Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

How to EV Train Fast

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Max EV Trained
EV train your Pokemon fast by, equipping Power Items and defeating the right Pokemon or by using Vitamins or Mochi. Read on to learn how to EV train your Pokemon fast, and the best spots and locations for EV training in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV).

Best EV Training Method

Comparison of EV Training Methods

Method Pros/Cons
Vitamins Fastest method; can EV train a single Pokemon in under a minute.
Is expensive. Need to spend ₽530,000 per Pokemon
But Money Farming is Simple.
You can choose to buy the Vitamin you need.
Mochi Fastest method; can EV train a single Pokemon in under a minute.
Grinding for Mochi is free but time consuming.
Mochi Rewards are random.
Can be inconsistent to get the 53 Mochi you need per Pokemon.
Power Item EV Training Takes about an hour to EV Train up to 6 Pokemon at a time.
One-time investment of buying 6 of each Power Item lets you EV Train team after team for only ₽360,000.
A lot cheaper than the ₽530,000 needed for Vitamins for a single Pokemon.
Best Farming Locations are Late-Game areas.
RotoJobs (SWSH) Only works for Pokemon available in SWSH.
Requires that you have a copy of Pokemon Sword/Shield.
Requires that you have access to Pokemon HOME.
Is best done with Power Items from SWSH that can cost up to 600 BP.
Takes about 42 hours to EV Train up to 60 Pokemon at a time.
Although realistically, you'll only be EV Training 20 Pokemon every 42 hours.
Can use SWSH time-skip exploit to avoid waiting real-world hours.
No Items Most time-consuming; takes about 3 hours to EV Train up to 6 Pokemon at a time.
Costs nothing.


Vitamins EV Boost
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - HP Up ImageHP Up +10 HP EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Protein ImageProtein +10 Attack EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron ImageIron +10 Defense EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Calcium ImageCalcium +10 Special Attack EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Zinc ImageZinc +10 Special Defense EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Carbos ImageCarbos +10 Speed EVs

Feeding your Pokemon Vitamins is one of the fastest, and arguably the best way to EV Train your Pokemon. Each Vitamin will add 10 EVs of its respective stat, and can be easily obtainable in Chansey Supply stores, such as the one in Mesagoza. It can be costly, however, to always rely on these Vitamins. But thankfully, money farming isn't too hard either.
Money Farming Guide: How to Make Money Fast


Mochi EV Boost
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Health Mochi ImageHealth Mochi +10 HP EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Muscle Mochi ImageMuscle Mochi +10 Attack EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Resist Mochi ImageResist Mochi +10 Defense EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Genius Mochi ImageGenius Mochi +10 Special Attack EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Clever Mochi ImageClever Mochi +10 Special Defense EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Swift Mochi ImageSwift Mochi +10 Speed EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fresh-Start Mochi ImageFresh-Start Mochi Resets a Pokemon's EVs to 0.

Introduced in the Teal Mask DLC, Mochi are items that function similarly to Vitamins. Each Mochi adds 10 EVs of its respective stat, except for the Fresh-Start Mochi which resets a Pokemon's EVs to 0. This offers a convenient way to respec a Pokemon's EVs in case you were interested in trying a different build.

However, unlike Vitamins that are readily available for purchase, Mochi cannot be bought. Instead, they are received as random rewards for successful runs of Ogre Oustin in Kitakami. Aim for higher scores to receive more plentiful rewards!
Ogre Oustin' Guide and Rewards


Mochi EV Boost
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Health Feather ImageHealth Feather +1 HP EV
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Muscle Feather ImageMuscle Feather +1 Attack EV
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Resist Feather ImageResist Feather +1 Defense EV
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Genius Feather ImageGenius Feather +1 Special Attack EV
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Clever Feather ImageClever Feather +1 Special Defense EV
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Swift Feather ImageSwift Feather +1 Speed EV

For instances where you may not want a multiple of 10 EVs, feathers are available to allow you to fine-tune your EV spreads. Each feather adds 1 EV of its respective stat. This can be useful, and more economical in many ways.

