Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

VGC Tournament Results: 2023 Portland Regional Championships

★ Upcoming: 7☆ Tyranitar Tera Raid Event
✬ Pokemon HOME Dex Completion Shiny Rewards:
Meloetta | Manaphy | Enamorus | Keldeo | Meltan
Regulation G is now back! ▶︎ Indigo Disk Tier List
▶︎ Game8 Tera Raid Damage Calculator | Game8 Discord
★ The DLC Epilogue is now available! ▶︎ How to Start

Pokemon Portland Regional Championships Logo
The 2023 Portland Regional Championships event has now concluded in Portland, Oregon, USA! Read on to learn the event dates, location, results, and more!

VGC Tournament Results
Oceania InternationalOceania



Hartford RegionalHartford

Milwaukee RegionalMilwaukee

Fresno RegionalFresno

Japan NationalsJapan

North America InternationalNorth America

Yokohama Open Pokemon SVYokohama Open
Yokohama World ChampionshipsVGC World Championships 2024 Championship Series2024 Championship Series

Possible Next Champion Mystery Gift Pokemon

Joseph Ugarte's Jumpluff

Jumpluff ImageJumpluff
Level 50
Tera Type Pokemon Water Type Icon
Ability Chlorophyll
Held Item Covert Cloak
Moveset Leaf Storm
Sleep Powder

Joseph Ugarte's Jumpluff was a consistent threat every time it was on the field, threatening with Sleep Powder, or punishing passive plays with Encore. It could also set up Tailwind for its teammates and allow them to have a Speed advantage. Jumpluff was an important factor in giving the entire team synergy and consistency.

2023 Portland Regional Championships: Champions Team

Team Breakdown Team Cores and Strategy
Team's Strengths Champion's Pokemon

Team Breakdown

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - KingambitKingambit Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TorkoalTorkoal Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flutter ManeFlutter Mane
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - JumpluffJumpluff Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Great TuskGreat Tusk Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Chien-PaoChien-Pao

Team Cores and Strategy

Great Tusk and Chien-Pao

Great Tusk ImageGreat Tusk
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ground Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fighting Icon
Chien-Pao ImageChien-Pao
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ice Icon

Scarf Great Tusk with Chien-Pao offers a fast and offensive lead that immediately pressures taking quick KOs on the opposing side of the field.

Great Tusk and Jumpluff

Great Tusk ImageGreat Tusk
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ground Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fighting Icon
Jumpluff ImageJumpluff
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flying Icon

Jumpluff can support Great Tusk by punishing passive plays with Encore, and boosting its side's speed with Tailwind. It can also threaten with Sleep Powder.

Torkoal and Jumpluff

Torkoal ImageTorkoal
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Icon
Jumpluff ImageJumpluff
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Grass Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flying Icon

Torkoal gives Jumpluff a Speed Boost by triggering its Chlorophyll with its Drought. Torkoal is able to eject out of the active spot with Eject Pack, and safely bring in a Protosynthesis Pokemon who can enjoy a stat boost from the Sun.

Competitive Team Building for Doubles Ranked Battle

Teams Strengths

Joseph Ugarte's Sun Team was heavily offensive, often ending games quickly with its speed and power. It also has multiple lead options that it can use, which is especially useful in a best-of-three fornat. Four Pokemon on the team benefit from Torkoal's Sun, being Torkoal itself, Jumpluff with its Chlorophyll, Flutter Mane and Great Tusk with Protosynthesis. Chien-Pao also helps out Great Tusk, Kingambit, and itself with its Sword of Ruin Ability, improving the effectiveness of the team's physical attackers.

Champion's Pokemon's Moveset and Held Items

Covert Cloak Jumpluff (MVP)

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Jumpluff Image

Ability Chlorophyll
Tera Type Pokemon Water Type Icon
Held Item Covert Cloak
Moveset Leaf Storm
Sleep Powder

Jumpluff's tool kit lets it be a constant pain for opponents to deal with. It's Utility Moves include Sleep Powder and Encore for disruption, and Tailwind to give Joseph the Speed Advantage. Leaf Storm is a solid attacking move, which he uses to great effect.

Eject Pack Torkoal

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Torkoal Image

Ability Drought
Tera Type Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Held Item Eject Pack
Moveset Overheat
Helping Hand

Eject Pack Torkoal was able to set the Sun and immediately switch out after an Overheat or a stat debuff from the opponent. This allows it to set up Sun later in the game. Fissure allows Torkoal a chance at OHKOing a Pokemon, which is useful after repeated uses of Overheat.

