Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Gen 9 Pokemon: All New Pokemon

★ Upcoming: 7☆ Tyranitar Tera Raid Event
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Meloetta | Manaphy | Enamorus | Keldeo | Meltan
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★ The DLC Epilogue is now available! ▶︎ How to Start

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Trainer with Cyclizar
There are 103 new Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Read on to see a list of these new Pokemon, as well as regional variants and Paradox Pokemon unique to Paldea only!

All Gen 9 New Pokemon

Base Game New Pokemon

Dex #
Pokemon Type Abilities
1 Sprigatito ImageSprigatito Grass Type Overgrow
Protean (HA)
2 Floragato ImageFloragato Grass Type Overgrow
Protean (HA)
3 Meowscarada ImageMeowscarada Grass TypeDark Type Overgrow
Protean (HA)
4 Fuecoco ImageFuecoco Fire Type Blaze
Unaware (HA)
5 Crocalor ImageCrocalor Fire Type Blaze
Unaware (HA)
6 Skeledirge ImageSkeledirge Fire TypeGhost Type Blaze
Unaware (HA)
7 Quaxly ImageQuaxly Water Type Torrent
Moxie (HA)
8 Quaxwell ImageQuaxwell Water Type Torrent
Moxie (HA)
9 Quaquaval ImageQuaquaval Water TypeFighting Type Torrent
Moxie (HA)
10 Lechonk ImageLechonk Normal Type Aroma Veil
Thick Fat (HA)
11 Oinkologne (Male) ImageOinkologne (Male) Normal Type Lingering Aroma
Thick Fat (HA)
11.1 Oinkologne (Female) ImageOinkologne (Female) Normal Type Aroma Veil
Thick Fat (HA)
12 Tarountula ImageTarountula Bug Type Insomnia
Stakeout (HA)
13 Spidops ImageSpidops Bug Type Insomnia
Stakeout (HA)
14 Nymble ImageNymble Bug Type Swarm
Tinted Lens (HA)
15 Lokix ImageLokix Bug TypeDark Type Swarm
Tinted Lens (HA)
22 Pawmi ImagePawmi Electric Type Static
Natural Cure
Iron Fist (HA)
23 Pawmo ImagePawmo Electric TypeFighting Type Volt Absorb
Natural Cure
Iron Fist (HA)
24 Pawmot ImagePawmot Electric TypeFighting Type Volt Absorb
Natural Cure
Iron Fist (HA)
54 Clodsire ImageClodsire Poison TypeGround Type Poison Point
Water Absorb
Unaware (HA)
71 Tandemaus ImageTandemaus Normal Type Run Away
Own Tempo (HA)
72 Maushold ImageMaushold Normal Type Friend Guard
Cheek Pouch
Technician (HA)
76 Fidough ImageFidough Fairy Type Own Tempo
Klutz (HA)
77 Dachsbun ImageDachsbun Fairy Type Well-Baked Body
Aroma Veil (HA)
84 Smoliv ImageSmoliv Grass TypeNormal Type Early Bird
Harvest (HA)
85 Dolliv ImageDolliv Grass TypeNormal Type Early Bird
Harvest (HA)
86 Arboliva ImageArboliva Grass TypeNormal Type Seed Sower
Harvest (HA)
113 Squawkabilly ImageSquawkabilly Normal TypeFlying Type Intimidate
Guts (HA)
129 Nacli ImageNacli Rock Type Purifying Salt
Clear Body (HA)
130 Naclstack ImageNaclstack Rock Type Purifying Salt
Clear Body (HA)
