Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Fairy Team Star Base: How to Beat Ruchbah Starmobile and Ortega

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Ortega Team Star Fairy Squad Boss Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Ortega's Fairy Type Team Star Base is the fourth base we recommend you take on in Starfall Street in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Read on for Ortega's Team, how to beat Ruchbah Starmobile, and strategies on how to clear Team Star's Ruchbah Squad's Base.

Previous Boss Next Boss
Atticus Team Star Pokemon Scarlet and VioletPoison Crew (Atticus) Eri Team Star Pokemon Scarlet and VioletFighting Crew (Eri)

How to Get to the Fairy Team Star Base

Best Path to Get to Ortega's Base

①:Pass through East Province Area 3 and head towards Zapapico (or you can head towards Medali)
②:From either town pass through Dalizapa Passage and head to Glaseado Mountain
③:Continue to the other side of Glaseado Gym, passing through Montenevera heading down the moutain until you get to the Pokemon Center at North Province Area 3.
④:If you then keep going North you will reach the Team Star Fairy Squad Base.

You can reach the Fairy Crew Team Star Base either by foot or with Miraidon/Koraidon's base ride abilities. There are no other story elements or ride abilities that need to be unlocked first. You will not take any damage from falling from a high place, so have no fear in jumping off Glaseado Mountain towards your goal.

It is better to go through Dalizapa Passage from either Zapapico or Medali to get to Glaseado Mountain. While it is possible to get to Glaseado Mountain by going through the cave, but it is a little hard to navigate so it is better to go from the outside.

If you have progressed far enough in the Path of Legends to unlock the Glide ability, you can take a short cut by gliding down from the Mountain summit.

Ruchbah Squad Grunt Pokemon

Pokemon Level Type
Morgrem ImageMorgrem 30 Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Type Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dark Type Icon
Hattrem ImageHattrem 31 Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Psychic Type Icon

When you arrive at Team Star's Base you will first have to face a Team Star grunt in a battle. After that you will be met with waves of Team Grunt's Pokemon and the Team Star Boss Battle in quick succession, so make sure you prepare your team and items fully before approaching the base.

Ortega's Team and Ruchbah Starmobile

Ortega Team Star Fairy Squad Boss Pokemon Scarlet and Violet▲Team Star Ruchbah Squad Boss Ortega Main Type
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Type Icon
Recommended Party Lv.


Pokemon Type Moves
Azumarill ImageAzumarill
Level 50
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Type Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Type Icon Aqua Tail
Play Rough
Dachsbun ImageDachsbun
Level 51
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Type Icon Body Slam
Play Rough
Gyro Ball
Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff
Level 50
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Normal Type Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Type Icon Crunch
Play Rough
Baby-Doll Eyes
Revavroom ImageRevavroom
Level 50
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Type Icon Magical Torque
Steel Roller
Spin Out
Confuse Ray

Ruchbah Starmobile Weaknesses

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Poison Type Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Steel Type Icon

Type Chart: All Matchups and Effectiveness

Best Team to Beat Ortega

Poison and Steel Types are the Best Counters

Pokemon Best Moves
Revavroom ImageRevavroom 【Best Moves】
Poison Jab
Iron Head
Being a dual Steel Poison Type, Revavroom quad resists Fairy type moves, making it the best choice for this base. Its previous evolution Varoom is relatively easy to obtain and evolve.
Clodsire ImageClodsire 【Best Move】
Poison Jab
Clodsire hits all of the opposing Pokemon for weakness with its Poison Jab move. Paldean Wooper is found very early on in the game (before Los Platos) so it would be a great idea to train one up.
Tinkaton ImageTinkaton 【Best Moves】
Flash Cannon
Can hit all of the opposing Pokemon with the one Type of move. If you use one with the ability My Pace it will be unable to be confused, making it a great choice for this Base.
Corviknight ImageCorviknight 【Best Moves】
Steel Wing

Hits all of the opposing Pokemon for weakness with the one Type of move. It will do well in the next Team Star Base as well, so it is worth adding to the team.

Utilize Poison and/or Steel Type Pokemon to deal with Ortega's Fairy Type Pokemon. If you chose Quaxly or Sprigatito as your Starter Pokemon, they both are weak to Fairy in their final stage evolutions, so it is best to use some of the Pokemon listed above in their place. Overall Revavroom is an excellent counter to Ortega's team as it quad resists Fairy Type moves and deals STAB super-effective damage to all of the Ruchbah Squad's Pokemon.

How to Beat Ruchbah Starmobile

Ability Effect
Misty Surge The user applies Misty Terrain to the battlefield for five turns when it enters a battle.

Ortega's Starmobile has the ability Misty Surge, which it uses to power up its Magical Torque, as well as a setup for Steel Roller, a move which fails if there is no terrain present. To avoid this, use Pokemon that are not weak against Steel Type moves, so that Ortega's Starmobile will be forced to use either Magical Torque instead.

