Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Shiny Munchlax Gift Teal Mask

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Shiny Munchlax Ogre Oustin

Get a Shiny Munchlax in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) by beating the Hard Mode of Ogre Oustin' in The Teal Mask DLC . Read on to learn how to get Shiny Munchlax, the best way to clear Hard Mode Ogre Oustin' and more!

How to Get Shiny Munchlax Gift

Get a Shiny Munchlax with the Crafty Mark by Beating Hard Mode of Ogre Oustin'!

The Crafty Mark that grants the Opportunist Title
Munchlax Image Shiny Munchlax
Tera Type: Normal
Ability: Gluttony [Hidden]
Level: 1
Nature: Impish
- Tackle
- Lick

Note: Nature and Gender seem to be fixed.

If you are lucky and/or skilled enough to beat all 10 rounds of Ogre Oustin' on Hard Difficulty, the lady at the counter will reward you with a Shiny Munchlax that has the Crafty Mark. Applying this mark grants Munchlax the Opportunist title.

You must clear both Easy and Normal Difficulty Levels and claim their rewards in your own game to be eligible for the Shiny Munchlax reward. If you join someone else's Hard Difficulty game before doing so, you won't receive the Shiny Munchlax upon winning.

Ogre Oustin' Minigame Rewards and How to Play

Shiny Munchlax Differences

Normal and Shiny Munchlax Comparison

Munchlax Shiny Munchlax
Munchlax ImageMunchlax Munchlax ImageMunchlax

Shiny Hunting Guide and Shiny Odds

Tips to Clear Hard Mode and Get Shiny Munchlax!

How to Get Shiny Munchlax

Unlock Hard Mode in Your Own Game First in Order to Be Eligible for Shiny Munchlax Reward!

You must clear both Easy and Normal Difficulty Levels and claim their rewards in your own game to be eligible for the Shiny Munchlax reward. If you join someone else's Hard Difficulty game before doing so, you won't receive the Shiny Munchlax upon winning.

Do Multiplayer!

So far through our testing, we believe it is near impossible to clear on your own, and just barely do-able with a skilled team of 4. Make sure to team up, co-ordinate and be actively communicative while Oustin' together! Make use of our Multiplayer Code Board and dedicated Discord for best results!

Ogre Oustin' Multiplayer Groups
Multiplayer Ogre Oustin' Codes Board
Game8 Pokemon Discord CommunityGame8 Pokemon Discord

Don't Deposit Berries Until You Hit 30

You can carry 30 Berries at a time, and any that you grab after that will be wasted. Be sure to get exactly 30 and then hotfoot it back to the Berry Tables!

If you deposit Berries early and then go back for more, you'll have to start dealing with Pokemon trying to steal the Berries from your Berry Tables, which is the most challenging part of the minigame and something you should reduce at all costs.

After Depositing, Have One Person Defend the Tables

The first person who deposits Berries can then defend the Berry Tables from any invading Pokemon while others go back to gather the rest. Only one player is needed for defending, so the rest should focus on picking up the slack.

Divide Up the Berries Needed

An easy way to divide up the Berries is to have each person in a team of four take one color, but this won't be enough when you're dealing with 40+ Berries of each color to collect. Use the power of math to determine exactly how many Berries each player needs to collect so you don't end up having everyone come back and find you're missing 1 Berry with no time left on the clock.

For example, say there are 42 Red, 36 Green, 36 Blue, and 39 Black Berries required. Each player can collect 30 Berries on their first go, and one player will return and guard the Tables. From there, a total of 12+6+6+9 = 33 / 3 = 11 Berries per player are needed, so one player can get 11 Reds, one player can get 6 Greens and 5 Blues, and the last player can get 1 Red, 1 Blue, and 9 Blacks.

A Good Course Can Make the Difference

There are a few different stages available, and they can have a surprisingly big effect on gameplay. You'll be on the same course for all stages, so you'll know from stage 1 if you got a good course or not. Although you can't choose the stage, it might be worth it to reset until you get a good course.

Our top recommendation is the rocky course shaped like a big donut. This course allows players to zoom around in a circle grabbing everything without worrying about covering all the different areas of the course. On the other hand, if you stumble into the apple orchard course divided up by fences, run like the wind!

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokedex Banner

Pokedex: All Confirmed Pokemon

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All New Pokemon

Starter Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Sprigatito.pngSprigatito Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Fuecoco.pngFuecoco Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Quaxly.pngQuaxly
Legendary Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - KoraidonKoraidon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MiraidonMiraidon
The Four Treasures of Ruin
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Paradox Pokemon
Scarlet Exclusive Violet Exclusive
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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Roaring MoonRoaring Moon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron ValiantIron Valiant

Pokemon by Type

All Pokemon Types
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost TypeGhost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal
Best Pokemon by Type
Grass Water Fire
Electric Ice Fighting
Ground Poison Flying
Psychic Bug Rock
Ghost Dragon Dark
Steel Fairy Normal

All Pokemon by Generation

Pokemon Generations
Generation 1 PokemonGeneration 1 Generation 2 PokemonGeneration 2 Generation 3 PokemonGeneration 3
Generation 4 PokemonGeneration 4 Generation 5 PokemonGeneration 5 Generation 6 PokemonGeneration 6
Generation 7 PokemonGeneration 7 Generation 8 PokemonGeneration 8 Generation 9 PokemonGeneration 9

All Pokemon by Egg Group

List of Egg Groups
Amorphous Bug Ditto
Dragon Fairy Field
Flying Grass Human-Like
Mineral Monster Undiscovered
Water 1 Water 2 Water 3

Other Pokemon Lists

Pokemon Lists
Paldean Forms Convergent Species
Version Exclusives Returning Pokemon
All Pokemon by Base Stats Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon
List of Pokemon by EV Yield Pokemon Speed Ranking
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Shiny Pokemon


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