Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Best Ogerpon Mask Form

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Teal Mask - Ogerpon

Ogerpon, the new Legendary in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Teal Mask DLC, has four different forms depending on the Mask it holds. Learn about the strengths of each Ogerpon form and which Mask is the best for Ogerpon.

Best Ogerpon Mask Form

Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet The Teal Mask - Ogerpon with Hearthflame Mask
Ogerpon (Hearthflame Mask)
Ability Mold Breaker
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Embody Aspect + Attack

The best Ogerpon form is the Hearthflame form because of its abilities. This is Ogerpon's form when it holds the Hearthflame Mask.

Mold Breaker allows it to ignore the abilities of its opponents, making it good against Pokemon like Mimikyu with its Disguise ability or Gholdengo with its Good as Gold ability.

Once it terastallizes into the Fire Tera Type, Ogerpon's Embody Aspect ability activates, boosting Ogerpon's already good Attack stat. This makes it easy to use as an offensive attacker.

Hearthflame Mask Ogerpon Base Stats

Sp. Atk
Sp. Def
Total Base Stats

Ogerpon has a high base attack stat and a high base speed stat. To amplify these stats further, it's ideal for Ogerpon to have either an Adamant or a Jolly nature.

Even when changing forms, Ogerpon keeps the same base stats. However, the stat that gets boosted whenever Ogerpon terastallizes will differ.

Ogerpon with a Hearthflame Mask gets a boost to Attack, its highest stat, when it terastallizes and activates its Embody Aspect ability.

How to Get and Catch Ogerpon (Hearthflame Mask)

Other Mask Forms

Form Ability Type Embody Aspect
Ogerpon ImageOgerpon Defiant Pokemon Grass Type Icon + Speed
Ogerpon (Wellspring Mask) ImageOgerpon (Wellspring Mask) Water Absorb Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Water Type Icon + Sp. Def
Ogerpon (Cornerstone Mask) ImageOgerpon (Cornerstone Mask) Sturdy Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Rock Type Icon + Defense

While the Hearthflame Mask may be our pick for the best mask to put on Ogerpon, its other forms all have their uses.

Ogerpon's default Teal Mask form is a good pick if you want to further boost its high speed stat. Since it doesn't need to hold a mask to keep its form, it's free to have another Held Item. However, wearing a Mask other than the Teal Mask will give a 1.2x damage boost to all attacks which stacks with other boosts like STAB, so consider this in your choice. (See the Ogerpon page for more details on the Mask boost)

The Wellspring Mask and Cornerstone Mask forms both help with Ogerpon's defenses through the Embody Aspect stat boosts and their initial abilities.

Choose the form that's more suited to your playstyle!

Ogerpon is Shiny Locked

It's worth noting that Ogerpon, like most other Legendary Pokemon, cannot be Shiny.

Since it's also very easy to get your desired stats for Ogerpon using Bottle Caps, Vitamins, and Mochi, there isn't really much of a reason to reset for Ogerpon. The first one you catch should be good to go.

All Shiny Locked Pokemon

How to Change Ogerpon Mask Forms

Change Forms by Giving Ogerpon Your Desired Mask

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Image Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon (Wellspring Mask) Image Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon (Hearthflame Mask) Image Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon (Cornerstone Mask) Image
Held Item:
Held Item:
Wellspring Mask
Held Item:
Hearthflame Mask
Held Item:
Cornerstone Mask

You can change the form of your Ogerpon by changing its Held Item.

Go to the Other Items pocket in your Bag. Select the mask that you want Ogerpon to wear and choose the Give to Pokemon option.

Trade or Transfer Ogerpon from Another Save File

Most people probably don't need to have multiple Ogerpon since switching between forms is easy. Ogerpon's Tera Type also cannot be changed, so there is no reason to own multiple Ogerpon with different Tera Types.

However, if you do need another Ogerpon, you can get one by having someone else trade you the Pokemon. You can also catch Ogerpon in a different save file and transfer it to your main file using Pokemon HOME.

Ogerpon is a Legendary Pokemon, so you can only catch one per game. Because of this, getting another one is a bit of a tedious process.

How to Transfer Pokemon from Pokemon HOME

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