Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Murkrow Best Tera Raid Build

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The best Murkrow Tera Raid Build in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) has Screech and Haze, a Focus Sash and the Prankster Hidden Ability. These builds are part of a specialized 4 Pokemon team featuring Glalie and Krookodile. Read on to learn what the best Murkrow Tera Raid Build is and how to use it.

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Best Murkrow Tera Raid Build

Best Murkrow Tera Builds
Murkrow Support IconOHKO Support Murkrow Support IconScreech Support Build

Support Murkrow: OHKO Team Strategy

EV Spread, Ability, Held Item and Moveset

Murkrow ImageMurkrow
Dark TypeFlying Type
Tera Type Natures
Dark Icon Haze Support
↑Spe ↓Sp.Atk
Screech Support
↑Def ↓Sp.Atk
EV Spreads
Haze Support
Screech Support
No Investment Necessary
Ability Moveset
Prankster Haze
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Focus Sash ImageFocus Sash


The best ability for Murkrow is Prankster. This allows Musrkrow to use Status moves with increased priority.

Best Tera Type

It is not necessary to Terastallize Murkrow

EV Spread Explanation

The Haze Build should have 4 Speed EVs to ensure it outspeeds the Screech-only Murkrow if they are of the same level. Alternatively as Screech is an Egg move and the Screech Build will not need Haze (which is learned at level 11), breeding a Murkrow and leaving it at level 1 will also ensure it is slower than the Haze build without needing to invest in Speed EVs.

OHKO Strategy

Krookodile Anger Point Counter Strategy for Tera Raids
Turns Murkow Best Tera BuildScreech Support
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Focus Sash ImageFocus Sash
Murkow Best Tera BuildScreech Support
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Focus Sash ImageFocus Sash
Glalie Best Tera BuildAnger Point Activation
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Focus Sash ImageFocus Sash
Krookodile Best Tera BuildPhysical Attacker
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Choice Band ImageChoice Band
#1 Screech Screech Frost Breath
Power Trip

This one-shot strategy requires a dedicated team with Glalie for its guaranteed critical hit Frost Breath to activate Krookodile's Anger Point Ability, and 2 Murkrows to provide Screech support.

How to One Shot Raid Bosses

At the start of the raid, the 2 Screech Support Murkrow should use Screech to lower the Raid Boss' Defense by 4 stages.

Glalie should then use Frost Breath on Krookodile, guaranteeing a critical hit and activating its Anger Point Ability to max out its Attack

Finally, Krookodile uses Power Trip to deal +6 Atk boosted 140 Base Power Super Effective STAB damage against -4 Defense, OHKOing it.

Krookodile Earthquake One-Shot Strategy

Krookodile Anger Point Counter Strategy for Tera Raids
Turns Murkow Best Tera BuildHaze Support Murkow Best Tera BuildScreech Support Glalie Best Tera BuildAnger Point Activation Krookodile Best Tera BuildPhysical Attacker
#1 Haze Screech Frost Breath
Scary Face
#2 Screech Screech Helping Hand Earthquake

This one-shot strategy requires a dedicated team with Glalie for its guaranteed critical hit Frost Breath to activate Krookodile's Anger Point Ability, and Krookodile as the main attacker.

At the start of the raid, the faster Haze Support Murkrow with 4 Speed EVs should use Prankster priority boosted Haze to remove the Raid boss' stat boosts. Once Haze resets the stat boosts, the Screech Support Murkrow should use Screech to lower the opponent's Defense by 2 stages.

Glalie should then use Frost Breath on Krookodile, guaranteeing a critical hit and activating its Anger Point Ability to max out its Attack. Finally, Krookodile uses Scary Face to lower the opponent's Speed in order to outspeed it next turn.

On Turn 2, both Murkrow users should use Screech to lower the Raid boss' Defense to the lowest it can go. Glalie then uses Helping Hand on Krookodile to give it one final boost.

With Krookodile's +6 Attack, Helping Hand Boost, Life Orb and the opponent's -6 Defense, Earthquake will get the OHKO on the Raid boss.

Screech Support Murkrow Raid Build

EV Spread, Ability, Held Item and Moveset

Murkrow ImageMurkrow
Dark TypeFlying Type
Tera Type Nature
Dark Icon Impish
(↑Def, ↓SpA)
EV Spread
Sp. Def:
Ability Moveset
Prankster Tailwind
Foul Play
Held Item
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Eviolite ImageEviolite


The best ability for Murkrow in Tera Raid Battles is Prankster. This allows Murkrow to always move first when using its Status Moves.

Best Tera Type

We also recommend getting a Murkrow with a Dark Tera Type to retain its Psychic immunity. As a Defensive Support, an Impish nature would be best.

EV Spread Explanation

Tera Raid Support EV spreads should lean towards defense to help with survivability. Max out your HP and Def EVs, while adding the remaining EVs into Sp. Defense.

The Eviolite held item doubles Murkrow's Def and Sp. Def stats, to compensate for its low base stats.

