Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

2023 Global Challenge I Online Competition

★ Upcoming: 7☆ Tyranitar Tera Raid Event
✬ Pokemon HOME Dex Completion Shiny Rewards:
Meloetta | Manaphy | Enamorus | Keldeo | Meltan
Regulation G is now back! ▶︎ Indigo Disk Tier List
▶︎ Game8 Tera Raid Damage Calculator | Game8 Discord
★ The DLC Epilogue is now available! ▶︎ How to Start

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - 2023 Global Challenge I Online Competition

The 2023 Global Challenge I is a live Online Competition in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) which uses Regulation C's ruleset and features Doubles battles. The sign up for the competition ended on April 6, and the online competition is now over. All players who participate in 3 or more matches were able to receive a Poke Ball Canvas Backpack!

This is a page about the 2023 Global Challenge I Online Competition.
For 2023 Global Challenge II, click here!

2023 Global Challenge I Online Competition Details

April 7, 00:00 UTC - April 9, 23:59 UTC

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV -2023 Global Challenge I Online Competition
Registration Date:
2023/03/30 00:00 UTC to 2023/04/06 23:59 UTC
Event Duration:
2023/04/07 00:00 UTC to 2023/04/09 23:59 UTC
Info You may sign up and join this event from the start of the sign-up period to the day before the start of the competition!
No entries will be accepted once the competition period has begun.
Available Pokemon Paldea Pokedex (Paldea Region Forms)
Paradox Pokemon
Four Treasures of Ruin
Banned Pokemon Quagsire evolution line
Perrserker evolution line
Hisuian Zoroark evolution line
Charizard evolution line
Cinderace evolution line
Greninja evolution line
Decidueye evolution line
Samurott evolution line
Walking Wake and Iron Leaves

Signups for the 2023 Global Challenge I have now closed and the competition is now over. Players were able to participate in 15 matches per day on the 7th, 8th and 9th of April!

How to Register

How to Register to Online Competitions
1 Open the X menu
2 Select Poke Portal
3 Choose Battle Stadium, then select Online Competitions
4 Under Official Competitions, select Search for a Competition

Only One User Per System

Only one user per game version (Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet) may participate per each Nintendo Switch system. If your Nintendo Account is registered to users on multiple Nintendo Switch systems, you may participate with only one user and system per game version.

Nintendo Switch Online Required

Any Nintendo Switch Online membership and Nintendo Account required for online features are required to participate.

Best Team for 2023 Global Challenge I

Treasures of Ruin Team

Rental Code VJHMP7

This team can switch between hyper offense and defense depending on what the team is up against. Pokemon like Chi-Yu, Flutter Mane, Iron Hands, and Gyarados can be offensive threats, while having defensive options like Gyarados' Intimidate, Assault Vest Ting-Lu's Vessel of Ruin, and bulky Amoonguss.

The user will often have plenty of options during team selection, and many available lines of play over the course of a match.

Best Treasures of Ruin Doubles Team

2023 Global Challenge I Most Used Pokemon

Top 10 Most Used Pokemon, Tera Types, Abilities, Held Items and Moves

The following are the most used Pokemon in the Masters Division during this Online Competition.

The rankings are obtained from player data from Pokemon HOME.

Rank Pokemon, Ability,
and Tera Type
Held Item and Moves
1 Flutter Mane ImageFlutter Mane
FairyTera Icon (81.7%)
Shadow Ball (95.0%)
Dazzling Gleam (82.7%)
Moonblast (69.6%)
Protect (54.9%)
2 Chien-Pao ImageChien-Pao
GhostTera Icon (49.7%)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Focus Sash ImageFocus Sash (80.7%)
Sucker Punch (82.2%)
Ice Spinner (79.8%)
Sacred Sword (77.7%)
Protect (76.0%)
3 Amoonguss ImageAmoonguss
Regenerator (96.4%)
WaterTera Icon (79.8%)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sitrus Berry ImageSitrus Berry (44.2%)
Spore (99.1%)
Rage Powder (95.4%)
Pollen Puff (90.4%)
Protect (65.7%)
4 Dragonite ImageDragonite
Multiscale (72.3%)
NormalTera Icon (53.5%)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Choice Band ImageChoice Band (50.2%)
Extreme Speed (92.5%)
Tera Blast (35.0%)
Outrage (32.0%)
Low Kick (25.7%)
5 Ting-Lu ImageTing-Lu
PoisonTera Icon (43.3%)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Assault Vest ImageAssault Vest (66.3%)
Stomping Tantrum (76.4%)
Ruination (68.8%)
Heavy Slam (66.8%)
Fissure (54.0%)
6 Arcanine ImageArcanine
Intimidate (97.7%)
GrassTera Icon (33.0%)
Flare Blitz (93.4%)
Extreme Speed (75.6%)
Will-O-Wisp (75.3%)
Protect (71.5%)
7 Chi-Yu ImageChi-Yu
GrassTera Icon (28.9%)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Choice Scarf ImageChoice Scarf (40.5%)
Dark Pulse (91.6%)
Heat Wave (86.0%)
Overheat (53.3%)
Protect (42.4%)
8 Palafin ImagePalafin
Zero to Hero (100%)
WaterTera Icon (93.8%)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Mystic Water ImageMystic Water (77.2%)
Jet Punch (95.3%)
Wave Crash (87.7%)
Protect (79.8%)
Haze (60.0%)
9 Iron Bundle ImageIron Bundle
Quark Drive (100%)
IceTera Icon (36.6%)
Freeze-Dry (95.2%)
Hydro Pump (83.6%)
Protect (72.9%)
Icy Wind (67.8%)
10 Iron Hands ImageIron Hands
Quark Drive (100%)
GrassTera Icon (39.6%)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Assault Vest ImageAssault Vest (56.0%)
Drain Punch (85.7%)
Fake Out (72.4%)
Wild Charge (56.5%)
Thunder Punch (37.6%)

