Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Ursaluna Team: Best Doubles Team for Regulation D Ranked Battle

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Ursaluna Doubles Team.png
This is a strategy guide and complete explanation of a Doubles Team that makes use of Ursaluna for Regulation D Ranked Battle in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Read on for the team's rental code and tips on how to use this team effectively in competitive play, recommended movesets and best builds, and strategies and synergies for each Pokemon.

Best Doubles Team for Ranked Battle

Best Ursaluna Doubles Team

Rental Code K32H5H

This team makes use of Tornadus and Cresselia for implementing Speed Control, with each Pokemon's Speed stats carefully calculated to outspeed specific threats. Knowledge of Speed Tiers will prove useful for piloting this team.

Speed Explained: How Does Speed Work?

Ursaluna Doubles Team Movesets & Best Builds

Tera Ghost Chien-Pao

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Chien-Pao Image

Nature Jolly (+Spe, -Sp. Atk)
EV Spread 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Final Stat Values 156 HP / 172 Atk / 100 Def / 85 Sp. Def / 205 Spe
Ability Sword of Ruin
Tera Type Pokemon Ghost Type Icon
Held Item Focus Sash
Moveset Ice Spinner
Sacred Sword
Sucker Punch

A standard Chien-Pao Build improves the damage potential of all of the physical attackers on the team, with Chien-Pao included.

Chien-Pao is a great Pokemon to have in the back, switching in to boost a teammate's physical attack, or late-game to clear out low-HP Pokemon.

Chien-Pao Movesets and Best Builds

Support Cresselia

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Cresselia Image

Nature Bold (+Def, -Atk)
EV Spread 252 HP / 116 Def / 140 Sp. Def
IVs: 0 Atk
Final Stat Values 227 HP / 159 Def / 95 Sp. Atk / 158 Sp. Def / 105 Spe
Ability Levitate
Tera Type Pokemon Dark Type Icon
Held Item Mental Herb
Moveset Psychic
Lunar Blessing
Trick Room
Helping Hand

Cresselia is usually a strong option against teams with no means of stopping Trick Room. This can allow our Ursaluna to sweep through our opponent's Pokemon.

Cresselia's Levitate Ability protects it from Ursaluna's Earthquake.

Cresselia Defensive Matchups

Pokemon Nature Move Damage Calculation
Single-Strike Urshifu Jolly Sword of Ruin Wicked Blow on Critical Hit 188-224 (82.8 - 98.6%) - Guaranteed 2-Hit KO
Rapid-Strike Urshifu Adamant Surging Strikes in Rain 153-180 (67.4 - 79.2%) - guaranteed 2-Hit KO
Flutter Mane Modest +Sp. Atk Shadow Ball 158-188 (69.6 - 82.8%) - guaranteed 2-Hit KO
Chi-Yu TImid Beads of Ruin Dark Pulse 195-229 (85.9 - 100.8%) - 6.3% Chance to OHKO

Cresselia's EV Spread allows it to survive powerful offensive moves un-Terastallized, with those in the table above being the most notable.

Cresselia Movesets and Best Builds

Tera Grass Heatran

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Heatran Image

Nature Modest (+Sp. Atk, -Atk)
EV Spread 180 HP / 12 Def / 252 Sp. Atk / 12 Sp. Def / 52 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
Final Stat Values 189 HP / 128 Def / 200 Sp. Atk / 128 Sp. Def / 104 Spe
Ability Flash Fire
Tera Type Pokemon Grass Type Icon
Held Item Life Orb
Moveset Heat Wave
Tera Blast
Flash Cannon

Heatran is a powerful Pokemon in Regulation D thanks to Terastallization. Tera Grass keeps it safe from Ground and Water-type Attacks, while a Grass Tera Blast can deal with Ground and Water-type threats.

With Terastallization, Heatran is not a bad option to have against the Rain matchup, being able to resist Basculegion's Wave Crash. It will be weak to Pelipper's Hurricane, however, so it is important to still keep it safe from super-effective moves.