Torkoal Movesets and Best Builds

Choice Specs Flutter Mane

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flutter Mane Image

Ability Protosynthesis
Tera Type Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
Held Item Choice Specs
Moveset Shadow Ball
Dazzling Gleam

Joseph Ugarte's Flutter Mane was difficult to beat once it got a good position on the field, as not many Pokemon can stand up to Choice Specs, Protosynthesis-boosted, Tera-boosted Attacks.

Flutter Mane Movesets and Best Builds

Assault Vest Kingambit

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Kingambit Image

Ability Defiant
Tera Type Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Held Item Assault Vest
Moveset Iron Head
Kowtow Cleave
Sucker Punch
Tera Blast

Our second pick to be a Mystery Gift Pokemon is Joseph Ugarte's trusty Kingambit, which has often brought him success in competition. With a spread that allows it to be both bulky and offensive, his Kingambit is not to be underestimated.

Kingambit Movesets and Best Builds

Choice Scarf Great Tusk

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Great Tusk Image

Ability Protosynthesis
Tera Type Pokemon Fire Type Icon
Held Item Choice Scarf
Moveset Headlong Rush
Close Combat
Rock Slide

Choice Scarf Great Tusk along with a Flying-type partner could use Earthquake without fear of damaging its teammate. If it's paired with Chien-Pao, we can expect Great Tusk to hit even harder whenever it attacks. It also has access to Headlong Rush and Close Combat for powerful single-target STAB, and Rock Slide for when it is against Flying-types.

Great Tusk Movesets and Best Builds

Tera Flying Chien-Pao

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Chien-Pao Image

Ability Sword of Ruin
Tera Type Pokemon Flying Type Icon
Held Item Focus Sash
Moveset Ice Spinner
Sucker Punch

Chien-Pao enables all the physical attackers on the team with its Sword of Ruin Ability, allowing them to deal significantly more damage. Ice Spinner is its main STAB move, which can remove Terrain from the field, as well as dealing good chunks of damage. Taunt is used against opponents who would want to set up.

Chien-Pao Movesets and Best Builds

2023 Portland Championships Details

Tournament for Best Players in Pokemon Games

The Portland Regional Championships was a Regional tournament where players could compete for Championship points, which can help players qualify for the 2023 Pokemon World Championships to be held in Yokohama, Japan.

Separate tournaments were held for Pokemon TCG, Pokemon UNITE, Pokemon GO, and Pokemon Video Game Championship, through Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Pokemon World Championships 2023

2023 Portland Regional Championships Date and Location

Date Location
May 5~7, 2023 Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR, USA

This season's Portland Regional Championships event took place at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland Oregon, USA, on May 5 through 7, 2023.

Event Registration

Registrations for the event were opened until Friday, May 5, for players in all age divisions, namely Juniors, Seniors, and Masters Spectator Badges were made available by the tournament organizers, but with limited availability.

Side Events

Current Series

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Side Events
Players were able to join Side Events for VGC, the Pokemon Trading Card Game, and Pokemon Go by purchasing Game Tickets at the event. Prizes were also available for winners in these side events.

Championship Point System

Points Awarded from Regional and International Tournaments

CP, or Championship Points are points awarded to players who participated in this regional tournament. Points vary depending on the tournament, and the players placement.

International Championships Point System

Placement Championship Points
1 500 CP
2 400 CP
3~4 320 CP
5~8 250 CP
9~16 200 CP
17~32 160 CP
33~64 160 CP
65~128 100 CP
129~256 80 CP
257~512 60 CP

2023 Portland Regional Championships Eligible Pokemon

Regulation C

Treasures of Ruin Permitted in Regulation C (Series 3)

The four Treasures of Ruin are now eligible to use in Regulation C (Series 3)!

Treasures of Ruin
Wo-ChienWo-Chien Best Build Chien-PaoChien-Pao Best Build Ting-LuTing-Lu Best Build Chi-YuChi-Yu Best Build

Best Treasures of Ruin Builds for Ranked Battle

Koraidon and Miraidon were Banned

Koraidon and Miraidon are also banned from competitive play in Regulation C (Series 3).

