Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

List of Stat-Boosting Moves

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Dragon Dance and Calm Mind are just some ways a Pokemon may use moves to increase its stats in battle. Read on to learn moves that increase stats such as HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, and more in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)!

Moves that Increase Attack

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Move Type Target Effect
Acupressure Normal Self or ally Randomly increases one of the user or target's stats by two stages.
Ancient Power Rock Single opponent Has a 10% chance to increase Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense, and Speed by one stage.
Belly Drum Normal Self The user sacrifices half of its maximum HP to raise its Attack stat by 6 stages.
Bulk Up Fighting Self Increases both the Attack and Defense stat of the user by one stage.
Clangorous Soul Dragon Self Lowers the user's HP by 33% and increases each stat by one stage.
Coil Poison Self Increases the user's Attack, Defense, and Accuracy by one stage.
Curse Ghost Random opponent (Ghost type) / Self (Non-Ghost type) This attack works differently when used by Ghost-type Pokemon. For most Pokemon, increases the user's Attack and Defense by one stage, but lowers the user's Speed by one stage. For Ghost-type Pokemon, the user loses half their maximum HP to cause the opponent to lose 1/4 of their maximum HP at the end of each turn.
Dragon Dance Dragon Self Increases the user's Attack and Speed by one stage.
Fell Stinger Bug Single opponent Increases the user's Attack by three stages if it knocks out the target.
Fillet Away Normal Self Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by two stages, but sacrifices half of its max HP. Fails if the user's health is below 50%.
Growth Normal Self Increases the user's Attack and Special Attack by one stage. Increases the stats by two stages when used during Harsh Sunlight.
Hone Claws Dark Self Increases the user's Attack and Accuracy by one stage each.
Howl Normal Self Increases the user and ally's Attack by one stage.
Metal Claw Steel Single opponent Has a 10% chance to increase the user's Attack by one stage.
Meteor Mash Steel Single opponent Has a 20% chance to increase the user's Attack by one stage.
No Retreat Fighting Self Increases the user's stats by 1 stage each, also prevents the user from fleeing.
Order Up Dragon Single opponent Raises a specific stat by one stage depending on the form of Tatsugiri in the user's mouth: Attack with Curly Form, Defense with Droopy Form. Speed with Stretchy Form.
Shell Smash Normal Self Increases the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by two stages while lowering the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage.
Shift Gear Steel Self Increases the user's Attack by one stage and Speed by two stages.
Spicy Extract Grass Single opponent Raises the target's Attack stat by two stages and lowers the target's Defense stat by two stages.
Swords Dance Normal Self Increases the user's Attack by two stages.
Tidy Up Normal Self The user removes Substitute decoys and moves that trap Pokemon. The user's Attack and Speed stats are also raised by one stage.
Work Up Normal Self Increases the user's Attack and Special Attack by one stage.

Moves that Increase Special Attack

Move Type Target Effect
Acupressure Normal Self or ally Randomly increases one of the user or target's stats by two stages.
Ancient Power Rock Single opponent Has a 10% chance to increase Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense, and Speed by one stage.
Calm Mind Psychic Self Increases both the Special Attack and Special Defense stat of the user by one stage.
Charge Beam Electric Single opponent Has a 70% chance to increase the user's Special Attack by one stage.
Clangorous Soul Dragon Self Lowers the user's HP by 33% and increases each stat by one stage.
Fiery Dance Fire Single opponent Has a 50% chance to increase the user's Special Attack by one stage.
Fillet Away Normal Self Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by two stages, but sacrifices half of its max HP. Fails if the user's health is below 50%.
Growth Normal Self Increases the user's Attack and Special Attack by one stage. Increases the stats by two stages when used during Harsh Sunlight.
Nasty Plot Dark Self Increases the user's Special Attack by two stages.
No Retreat Fighting Self Increases the user's stats by 1 stage each, also prevents the user from fleeing.
Quiver Dance Bug Self Increases the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by one stage,
Shell Smash Normal Self Increases the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by two stages while lowering the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage.
Tail Glow Bug Self Increases the user's Special Attack by three stages.
Torch Song Fire Single opponent Increases the user's Special Attack stat by one stage.
Work Up Normal Self Increases the user's Attack and Special Attack by one stage.

Moves that Increase Defense

Move Type Target Effect
Acid Armor Poison Self Increases the user's Defense by two stages.
Acupressure Normal Self or ally Randomly increases one of the user or target's stats by two stages.
Ancient Power Rock Single opponent Has a 10% chance to increase Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense, and Speed by one stage.
Bulk Up Fighting Self Increases both the Attack and Defense stat of the user by one stage.
Clangorous Soul Dragon Self Lowers the user's HP by 33% and increases each stat by one stage.
Coil Poison Self Increases the user's Attack, Defense, and Accuracy by one stage.
Cosmic Power Psychic Self Increases the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage.
Cotton Guard Grass Self Increases the user's Defense by three stages.
Curse Ghost Random opponent (Ghost type) / Self (Non-Ghost type) This attack works differently when used by Ghost-type Pokemon. For most Pokemon, increases the user's Attack and Defense by one stage, but lowers the user's Speed by one stage. For Ghost-type Pokemon, the user loses half their maximum HP to cause the opponent to lose 1/4 of their maximum HP at the end of each turn.
Defend Order Bug Self Increases the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage.
Defense Curl Normal Self Increases the user's Defense by one stage. Doubles the damage of Rollout and Ice Ball if used in the next turn.
Harden Normal Self Increases the user's Defense by one stage.
Iron Defense Steel Self Increases the user's Defense by two stages.
Magnetic Flux Electric All allies Increases the Defense and Special Defense of an ally with the Plus or Minus ability by one stage.
No Retreat Fighting Self Increases the user's stats by 1 stage each, also prevents the user from fleeing.
Order Up Dragon Single opponent Raises a specific stat by one stage depending on the form of Tatsugiri in the user's mouth: Attack with Curly Form, Defense with Droopy Form. Speed with Stretchy Form.
Steel Wing Steel Single opponent Has a 10% chance to increase the user's Defense by one stage.
Stockpile Normal Self The user stockpiles power for up to 3 turns max. Increases the user's Defense and Special Defense stats by one stage until Stockpile is released using the Spit Up and Swallow moves.
Stuff Cheeks Normal Self Increases the user's Defense by two stages.
Withdraw Water Self Increases the user's Defense by one stage.

