Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Battle Timer: Who Wins When Time Runs Out?

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Ever wondered who will win in a competitive match when the timer runs out? Read on to learn more details about the Battle Timer for competitive matches in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet!

What is Battle Timer?

End of Match Timer due to Running Out of Time

The Battle Timer is a timer that counts down towards the end of the match, should both players still have Pokemon that are able to battle at that time. In Ranked Battles, there are two types of timers set for the match, Total Time and Round Time. When one of these timers expire, a victor is decided for the match.

Timeout Type Outcome
Total Time Expired Victor is determined by the number of Pokemon alive and remaining HP
Round Time Expired (For One Player) Player with time remaining wins

Used as a Strategy

Using the Battle Timer can be used as a strategy to win. One popular example would be using stallers like Toxapex or Umbreon, cycling between Protect and recovery moves once a status ailment has been inflicted against the enemy.

If you want to use the Battle Timer to your advantage, it is important to maintain an advantage against your opponent, making sure you always have more Pokemon than your opponent, or at least more HP than their Pokemon.

Criteria for Total Time Expire Victory

Surviving Pokemon and Remaining HP are Compared

Checkmark Number of Pokemon Alive

Checkmark HP Ratio of Remaining Pokemon

Checkmark Total HP of Remaining Pokemon

When deciding a victor when the Total Time runs out, the above criteria are used. If both players have the same number of Pokemon alive, the second criteria will be used. In the event that poth players have the same HP ratio for their alive Pokemon, then the third criteria will be used.

If both players are tied for all thre criteria, the match will end in a draw.

Number of Pokemon Alive

Sample Team
Blissey ImageBlissey
Clodsire ImageClodsire
Corviknight ImageCorviknight

Pokemon's HP may differ during actual battles.

When the Total Time runs out, the number of remaining Pokemon are compared. The player with more Pokemon alive is declared the winner.

In the sample case above, there are two alive Pokemon, and if your opponent has only one Pokemon left, then you are declared the winner.

HP Ratio of Remaining Pokemon

Sample Team
Blissey ImageBlissey
Clodsire ImageClodsire
Corviknight ImageCorviknight

Pokemon's HP may differ during actual battles.

HP Ratio of remaining Pokemon is determined by dividing the total HP of remaining Pokemon by the total HP of selected Pokemon. The player with the higher percentage will be declared the winner.

In the sample above, the computation is treated as: (Clodsire's HP + Corviknight's HP) ÷ (Total HP of all three Pokemon) which equates to (200+200) ÷ (800) = 50%. If your opponent's HP ratio is less than 50%, then you will be the victor.

Total HP of Remaining Pokemon

Sample Team
Blissey ImageBlissey
Clodsire ImageClodsire
Corviknight ImageCorviknight

Pokemon's HP may differ during actual battles.

If the above two criteria end in a tie, the victor will be determined by the total number of remaining HP. The player with more HP on their remaining Pokemon is declared the winner.

In the case above, the total HP remaining is 400. Should your opponent have less than 400 HP remaining, then you will win the match.

If the Round Time Runs Out, the Player with Time Remaining Wins

If one player runs out of time during move selection, Round Time Expire judgement will be made, and the player with time remaining will win the match.

If both the Round Time and Total Time expire during move selection on the final turn, Total Time Expire judgement will be made.

Battle Timer Specifications

Two Types of Timers: Total and Round

There are two types of timers in Ranked Battles: Total Time and Round Time.

Type of Timer Explanation
Total Time Total Time for match.
20 Minutes total per match, next turn will not proceed after 20 minute mark.
Round Time Time given to both players to select a move.
7 Minutes total per round, automatic defeat when timer runs out.

Total Time will be displayed at the 3 Minute Mark

The Total time is not displayed on the game screen during the start, but will appear when there are only 3 minutes remaining.

Since it does not appear at the start of the match, you can use a separate stopwatch to keep track of the time.

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