The most common suggestion is instead of using 26 Vitamins or Mochi to max out a stat, you can instead use 25 Vitamins/Mochi and 2 Feathers to get the maximum 252 EVs that can be alloted in any one stat.
How to Get Feathers

Rotojobs Time Skip

While not as accessible due to only being available in the Gen 8 games Sword and Shield, Rotojobs can still be a viable EV Training Method for Pokemon that you'll transfer over from the Galar games.

You can send up to 10 Pokemon at a time, to jobs that will let them gain EVs for every hour they are on the job, to a maximum of 24 hours. On its own, this grants 4 EVs per hour, but if a Pokemon holds a Power Item, you are able to earn up to 12 EVs per hour. Using this knowledge in combination with date-skipping on your Nintendo Switch, you can quickly EV train Pokemon.

Can EV Train Lv. 100 Pokemon

Unlike in older titles, players will be able to EV Train Pokemon, even those at Level 100. It used to be the case that you'd need a Pokemon to level up for their EV spreads to reflect onto their stats. But these days, a Pokemon's stats will always reflect its EV spread.
How to Level Up Fast: EXP Farming Guide

EV Training via Battles

Power Items Recommended

Pokemon naturally yield EVs whenever they are defeated. Power Items are held items that increase the amount of EVs you receive per defeating each Pokemon in battle.

For example, defeating a Magikarp would normally yield 1 Speed EV. But if a Pokemon holding the Power Anklet defeats a Magikarp, it would gain an additional 8 Speed EVs for a total of 9 Speed EVs.

You can get these Power Items at Delibird Presents shops for ₽10,000. Make your Pokemon hold these items and defeat a certain number of Pokemon to EV train them fast.

Power Item EV Boost
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Power Bracer ImagePower Bracer +8 Attack EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Power Belt ImagePower Belt +8 Defense EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Power Lens ImagePower Lens +8 Special Attack EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Power Band ImagePower Band +8 Special Defense EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Power Anklet ImagePower Anklet +8 Speed EVs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Power Weight ImagePower Weight +8 HP EVs

Train Multiple Pokemon at Once

Why Train Multiple Pokemon at Once?
Checkmark It's cheaper.

Checkmark It's faster.

Checkmark It's much more efficient.

Instead of EV training one by one, you can train multiple Pokemon at once provided that they're being EV trained in the same stat.

To do this, buy a couple of Power Items that you need for EV training at a Delibird Presents shop.

Next, choose which Pokemon you want to EV train for a certain stat and have them hold the appropriate Power Item.

Add them to your party after and start defeating Pokemon that will yield the EV your Pokemon needs. As a result, all of the Pokemon in your party that has the Power Item will get the same number of EVs in the stat that you chose.

This method is cheaper and faster than having to buy vitamins that will cost you ₽530,000 for each Pokemon just to increase their EVs. It's also much more efficient since you'll be EV training multiple Pokemon at once instead of having to do it one by one.

Let's Go Does Not Increase EVs

While it would have been nice to allow for Let's Go's auto battle feature to help with EV training, it might be for the better that Pokemon defeated from Let's Go do not yield EVs. Whether you have the Pokemon as your Lead Pokemon, or as a different Pokemon in the party, they will not receive EVs if you are clearing Pokemon with the Let's Go feature.

How to Auto Battle and Evolve Pokemon

You Can EV Train Lv. 100 Pokemon

Even if a Pokemon is at a Lv. 100, its stats will still adjust accordingly after earning or losing EVs. If you obtain a Lv. 100 Pokemon, such as the Unrivaled Charizard, you'll still be able to EV train it with Vitamins or by defeating Pokemon.

On the other hand, if you change your mind about your EV spread after you've already raised your Pokemon, you can use a combination of EV-Reducing berries, Fresh-Start Mochi, Feathers, and Vitamins to fine-tune your EV spread.
How to Reset EVs

Best Spots and Locations For EV Training

Best Late-Game EV Training Spot

Area Zero has several Pokemon of an assortment of EV Yields, making it a decent place to EV train. Below is a table of commonly seen Pokemon in Area Zero and what EVs they yield. Its best to pair this with Power Items as described above to maximize the EVs gained from every battle.