Tera Raid Strategy

Tera Raid Turn-by-Turn Counter Strategy
Turn 1 Use Taunt to prevent the Raid Boss ftom using Status moves.
Optional Use Tailwind to boost your team's speed.
Turns 3~5 Use Screech to reduce the Raid Boss' Defense stat.
Turns 6+ Use Foul Play to deal damage. Re-apply Taunt and Screech as needed. Remember to also use Heal Up! to save allies from fainting!

Start the battle by using Taunt to prevent the Raid Boss from using any Status Move. You can also use Tailwind to make your team go faster, allowing them to potentially outspeed the Raid Boss.

Use Screech three times to reduce the target's Defense by six stages, allowing your team to deal more damage using Physical Attacks. If your team is in a position where they do not require healing, you can deal some damage using Foul Play.

Terastallizing Murkrow is not much of a priority, instead keep an eye on your teammates' HP, and use the Heal Up! cheer as necessary. Re-apply Taunt and Screech whenever the Raid Boss removes debuffs from itself.

How to Make Best Murkrow Tera Raid Build

How to Make Best Murkrow Tera Raid Build

Catch Murkrow at Multiple Locations Across Paldea in the Evening and at Night

Murkrow Locations Pokemon SV
You can catch a Murkrow at the following locations during the evening and at night in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:

All Murkrow Locations
Asado Desert Dalizapa Passage
East Province (Area One) East Province (Area Three)
East Province (Area Two) Glaseado Mountain
Los Platos Montenevera
South Province (Area Five) South Province (Area Four)
South Province (Area One) South Province (Area Six)
South Province (Area Three) Tagtree Thicket
West Province (Area Three) West Province (Area Two)

Make sure to bring a Pokemon that has False Swipe and can inflict a status effect to make it easier to catch.

Best Pokemon for Catching

Use a Jolly or Impish Mint to Change Its Nature

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV Adamant Mint.png

If it has a different nature, you can use a Jolly or Impish Mint to change its nature to Jolly or Impish for the Haze and Screech Murkrow Builds respectively.

The easiest way to get these Mints is by buying them from the Chansey Supply shop at Mesagoza for ₽20,000.

How to Change a Pokemon's Nature

Use an Ability Patch to Change to Its Hidden Ability

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - Ability Patch.png

As wild Pokemon do not have their Hidden Ability, you will need to use an Ability Patch in order to get Prankster on Murkrow. This item can be won as a reward in Tera Raids.

Ability Patch Location and How to Get

EV Train Speed if Necessary

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV Power Items.png

If your Haze Murkrow and Screech Murkrow have the same level and IVs, you will need to give your Haze Murkrow at least 4 Speed EVs in order to outspeed the Screech Murkrow.

If you have the money for it, you can just buy 1 Carbos. This item can be bought at a Chansey Supply shop and it will cost you ₽10,000 in total.

Alternatively, you can use Power Items that you can buy at a Delibird Presents shop for ₽10,000 each. Have the Haze Murkrow hold a Power Anklet and defeat a Rookidee.

Held Item Number of Pokemon to Defeat Defeat Any of These Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Power Anklet ImagePower Anklet
(For Speed EVs)
Defeat 1 Rookidee in Total
To get 9 Speed EVs
Location: South Province (Area 3)

How to EV Train Fast

Hyper Train at Montenevera

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV Hyper Training NPC Montenevera.png

After EV training it, head to Montenevera and talk to the man with an Abomasnow near the Pokemon Center. He will hyper train your Pokemon using Bottle Caps.

A Bottle Cap can be bought at the Delibird Presents shops for ₽20,000 after getting 6 Gym Badges. 1 Bottle Cap is needed for each stat that will be maxed out.

Hyper Training: How to Increase IVs

Level Up to 100

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV Drifblim Tera Raid Drops.png

Next, level it up to 100 to maximize its stats. The easiest way to do this is by farming Exp candies from Tera Raid Battles.

How to Level Up Fast: EXP Farming Guide

Give It a Focus Sash

Focus Sash Pokemon SV

Lastly, give it a Focus Sash to allow it to survive the first turn of the battle. Focus Sash can be bought at the Delibird Presents Shop in Mesagoza for ₽50,000. This item will be available once you get 4 Gym Badges.

Murkrow Tera Raid Moveset Guide

Learn Haze Through Level Up

Status Icon

Haze is a move that Murkrow can learn at level 11. You can have it remember the move by going to the "Moves and Stats" menu and pressing A.

How to Relearn Moves

Give Murkrow Screech from Psyduck as an Egg Move

1 Catch a Psyduck, then make it remember the move Screech.
Buy a Mirror Herb at Delibird Presents in Cascarrafa. The item costs ₽30,000 so make sure you have enough money.
3 Remove every Pokemon from your party except for Psyduck and Murkrow. There should only be two Pokemon in your party.
4 Delete one of Murkrow's moves, then give it the Mirror Herb to hold.
5 Have a picnic with Murkrow and Psyduck. Wait for a few minutes, then pack up.

Check Murkrow's summary to see that it now has Screech!

How to Learn and Transfer Egg Moves

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Tera Raids.png

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Tera Raid Builds

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