131 Garganacl ImageGarganacl Rock Type Purifying Salt
Clear Body (HA)
160 Annihilape ImageAnnihilape Fighting TypeGhost Type Vital Spirit
Inner Focus
Defiant (HA)
165 Charcadet ImageCharcadet Fire Type Flash Fire
Flame Body (HA)
166 Armarouge ImageArmarouge Fire TypePsychic Type Flash Fire
Weak Armor (HA)
167 Ceruledge ImageCeruledge Fire TypeGhost Type Flash Fire
Weak Armor (HA)
170 Tadbulb ImageTadbulb Electric Type Own Tempo
Damp (HA)
171 Bellibolt ImageBellibolt Electric Type Electromorphosis
Damp (HA)
177 Wattrel ImageWattrel Electric TypeFlying Type Wind Power
Volt Absorb
Competitive (HA)
178 Kilowattrel ImageKilowattrel Electric TypeFlying Type Wind Power
Volt Absorb
Competitive (HA)
189 Dudunsparce ImageDudunsparce Normal Type Serene Grace
Run Away
Rattled (HA)
193 Farigiraf ImageFarigiraf Normal TypePsychic Type Cud Chew
Armor Tail
Sap Sipper (HA)
196 Maschiff ImageMaschiff Dark Type Intimidate
Run Away
Stakeout (HA)
197 Mabosstiff ImageMabosstiff Dark Type Intimidate
Guard Dog
Stakeout (HA)
202 Shroodle ImageShroodle Poison TypeNormal Type Unburden
Prankster (HA)
203 Grafaiai ImageGrafaiai Poison TypeNormal Type Unburden
Poison Touch
Prankster (HA)
242 Bramblin ImageBramblin Grass TypeGhost Type Wind Rider
Infiltrator (HA)
243 Brambleghast ImageBrambleghast Grass TypeGhost Type Wind Rider
Infiltrator (HA)
244 Toedscool ImageToedscool Ground TypeGrass Type Mycelium Might
245 Toedscruel ImageToedscruel Ground TypeGrass Type Mycelium Might
249 Klawf ImageKlawf Rock Type Anger Shell
Shell Armor
Regenerator (HA)
250 Capsakid ImageCapsakid Grass Type Chlorophyll
Klutz (HA)
251 Scovillain ImageScovillain Grass TypeFire Type Chlorophyll
Moody (HA)
254 Rellor ImageRellor Bug Type Compound Eyes
Shed Skin (HA)
255 Rabsca ImageRabsca Bug TypePsychic Type Synchronize
Telepathy (HA)
263 Flittle ImageFlittle Psychic Type Anticipation
Speed Boost (HA)
264 Espathra ImageEspathra Psychic Type Opportunist
Speed Boost (HA)
279 Tinkatink ImageTinkatink Fairy TypeSteel Type Mold Breaker
Own Tempo
Pickpocket (HA)
280 Tinkatuff ImageTinkatuff Fairy TypeSteel Type Mold Breaker
Own Tempo
Pickpocket (HA)
281 Tinkaton ImageTinkaton Fairy TypeSteel Type Mold Breaker
Own Tempo
Pickpocket (HA)
288 Wiglett ImageWiglett Water Type Gooey
Sand Veil (HA)
289 Wugtrio ImageWugtrio Water Type Gooey
Sand Veil (HA)
290 Bombirdier ImageBombirdier Flying TypeDark Type Big Pecks
Keen Eye
Rocky Payload (HA)
291 Finizen ImageFinizen Water Type Water Veil
292 Palafin ImagePalafin Water Type Zero to Hero
292.1 Palafin (Hero Form) ImagePalafin (Hero Form) Water Type Zero to Hero
293 Varoom ImageVaroom Steel TypePoison Type Overcoat
Slow Start (HA)
294 Revavroom ImageRevavroom Steel TypePoison Type Overcoat