Area Zero Pokemon
EV Yields
HP Farigiraf ImageFarigiraf
3 HP EV Yield
Gogoat ImageGogoat
2 HP EV Yield
Dudunsparce ImageDudunsparce
2 HP EV Yield
Atk Braviary ImageBraviary
2 Atk EV Yield
Hawlucha ImageHawlucha
2 Atk EV Yield
Lokix ImageLokix
2 Atk EV Yield
Def Corviknight ImageCorviknight
2 Def EV Yield
Naclstack ImageNaclstack
2 Def EV Yield
Sp. Atk Girafarig ImageGirafarig
2 Sp. Atk EV Yield
Golduck ImageGolduck
2 Sp. Atk EV Yield
Glimmora ImageGlimmora
2 Sp. Atk EV Yield
Sp. Def Floette ImageFloette
2 Sp. Def EV Yield
Altaria ImageAltaria
2 Sp. Def EV Yield
Speed Raichu ImageRaichu
3 Speed EV Yield
Jumpluff ImageJumpluff
3 Speed EV Yield
Medicham ImageMedicham
2 Speed EV Yield

The Way Home: Area Zero Walkthrough

Best Early-Game EV Training Spot

If you're looking for easier and more accessible Pokemon to train EVs from for each stat, below are some Pokemon found in early areas. As early game encounters, they each only yield 1 EV.

The listed Pokemon appear predominantly in the location listed, making it easy to battle them repeatedly to grind EVs. Equipping a Power Item before training at these locations will let you receive 9 EVs per KO which means you can max out a stat in exactly 28 battles.

Early-Route Pokemon
1 HP Yield Azurill ImageAzurill
Los Platos
Lechonk ImageLechonk
Los Platos
Paldean Wooper ImagePaldean Wooper
Los Platos
1 Atk EV Yield Shinx ImageShinx
South Province
(Area 3)
Growlithe ImageGrowlithe
South Province
(Area 3)
Yungoos ImageYungoos
South Province
(Area 3)
1 Def EV Yield Tarountula ImageTarountula
South Province
(Area 1)
Scatterbug ImageScatterbug
South Province
(Area 1)
1 Sp. Atk. EV Yield Psyduck ImagePsyduck
South Province
(Area 4)
Toxel ImageToxel
South Province
(Area 4)
Hatenna ImageHatenna
South Province
(Area 4)
1 Sp. Def EV Yield Hoppip ImageHoppip
South Province
(Area 1)
Spoink ImageSpoink
South Province
(Area 3)
Swablu ImageSwablu
South Province
(Area 4)
1 Speed EV Yield Rookidee ImageRookidee
South Province
(Area 3)
Magikarp ImageMagikarp
South Paldean Sea
Wingull ImageWingull
South Paldean Sea

Alternatively, the link below provides a full list of EVs provided by every Pokemon in the game.

List of Pokemon by EV Yield

How to Reset EVs

Use Fresh-Start Mochi

Introduced in the Teal Mask DLC, you can use the Fresh-Start Mochi to completely reset a Pokemons EVs to 0.

You can receive Fresh-Start Mochi as a reward for playing Ogre Oustin', a balloon-popping minigame in Kitakami.

Ogre Oustin' Guide and Rewards

Use EV Reducing Berries

It is possible to reset a Pokemon's EV and readjust any of its stats by letting them consume the EV-Reducing Berries. These Berries reduce an EV by 10.

How to Reset EVs

Tips for EV Training

Tips for EV Training
Just Keep Track of Power Item EV Gains
Keep track of KO's by checking your PP
EV Train Multiple Pokemon at a Time

Just Keep Track of Power Item EV Gains

With Power Items, you don't even have to worry about which Pokemon gives certain EV yields. Since every battle will give you 8 EVs in a certain stat, You could do 32 battles against any Pokemon with a Power Item equipped, and you'll be sure that you'll have 252 EVs in the related stat. After which, use the EV-reducing berries to drop the EVs you have in other stats back to zero!

You Can Keep Count of How Many Pokemon you've KO'd by Checking Your PP

Assuming you have the Pokemon you want to EV Train in your party, and a strong Pokemon in the lead, most opponents will probably go down in one hit. You can use this knowledge to keep track of how many you defeated by checking how many PP you've used up!

