Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Hyper Training: How to Increase IVs

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Hyper Training NPC
To increase IVs, you may either use Hyper Training with Bottle Caps or Gold Bottle Caps on a level 50 Pokemon or breed Pokemon for a High IV offspring. Learn more about how to increase IVs, how to breed Pokemon with perfect IVs, and what IVs are in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV).

Gold Bottle Cap Mystery Gift Code Released

After School Pokemon Research Club Revealed the Code on Youtube

After School Pokemon Research Club
A Gold Bottle Cap Mystery Gift Code was distributed via an official video from the Japanese Pokemon YouTube channel. Grab this item to Hyper Train a Pokemon in all 6 of its IVs, making them as strong as possible!
Gold Bottle Cap Mystery Gift Code Details

How to Increase IVs

How to Increase IVs
Hyper Train Lv. 50 Pokemon with Bottle Caps
Breed for a High IV Pokemon

Hyper Training Lv. 50 Pokemon with Bottle Caps

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - Hyper Training NPC offering training for Bottle Caps

Hyper Training makes a return in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, which lets you use Bottle Caps and Gold Bottle Caps to change a Pokemon's Individual Stat (IV) to have 31 IVs. Pokemon that are Level 50 and above are allowed to be Hyper Trained.

Keep in mind that this doesn't actually change the Pokemon's IV to 31, it only lets it achieve the value it could have reached if it had 31 IVs. It takes 6 Bottle Caps to have all of a Pokemon's IVs set to 31. Alternatively, trainers may use a single Golden Bottle Cap to have all of the Pokemon's IVs set to 31.

Both Bottle Caps and Gold Bottle Caps can be obtained from auctions in Porto Marinada.

Item Effect
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bottle Cap ImageBottle Cap Raises a single IV to 31
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Gold Bottle Cap ImageGold Bottle Cap Raises all IVs to 31

Hyper Training Location

An NPC in Montenevera, near the city's Pokemon Center, offers Hyper Training for Pokemon that have reached Level 50 and above.

If you want to max your Pokemon's IVs, simply bring your Bottle Caps or Gold Bottle Caps and talk with the man!

High IV Breeding

The traditional way of acquiring High IV Pokemon is by breeding for them to acquire a naturally High IV Pokemon. This often involves High IV parents, such as a Ditto, and passing the IVs down with the help of a Destiny Knot.

Hyper Trained Stats Do Not Get Passed Down

Do note that if a Pokemon is Hyper Trained, it will not be able to pass down full IVs as Hyper Training only artificially maxes the IVs of a Pokemon, but its innate values are still unchanged which will be the ones it will pass through breeding.

This means that a Ditto with low IVs that has been Hyper Trained will not be able to pass full IVs onto an Egg, even with Destiny Knot.

Breeding Guide

What are IVs?

Determines Pokemon Stat Potential

IVs (Individual Values) are hidden and randomly determined values generated for each individual Pokemon, in order for each Pokemon to have unique stats/stat potential, even if they're from the same species.

Randomly Generated Upon Acquisition

Unlike EVs, IVs are determined randomly for each Pokemon upon acquisition (catching in the wild, hatching from an egg, or receiving from an NPC). They are generally uncontrollable by the player. IVs are valued at 0 to 31 for each stat. Pokemon with high IVs in a stat will have a higher than normal value in that stat.

Each IV is a Single Stat Point at Level 100

To be specific, each IV corresponds to a single stat point at Level 100. Two Pokemon with the same Nature, and EV Spread, will have different stats at Level 100, depending on their IVs.

Lv. 100 Modest Gengar with 0 IVs in Speed will have a Speed Stat of 225.
30 IVs in Speed will have a Speed Stat of 255.
31 IVs in Speed will have a Speed Stat of 256.

As an example, compare the three Gengars above. All other things being equal, a Pokemon with more IVs in a certain stat will always end up with a higher stat than those with less IVs. As such, the Gengar with 31 IVs in speed would outspeed both of the other Gengars in the example.

Therefore, a Pokemon with higher IVs will be more competitively viable than those without. For competitive players, it will be in their best interest to battle with Pokemon with high IVs.

6IV Pokemon Have the Best Possible Stats

Having a perfect IV of 31 for each stat allows a Pokemon to reach the highest potential stats it can. Pokemon with a perfect 31 IV in each of the 6 stats are also commonly referred to as 6IV Pokemon.

However, 6IV Pokemon are pretty hard to come by. Battlers may also choose to settle for a 5IV Pokemon, a Pokemon with the perfect 31 IVs in each stat except for its main attacking stat.

Introduction to EVs, IVs, and Natures

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Train and Breed Banner

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11 Anonymousalmost 2 years

Does it make sense to hyper train a 100 Pokémon ? Or should you do the hyper training before they are leveled up ?

2 Anonymousover 2 years

No, hypertrained stats don't carry down. It will transfer the original IVs, not the hypertrained ones.


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