Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Ability Patch Location and How to Get

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Ability Patch is a Training Item in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). See the effects of Ability Patch as well as how to find and obtain it.

Ability Patch Effect

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ability Patch ImageAbility Patch
Effect An item used to change a Pokemon's Ability to its Hidden Ability, if it has one. Can also be used to change from Hidden Ability to the Pokemon's first regular Ability.
Buy Price N/A
Sell Price 125,000

Get the Hidden Ability

Using an Ability Patch allows you to change your Pokemon's current Ability and get its Hidden Ability. This item is great in competitive breeding and training as the Hidden Abilities of some Pokemon are coveted.

Ability Capsule, a similar item, only allows Pokemon to change between non-Hidden Abilities.

How to Get and Breed for Hidden Abilities

Uses of Ability Patch

Ability Patch Ability Capsule
Ability 1 → Ability 2 X
Ability 2 → Ability 1 X
Ability 1 or 2 → Hidden Ability X
Hidden Ability → Ability 1
Hidden Ability → Ability 2 X X
Legend X: No
◯: Yes

Can a Pokemon's Original Ability be Restored?

As a new feature in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Ability Patch can now be used to switch a Pokemon's Hidden Ability to its first regular Ability, although it cannot be used to directly switch to the Pokemon's second regular Ability.

List of Abilities

How to Get Ability Patch

Obtain as Reward in Academy Ace Tournament

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - Entering the Academy Ace Tournament

You can obtain Ability Patch as a reward for completing the Academy Ace Tournament. The Academy Ace Tournament is unlocked after completing the game and defeating all 8 Gym Leaders in a rematch..

A variety of items are rewarded to the player for each successful run at the tournament, with Ability Patch included in the reward pool.

Academy Ace Tournament

Obtain as Tera Raid Battle Reward

Appears as a Reward for Tera Raids
Raid Level Pokemon
6-Star Raids
Magnezone 6★ Tera Raid Pelipper 6★ Tera Raid Gardevoir 6★ Tera Raid Breloom 6★ Tera Raid Torkoal 6★ Tera Raid Salamence 6★ Tera Raid Staraptor 6★ Tera Raid Garchomp 6★ Tera Raid Hippowdon 6★ Tera Raid Tyranitar 6★ Tera Raid Leafeon 6★ Tera Raid Glaceon 6★ Tera Raid Gallade 6★ Tera Raid Amoonguss 6★ Tera Raid Haxorus 6★ Tera Raid Hydreigon 6★ Tera Raid Volcarona 6★ Tera Raid Talonflame 6★ Tera Raid Flareon 6★ Tera Raid Gengar 6★ Tera Raid Paldean Tauros (Fighting Form) 6★ Tera Raid Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Fire Form) 6★ Tera Raid Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Water Form) 6★ Tera Raid Gyarados 6★ Tera Raid Ditto 6★ Tera Raid Vaporeon 6★ Tera Raid Jolteon 6★ Tera Raid Dragalge 6★ Tera Raid Dragonite 6★ Tera Raid Espeon 6★ Tera Raid Umbreon 6★ Tera Raid Slowking 6★ Tera Raid Scizor 6★ Tera Raid Heracross 6★ Tera Raid Blissey 6★ Tera Raid Grafaiai 6★ Tera Raid Baxcalibur 6★ Tera Raid Cyclizar 6★ Tera Raid Pawmot 6★ Tera Raid Kilowattrel 6★ Tera Raid Bombirdier 6★ Tera Raid Klawf 6★ Tera Raid Garganacl 6★ Tera Raid Glimmora 6★ Tera Raid Cetitan 6★ Tera Raid Dachsbun 6★ Tera Raid Mabosstiff 6★ Tera Raid Tinkaton 6★ Tera Raid Armarouge 6★ Tera Raid Ceruledge 6★ Tera Raid Toedscruel 6★ Tera Raid Kingambit 6★ Tera Raid Clodsire 6★ Tera Raid Pincurchin 6★ Tera Raid Clawitzer 6★ Tera Raid Sylveon 6★ Tera Raid Goodra 6★ Tera Raid Avalugg 6★ Tera Raid Lycanroc 6★ Tera Raid Toxapex 6★ Tera Raid Mimikyu 6★ Tera Raid Corviknight 6★ Tera Raid Annihilape 6★ Tera Raid Frosmoth 6★ Tera Raid Dragapult 6★ Tera Raid Farigiraf 6★ Tera Raid Dondozo 6★ Tera Raid Revavroom 6★ Tera Raid Orthworm 6★ Tera Raid Maushold 6★ Tera Raid
5-Star Raids
Not available on this raid level.
4-Star Raids
Not available on this raid level.
3-Star Raids
Not available on this raid level.
2-Star Raids
Not available on this raid level.
1-Star Raids
Not available on this raid level.

How to Increase Tera Raid Star Level

Use the Item Printer With The Exploit!

Date & Time
Ability Patch - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)Ability Patch x16

While you can use this method to get half the items, it is recommended you get these via the Double Item Time to save up on Materials.

The Item Printer was found to generate items the second you press the "I want to print something" text. This can then be exploited by changing your Nintendo Switch's internal time and obtain prints that are consistent and can be replicated by anyone.
How to Do the Indigo Disk Item Printer RNG Exploit

Can be Earned From the 7-Star Tera Raid Events

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - Greninja Tera Raid Rewards.png
Players who choose to try any of the 7-Star Tera Raid Events can earn a handful of useful rewards including an Ability Patch. Make sure to try out this unique challenge while it lasts.

Tera Raid Events and Schedule

Rare Chance of Dropping in Other Tera Raid Battles

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - 6-Star Tera Raid Rewards

Compared to the 7★ Charizard Raid Battle, Ability Patches are a rare drop from 6★ Tera Raid Battles, so your chances of getting the item easily might be lower than other items.

Obtain as Blueberry Pokedex Reward

Screenshot Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokedex Completion
An Ability Patch can be received as a reward after registering 230 Pokemon in the Blueberry Pokedex.

To claim the reward, press the X button in the Blueberry Pokedex menu to open the Pokedex Rewards menu. Then press the X button again to claim the reward.

Blueberry Pokedex Guide and Rewards

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Items Banner

List of All Items and Effects

List of All Item Categories

Item Categories
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Poke BallsPoke Balls Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Evolution Stones Evolution Stones Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TMs.pngTMs Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Medicine (Recovery Items) Medicine
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - BerriesBerries Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - VitaminsVitamins Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Held ItemsHeld Items Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Battle ItemsBattle Items
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Key ItemsKey Items Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Evolution ItemsEvolution Items Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Treasures (Valuable Items)Treasures Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Training ItemsTraining Items
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Mints.pngMints Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Tera ShardsTera Shards Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MaterialsTM Materials Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sandwiches IngredientsIngredients
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Picnic Items.pngPicnic Items

Training Item List

Ability Capsule Ability Patch Bottle Cap Destiny Knot
Everstone Exp. Candy L Exp. Candy M Exp. Candy S
Exp. Candy XL Exp. Candy XS Gold Bottle Cap Lucky Egg
Power Anklet Power Band Power Belt Power Bracer
Power Lens Power Weight PP Max PP Up
Rare Candy Soothe Bell

Other Item Lists


6 Anonymous6 months

It is also a quest reward for defeating kitikami members in the first dlc

5 Anonymous9 months

If you fly up to the Tera ball in the Terarium, there is an Ability Patch up there, as well as a gold bottle cap and a stellar tera shard


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