Alternative Story Team

Pokemon Level Type Recommended Moveset
Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff 54 Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Normal Type Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Type Icon Sing
Body Slam
Play Rough
Icy Wind
Clodsire ImageClodsire 53 Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Poison Type Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ground Type Icon Poison Jab
Skeledirge ImageSkeledirge 62 Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fire Type Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ghost Type Icon Flamethrower
Shadow Ball
Hyper Voice
Torch Song

※ You may only use 3 Pokemon in the Team Star base

Best Strategy to Beat Ortega

Raise Your Pokemon to Around Level 50

Ortega's Fairy Pokemon are all over level 50, a big jump from the previous Team Star Base. It is best if you tackle some of the other story modes first before you challenge the Ruchbah Squad.

Best Order to Complete the Story

Save Your Team from Debuffs with the Clear Amulet

Clear Amulet Effect Talk to this Person
Clear Amulet Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Lots of Ortega's Pokemon use stat lowering moves such as the moves Baby-doll Eyes and Charm. If you give a Pokemon the Clear Amulet item to hold, these moves will fail to lower your Pokemon's stats! You can get yourself the Clear Amulet item from the Person pictured above in West Province Area One (you will need to beat 5 trainers in that area first).

Watch out for the Starmobile's Confuse Ray Attack

The Ruchbah Starmobile uses Confuse Ray to confuse you before attacking using damaging move. While you can heal confusion with an item such as Full Heal, swapping out the Pokemon also works and is more cost effective. It would also be a good idea to bring along Pokemon that have confusion preventing abilities such as Tinkaton with its Unaware Ability.

The Starmobile is Unaffected by Status Inflicting Moves

The Ruchbah Starmobile can not be affected by Status conditions from Abilities or Attacks. It is best to instead focus on taking down the Starmobile with powerful super effective moves.

Rewards for Beating Ortega

Team Star Fairy Badge

Team Star Fairy Badge
Team Star Fairy Badge

Exclusive TM

Reward Effect
Dazzling GleamTM079 Dazzling Gleam
Type: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Type Moves
Category: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Special Type Moves

Power: 80
Accuracy: 100

TM Machine Recipes Unlocked

TM Required Resources
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM131 - Pollen Puff TM
Pollen Puff
Required League Points: 10000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Rellor Mud x5
・Petilil Leaf x3
・Kricketot Shell x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM121 - Heavy Slam TM
Heavy Slam
Required League Points: 5000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Cufant Tarnish x3
・Bronzor Fragment x3
・Dondozo Whisker x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM118 - Heat Wave TM
Heat Wave
Required League Points: 10000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Growlithe Fur x5
・Torkoal Coal x3
・Larvesta Fuzz x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM117 - Hyper Voice TM
Hyper Voice
Required League Points: 8000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Litleo Tuft x5
・Tandemaus Fur x3
・Skwovet Fur x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM115 - Dragon Pulse TM
Dragon Pulse
Required League Points: 8000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Goomy Goo x5
・Swablu Fluff x3
・Tatsugiri Scales x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM112 - Aura Sphere TM
Aura Sphere
Required League Points: 8000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Ralts Dust x5
・Riolu Fur x3
・Charcadet Soot x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM111 - Giga Drain TM
Giga Drain
Required League Points: 8000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Capsakid Seed x5
・Hoppip Leaf x3
・Skiddo Leaf x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM108 - Crunch TM
Required League Points: 8000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Maschiff Fang x5
・Bruxish Tooth x3
・Yungoos Fur x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM106 - Drill Run TM
Drill Run
Required League Points: 8000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Pineco Husk x5
・Dunsparce Scales x3
・Arrokuda Scales x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM101 - Power Gem TM
Power Gem
Required League Points: 8000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Spoink Pearl x3
・Sableye Gem x3
・Mareep Wool x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM099 - Iron Head TM
Iron Head
Required League Points: 8000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Cufant Tarnish x5
・Pawniard Blade x3
・Rookidee Feather x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM095 - Leech Life TM
Leech Life
Required League Points: 8000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Surskit Syrup x3
・Venonat Fang x3
・Kricketot Shell x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM094 - Dark Pulse TM
Dark Pulse
Required League Points: 8000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Zorua Fur x3
・Impidimp Hair x3
・Spiritomb Fragment x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM093 - Flash Cannon TM
Flash Cannon
Required League Points: 8000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Varoom Fume x3
・Klefki Key x3
・Tinkatink Hair x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM078 - Dragon Claw TM
Dragon Claw
Required League Points: 8000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Axew Scales x5
・Noibat Fur x3
・Gible Scales x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM077 - Waterfall TM
Required League Points: 8000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Magikarp Scales x5
・Basculin Fang x3
・Arrokuda Scales x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM073 - Drain Punch TM
Drain Punch
Required League Points: 8000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Croagunk Poison x5
・Mankey Fur x3
・Crabrawler Shell x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM072 - Electro Ball TM
Electro Ball
Required League Points: 5000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Pachirisu Fur x3
・Voltorb Sparks x3
・Tadbulb Mucus x3
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TM071 - Seed Bomb TM
Seed Bomb
Required League Points: 8000 LP
Required Pokemon Materials:
・Shroomish Spores x5
・Bramblin Twig x3
・Smoliv Oil x3

Other Rewards

You also receive 10,000 LP and unlock several TM crafting materials for defeating Ortega.

