Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

List of Unavailable Abilities

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This is a list of Abilities which are not currently available in the game through any means. Some of these Abilities may appear in the future if they are found on a newly available Pokemon, or via additional updates or DLC.

Unavailable Abilities

Ability Effect
Aerilate Increases the damage done by Normal-type moves by 20% and changes them to Flying-type instead.
Aura Break The effects from Aura Abilities are reversed which lowers the power of affected moves.
Ball Fetch If the user is not holding an item, it will fetch the first failed thrown Poke Ball from the battle.
Battle Bond When the Pokémon knocks out a target, its bond with its Trainer is strengthened, and its Attack, Sp. Atk, and Speed stats are boosted.
Beast Boost The user increases it's highest stat whenever it defeats an opponent.
Color Change The user changes it type to match the type of the last move it was damaged with.
Cotton Down Whenever the user is attacked, it spreads cotton fluff that lowers the Speed of all Pokemon except itself.
Dark Aura Increases the damage of Dark-type moves of all Pokemon in battle by 33%.
Defeatist The user's Attack and Special Attack is halved when the user's HP drop below 50% of its maximum.
Delta Stream The user changes the weather to strong winds and weakens moves that would be super effective against Flying-type Pokemon.
Desolate Land The user changes the weather to extremely harsh sunlight and causes Water-type moves to fail.
Emergency Exit Once per battle, the user will switch out with a party Pokemon if its HP drops below 50%.
Fairy Aura Increases the damage of Fairy-type moves of all Pokemon in battle by 33%.
Flower Gift Increases the user and ally's Attack and Special Defense by 1.5x when the weather is sunny.
Forecast The user transforms to match the weather, changing its type to Water, Fire, or Ice.
Gorilla Tactics Increases the user's Attack by one stage but it can only use the first attack it uses after being sent out to the battle.
Innards Out The user damages the opponent that lands the finishing hit on the user equal to the amount of HP the user had left before fainting.
Iron Barbs Damages opponent's by 12.5% of their max HP when they make physical contact with the user.
Mimicry Changes the user's type to match the current terrain.
Mummy Opponents who come into contact with the user gets their ability changed to Mummy instead.
Neuroforce Increases the damage of the user's super effective attacks by 25%.
Normalize All moves known by the user become Normal-type and its power increases by 20%.
Parental Bond Most of the user's damaging moves will strike twice, with the damage of the second strike reduced to 25%. Moves that have a chance of knocking out the opponent in one hit will only strike once.
Pastel Veil Protects the user and allies from being poisoned, also cures allies with Poison when they enter the battlefield.
Perish Body The user and attacker will faint after 3 turns if the user is hit by an Attack that makes direct contact, unless they switch out of battle.
Power Construct The user changes form when its HP drops to 50% or less.
Primordial Sea The user changes the weather to Heavy Rain causing damage dealing Fire-type moves to fail. Weather modifying moves and abilities will not activate against this ability.
Refrigerate Increases the damage done by Normal-type moves by 20% and changes them to Ice-type instead.
RKS System The user changes its type depending on the memory disc it holds.
Schooling Changes the user's form to School Form at the start of the turn if the user is level 20 or higher and has at least 25% HP or higher. At the end of a turn, if the user has 25% HP or lower the user will change back to Solo Form.
Screen Cleaner The user negates the effects of Light Screen, Reflect, and Aurora Veil for both opponents and allies.
Stance Change The user changes to its Blade Forme when it uses an attack move and changes to Shield Forme when using King's Shield.
Steelworker Increases the damage of the user's Steel-type moves by 50%.
Victory Star Increases the Accuracy of the user and allies by 10%.
Wandering Spirit The user changes Abilities with a Pokemon that makes direct contact with it.
Wimp Out The user switches out once per battle if its HP drops to 50% or less.
Wonder Guard The user can only be damaged by super effective moves, weather effects, and status condition effects.
Zen Mode The user changes form when its HP drops to 50% or less and reverts back to its Standard Form if its HP goes over 50%.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV -  Abilities

List of All Abilities

All Abilities by Initial Letter
Other Ability Guides
All Gen 9 New Abilities List of Hidden Abilities
Unavailable Abilities List of Abilities with Effects Outside Battle
List of New DLC Abilities Returning DLC Abilities


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