Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

All Rotom Phone Cases and How to Get Game-Themed Cases

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Rotom Phone Cases
Your Rotom Phone can be customized moren than ever by purchasing new Rotom Phone Cases in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) The Teal Mask DLC. Read on to see all Rotom Phone Cases, where to buy, as well as how to unlock custom Pokemon themed Rotom Phone Cases, and all of the custom menu screen ui's that go along with them!

All Indigo Disk DLC Rotom Phone Cases

Rotom Phone Guides
Pokemon SV - Indigo DiskIndigo Disk Cases Teal Mask - Ogre MaskTeal Mask Cases Rotom Phone SVBase Game Cases Pokemon SV - Rotom Case Menu UI GlitteratiMenu Screen UIs Unknown Mass Outbreak Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)How to Change
Phone Case How to Obtain
Rotom PhoneTeam Star Case
Team Star Case
Talk to Giacomo and Eri in Academy and do a Side-Story.
Rotom PhoneSurrending Sunflora Case
Surrending Sunflora Case
Invite Brassius as a coach and defeat them in battle.
Rotom PhoneIono Zone Case
Iono Zone Case
Invite Iono as a coach and defeat them in battle.
Rotom PhoneBlueberry Case (White)
Blueberry Case (White)
Invite Lacey as a coach and defeat them in battle.
Rotom PhoneSandwich Case (Tomato)
Sandwich Case (Tomato)
Invite Arven as a coach and defeat them in battle.
Rotom PhoneSandwich Case (Bacon)
Sandwich Case (Bacon)
Invite Arven as a coach and defeat them in battle.
Rotom PhoneSandwich Case (Fruit)
Sandwich Case (Fruit)
Invite Arven as a coach and defeat them in battle.
Rotom PhoneBlueberry Case (Black)
Blueberry Case (Black)
Defeat Kieran in battle when he shows up in the League Club room.
Rotom PhoneNeo-Kitakami Case
Neo-Kitakami Case
Obtain via Mystery Gift with the code NE0R0T0MC0VER.

All Teal Mask DLC Rotom Phone Cases

Rotom Phone Guides
Pokemon SV - Indigo DiskIndigo Disk Cases Teal Mask - Ogre MaskTeal Mask Cases Rotom Phone SVBase Game Cases Pokemon SV - Rotom Case Menu UI GlitteratiMenu Screen UIs Unknown Mass Outbreak Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)How to Change


Phone Case How to Obtain
Rotom PhoneTera Fire Case
Tera Fire Case
Purchase from Mask Vendor in Kitakami Hall for ₽3,000.
Rotom PhoneTera Water Case
Tera Water Case
Purchase from Mask Vendor in Kitakami Hall for ₽3,000.
Rotom PhoneTera Grass Case
Tera Grass Case
Purchase from Mask Vendor in Kitakami Hall for ₽3,000.
Rotom PhoneOkidogi Case
Okidogi Case
Purchase from Mask Vendor in Kitakami Hall for ₽3,000.
Rotom PhoneMunkidori Case
Munkidori Case
Purchase from Mask Vendor in Kitakami Hall for ₽3,000.
Rotom PhoneFezandipiti Case
Fezandipiti Case
Purchase from Mask Vendor in Kitakami Hall for ₽3,000.
Rotom PhonePoke Ball Case
Poke Ball Case
Purchase from Mask Vendor in Kitakami Hall for ₽1,500.
Rotom PhonePoke Ball Case
Poke Ball Case
Purchase from Mask Vendor in Kitakami Hall for ₽1,500.
Rotom PhonePoke Ball Case
Poke Ball Case
Purchase from Mask Vendor in Kitakami Hall for ₽1,500.
Rotom PhonePoke Ball Case
Poke Ball Case
Purchase from Mask Vendor in Kitakami Hall for ₽1,500.
Rotom PhonePoke Ball Case
Poke Ball Case
Purchase from Mask Vendor in Kitakami Hall for ₽1,500.