Pokemon HOME Ranked Battle Data Feature Update Details

2023 Global Challenge I Online Competition Rules

Battle Format

Regulation C Doubles Format

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Ranked Doubles Battle
The format used in the 2023 Global Challenge I is Regulation C's Doubles Format.

Official Pokemon Tournaments are typically played in the Doubles Format, making learning how to build the best doubles team vital for Competitive Ranked Battles in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
VGC Doubles Team Building

Battle Rules

Party Rules

Party Rules
Pokemon Registered to Battle Team Pokemon Available for Battle Pokemon's Held Items Pokemon's Levels
4 to 6 4 No two Same Items Auto-Set to Level 50

Pokemon of Lv. 1 to Lv. 100 may participate but all Pokemon will become Lv. 50 for the duration of each battle.

All members of your party are eligible to hold items, but no two Pokemon that will participate in the competition can hold the same item.
VGC Ranked Battle Rules and Banned Pokemon

Time Limits

Time Limits
20 minutes 7 minutes 90 seconds 45 seconds

For this Online Competition, the timer system is the same as the one used in Ranked Battles.
Battle Timer: Who Wins When Time Runs Out?

Age Divisions

2023 Global Challenge I Age Divisions
Junior Division Born in or after 2011
Senior Division Born between 2007 and 2010
Masters Division Born in or before 2006

Those willing to join this Online Competition will be fighting within Age Divisions which separate players by age.

Your Age Division can be configured in the Online Competitions menu in Battle Stadium at the Poke Portal menu.

2023 Global Challenge I Online Competition Rewards

Poke Ball Canvas Backpack

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV -Poke Ball Canvas Backpack Reward

Players who have linked their Nintendo account to the mobile version of Pokemon HOME will be eligible to receive a code containing a Poke Ball Canvas Backpack which you can equip in-game.

You also need to finish three or more matches during the Online Competition to be able to receive a code for the backpack. Both wins and losses count towards match progression for the reward.

List of Clothes and Accessories

How to Get Poke Ball Canvas Backpack Rewards

How to Get Mystery Gifts via Code
1 Just like getting Mystery Gifts on the internet, a stable internet connection is needed before you can get Mystery Gifts via code.
2 First, open the menu by pressing the X button, then select "Poke Portal".
3 Next, select "Mystery Gift".
4 ] Select "Get via Code/Password" next to prompt the game to check if there are gifts you can still receive.
5 Gifts that are still available for you to receive will be shown on your screen. Choose which of those you'd like to get.
6 You'll receive the gift shortly so make sure you stay connected to the internet during the process.

All Mystery Gift Codes and How to Get

10,000 League Points

You can also get 10,000 League Points for participating in this Online Competition. Like the previous reward, you also need to do at least three matches to get it.

How to Farm League Points (LP)

Championship Points

2023 Global Challenge I is an official online competition and is part of the 2023 official circuit. This online competition will allow players from Japan and South Korea to earn placements for their National Championships, as well as earn Championship Points for the 2023 World Championships.

Players must have their Pokemon Trainer Club account linked to their Nintendo Account to be eligible to receive Championship Points from this event.

Placement Championship Points
1 160
2 130
3 - 4 100
5 - 8 80
9 - 16 60
17 - 32 50
33 - 64 40
65 - 128 30
129 - 256 20
257 - 512 10
513 - 1024 5

2023 Global Challenge I Pokemon Restrictions

2023 Global Challenge I Pokemon Restrictions
Eligible Pokemon Banned Pokemon

Eligible Pokemon

Pokemon Native to the Paldea Region

This Online Competition allows the use of all regular Pokemon that can be encountered and caught in Paldea.
List of Paldea Dex Pokemon

Paradox Pokemon

Paradox Pokemon
Great TuskGreat Tusk Best Build Scream TailScream Tail Best Build Brute BonnetBrute Bonnet Best Build Flutter ManeFlutter Mane Best Build
Slither WingSlither Wing Best Build Sandy ShocksSandy Shocks Best Build Iron TreadsIron Treads Best Build Iron BundleIron Bundle Best Build
Iron HandsIron Hands Best Build Iron JugulisIron Jugulis Best Build Iron MothIron Moth Best Build Iron ThornsIron Thorns Best Build
Roaring MoonRoaring Moon Best Build Iron ValiantIron Valiant Best Build

Paradox Pokemon can also be used during this Online Competition. These Pokemon have been eligible to be used in Ranked Battles since Regulation B (formerly called Series 2) started.

