Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

False Dragon Titan Guide (Tatsugiri/Dondozo): Location, Best Team and Strategy

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False Dragon Titan Tatsugiri and Dondozo
The False Dragon Titan (Tatsugiri and Dondozo) is one of the five Titans you must defeat in the Path of Legends storyline in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Read on to learn more about how to get to, and defeat, as well as the rewards for defeating Dondozo!

Previous Titan Final Legends Path Battle
Scarlet Logo 2 Great Tusk Quaking Earth Pokemon SVQuaking Earth: Great Tusk Pokemon Violet LogoIron Treads Quaking Earth Titan Pokemon SVQuaking Earth: Iron Treads Arven Pokemon Scarlet and VioletArven
Tatsugiri/Dondozo Related Guides
Titan Guide Tatsugiri Pokedex Dondozo Pokedex

Titan Tatsugiri/Dondozo Location and How to Find

How to get to Tatsugiri and Dondozo

Overworld Map View

The False Dragon Titan is located in Casseroya Lake. You can reach its Lair by following the road North of Medali. You then need to search the islands in the center of the lake, where you will find Dondozo swimming around, and an inlet with a lot of beached Tatsugiri. Interact with 3 Orange Tatsugiri to start the battle!

Casseroya Lake Map and Pokemon List

Dondozo Titan Battle Preparation

checkmarkStock up on Healing Items

checkmarkLevel your Pokemon up to 55

checkmarkCatch and level up Fairy Type Pokemon

Stock up on Healing Items

1st Phase 2nd Phase 3rd Phase
Dondozo ImageDondozo Dondozo ImageDondozo Tatsugiri ImageTatsugiri

The False Dragon Titan fight will consist of three battles, with the first two being against Dondozo, and an additional third phase, against the real False Dragon Titan, Tatsugiri. Be sure to come prepared with lots of Revives and Potions!

Level your Pokemon up to 55

By levelling your Pokemon to level 55, you can defeat both Dondozo and Tatsugiri with relative ease. At this level, most Pokemon reach their final evolutions, as well as gaining access to their much more powerful moves.

Catch and Level up Fairy Type Pokemon

Pokemon Type Ability
Mimikyu ImageMimikyu Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ghost Type Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Fairy Type Icon Disguise

Both Dondozo and Tatsugiri have access to strong Dragon type moves, so bringing a Dragon type Pokemon means that you are also vulnerable to being hit with Super Effective moves. Mimikyu is one of the best Pokemon you can bring against both Dondozo and Tatsugiri. Mimikyu's Fairy type allows it to be immune to Dragon type attacks, and Disguise allows Mimikyu to take a free hit per battle phase.

False Dragon Titan Battle Strategy

Dondozo Type and Techniques

Pokémon Type Moves
Dondozo ImageDondozo
Recommended Lv. 55
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Type Icon

Tatsugiri Type and Techniques

Pokémon Type Moves
Tatsugiri ImageTatsugiri
Recommended Lv. 55
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dragon Type Icon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Water Type Icon

Use Mimikyu

Mimikyu's Ability Disguise allows it to receive only a small amount of damage once per battle, and its Fairy Type makes it Immune to Dondozo's Order Up. Mimikyu also learns Wood Hammer from Lv. 1, which is Super Effective against Dondozo. Just watch out for its recoil damage!
Mimikyu Learnset, How to Get and Location

Can you catch the False Dragon Titan?

How to Catch False Dragon Titan: Tatsugiri

During the initial battle, the only option is to defeat Dondozo and Tatsugiri.

However, after defeating them, Tatsugiri will be back at the island you first found it on. It will say 'Tiiiiitan' when you interact with it. You are then able to catch it. As Tatsugiri is a Water Dragon Type, be sure to bring along a Pokemon that can resist its attacks such as Azumarill.

Make sure to stock up on Pokeballs, with Great Ball and Ultra Ball being the common options, but as Tatsugiri is a part Water Type, Net Ballls also work well.
List of All Pokeballs

Inflict Status Conditions

Since Dondozo and Tatsugiri is a Water type Pokemon, using Grass Type Pokemon can make the battle easier. Grass type Pokemon also often have access to moves like Stun Spore and Sleep Powder, which can help increase your chances of catching Dondozo and Tatsugiri.

Use False Swipe

If you have access to a Pokemon that knows the move False Swipe, using the move when Dondozo and Tatsugiri is low on HP can ensure that it will not faint, as False Swipe always leaves the target with at least 1 HP.
False Swipe TM Location (TM057) and Pokemon that Learn it

Exclusive Titan Mark and Title

Pokemon that were previously Titan Pokemon will also have a special Mark, along with the Title: Former Titan which is presented as in game battle text denoting that they were previously Titan Pokemon. If you do capture them or accidentally defeat them a second time, the Titan Pokemon will no longer appear in the area however, so choose wisely.
List of Marks and How to Get All Marks

Caught Titans Have the Jumbo Mark

The Titan Tatsugiri is the Largest Tatsugiri that exists in the game. Showing it to the person who gives you the Size-Dex gives your Tatsugiri a Jumbo Mark, and the Title: The Great to denote that it is the largest amongst its species!
How to Catch Titan Pokemon

Only Tatsugiri Reappears as a Former Titan

Don't look for Dondozo because you won't find one at Tatsugiri's location. Only Tatsugiri will have the titan and jumbo marks. You can catch normal Dondozo in and around Casseroya Lake, though they won't have any titan-related marks.

Can Tatsugiri the False Dragon be Shiny?

The Titans are Shiny Locked

Shiny Sneasel Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Unfortunately, as with all of the other static encounter in the game, such as the Starter Pokemon and Legendaries, the Titan Pokemon are shiny locked. This includes your second encounter with them in their regular sized form, so unfortunately you will not be able to shiny hunt for a shiny former Titan.
Shiny Hunting Guide and Shiny Odds

Best Pokemon to Beat Dondozo and Tatsugiri

Pokémon Recommended moves and explanations
Meowscarada ImageMeowscarada Recommended Moves:
Flower Trick
Play Rough
Grass and Fairy type moves are Super effective
Watch out for Tatsugiri's Icy Wind
Mimikyu ImageMimikyu Recommended Moves:
Wood Hammer
Draining Kiss
Grass and Fairy type moves are Super effective
Disguise shields from one attack
Gyarados ImageGyarados Recommended Moves:
Ice Fang
Dragon Tail
Can be obtained early on in the game
Azumarill ImageAzumarill Recommended Moves:
Play Rough
Fairy type moves are Super effective
Can be obtained early on
Resists Ice and Water attacks

Unlocked Ability for defeating False Dragon Titan

Climb Mode is unlocked

Climb Mode

By facing a cliff or wall and jumping with the 'B' Button you are able to initiate the Climb Function. By pressing the 'B' Button once more you release from the cliff.

When you defeat Dondozo and Tatsugiri, Koraidon/Miraidon will unlock the Climb Mode. This allows you to now scale cliffs and reach areas that were previously unaccessible to you!
All Koraidon and Miraidon Ride Upgrades and How to Unlock

Dragon Titan Badge

False Dragon Titan Dragon Badge
False Dragon Titan Dragon Badge

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