Phone Case How to Obtain
Pokemon SV - Glitterati Case}
Glitterati Case
Obtained as a reward after the final battle with Lady O'Nare.

All Billy and O'Nare Locations and Rewards

All Base Game Rotom Phone Cases

Rotom Phone Guides
Pokemon SV - Indigo DiskIndigo Disk Cases Teal Mask - Ogre MaskTeal Mask Cases Rotom Phone SVBase Game Cases Pokemon SV - Rotom Case Menu UI GlitteratiMenu Screen UIs Unknown Mass Outbreak Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)How to Change
Phone Case How to Obtain
Rotom PhoneDefault Case
Default Case
Acquired by default at the start.
Rotom PhoneSprigatito Case
Sprigatito Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Mesagoza for ₽3000.
Rotom PhoneFuecoco Case
Fuecoco Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Mesagoza for ₽3000.
Rotom PhoneQuaxly Case
Quaxly Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Mesagoza for ₽3000.
Rotom PhoneYellow Case
Yellow Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Mesagoza for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneGreen Case
Green Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Mesagoza for ₽1000.
Rotom PhonePurple Case
Purple Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Mesagoza for ₽1000.
Rotom PhonePink Case
Pink Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Mesagoza for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneBlue Case
Blue Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Mesagoza for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneTurquoise Case
Turquoise Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Mesagoza for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneOlive Case
Olive Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Mesagoza for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneRose Case
Rose Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Mesagoza for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneBrown Case
Brown Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Mesagoza for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneLavender Case
Lavender Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Mesagoza for ₽1000.
Rotom PhonePikachu Case
Pikachu Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Levincia for ₽6000.
Rotom PhoneEevee Case
Eevee Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Levincia for ₽6000.
Rotom PhoneCream Case
Cream Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Levincia for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneDark Green Case
Dark Green Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Levincia for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneWine Red Case
Wine Red Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Levincia for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneOrange Case
Orange Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Levincia for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneSky Blue Case
Sky Blue Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Levincia for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneNavy Blue Case
Navy Blue Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Levincia for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneCocoa Brown Case
Cocoa Brown Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Levincia for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneDark Brown Case
Dark Brown Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Levincia for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneWhite Case
White Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Levincia for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneBlack Case
Black Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Levincia for ₽1000.
Rotom PhoneSwablu Sky Case
Swablu Sky Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Levincia for ₽5000.
Rotom PhoneCombee Honey Case
Combee Honey Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Levincia for ₽5000.
Rotom PhoneApplin Apple Case
Applin Apple Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Levincia for ₽5000.
Rotom PhoneGrass Case
Grass Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneWater Case
Water Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneFire Case
Fire Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneElectric Case
Electric Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneNormal Case
Normal Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneFlying Case
Flying Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneBug Case
Bug Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneFighting Case
Fighting Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhonePsychic Case
Psychic Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneGhost Case
Ghost Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneGround Case
Ground Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneRock Case
Rock Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneIce Case
Ice Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneDark Case
Dark Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneFairy Case
Fairy Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhonePoison Case
Poison Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneSteel Case
Steel Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneDragon Case
Dragon Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽2500.
Rotom PhoneKomala Log Case
Komala Log Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽5000.
Rotom PhoneFlabebe Flower Case
Flabebe Flower Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽5000.
Rotom PhoneMagnemite Magnet Case
Magnemite Magnet Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽5000.
Rotom PhoneGothita Ribbon Case
Gothita Ribbon Case
Purchase from Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa for ₽5000.
Rotom PhoneArc Phone Case
Arc Phone Case
Choose the Hisui dialogue option when talking to the Fortune Teller on the main road in Mesagoza.(Must have save files from Pokemon Legends: Arceus).
Rotom PhoneBall Guy Phone Case
Ball Guy Phone Case
Choose the Galar dialogue option when talking to the Fortune Teller on the main road in Mesagoza.(Must have save files from Pokemon Sword or Shield).
Rotom PhonePokétech Case
Pokétech Case
Choose the Sinnoh dialogue option when talking to the Fortune Teller on the main road in Mesagoza.(Must have save files from Pokemon Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl).
Rotom PhonePika-Vee Case
Pika-Vee Case
Choose the Kanto dialogue option when talking to the Fortune Teller on the main road in Mesagoza.(Must have save files from Pokemon Let's Go, Pikachu! or Pokemon Let's Go, Eevee!).

