Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

How to Train and Breed Pokemon

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This is a guide to breeding and training the best Pokemon. Read on to learn how to breed strong Pokemon, how to train Pokemon fast, and how to get ideal, online battle-ready, team members in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV).

All Training and Breeding Guides

Training and Breeding Guides
How to Breed Pokemon and Hatch Eggs How to Hatch Eggs Faster
Nature and IV Breeding Guide How to Increase IVs
How to Check IVs (Judge Function) How to Check EVs
How to EV Train Fast Shiny Hunting Guide
How to Change a Pokemon's Nature How to Soft Reset for the Best Nature and IVs
How to Get and Breed for Hidden Abilities How to Learn Egg Moves
Is There Pokerus? How to Reset EVs
How to Increase Friendship How to Get 6IV Dittos
Post-Game Grind: What Should You Grind For?
Calculators for Training
Stat Calculator IV Calculator
Ranked Battle Damage Calculator How to Use the Ranked Battle Damage Calculator
Tera Raid Damage Calculator How to Use the Tera Raid Damage Calculator
Best EV Training Locations
Best HP EV Training Locations Best Attack EV Training Locations
Best Defense EV Training Locations Best Special Attack EV Training Locations
Best Special Defense EV Training Locations Best Speed EV Training Locations

How to Breed

Useful Recommendations for Breeding
Judge Function Proper Parents Items for Nature and IV Breeding
Hatching Ability like Flame Body Egg Power Sandwiches for More Eggs

Breeding Basics

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Breeding Basics
One of the first steps to preparing battle-ready Pokemon is learning to breed. This gives you the chance to hatch a Pokemon with the most potential to become the best version of itself.

In a nutshell, you'll need two Pokemon, of opposite genders, and of compatible egg groups. Make sure you are familiar with the fundamentals before moving on!
How to Breed Pokemon and Hatch Eggs

Judge Function

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Judge Function
When trying for a strong Pokemon, you'll want to know if they have amazing potential as soon as they are hatched or caught. The Judge function gives you an idea of what IVs your Pokemon has in each stat.

Since Generation 3, a Stats Judge can be found in the post game of every mainline Pokemon Game. They allow you to check IVs of your Pokemon via something called the Judge Function. The Judge Function can only be unlocked when you've finished all three stories and the final story, The Way Home, and the credits roll.

If you haven't unlocked the Judge Function yet, try our IV Checker and Calculator to confirm the IVs of Pokemon you have caught to see how they stack up before adding them to your team.
How to Check IVs (Judge Function)

Proper Parents

Parents with Egg Moves

Parent Pokemon
Eiscue (Ice Face) ImageEiscue (Ice Face)
(Water 1 and Field Egg Group)
Zangoose ImageZangoose
(Field Egg Group)
Knows Belly Drum
Child Pokemon
Eiscue (Ice Face) ImageEiscue (Ice Face)
Knows Belly Drum

Sometimes, you will want to raise a Pokemon that has a move that can only be learned as an egg move. You'll need to plan out the proper parents needed to pass down the egg move you need.

When breeding, you'll need to put a female (♀) Pokemon and a male (♂) Pokemon of the same Egg Group or a Ditto together in your party, then you must initiate a Picnic in order to generate Eggs. The male has to have the Egg Move in its moveset if there is any you want to pass on.

The resulting child Pokemon will be the same species as the female, but will have the Egg Move of the male Pokemon. Alternatively, you may also transfer egg moves without the need for breeding using a Mirror Herb.

How to Learn and Transfer Egg Moves

Hidden Ability Parents

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Hidden Ability
When breeding for a Pokemon with a Hidden Ability, one of the parents needs to have the Hidden Ability you are going for.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ability Patch ImageAbility Patch When used on a Pokémon, its Ability will change to its species’ Hidden Ability, if it has one.

Ability Patches allow you to change your Pokemon's ability to its Hidden Ability. This can be useful for both Parent Pokemon during the breeding process, and the final offspring, but is incredibly expensive and will take time to save up for.
How to Get and Breed for Hidden Abilities

High IV Ditto

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - High IV Ditto
Getting a 5IV Ditto or a 6IV Ditto will make breeding strong Pokemon a lot simpler, since Ditto can breed with any Pokemon and any gender, with the exception of Pokemon from the Undiscovered Egg Group. Getting a Ditto with high IVs saves you from searching for Pokemon with high IVs from each Pokemon line.

Don't Know What IVs Are? Click to Learn More

Items for Nature and IV Breeding

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Everstone Natures
Certain items can affect which Nature and IVs get passed down to the Pokemon you are trying to breed for. Namely, they're the Everstone and the Destiny Knot respectively.

Everstone for Passing Natures

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Everstone ImageEverstone When a Pokemon holds an Everstone while breeding, the Pokemon will pass on its Nature to its offspring.

You'd want to have complete control over what Nature the offspring will have. Once you have the desired nature on the Pokemon you want, have it hold an Everstone to make sure it passes down its nature to the offspring.

While Mints can be used to affect the Stat Growth of Pokemon, they do not change a Pokemon's innate nature. You cannot breed down mint-altered natures.
How to Change a Pokemon's Nature

Destiny Knot to Pass Down IVs

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Destiny Knot ImageDestiny Knot When a Pokemon holding Destiny Knot lays an egg, 5 out of 12 of the parent Pokemon's IVs will be passed down to the child Pokemon.

