powerful offensive duo, with Chi-Yu reducing every other Pokemon's Special Defense, and both of them being powerful Special Attackers.

Flutter Mane does not particularly mind the Special Defense drop as it has a Focus Sash.

Choice Scarf Chi-Yu's Special Attacks will always pack a punch because of its Beads of Ruin Ability, even with an attack with low base power like Snarl.

Gyarados and Ting-Lu

Gyarados ImageGyarados
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flying Icon
Ting-Lu ImageTing-Lu
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ground Icon

Gyarados and Ting-Lu are an excellent defensive duo that can protect each other with their Abilities. With offense drops all around, Gyarados can find opportunities to set up Dragon Dance and position for a sweep.

Gyarados and Iron Hands

Gyarados ImageGyarados
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flying Icon
Iron Hands ImageIron Hands
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fighting Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Electric Icon

Gyarados and Iron Hands make for a solid back end to teams, as they can usually clean up remaining Pokemon who have sustained damage from Chi-Yu and Flutter Mane.

Ting-Lu and Amoonguss

Ting-Lu ImageTing-Lu
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ground Icon
Amoonguss ImageAmoonguss
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Poison Icon

Ting-Lu and Amoonguss are massively bulky, with the latter even having an option to remove opposing Pokemon's stat buffs with Clear Smog. Amoonguss can redirect damage away from Ting-Lu while it fishes for Fissure knock outs.

When to Terastallize

Boost Power of Moves

Flutter Mane ImageFlutter Mane
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ghost Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
Gyarados ImageGyarados
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flying Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Flying Type Icon

Flutter Mane and Gyarados can Terastallize offensively to give their moves an extra boost. While this is used as a means to boost their offense, it is an added advantage that Flutter Mane loses the weaknesses of its secondary type, while Gyarados reduces its Electric weakness to x2 from x4.

Use to Remove Weaknesses

Amoonguss ImageAmoonguss
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Poison Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Water Type Icon
Chi-Yu ImageChi-Yu
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Ghost Type Icon
Gyarados ImageGyarados
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flying Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Ting-Lu ImageTing-Lu
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ground Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Poison Type Icon

Amoonguss, Chi-Yu, Gyarados, and Ting-Lu can all Terastallize defensively which can help them mitigate super-effective damage. Additionally, Iron Hands can Tera Fire, which can help it become immune to Will-O-Wisp, however it retains its Ground weakness.

Be Wary of Bad Matchups

Dondozo ImageDondozo
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Steel Type Icon
Hatterene ImageHatterene
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Psychic Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Wo-Chien ImageWo-Chien
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Poison Type Icon

Dondozo is a difficult to beat as the team can only use Amoonguss' Clear Smog to get rid of its stat buffs.

Trick Room is also a tricky matchup, with the team having few ways to play around it.

Wo-Chien with Terastallization can whittle down our team's defenses with consistent incrememental damage through Leech Seed.

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