All Rotom Phone Case Menu Designs

Rotom Phone Guides
Pokemon SV - Indigo DiskIndigo Disk Cases Teal Mask - Ogre MaskTeal Mask Cases Rotom Phone SVBase Game Cases Pokemon SV - Rotom Case Menu UI GlitteratiMenu Screen UIs Unknown Mass Outbreak Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)How to Change
Phone Case Menu UI Design
Rotom PhoneNeo-Kitakami Case
Neo-Kitakami Case
Rotom PhoneBlueberry Case (Black)
Blueberry Case (Black)
Rotom PhoneSandwich Case (Fruit)
Sandwich Case (Fruit)
Rotom PhoneSandwich Case (Bacon)
Sandwich Case (Bacon)
Rotom PhoneSandwich Case (Tomato)
Sandwich Case (Tomato)
Rotom PhoneBlueberry Case (White)
Blueberry Case (White)
Rotom PhoneIono Zone Case
Iono Zone Case
Rotom PhoneSurrending Sunflora Case
Surrending Sunflora Case
Rotom PhoneTeam Star Case
Team Star Case
Rotom PhoneDefault Case
Default Case
Rotom PhoneSprigatito Case
Sprigatito Case
Rotom PhoneFuecoco Case
Fuecoco Case
Rotom PhoneQuaxly Case
Quaxly Case
Rotom PhoneYellow Case
Yellow Case
Rotom PhoneGreen Case
Green Case
Rotom PhonePurple Case
Purple Case
Rotom PhonePink Case
Pink Case
Rotom PhoneBlue Case
Blue Case
Rotom PhoneTurquoise Case
Turquoise Case
Rotom PhoneOlive Case
Olive Case
Rotom PhoneRose Case
Rose Case
Rotom PhoneBrown Case
Brown Case
Rotom PhoneLavender Case
Lavender Case
Rotom PhonePikachu Case
Pikachu Case
Rotom PhoneEevee Case
Eevee Case
Rotom PhoneCream Case
Cream Case
Rotom PhoneDark Green Case
Dark Green Case
Rotom PhoneWine Red Case
Wine Red Case
Rotom PhoneOrange Case
Orange Case
Rotom PhoneSky Blue Case
Sky Blue Case
Rotom PhoneNavy Blue Case
Navy Blue Case
Rotom PhoneCocoa Brown Case
Cocoa Brown Case
Rotom PhoneDark Brown Case
Dark Brown Case
Rotom PhoneWhite Case
White Case
Rotom PhoneBlack Case
Black Case
Rotom PhoneSwablu Sky Case
Swablu Sky Case
Rotom PhoneCombee Honey Case
Combee Honey Case
Rotom PhoneApplin Apple Case
Applin Apple Case
Rotom PhoneGrass Case
Grass Case
Rotom PhoneWater Case
Water Case
Rotom PhoneFire Case
Fire Case
Rotom PhoneElectric Case
Electric Case
Rotom PhoneNormal Case
Normal Case
Rotom PhoneFlying Case
Flying Case
Rotom PhoneBug Case
Bug Case
Rotom PhoneFighting Case
Fighting Case
Rotom PhonePsychic Case
Psychic Case
Rotom PhoneGhost Case
Ghost Case
Rotom PhoneGround Case
Ground Case
Rotom PhoneRock Case
Rock Case
Rotom PhoneIce Case
Ice Case
Rotom PhoneDark Case
Dark Case
Rotom PhoneFairy Case
Fairy Case
Rotom PhonePoison Case
Poison Case
Rotom PhoneSteel Case
Steel Case
Rotom PhoneDragon Case
Dragon Case
Rotom PhoneKomala Log Case
Komala Log Case
Rotom PhoneFlabebe Flower Case
Flabebe Flower Case
Rotom PhoneMagnemite Magnet Case
Magnemite Magnet Case
Rotom PhoneGothita Ribbon Case
Gothita Ribbon Case
Rotom PhoneArc Phone Case
Arc Phone Case
Rotom PhoneBall Guy Phone Case
Ball Guy Phone Case
Rotom PhonePokétech Case
Pokétech Case
Rotom PhonePika-Vee Case
Pika-Vee Case
Rotom PhoneTera Fire Case
Tera Fire Case
Rotom PhoneTera Water Case
Tera Water Case
Rotom PhoneTera Grass Case
Tera Grass Case
Rotom PhoneOkidogi Case
Okidogi Case
Rotom PhoneMunkidori Case
Munkidori Case
Rotom PhoneFezandipiti Case
Fezandipiti Case
Rotom PhoneGlitterati Case
Glitterati Case
Rotom PhonePoke Ball Case
Poke Ball Case
Rotom PhonePoke Ball Case
Poke Ball Case
Rotom PhonePoke Ball Case
Poke Ball Case
Rotom PhonePoke Ball Case
Poke Ball Case
Rotom PhonePoke Ball Case
Poke Ball Case

