Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

How to Beat Ryme: Montenevera Gym Leader Guide

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Ryme Ghost Gym Leader Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
The Montenevera Gym Leader, Ryme, is the best Gym Leader to challenge sixth in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Read on to learn about Ryme's Pokemon team, Ryme's type specialty, best Pokemon to use against Ryme, and how to beat the Montenevera Gym.

Previous Gym Leader Next Gym Leader
Larry Normal Gym LeaderLarry: Normal Gym Leader Tulip Psychic Gym LeaderTulip: Psychic Gym Leader
Montenevera Gym Guides
Montenevera Gym Test Montenevera Gym Leader

Ryme's Pokemon Team and Types

Type and Suggested Level

Ryme Ghost Gym Leader Pokemon Scarlet and Violet▲Montenevera Gym Leader Ryme Type Specialty
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon
Best Team Level
Lv. 42 ~ Lv. 47

Ryme's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Moves
Mimikyu ImageMimikyu
Lv. 41
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Shadow Sneak
Light Screen
Banette ImageBanette
Lv. 41
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Icy Wind
Sucker Punch
Shadow Sneak
Houndstone ImageHoundstone
Lv. 41
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Play Rough
Phantom Force
Toxtricity (Low Key Form) ImageToxtricity (Low Key Form)
Lv. 42
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon
Tera Type Pokemon Ghost Type Icon
Hyper Voice

Best Team to Beat Ryme

Best Pokemon to Beat Ryme

Pokemon Recommended Moves
Grafaiai ImageGrafaiai
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Normal Type Icon (Lv. 42)
Poison Jab (learns at Lv. 33)
Poison Fang (learns at Lv. 38)
Foul Play (TM 62)
Thief (TM 18)
Grimmsnarl ImageGrimmsnarl
Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon (Lv. 42)
False Surrender (default move)
Sucker Punch (learns at Lv. 24)
Spirit Break (upon evolving)
Foul Play (TM 62)
Cyclizar ImageCyclizar
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Normal Type Icon (Lv. 42)
Breaking Swipe (learns at Lv. 14)
Bite (learns at Lv. 23)
Shift Gear (learns at Lv. 40)
Dragon Claw (learns at Lv. 46)

When Starting with Sprigatito

Best Team To Beat Ryme When Starting With Sprigatito
Meowscarada ImageMeowscarada
Pokemon Grass Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon (Lv. 42)
Grafaiai ImageGrafaiai
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Normal Type Icon (Lv. 42)
Cyclizar ImageCyclizar
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Normal Type Icon (Lv. 42)

Meowscarada is the one of the absolute best Pokemon to bring against Ryme, with resistance to Ghost Type and Electric Type moves. With Flower Trick's guaranteed Critical Hit, and Night Slash's high Critical Hit Ratio, even at same levels, Meowscarada can one shot most of Ryme's Pokemon. With the gym battle being a Doubles Battle, put Grafaiai or Cyclizar on your party's second slot to provide support for Meowscarada.

When Starting with Fuecoco

Best Team To Beat Ryme When Starting With Fuecoco
Skeledirge ImageSkeledirge
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Ghost Type Icon (Lv. 42)
Grimmsnarl ImageGrimmsnarl
Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon (Lv. 42)
Cyclizar ImageCyclizar
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Normal Type Icon (Lv. 42)

Skeledirge's Ghost type moves are Super Effective against most of Ryme's Pokemon, but that also means that their Ghost Type moves are also Super Effective against Skeledirge. To avoid this, you can Terastallize Skeledirge at the start of the match, in order to remove the Ghost Type, and still deal Super Effective hits against Ryme's Pokemon.

When Starting with Quaxly

Best Team To Beat Ryme When Starting With Quaxly
Quaquaval ImageQuaquaval
Pokemon Water Type Icon Pokemon Fighting Type Icon (Lv. 42)
Grimmsnarl ImageGrimmsnarl
Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon (Lv. 42)
Grafaiai ImageGrafaiai
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Normal Type Icon (Lv. 42)

Water type moves deal neutral damage to Ghost type Pokemon, so using Quaquaval is possible. Make use of the Doubles Battle setup and pair Quaquaval with a Grimmsnarl or Grafaiai to make quick work of Ryme's first 2 Pokemon and rack up the Attack and Special Attack boosts from the cheering crowd!. You can also choose to use Grimmsnarl and Grafaiai together instead, to deal Super Effective hits against Ryme's Pokemon!

