Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Starfall Street Walkthrough: Team Star Order and Levels

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starfall street Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

The best way to complete the Starfall Street quest line path in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Check out the best progression order on all of the Team Star Bases including locations, best order, types teams and more!

Team Star Strategy Guides
Best Story Order Guide Rematch Teams Strategy
Story Walkthroughs
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Victory RoadVictory Road Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Path of LegendsPath of Legends Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Starfall StreetStarfall Street

Team Star Order and Levels

Best Route to Clear Starfall Street

Team Star Base Map Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Dark Base Fire Base Poison Base
Giacomo Dark Team Star BossGiacomo
Best Team Level: 21
Mela Team Star Fire Boss Pokemon Scarlet and VioletMela
Best Team Level: 27
Atticus Team Star Poison BossAtticus
Best Team Level: 33
Fairy Base Fighting Base -
Ortega Team Star Fairy Squad Boss Pokemon Scarlet and VioletOrtega
Best Team Level: 51
Eri Fighting Boss Team StarEri
Best Team Level: 56

Starfall Street Progression Guide

How to Start Starfall Street

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Starfall Street.png
In order to start Starfalll Street, players must first reach the Naranja/Uva Academy, and meet Cassiopeia who will contact the player and explain the details for Operation: Starfall.

Complete Story Walkthrough

Detailed Progression Guide

▶︎ Defeat the Dark Type Team Star Boss, Giacomo
▶︎ Recommended Team Level: 21
▶︎ Starmobile Level: 20
Take on this base after obtaining the 2nd Badge in Victory Road for optimal ease of progression
Defeat the Fire Type Team Star Boss, Mela
Recommended Team Level: 27
Starmobile Level: 26
Take on this base after obtaining the 3rd Badge in Victory Road for optimal ease of progression
Defeat the Poison Type Team Star Boss, Atticus
Recommended Team Level: 33
Starmobile Level: 33
Take on this base after obtaining the 4th Badge in Victory Road for optimal ease of progression
Defeat the Fairy Type Team Star Boss, Ortega
Recommended Team Level: 51
Starmobile Level: 51
Defeat the Fighting Type Team Star Boss, Eri
Recommended Team Level: 56
Starmobile Level: 56

Defeat the 5 Team Star Bosses

Starfall Street is a Story Mode that focuses on defeating all of the Team Star squads. The highest level boss will require a team of around level 55 Pokemon to be defeated, so it will be necessary to level your Pokemon up considerably in order to succeed on this path.

Starfall Street Reward List

LP and TM Rewards

Team Star Boss LP TM Rewards
Giacomo Dark Team Star BossGiacomo 5,000 TM062: Foul Play
・Number of Craftable TMs increased
・TM Materials
Mela Team Star Fire Boss Pokemon Scarlet and VioletMela 6,000 TM038: Flame Charge
・Number of Craftable TMs increased
・TM Materials
Atticus Team Star Poison BossAtticus 7,000 TM102: Gunk Shot
・Number of Craftable TMs increased
・TM Materials
Ortega Team Star Fairy Squad Boss Pokemon Scarlet and VioletOrtega 10,000 TM079: Dazzling Gleam
・Number of Craftable TMs increased
・TM Materials
Eri Fighting Boss Team StarEri 20,000 TM167: Close Combat
・Number of Craftable TMs increased
・TM Materials
Penny (Cassiopeia) Team Star FounderPenny - TM169: Draco Meteor

List of TMs and Locations

Starfall Street Benefits and Details

Unlock more TM Recipes

Team Star Benefits

Every time a Team Star Boss is defeated, you will receive around 19-20 TM Recipes from Cassiopeia as a reward. Cassiopeia will also give you additional LP and Materials on top of the TM Recipes.

Starfall Street, however does not give any additional benefits, unlike the Path of Legends, which gives you Ride Upgrades and allows you to explore better.

You can earn more LP by Re-Challenging the Bases

Team Star Rematch

After clearing Starfall Street the first time, you can return to the Team Star Bases (now Star Training Centers), where you can challenge the base again by interacting with the bell by the main entrance.