All TMs Locations and Crafting Recipes

Ortega Rematch Location (Star Training Center)

Where to Find Fairy Team Star Boss Ortega

Map Position In Game Location

After clearing Starfall Street You are able to challenge the Team Star Leaders to a rematch battle with much stronger teams. You can find Ortega standing in front of the largest building in the Team Star Fairy Base. Go up to him and talk to him to initiate the rematch battle.

Also, by pressing the buzzer at the entrance to the Team Star Fairy Base, you can do the Let's Go Auto Battle Grunt Challenge and Earn LP.
How to Farm League Points

Ortega's Rematch Team

Pokemon Type Moves
Klefki ImageKlefki
Lv. 65
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Flash Cannon
Dazzling Gleam
Light Screen
Azumarill ImageAzumarill
Lv. 65
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Aqua Tail
Play Rough
Ice Punch
Brick Break
Wigglytuff ImageWigglytuff
Lv. 65
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Body Slam
Play Rough
Fire Punch
Thunder Punch
Hatterene ImageHatterene
Lv. 65
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Psychic
Dazzling Gleam
Shadow Ball
Misty Terrain
Dachsbun ImageDachsbun
Lv. 66
Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Crunch
Play Rough
Ice Fang
Fire Fang

Best Team to Beat Ortega (Rematch)

Best Counters

Pokemon Recommended Moves
Revavroom ImageRevavroom
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon (Lv. 70)
Spin Out (learns at lv. 52)
Poison Jab (learns at lv. 36)
Zen Headbutt (TM059)
Shift Gear (upon evolution)
Skeledirge ImageSkeledirge
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Ghost Type Icon (Lv. 70)
Torch Song (upon evolution)
Shadow Ball (learns at lv. 38)
Earth Power (TM133)
Hyper Voice (learns at lv. 42)
Tinkaton ImageTinkaton
Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon Lv. 70
Play Rough (learns at lv. 35)
Gigaton Hammer (upon evolution)
Brick Break (TM058)
Stone Edge (TM150)
Clodsire ImageClodsire
Lv. 70 Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Ground Type Icon
Earthquake (learns at lv. 48)
Poison Jab (learns at lv. 24)
Toxic (learns at lv. 40)
Protect (TM007)

Ortega Rematch Strategy

Take Out Klefki Before it Can Set Up Reflect and Light Screen

Reflect Ortega Pokemon SV

Reflect and Light Screen reduce the amount of damage Ortega's Pokemon take from attacks, so try to dispose of Klefki before it can set them up

Ortega's first Pokemon Klefki has both Reflect and Light Screen, attacks which temporarily boosts Ortega's teams Defense and Special Defense respectively. Take Klefki out with Fire Type moves before it gets the chance to set these defenses. Alternatively, break through the screens with moves like Brick Break and Psychic Fangs!

Watch Out For Ortega's Poison Counters: Haterrene and Klefki

While Poison is a great offensive Typing against most of Ortega's Fairy team, they are not a good option against Hatterene and Klefki. Hatterene is part Psychic and can thus easily deal with Poison Type Pokemon with its STAB super effective Psychic attacks. Klefki on the other hand is completely immune to Poison moves thanks to its part Steel Typing.

Team Star Rematch Battles: All STC Rematch Teams Guide

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Other Victory Road Walkthroughs
All Gym Tests All Gym Leaders
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Champion Geeta Rival Nemona
Academy Ace Tournament

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Starfall Street.pngStarfall Street Walkthrough
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Atticus and the Poison Navi Squad Ortega and the Fairy Ruchbah Squad
Eri and the Fighting Caph Squad Clavell the Academy Director
Penny the Team Star Founder Team Star Rematch Battles: All STC Rematch Teams Guide
Starmobile Guide: All Types, Abilities, Moves and Counters

Path of Legends Walkthroughs

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Path of Legends.pngPath of Legends Walkthrough
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Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan Great Tusk/Iron Treads the Quaking Earth Titan
Tatsugiri and Dondozo the False Dragon Titan Arven

The Way Home Walkthrough

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - The Way HomeThe Way Home Walkthrough
Professor Sada
(Pokemon Scarlet)
Professor Turo
(Pokemon Violet)

Post Game Content: What to Do After the Story

DLC Story Walkthroughs

DLC Story Guides
The Teal Mask The Indigo Disk


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