Koraidon ImageKoraidon Miraidon ImageMiraidon

Non-Paldean Dex Pokemon and Regional Variants

Regional variants of Pokemon not found in the Paldean Region are also banned from competitive play. Even though some of these Pokemon share a Pokedex Number with their legal counterparts, they are all banned from online play.

Previous starters who appeared in 7-Star Tera Raid Events are also banned from competitive play as they are not part of the Paldea Pokedex.

Charmander ImageCharmander Charmeleon ImageCharmeleon Charizard ImageCharizard
Scorbunny ImageScorbunny Raboot ImageRaboot Cinderace ImageCinderace
Froakie ImageFroakie Frogadier ImageFrogadier Greninja ImageGreninja
Rowlet ImageRowlet Dartrix ImageDartrix Decidueye ImageDecidueye
Oshawott ImageOshawott Dewott ImageDewott Samurott ImageSamurott
Wooper ImageWooper Quagsire ImageQuagsire Galarian Meowth ImageGalarian Meowth
Perrserker ImagePerrserker Hisuian Zorua ImageHisuian Zorua Hisuian Zoroark ImageHisuian Zoroark

Walking Wake and Iron Leaves

Although Walking Wake and Iron Leaves are Paradox Pokemon, they are banned from the current Ranked Battle Series as they are not part of the Paldea Pokedex.

Walking Wake ImageWalking Wake Iron Leaves ImageIron Leaves

All Legal Pokemon

All Legal Pokemon
・All Pokemon in the Paldea Dex except Koraidon and Miraidon

Almost all Pokemon in the Paldea Pokedex are available to use for Ranked Battle Regulation C (Series 3), including Paradox Pokemon and Treasures of Ruin but still excluding Koraidon and Miraidon and Pokemon not included in the Paldean Pokedex.

Complete Paldea Pokedex

Next Major Pokemon VGC Tournament

2023 Hartford Regional Tournament

Hartford Regional
The next major VGC event will be the 2023 Hartford Regional Tournament, which will be held on May 19th - 21st, 2023.

It will be played with Regulation C rules, which means that the Four Treasures of Ruin, as well as Paradox Pokemon will be legal. Koraidon and Miraidon, Walking Wake and Iron Leaves, and Pokemon which are not in the Paldea Dex such as Quagsire, Perrserker, and raid event Pokemon such as Charizard, Cinderace, and Greninja and their pre-evolutions will not be usable in this tournament.
Ranked Battle Regulation C (Series 3): Rules and Banned Pokemon

Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet News and Game Info Banner.png

Latest News and Game Info

All Ranked Battle Series (Regulations)

Event Description
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Series GRanked Battle Regulation H [LIVE] Ruleset: Paradox, Legendary, and Mythical Pokemon are banned in Regulation H!
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Series GRanked Battle Regulation G
Ruleset: Legendary Pokemon will finally be available in Regulation G!
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Regulation FRanked Battle Regulation F
(Series 6)
Ruleset: New and Returning Pokemon from Indigo Disk DLC will be available in Regulation F!
Regulation F Duration: 01/04/2024 ~ 04/30/2024
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Series ERanked Battle Regulation E
(Series 5)
Ruleset: New and Returning Pokemon from The Teal Mask DLC will be available in Regulation E!
Regulation E Duration: 10/1/2023 ~ 01/02/2024
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Series DRanked Battle Regulation D
(Series 4)
Ruleset: Pokemon transferred from Pokémon HOME except Restricted Pokemon will be available in Regulation D! (Regulation D)
Regulation D Duration: 7/1/2023 ~ 9/30/2023
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Regulation C Rules.pngRanked Battle Regulation C
(Series 3)
Ruleset: The Four Treasures of Ruin are available in Regulation C!
Regulation C Duration: 4/1/2023 ~ 6/30/2023
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Series 2 Rules.pngRanked Battle Series 2 (Regulation B) Ruleset: Paradox Pokemon can now be used in Series 2 (Regulation B)!
Duration: 2/1/2023 ~ 3/31/2023
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ranked Battle SeriesRanked Battle Series 1 (Regulation A) Ruleset: Paradox and Legendary Pokemon are banned from competitive play!
Duration: 12/1/2022 ~ 1/31/2023

Ranked Battle Rules and Banned Pokemon

Current & Upcoming Online Competitions

Event Description
No active Online Competitions!


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