Unlocked via the Rotom Phone Customizer NPC

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Rotom Apps World View
To get the option to customize your Rotom Phone's Menu UI, you need to speak to the Rotom Phone Customizer NPC outside the Loyalty Plaza in Kitakami. He will upgrade your Rotom Phone so that its Menu Design will match the Phone Case that you are using.

How to Get New Rotom Phone Cases

Rotom Phone Guides
Pokemon SV - Indigo DiskIndigo Disk Cases Teal Mask - Ogre MaskTeal Mask Cases Rotom Phone SVBase Game Cases Pokemon SV - Rotom Case Menu UI GlitteratiMenu Screen UIs Unknown Mass Outbreak Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)How to Change

Purchase from Shops

Delibird Presents Storefront.png

Phone Cases can be purchased in Delibird Presents, along with other useful battle items, Poke balls, and more! Delibird Presents is found in Mesagoza, Levincia, and Cascarrafa, and each city carries a different set of items, so definitely stop by when you pass by one! Note that although one town may have multiple branches, each Delibird Presents in one town carries the same set of items.

With the addition of the Teal Mask DLC, more Phone Cases can now be purchased from the Mask Vendor in Kitakami Hall.

Receive from the Fortune Teller in Mesagoza

Mesagoza Rotom Phone Case Lady Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
You can get custom Rotom Phone cases by talking to the lady pictured above in Mesagoza City. For each Nintendo Switch mainstream Pokemon series game save data you have, you will be eligible for a unique Rotom Phone case. She can be found in front of the main stairs leading up to the academy, and it will take approximately 2 hours of play time to reach this point in the game.

Mesagoza Map, Features, and Things To Do

All Game Version Rotom Phone Cases

'Pika-Vee' Cover
Pokemon Let's Go! Pikachu and Eevee
'Ball Guy' Cover
Pokemon Sword and Shield
'Pokétch' Cover
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
'Arceus' Cover
Pokemon Legends Arceus

Change Phone Cases in the Outfit Menu

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Change Phone Cases in the Outfit Menu
You can change your Rotom Phone cases by pressing Left on the D-Pad to open up the Outfit menu and navigating to the Rotom Phone tab, which allows you to swap between your currently owned phone cases.

List of Clothes and How to Change Clothes

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Clothing

List of Clothes and Accessories

Clothing and Accessories by Type

All Clothing and Accessories by Type
Uniforms Legwear Footwear Gloves
Bags Hats Eyewear Rotom Phone

Clothing and Accessories by Store

All Clothing and Accessories by Store
Bagin's Capbourg Rough & Tough Seguro Style
Sock Quarter Spec Shack Veracidad Zapaldea Footwear
Peachy's Mask Vendor


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