Moves that Increase Special Defense

Move Type Target Effect
Acupressure Normal Self or ally Randomly increases one of the user or target's stats by two stages.
Amnesia Psychic Self Increases the user's Special Defense by two stages.
Ancient Power Rock Single opponent Has a 10% chance to increase Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense, and Speed by one stage.
Aromatic Mist Fairy Single ally Increases an ally's Special Defense by one stage.
Calm Mind Psychic Self Increases both the Special Attack and Special Defense stat of the user by one stage.
Charge Electric Self Increases the damage of the user's next Electric type Attack by 100%. Also increases the user's Special Defense by one stage.
Clangorous Soul Dragon Self Lowers the user's HP by 33% and increases each stat by one stage.
Cosmic Power Psychic Self Increases the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage.
Defend Order Bug Self Increases the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage.
Magnetic Flux Electric All allies Increases the Defense and Special Defense of an ally with the Plus or Minus ability by one stage.
No Retreat Fighting Self Increases the user's stats by 1 stage each, also prevents the user from fleeing.
Quiver Dance Bug Self Increases the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by one stage,
Stockpile Normal Self The user stockpiles power for up to 3 turns max. Increases the user's Defense and Special Defense stats by one stage until Stockpile is released using the Spit Up and Swallow moves.

Moves that Increase Speed

Move Type Target Effect
Acupressure Normal Self or ally Randomly increases one of the user or target's stats by two stages.
Agility Psychic Self Increases the user's Speed by two stages.
Ancient Power Rock Single opponent Has a 10% chance to increase Attack, Defense, Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense, and Speed by one stage.
Aqua Step Water Single opponent Increases the user's Speed by one stage.
Aura Wheel Electric Single opponent Increases the user's Speed by one stage. If the user is in Hangry Mode, the attack type becomes Dark instead.
Clangorous Soul Dragon Self Lowers the user's HP by 33% and increases each stat by one stage.
Dragon Dance Dragon Self Increases the user's Attack and Speed by one stage.
Fillet Away Normal Self Raises the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by two stages, but sacrifices half of its max HP. Fails if the user's health is below 50%.
Flame Charge Fire Single opponent Increases the user's Speed by one stage.
No Retreat Fighting Self Increases the user's stats by 1 stage each, also prevents the user from fleeing.
Order Up Dragon Single opponent Raises a specific stat by one stage depending on the form of Tatsugiri in the user's mouth: Attack with Curly Form, Defense with Droopy Form. Speed with Stretchy Form.
Quiver Dance Bug Self Increases the user's Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by one stage,
Rapid Spin Normal Single opponent The user removes moves that trap Pokemon and increases the user's Speed by one stage. Moves that trap Pokemon are the following: Bind, Clamp, Fire Spin, Infestation, Leech Seed, Magma Storm, Sand Tomb, Snap Trap, Spikes, Stealth Rock, Sticky Web, Toxic Spikes, Whirlpool, Wrap.
Rock Polish Rock Self Increases the user's Speed by two stages.
Shell Smash Normal Self Increases the user's Attack, Special Attack, and Speed by two stages while lowering the user's Defense and Special Defense by one stage.
Shift Gear Steel Self Increases the user's Attack by one stage and Speed by two stages.
Tidy Up Normal Self The user removes Substitute decoys and moves that trap Pokemon. The user's Attack and Speed stats are also raised by one stage.
Trailblaze Grass Single opponent Increases the user's Speed by one stage.

Moves that Increase Accuracy

Move Type Target Effect
Acupressure Normal Self or ally Randomly increases one of the user or target's stats by two stages.
Coil Poison Self Increases the user's Attack, Defense, and Accuracy by one stage.
Hone Claws Dark Self Increases the user's Attack and Accuracy by one stage each.

Moves that Increase Evasiveness

Move Type Target Effect
Acupressure Normal Self or ally Randomly increases one of the user or target's stats by two stages.
Double Team Normal Self Increases the user's Evasion by one stage.
Minimize Normal Self Increases the user's Evasion by two stages.

Related Links

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Moves Banner

List of All Moves

Moves by Type and Category

Moves by Type
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost Type,Ghost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal
Moves by Category
Physical IconPhysical Special IconSpecial Status IconStatus
Moves by Effects
Stat-Boosting Moves Stat-Reducing Moves Status-Inflicting Moves
Moves that Never Miss Moves that Set Entry Hazards Sound-Based Moves
High-Critical Hit Moves Moves that Change Weather Moves that Change Terrain
Powder/Spore Moves Moves that Restore HP Redirection Moves
Multi-Hit Moves One-Hit Knockout Moves Trapping Moves
Moves with Recoil Damage List of Priority Moves Moves that Block Attacks
Status Restoring Moves Switching Moves Wind Moves
List of Set Damage Moves Moves That Remove Screens List of Moves Boosted When Terastallized
Other Move Guides
All Gen 9 New Moves Unavailable
List of New DLC Moves
Returning DLC Moves The Teal Mask DLC New TMs The Indigo Disk DLC New TMs


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