The challenge mechanics are still the same as the first time, using your first three Pokemon to challenge the Team Star Pokemon using Let's Go, but the number of Pokemon to be defeated will be increased from 30 to 50. You are rewarded with LP for clearing these challenges, so it is well worth the effort.
How to Farm League Points (LP)

You Can Challenge The Team Star Bosses to a Rematch Battle Once Per In-Game Day

Team Star Mela Rematch Once Per Day
Once per in-game day (a roughly 35 minute cycle) you are able to challenge the Team Star Bosses to rematch battles. They will have much stronger teams in these fights, so make sure you prepare appropriately high levelled counters.
Team Star Rematch Battles: All STC Rematch Teams Guide

Starfall Street Storyline and New Features

Take on Troublemakers Team Star!

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Team Star

Team Star outfits will differ depending on the version of the game.

In the Seek Your Treasure! trailer posted on September 7th, the three storylines were given more focus this time around, which included Starfall Street, homebase to the rebellious Team Star. Here, players are able to enter the bases of Team Star and take them on one by one.

The Basics of Team Star Bases

You may only bring 3 Pokemon into each Team Star Base. First the grunts will send out waves of Pokemon. Send out all 3 of your Pokemon at once with the Lets Go Auto Battle function using the 'R' Button, to defeat a set amount of these Pokemon within the time limit. If all of your Pokemon faint or the time limit is reached, you fail.

If your Pokemon become unable to battle any longer, replenish their health at the vending machines. You can also restore their health by talking to Clive. You can quit at any time by pressing the Y button. Once you clear through the waves you will immediately face the Boss in a battle, so make sure you heal your Pokemon at a vending machine first.

Battle Your Way to the Squad Boss

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Team Star Grunt Fights

Upon entering the Team Star Base, the grunts will come at you all at once! Fend off their waves of hoard Pokemon by using the Let's Go feature to send out multiple of your own party members.
After defeating all of the waves of Team Star grunts' Pokemon, players will be challenged by the Squad Boss.
How to Auto-Battle with Let's Go!

Squad Bosses Ride Their Starmobiles

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Starmobile

Each squad boss has their own Revavroom infused Starmobile, each with its own unique type and ability. These are quite difficult to take down, so prepare yourself well for the battle.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Story Walkthrough Banner
Story Walkthrough

Victory Road Walkthroughs

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Victory Road.pngVictory Road Walkthrough
Cortondo Gym Test Artazon Gym Test
Levincia Gym Test Cascarrafa Gym Test
Medali Gym Test Montenevera Gym Test
Alfornada Gym Test Glaseado Gym Test
Other Victory Road Walkthroughs
All Gym Tests All Gym Leaders
Gym Rematch Teams Elite Four and Champion
Elite Four Rika Elite Four Poppy
Elite Four Larry Elite Four Hassel
Champion Geeta Rival Nemona
Academy Ace Tournament

Starfall Street Walkthroughs

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Starfall Street.pngStarfall Street Walkthrough
Giacomo and the Dark Segin Squad Mela and the Fire Schedar Squad
Atticus and the Poison Navi Squad Ortega and the Fairy Ruchbah Squad
Eri and the Fighting Caph Squad Clavell the Academy Director
Penny the Team Star Founder Team Star Rematch Battles: All STC Rematch Teams Guide
Starmobile Guide: All Types, Abilities, Moves and Counters

Path of Legends Walkthroughs

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Path of Legends.pngPath of Legends Walkthrough
Klawf the Stony Cliff Titan Bombirdier the Open Sky Titan
Orthworm the Lurking Steel Titan Great Tusk/Iron Treads the Quaking Earth Titan
Tatsugiri and Dondozo the False Dragon Titan Arven

The Way Home Walkthrough

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - The Way HomeThe Way Home Walkthrough
Professor Sada
(Pokemon Scarlet)
Professor Turo
(Pokemon Violet)

Post Game Content: What to Do After the Story

DLC Story Walkthroughs

DLC Story Guides
The Teal Mask The Indigo Disk


9 Anonymous12 months

Ngl my favorite path story-wise. One thing that makes psv stand out from other Pokemon games is that the 2 new concept paths (titan and starfall) both have genuinely good and touching stories

1 Anonymousabout 2 years

You're missing the final fight with Cassiopeia in the guide


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