EV Train Multiple Pokemon at a Time

Since every Pokemon on the team that gets EXP also gains EVs, you can EV Train multiple Pokemon at a time. Bring every member you want to EV train in your party to earn EVs efficiently!

How to Check EVs

Press X on the Stats Summary Screen

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Max Attack and Speed EVs.png

Although there's no way in-game to check exact values of how many EVs you've earned, you will be able to get an estimate of how many EVs you've earned on a certain stat by pressing X on the Stats Summary screen. the Bright Yellow shape indicates how many of a certain EV you've invested in a certain stat.

When a stat has maxed out its EVs, it will have a sparkle animation next to its stat. When a Pokemon has fully maxed out all its EVs, the shape will turn blue.

How to Check EVs

What are EVs?

Allow You to Increase Your Stats

Effort Values, or EVs, are hidden stats that are essential in preparing battle-viable Pokemon. These are extra points added to the base value of a Pokemon's six main stats, namely its HP, Attack, Defense, Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed.

You Can Have Up to 252 EVs Per Stat

A freshly hatched or a freshly caught Pokemon will start out without any EVs. As you defeat Pokemon, or give them Vitamins, the Pokemon will earn EVs with each stat having a limit of 252.

Any time a Pokemon gains EXP, it gains EVs, so if you have them in your party and they gain EXP through EXP Share, they will also earn EVs.

Maximum of 510 EVs per Pokemon

While a single stat can only earn 252 EVs, a single Pokemon can only have a total of 510 EVs spread across all stats. To maximize stat improvements, most people choose to invest 252 EVs each onto two stats, while investing the remaining 6 onto another.

For offensive Pokemon you may put 252 EVs in their primary attacking stat (Attack/Special Attack), another 252 EVs in Speed, and the remaining 6 EVs in HP. While for defensive Pokemon you may want to put 252 EVs in their primary defensive stat (Defense/Special Defense), another 252 EVs in HP, and the remaining 6 EVs in Speed.

This is a good starting point, but you can tweak these as you get more familiar with what stats you need.

4 EVs are Equivalent to 1 Point in a Stat

As mentioned above, EVs allow you to increase your stats. To be specific, for every 4 EVs you have, you get 1 additional point in that stat. Likewise 252 EVs in a certain stat means 63 extra points in that stat. These changes are seen when a Pokemon reaches level 100.

As an example, a Staraptor without any EVs in Attack would have an Attack Stat of 276 at level 100, while a Staraptor with 252 EVs in Attack would have an Attack Stat of 339.

In competitive battles, every point of a stat will matter, so it's best to get the best EVs for your Pokemon!

Introduction to EVs, IVs, and Natures

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Train and Breed Banner

Training and Breeding

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How to Breed Pokemon and Hatch Eggs How to Hatch Eggs Faster
Nature and IV Breeding Guide How to Increase IVs
How to Check IVs (Judge Function) How to Check EVs
How to EV Train Fast Shiny Hunting Guide
How to Change a Pokemon's Nature How to Soft Reset for the Best Nature and IVs
How to Get and Breed for Hidden Abilities How to Learn Egg Moves
Is There Pokerus? How to Reset EVs
How to Increase Friendship How to Get 6IV Dittos
Post-Game Grind: What Should You Grind For?
Calculators for Training
Stat Calculator IV Calculator
Ranked Battle Damage Calculator How to Use the Ranked Battle Damage Calculator
Tera Raid Damage Calculator How to Use the Tera Raid Damage Calculator
Best EV Training Locations
Best HP EV Training Locations Best Attack EV Training Locations
Best Defense EV Training Locations Best Special Attack EV Training Locations
Best Special Defense EV Training Locations Best Speed EV Training Locations


33 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Its annoying how most sites recommand just the 1EV area, when Area Zero is right there, sure its the EV item what will do most, but 10 battles with 1 EV mons obviously gives less than 10 battles with 2-3 EV mons, and its not hard to find them in area zero

32 Anonymousalmost 2 years

litleo gives +1 spe atk EV.......


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