If one parent holds the Destiny Knot, 5 of the 12 IVs of both parents will be passed down to their offspring. Without it, only 3 of the 12 IVs of the parents will be passed down. This greatly improves the chances of better IVs being passed down.

Nature and IV Breeding Guide

Flame Body, Magma Armor, or Steam Engine

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Hatch with Flame Body.png

To hatch a Pokemon egg, you'll need to walk a certain number of steps. Luckily, there are a few ways that we can cut the number of steps in half.

You can add a Pokemon to your party with either Flame Body, Magma Armor, or Steam Engine. This makes it easier for you to hatch Pokemon eggs faster.

Pokemon with Flame Body
Carkol ImageCarkol Coalossal ImageCoalossal Fletchinder ImageFletchinder Talonflame ImageTalonflame
Pokemon with Steam Engine
Rolycoly ImageRolycoly Carkol ImageCarkol Coalossal ImageCoalossal -

Keep in mind that these effects do not stack. You only need one Pokemon with any of the three abilities. Having one is enough! To maximize efficiency, keep 5 slots of your party reserved for eggs with 1 Pokemon with the Hatching Ability in the lead. This will let you hatch as many eggs as possible in the least amount of time.

How to Hatch Eggs Faster

Make Sandwiches with Egg Power to Obtain Eggs more Frequently

Jam Sandwich.png
Having the effects of the Egg Power Meal Power will help you obtain more eggs. The Jam Sandwich recipe, one of the first recipes you get, has this meal power. So while it technically doesn't help you hatch eggs faster, it helps you get Eggs faster.

How to Train

Useful Recommendations for Training
Items for EV Training Rematches Lucky Egg
Mints Bottle Caps Best EV Training Locations

EV Training Basics

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - EV Training Basics
Once you've hatched your desired Pokemon or caught a Legendary you want to train, you'll now want to raise it to it's full potential! By knocking out certain Pokemon, you can affect the stat growth of your Pokemon through EV Training.

Acquaint yourself with the best EV training spots and other helpful methods to fully optimize the EV training experience.

Items for EV Training

Power Items

Power Items are held items that increase the amount of EVs you receive per Pokemon defeated in battle.

Power Item EV Boost
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Power Bracer ImagePower Bracer +8 Attack EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Power Belt ImagePower Belt +8 Defense EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Power Lens ImagePower Lens +8 Special Attack EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Power Band ImagePower Band +8 Special Defense EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Power Anklet ImagePower Anklet +8 Speed EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Power Weight ImagePower Weight +8 HP EVs

How to EV Train Fast

Raise EVs with Vitamins

Other than defeating Pokemon, you may also choose to give your Pokemon Vitamins. Each Vitamin immediately gives a Pokemon 10 EVs in a certain stat.. Vitamins are available for purchase and can be used to boost Pokemon EVs to their maximum value.

Vitamin Stat Boosted
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - HP Up ImageHP Up HP
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Protein ImageProtein Attack
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron ImageIron Defense
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Calcium ImageCalcium Special Attack
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Zinc ImageZinc Special Defense
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Carbos ImageCarbos Speed

List of Vitamins

Earn EXP Faster

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Earn EXP Faster Raids
Relying on wild-encounters to gain EXP makes grinding for levels extra difficult. We recommend doing rematches against strong trainers, or farming EXP Candies from Tera Raid Battles.

Here's a Guide on Tera Raid Battles

Lucky Egg for Gaining EXP

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Jacq giving the player a Lucky Egg
Lucky Eggs are one of the items that help level up Pokemon quickly. Pokemon that hold Lucky Eggs earn 1.5x more experience points from battles. This will dramatically help you reach higher levels in less time.
How to Get a Lucky Egg

Mints for Changing Nature

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Mints
In the occassion that you cannot breed for a Pokemon's Nature (such as with Legendaries or other Event Pokemon), you can still affect the stat growth by giving Mints to your Pokemon. Use the appropriate Mint to give a boost to an important stat, and a decrease to a stat you care less about.
List of Mints

Bottle Caps for Hyper Training

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Bottle Caps
Likewise, in the occassion where you cannot (or do not want to) breed for a Pokemon's IVs, you can instead opt for Hyper Training with the use of Bottle Caps. A welcome change is that a Pokemon only needs to be Level 50 before they are eligible for Hyper Training (previously requiring Lv. 100).

Bottle Caps can be purchased from Delibird Presents after the 6th Gym is cleared. A single Bottle Cap may be used to Hyper Train a stat's IV to its maximum potential. You'll have to collect a lot of Bottle Caps to Hyper Train a lot of Pokemon.

You may also get Gold Bottle Caps which maximizes all of a Pokemon's IVs at once!
How to Get Bottle Caps

Best EV Training Locations

Every Pokemon you defeat can give you EVs, but you can efficiently raise your Pokemon's EVs if you train at a certain location while only aiming to defeat specific Pokemon.

Best EV Training Locations
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Best HP EV Training LocationsHP EVs Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Best Attack EV Training LocationsAttack EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Best Defense EV Training LocationsDefense EVs Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Best Special Attack EV Training LocationsSpecial Attack EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Best Special Defense EV Training LocationsSpecial Defense EVs Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Best Speed EV Training LocationsSpeed EVs

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