52 Speed EVs allow Heatran to outspeed non-Booster Energy Iron Bundle in Tailwind.

Heatran Movesets and Best Builds

Support Tornadus

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Tornadus (Incarnate Forme) Image

Nature Bold (+Def, -Atk)
EV Spread 164 HP / 172 Def / 20 Sp. Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 148 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
Final Stat Values 175 HP / 123 Def / 148 Sp. Atk / 101 Sp. Def / 150 Spe
Ability Prankster
Tera Type Pokemon Dark Type Icon
Held Item Covert Cloak
Moveset Bleakwind Storm
Rain Dance

This Tornadus set features a good deal of investment in physical bulk, being able to withstand multiple Rock Slides from Landorus-T, Surging Strikes from Rapid-Strike Urshifu, as well as Wild Charge from Iron Hands. Its Covert Cloak protects it from getting flinched by Fake Out. This also protects Tornadus from speed drops from Electroweb and Icy Wind.

Tornadus will still be susceptible to getting KOd by powerful Electric-type Attacks from the likes of Regieleki, Thundurus, and Zapdos, which are difficult for Tornadus to take on by itself.

Tailwind is the most important move of the set, as it allows Tornadus' teammates to hit mportant speed benchmarks.

Because Tornadus is not Timid and max Speed, it will not be good for Taunting opposing Tornadus or Thundurus, however Taunt is an important inclusion because it can shut down Amoonguss and Hisuian Goodra. Because most Cresselia run Mental Herb, Taunting Cresselia is also not always a great option, unless we are able to do it twice.

Rain Dance can reduce the effectiveness of opposing Sun Teams, while boosting the effectiveness of Rapid-Strike Urshifu's Surging Strikes.

20 Special Attack EVs will allow it to deal a good amount of damage to both Urshifus, while 148 Speed will always allow Tornadus to outspeed them outside of Tailwind.

Tornadus Movesets and Best Builds

Tera Steel Rapid-Strike Urshifu

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Urshifu Rapid-Strike Style Image

Nature Adamant (+Atk, -Sp. Atk)
EV Spread 252 Atk / 4 Sp. Def / 252 Spe
Final Stat Values 175 HP / 200 Atk / 120 Def / 81 Sp. Def / 149 Spe
Ability Unseen Fist
Tera Type Pokemon Steel Type Icon
Held Item Mystic Water
Moveset Surging Strikes
Aqua Jet
Close Combat

A standard Rapid-Strike Urshifu build makes is way on the team. Its offensive capabilities makes it a perfect partner for Tornadus, especially since Tornadus can set up Rain and Tailwind.

Urshifu is also a good Pokemon to have in the back, as its ability to deal consistent damage is valuable even when it is not a lead.
Pairing it with Chien-Pao can help boost its damage thanks to Chien-Pao's Sword of Ruin Ability.

Urshifu Rapid-Strike Style Movesets and Best Builds

Fast Ursaluna

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ursaluna Image

Nature Adamant (+Atk -Sp. Atk)
EV Spread 140 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def / 20 Sp. Def / 92 Spe
Final Stat Values 223 HP / 211 Atk / 126 Def / 103 Sp. Def / 82 Spe
Ability Guts
Tera Type Pokemon Ghost Type Icon
Held Item Flame Orb
Moveset Facade
Drain Punch

Ursaluna can function comfortably in Tailwind or Trick Room. This build allows Ursaluna to outspeed Pokemon with Base 100 Speed or slower in Tailwind. These include Palafin, Chi-Yu, Arcanine, Gholdengo, Annihilape, Baxcalibur, and Great Tusk.

While using Protect on the first turn is an obvious play, it sometimes cannot be helped, as we need a turn to activate Ursaluna's Flame Orb.

A fast Ursaluna can also match up favorably against slower Ursaluna outside Trick Room, because it is able to fire off an attack before they get to.