Best Paradox Pokemon Builds for Ranked Battle and Raids

Treasures of Ruin

Treasures of Ruin
Wo-ChienWo-Chien Best Build Chien-PaoChien-Pao Best Build Ting-LuTing-Lu Best Build Chi-YuChi-Yu Best Build

All four Treasures of Ruin can also be used during this Online Competition. 2023 Global Challenge I uses the ruleset from Regulation C, which introduces the Treasures of Ruin in Ranked Battles.

Best Treasures of Ruin Builds for Ranked Battle and Raids

Banned Pokemon

Non-Native Regional Forms

Non-Native Regional Forms of Pokemon
Quagsire ImageQuagsire Perrserker ImagePerrserker Hisuian Zoroark ImageHisuian Zoroark
Wooper ImageWooper Galarian Meowth ImageGalarian Meowth Hisuian Zorua ImageHisuian Zorua

Pokemon available in the game but aren't in the Paldea Pokedex also cannot be entered during the competition, such as Perrserker and Quagsire along with their respective evolutionary lines.

In addition, the newly released Hisuian Zoroark that came as an early purchase bonus for the DLC cannot be used along with its pre-evolution.

All Regional Forms and Evolutions

Koraidon and Miraidon Cannot Be Used

Box Legendaries
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - KoraidonKoraidon Best Build Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MiraidonMiraidon Best Build

Unlike the previous Paldea Prologue Online Competition, Koraidon and Miraidon are not eligible for use during this Online Competition, as they are still banned in the Regulation C ruleset.

Non-Paldea Dex Special Raid Pokemon

Raid Exclusive Pokemon
Charmander ImageCharmander Charmeleon ImageCharmeleon Charizard ImageCharizard
Scorbunny ImageScorbunny Raboot ImageRaboot Cinderace ImageCinderace
Froakie ImageFroakie Frogadier ImageFrogadier Greninja ImageGreninja
Rowlet ImageRowlet Dartrix ImageDartrix Decidueye ImageDecidueye
Oshawott ImageOshawott Dewott ImageDewott Samurott ImageSamurott

Special Pokemon released in 7-Star Raids are not eligible for entry along with their evolutionary lines.

How to Unlock 7-Star Raids and List of Pokemon

Legendary Paradox Duo

New Paradox Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Walking WakeWalking Wake Best Build Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron LeavesIron Leaves Best Build

The new Paradox Pokemon Walking Wake and Iron Leaves also cannot be used during this competition, as they are still banned in Regulation C.

Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet News and Game Info Banner.png

Latest News and Game Info

All Ranked Battle Series (Regulations)

Event Description
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Series GRanked Battle Regulation H [LIVE] Ruleset: Paradox, Legendary, and Mythical Pokemon are banned in Regulation H!
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Series GRanked Battle Regulation G
Ruleset: Legendary Pokemon will finally be available in Regulation G!
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Regulation FRanked Battle Regulation F
(Series 6)
Ruleset: New and Returning Pokemon from Indigo Disk DLC will be available in Regulation F!
Regulation F Duration: 01/04/2024 ~ 04/30/2024
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Series ERanked Battle Regulation E
(Series 5)
Ruleset: New and Returning Pokemon from The Teal Mask DLC will be available in Regulation E!
Regulation E Duration: 10/1/2023 ~ 01/02/2024
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Series DRanked Battle Regulation D
(Series 4)
Ruleset: Pokemon transferred from Pokémon HOME except Restricted Pokemon will be available in Regulation D! (Regulation D)
Regulation D Duration: 7/1/2023 ~ 9/30/2023
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Regulation C Rules.pngRanked Battle Regulation C
(Series 3)
Ruleset: The Four Treasures of Ruin are available in Regulation C!
Regulation C Duration: 4/1/2023 ~ 6/30/2023
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Series 2 Rules.pngRanked Battle Series 2 (Regulation B) Ruleset: Paradox Pokemon can now be used in Series 2 (Regulation B)!
Duration: 2/1/2023 ~ 3/31/2023
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ranked Battle SeriesRanked Battle Series 1 (Regulation A) Ruleset: Paradox and Legendary Pokemon are banned from competitive play!
Duration: 12/1/2022 ~ 1/31/2023

Ranked Battle Rules and Banned Pokemon

Current & Upcoming Online Competitions

Event Description
No active Online Competitions!


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