Filter (HA)
295 Cyclizar ImageCyclizar Dragon TypeNormal Type Shed Skin
Regenerator (HA)
296 Orthworm ImageOrthworm Steel Type Earth Eater
Sand Veil (HA)
308 Glimmet ImageGlimmet Rock TypePoison Type Toxic Debris
Corrosion (HA)
309 Glimmora ImageGlimmora Rock TypePoison Type Toxic Debris
Corrosion (HA)
311 Greavard ImageGreavard Ghost Type Pickup
Fluffy (HA)
312 Houndstone ImageHoundstone Ghost Type Sand Rush
Fluffy (HA)
346 Flamigo ImageFlamigo Flying TypeFighting Type Scrappy
Tangled Feet
Costar (HA)
361 Cetoddle ImageCetoddle Ice Type Thick Fat
Snow Cloak
Sheer Force (HA)
362 Cetitan ImageCetitan Ice Type Thick Fat
Slush Rush
Sheer Force (HA)
369 Kingambit ImageKingambit Dark TypeSteel Type Defiant
Supreme Overlord
Pressure (HA)
373 Veluza ImageVeluza Water TypePsychic Type Mold Breaker
Sharpness (HA)
374 Dondozo ImageDondozo Water Type Unaware
Water Veil (HA)
375 Tatsugiri ImageTatsugiri Dragon TypeWater Type Commander
Storm Drain (HA)
376 Great Tusk ImageGreat Tusk Ground TypeFighting Type Protosynthesis
377 Scream Tail ImageScream Tail Fairy TypePsychic Type Protosynthesis
378 Brute Bonnet ImageBrute Bonnet Grass TypeDark Type Protosynthesis
379 Flutter Mane ImageFlutter Mane Ghost TypeFairy Type Protosynthesis
380 Slither Wing ImageSlither Wing Bug TypeFighting Type Protosynthesis
381 Sandy Shocks ImageSandy Shocks Electric TypeGround Type Protosynthesis
382 Iron Treads ImageIron Treads Ground TypeSteel Type Quark Drive
383 Iron Bundle ImageIron Bundle Ice TypeWater Type Quark Drive
384 Iron Hands ImageIron Hands Fighting TypeElectric Type Quark Drive
385 Iron Jugulis ImageIron Jugulis Dark TypeFlying Type Quark Drive
386 Iron Moth ImageIron Moth Fire TypePoison Type Quark Drive
387 Iron Thorns ImageIron Thorns Rock TypeElectric Type Quark Drive
388 Frigibax ImageFrigibax Dragon TypeIce Type Thermal Exchange
Ice Body (HA)
389 Arctibax ImageArctibax Dragon TypeIce Type Thermal Exchange
Ice Body (HA)
390 Baxcalibur ImageBaxcalibur Dragon TypeIce Type Thermal Exchange
Ice Body (HA)
391 Gimmighoul (Chest Form) ImageGimmighoul (Chest Form) Ghost Type Rattled
392 Gholdengo ImageGholdengo Steel TypeGhost Type Good as Gold
393 Wo-Chien ImageWo-Chien Dark TypeGrass Type Tablets of Ruin
394 Chien-Pao ImageChien-Pao Dark TypeIce Type Sword of Ruin
395 Ting-Lu ImageTing-Lu Dark TypeGround Type Vessel of Ruin
396 Chi-Yu ImageChi-Yu Dark TypeFire Type Beads of Ruin
397 Roaring Moon ImageRoaring Moon Dragon TypeDark Type Protosynthesis
398 Iron Valiant ImageIron Valiant Fairy TypeFighting Type Quark Drive
399 Koraidon ImageKoraidon Fighting TypeDragon Type Orichalcum Pulse
400 Miraidon ImageMiraidon Electric TypeDragon Type Hadron Engine