How to Beat Ryme

First You Must Pass the Doubles Battle Challenge

Doubles Battle Challenge - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)
Before you have the chance to face Ryme, you must first pass the Doubles Battle Challenge. In this test, you need to defeat other trainers in a series of doubles battles.. Once you successfully clear the test you may challenge Ryme.
Doubles Battle: Ghost Gym Challenge Walkthrough

Level Up to Lv. 42

Since Ryme's Pokemon are at their Evolved forms, the best odds at defeating Gym Leader Ryme is to raise your Pokemon to Lv. 42 or higher, Evolving those you can in the process.

Terastallize at the Start of Battle

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Alternate Fuecoco Form
Players can Terastallize their Pokemon at the very start of Gym Battes. We recommend you take advantage of Dark Tera Types, as it raises your chances of defeating most Pokemon in one hit using a move the type it is weak against.

All Terastal Forms and Tera Types

Rewards for Beating Ryme

Reward Effect
Ghost Badge Montenevera Gym Pokemon Scarlet and VioletGhost Badge ・Pokemon of Lv. 50 or lower that you've caught will not disobey your commands in battle.
・Pokemon that are up to Lv. 50 are easier to catch.
▶︎ Obedience Guide
Shadow BallTM114 Shadow Ball
Type: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ghost Type Moves
Classification: Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Special Type Moves
Power: 80
Accuracy: 100

List of TMs and Locations

Ryme's Rematch Team

Ryme's Pokemon

Pokemon Type Moves
Mimikyu ImageMimikyu
Lv. 65
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Shadow Sneak
Light Screen
Play Rough
Banette ImageBanette
Lv. 65
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Icy Wind
Sucker Punch
Shadow Sneak
Phantom Force
Houndstone ImageHoundstone
Lv. 65
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Play Rough
Phantom Force
Ice Fang
Spiritomb ImageSpiritomb
Lv. 65
Pokemon Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Dark Type Icon Protect
Sucker Punch
Toxtricity (Low Key Form) ImageToxtricity (Low Key Form)
Lv. 66
Pokemon Electric Type Icon Pokemon Poison Type Icon
Tera Type Pokemon Ghost Type Icon
Sludge Bomb

Gym Leader Rematches: All Rematch Teams Guide

Best Team to Beat Ryme (Rematch Team)

Best Counters

Pokemon Type Moves
Kingambit ImageKingambit
Lv. 70
Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Steel Type Icon
Tera Type Pokemon Steel Type Icon
Kowtow Cleave
Night Slash
Swords Dance
Iron Head
Grimmsnarl ImageGrimmsnarl
Lv. 70
Pokemon Dark Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
Tera Type Pokemon Dark Type Icon
False Surrender
Foul Play
Play Rough
Spirit Break
Farigiraf ImageFarigiraf
Lv. 70
Pokemon Normal Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon
Tera Type Pokemon Normal Type Icon
Dazzling Gleam
Shadow Ball

Tips and Strategy to Beat Ryme's Rematch Team

Make use of Type Advantages

Ryme's Ghost type Pokemon are weak to Dark type Pokemon. Using Pokemon like Kingambit allows you to use Super Effective moves against Ryme's Pokemon, while resisting or being completely immune to attacks like Sludge Bomb thanks to its part-Steel Typing.

Alternatively, you can also make use of Pokemon like Farigiraf, who are immune to Ghost type moves because of its Normal Typing. Farigiraf's diverse learnset allows it to learn moves such as Crunch and Shadow Ball which are Super Effective against Ryme's Ghost Pokemon.
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7 Anonymous2 months

The cyclizar is only lvl 42 and dragon swipe is lvl 46, the max level cyclizar can be at this point is lvl 45…


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