Ursaluna Movesets and Best Builds

Ursaluna Doubles Team Strategies and Synergies

This team makes great use of Pokemon from Pokemon HOME who are newly introduced into Ranked Battles in Regulation D.

It utilizes very strong Pokemon with natural synergy with each other and relies on the user's knowledge of Pokemon's Speed Tiers to be used effectively.

Tornadus's Tailwind helps the team gain a speed advantage, while Cresselia's Trick Room can give this advantage to the team's slower members.


Tornadus (Incarnate Forme) ImageTornadus (Incarnate Forme)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flying Icon
Urshifu Rapid-Strike Style ImageUrshifu Rapid-Strike Style
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fighting Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Icon
Ursaluna ImageUrsaluna
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Normal Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ground Icon
Heatran ImageHeatran
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Steel Icon

Tailwind is one of the most important moves of the set, as it allows most of the Pokemon on the team to hit important speed benchmarks.

Urshifu, Ursaluna, and Heatran all benefit from Tailwind, but Chien-Pao benefits from it too when it is up against opposing Chien-Pao or Flutter Mane which it may speed tie with.

Fastest Pokemon: List of Pokemon by Speed

Trick Room

Ursaluna ImageUrsaluna
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Normal Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ground Icon
Cresselia ImageCresselia
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Psychic Icon
Heatran ImageHeatran
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Steel Icon

Cresselia can set up Trick Room for its teammates with low to middling speed. This is important in matchups where an opponent has few ways of stopping Trick Room, allowing Ursaluna to activate its Guts Ability with Flame Orb and sweep.

Cresselia is naturally faster than Ursaluna, which means that in Trick Room, Lunar Blessing can heal Ursaluna from damage and its Burn after Ursaluna has attacked. Flame Orb will always activate at the end of a turn cycle, without dealing incremental damage to Ursaluna.

Helping Hand can also help a healthy un-Burned Ursaluna score a one-hit KO on Flutter Mane on turn 1 if we are threatened by Imprison

Sword of Ruin

Urshifu Rapid-Strike Style ImageUrshifu Rapid-Strike Style
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fighting Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Icon

Chien-Pao ImageChien-Pao
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ice Icon

Ursaluna ImageUrsaluna
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Normal Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ground Icon

Chien-Pao and its Sword of Ruin Ability increases the effectiveness of the team's physical attackers. Having Chien-Pao in the back as a surprise switch-in, or just having it come in after a teammate has been KOd can often swing a battle in your favor.

When to Terastallize

Use to Remove Weaknesses

Chien-Pao ImageChien-Pao
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ice Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Ghost Type Icon
Cresselia ImageCresselia
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Psychic Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Dark Type Icon
Heatran ImageHeatran
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Steel Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Grass Type Icon
Tornadus (Incarnate Forme) ImageTornadus (Incarnate Forme)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flying Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Dark Type Icon
Urshifu Rapid-Strike Style ImageUrshifu Rapid-Strike Style
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fighting Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Steel Type Icon

Ursaluna ImageUrsaluna
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Normal Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ground Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Ghost Type Icon

All Tera options on this team are defensive Teras which all aim to remove weaknesses.

Tornadus's Dark Tera is used to protect it from an opposing Prankster's Taunt, while Chien-Pao's Ghost Tera can protect it from Fake Out.

Be Wary of Bad Matchups

Basculegion (Male) ImageBasculegion (Male)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ghost Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Water Type Icon
Armarouge ImageArmarouge
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Psychic Icon

Tera Type: Pokemon Grass Type Icon
Indeedee (Female) ImageIndeedee (Female)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Psychic Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Normal Icon

Hold Item:

Rain is a difficult matchup for this team, as Basculegion can immediately KO Cresselia with Wave Crash.

Armarouge and Indeedee-F may also prove difficult, as Armarouge may Tera Grass to protect itself from Surging Strikes or Earthquake. Indeedee-F have also been running Rocky Helmet to punish Urshifu's Surging Strikes using its Follow Me.

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