New Paldean Forms

Although these Pokemon did not originate in Generation 9, their Paldean Forms appear for the first time.

Dex #
Pokemon Type Abilities
53 Paldean Wooper ImagePaldean Wooper Poison TypeGround Type Poison Point
Water Absorb
Unaware (HA)
223 Paldean Tauros (Fighting Form) ImagePaldean Tauros (Fighting Form) Fighting Type Intimidate
Anger Point
Cud Chew (HA)
223.1 Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Fire Form) ImagePaldean Tauros (Fighting/Fire Form) Fighting TypeFire Type Intimidate
Anger Point
Cud Chew (HA)
223.2 Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Water Form) ImagePaldean Tauros (Fighting/Water Form) Fighting TypeWater Type Intimidate
Anger Point
Cud Chew (HA)

All Paldean Form Pokemon

New DLC Pokemon

Several new Pokemon can be discovered in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's DLC The Teal Mask and The Indigo Disk!

Dex #
Pokemon Type Abilities
901.1 Bloodmoon Ursaluna ImageBloodmoon Ursaluna Ground TypeNormal Type Mind's Eye
1009 Walking Wake ImageWalking Wake Water TypeDragon Type Protosynthesis
1010 Iron Leaves ImageIron Leaves Grass TypePsychic Type Quark Drive
1011 Dipplin ImageDipplin Grass TypeDragon Type Supersweet Syrup
Sticky Hold (HA)
1012 Poltchageist ImagePoltchageist Grass TypeGhost Type Hospitality
Heatproof (HA)
1013 Sinistcha ImageSinistcha Grass TypeGhost Type Hospitality
Heatproof (HA)
1014 Okidogi ImageOkidogi Poison TypeFighting Type Toxic Chain
Guard Dog (HA)
1015 Munkidori ImageMunkidori Poison TypePsychic Type Toxic Chain
Frisk (HA)
1016 Fezandipiti ImageFezandipiti Poison TypeFairy Type Toxic Chain
Technician (HA)
1017 Ogerpon ImageOgerpon Grass Type Defiant
Embody Aspect
1017.1 Ogerpon (Wellspring Mask) ImageOgerpon (Wellspring Mask) Grass TypeWater Type Water Absorb
Embody Aspect
1017.2 Ogerpon (Hearthflame Mask) ImageOgerpon (Hearthflame Mask) Grass TypeFire Type Mold Breaker
Embody Aspect
1017.3 Ogerpon (Cornerstone Mask) ImageOgerpon (Cornerstone Mask) Grass TypeRock Type Sturdy
Embody Aspect
1018 Archaludon ImageArchaludon Steel TypeDragon Type Stamina
Stalwart (HA)
1019 Hydrapple ImageHydrapple Grass TypeDragon Type Supersweet Syrup
Sticky Hold (HA)
1020 Gouging Fire ImageGouging Fire Fire TypeDragon Type Protosynthesis
1021 Raging Bolt ImageRaging Bolt Dragon TypeElectric Type Protosynthesis
1022 Iron Boulder ImageIron Boulder Rock TypePsychic Type Quark Drive
1023 Iron Crown ImageIron Crown Steel TypePsychic Type Quark Drive
1024 Terapagos ImageTerapagos Normal Type Tera Shift
1024.1 Terapagos (Terastal Form) ImageTerapagos (Terastal Form) Normal Type Tera Shell
1024.2 Terapagos (Stellar Form) ImageTerapagos (Stellar Form) Normal Type Teraform Zero
1025 Pecharunt ImagePecharunt Poison TypeGhost Type Poison Puppeteer

All New DLC Pokemon

How Many New Pokemon?

103 New Pokemon Introduced

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet bring 103 new Pokemon into the fray, the largest new wave since Generation 5.

Generation Number of New Pokemon
Generation 1 151
Generation 2 100
Generation 3 135
Generation 4 107
Generation 5 156
Generation 6 72
Generation 7 88
Generation 8 96
Generation 9 103

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Pokedex

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokedex Banner

Pokedex: All Confirmed Pokemon

▶︎ Pokemon Trading Board (11285 posts)

All DLC Pokemon

New DLC Pokemon and Legendaries
The Indigo Disk
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pecharunt Pecharunt Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - TerapagosTerapagos Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - ArchaludonArchaludon Hydrapple.pngHydrapple
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Paradox RaikouRaging Bolt Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SVGouging Fire Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Paradox CobalionIron Crown Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron BoulderIron Boulder
The Teal Mask
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - OgerponOgerpon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Wellspring MaskOgerpon (Wellspring Mask) Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Hearthflame MaskOgerpon (Hearthflame Mask) Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ogerpon Cornerstone MaskOgerpon (Cornerstone Mask)
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - OkidogiOkidogi Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MunkidoriMunkidori Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - FezandipitiFezandipiti
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Bloodmoon UrsalunaBloodmoon Ursaluna Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - PoltchageistPoltchageist Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - SinistchaSinistcha Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - DipplinDipplin

All Returning DLC Pokemon

Paldea Pokemon

Starter Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Sprigatito.pngSprigatito Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Fuecoco.pngFuecoco Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Quaxly.pngQuaxly
Legendary Pokemon
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - KoraidonKoraidon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - MiraidonMiraidon
The Four Treasures of Ruin
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Wo-ChienWo-Chien Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Chien-PaoChien-Pao Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Ting-LuTing-Lu Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Chi-YuChi-Yu
Paradox Pokemon
Scarlet Exclusive Violet Exclusive
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Great TuskGreat Tusk Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sandy ShocksSandy Shocks Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron TreadsIron Treads Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron ThornsIron Thorns
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Slither WingSlither Wing Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Brute BonnetBrute Bonnet Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron BundleIron Bundle Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron JugulisIron Jugulis
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Scream TailScream Tail Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Flutter ManeFlutter Mane Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron MothIron Moth Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron HandsIron Hands
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Roaring MoonRoaring Moon Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Walking WakeWalking Wake Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron ValiantIron Valiant Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Iron LeavesIron Leaves

Pokemon by Pokedex

All Pokemon by Pokedex
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Gen 9 Starters and Evolutions Paldea Pokedex Pokemon SV - The Teal Mask DLC Pokedex The Teal Mask Pokedex Pokemon SV - The Indigo Disk DLC PokedexThe Indigo Disk Pokedex

Pokemon by Type

All Pokemon Types
Grass TypeGrass Water TypeWater Fire TypeFire
Electric TypeElectric Ice TypeIce Fighting TypeFighting
Ground TypeGround Poison TypePoison Flying TypeFlying
Psychic TypePsychic Bug TypeBug Rock TypeRock
Ghost TypeGhost Dragon TypeDragon Dark TypeDark
Steel TypeSteel Fairy TypeFairy Normal TypeNormal
Best Pokemon by Type
Grass Water Fire
Electric Ice Fighting
Ground Poison Flying
Psychic Bug Rock
Ghost Dragon Dark
Steel Fairy Normal

All Pokemon by Generation

Pokemon Generations
Generation 1 PokemonGeneration 1 Generation 2 PokemonGeneration 2 Generation 3 PokemonGeneration 3
Generation 4 PokemonGeneration 4 Generation 5 PokemonGeneration 5 Generation 6 PokemonGeneration 6
Generation 7 PokemonGeneration 7 Generation 8 PokemonGeneration 8 Generation 9 PokemonGeneration 9

All Pokemon by Egg Group

List of Egg Groups
Amorphous Bug Ditto
Dragon Fairy Field
Flying Grass Human-Like
Mineral Monster Undiscovered
Water 1 Water 2 Water 3

Other Pokemon Lists

Pokemon Lists
Paldean Forms Convergent Species
Version Exclusives All Pokemon by Base Stats
Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon List of Pokemon by EV Yield
Pokemon Speed Ranking Unobtainable Pokemon
Genderless Pokemon Shiny Pokemon
DLC Returning Pokemon New DLC Legendary Pokemon
All Regional Forms and Evolutions All Pokemon HOME Transferable Pokemon
All Returning and New Indigo Disk Pokemon Snacksworth Legendary Pokemon


7 Anonymousover 2 years

It would have been nice to get a full pokedex with clickable links like this. I'm trying to fill in missing entries, and Serebii only has the drop down that you have to scroll through every time

6 Anonymousover 2 years

in in a pickup truck by the s.s. anne


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