Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

Mr. Saguaro Friendship Events and Interactions

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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - What do you learn in Home Ec
Mr. Saguaro is the Academy's Home Ec Teacher, and offers several interactions and side stories for your Academy life in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Read on to learn about each of his Friendship Events and the rewards for completing them.

Mr. Saguaro Friendship Events

Gossip with Mr. Saguaro

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Professor Events Mr. Saguaro
The first time you meet Mr. Saguaro in the Home Economics classroom, he'll speak of how much he's heard of you and your Pokemon from other students.

He'll mention hoping to see you again in the classroom and you'll grow closer after this scene!

Mr. Saguaro in a Predicament

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Professor Events Mr Saguaro 2
You'll run into Mr. Saguaro in the cafeteria about to order a Peanut Butter sandwich. He'll find himself in a bit of a pickle when you help him out.

Your help will show a side he hides from the students and bring you even closer!

Helping Mr. Saguaro

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Professor Events Mr Saguaro 3
In the Staff Room, Mr. Saguaro will ask you for your assistance in what seems like a dire matter! Really, all he wants is to try a rumored sweet dish. As the only one who knows of his sweet tooth, he needs your help. You'll be trusted by him after this!

Where to Find Sweet Herba Mystica

This ingredient can be obtained as a reward upon completing 6-Star or 5-Star Tera Raid Battles. Ask other trainers for help or join others' Tera Raids to get the Sweet Herba Mystica easier!

Where to Get Sweet Herba Mystica
6-Star Raids
Blissey Image Maushold Image Kilowattrel Image Vaporeon Image Jolteon Image Farigiraf Image Grafaiai Image Amoonguss Image Ditto Image Cyclizar Image Cetitan Image Dondozo Image
5-Star Raids
Talonflame Image Blissey Image Gengar Image Raichu Image Drifblim Image Vaporeon Image Farigiraf Image Amoonguss Image Ditto Image Weavile Image Sableye Image Noivern Image Dragapult Image Delibird Image Glalie Image Froslass Image Cetitan Image Dondozo Image

Sweet Herba Mystica: How to Get and Sandwich Recipes

Mr. Saguaro's Sweet Tooth

Mr. Saguaro
You'll find Mr. Saguaro in the Home Economics room again, waiting for you to give him Sweet Herba Mystica. Once you do, he'll make a dish so sweet, he can't help but gush out in glee.

Another student then finds out he likes sweets, and he learns it's okay to like things that deviate from his self-image. You'll form a close bond with him after this

Rewards for Completing Mr. Saguaro's Friendship Events

Slowpoke Cup

For all your help, Mr. Saguaro will reward you with a Slowpoke Cup, and you'll form a close bond with each other.

This item can be seen as a decorative piece during Picnics with your Pokemon!
All Teacher Friendship Events,
Quests, and Rewards

Mr. Saguaro Location

Find Mr. Saguaro at the Home Ec Classroom

Academy Directory Spot Location

You will find Mr. Saguaro most of the time at the Home Ec classroom, though he can be found at the cafeteria and staff room when you progress through his friendship events.

Naranja and Uva Academy: Locations and Characters

Saguaro's Academy Ace Tournament Team

Mr. Saguaro Academy Ace Tournament Pokemon SV

Pokemon Type Moveset
Pachirisu ImagePachirisu
Lv. 65
Pokemon Electric Type Icon • Super Fang
• Nuzzle
• Quick Attack
• Thunder
Froslass ImageFroslass
Lv. 65
Pokemon Ice Type Icon Pokemon Ghost Type Icon • Blizzard
• Hex
• Will-O-Wisp
• Ice Shard]
Alomomola ImageAlomomola
Lv. 65
Pokemon Water Type Icon • Light Screen
• Aqua Jet
• Liquidation
• Body Slam
Vespiquen ImageVespiquen
Lv. 65
Pokemon Flying Type Icon Pokemon Bug Type Icon • Attack Order
• Power Gem
• Air Slash
• Sludge Bomb
Goodra ImageGoodra
Lv. 65
Pokemon Dragon Type Icon • Muddy Water
• Power Whip
• Dragon Breath
• Sludge Bomb
Hatterene ImageHatterene
Lv. 66
Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
Pokemon Fairy Type Icon
• Psychic
• Dazzling Gleam
• Shadow Ball
• Magic Powder

Best Team to Beat Saguaro

Pokemon Type Recommended Moves
Armarouge ImageArmarouge
Lv. 70
Pokemon Fire Type Icon Pokemon Psychic Type Icon Flamethrower
Focus Blast
Calm Mind
Tinkaton ImageTinkaton
Lv. 70
Pokemon Steel Type Icon Pokemon Fairy Type Icon Fake Out
Tera Blast
Gigaton Hammer
Thunder Wave
Dragalge ImageDragalge
Lv. 70
Pokemon Poison Type Icon Pokemon Dragon Type Icon Sludge Bomb
Dragon Pulse
Hydro Pump

Academy Ace Tournament

Tips and Strategy to Beat Saguaro

Use Fire and Steel-type Moves

You can use Fire-type moves such as Will-O-Wisp inflict a burn status on a target or Flamethrower to take down his Froslass and Vespiquen. Then finish off his Fairy Tera Type Hatterene with Tinkaton's Steel-type move, Gigaton Hammer

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Guides

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Characters

List of Characters

Main Characters

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Florian and Juliana
Florian and Juliana
Nemona - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Nemona Arven - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Arven Penny - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Penny

DLC Characters

New Rivals
Carmine - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Carmine Kieran - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Kieran
Director Cyrano - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Director Cyrano Briar - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Briar Perrin - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Perrin

BB League DLC Elite Four

BB League Elite Four
Lacey - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Lacey Crispin - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Crispin
Amarys - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)Amarys Drayton - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Drayton


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Professor Sada Full BodyProfessor Sada Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Professor Turo Full BodyProfessor Turo

Academy Faculty and Staff

Director Clavell - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Director Clavell Mr. Hassel - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Mr. Hassel Jacq - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)Jacq
Ms. Tyme - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Ms. Tyme Ms. Raifort - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Ms. Raifort Mr. Salvatore - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Mr. Salvatore
Dendra - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Ms. Dendra Miriam - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Nurse Miriam Mr. Saguaro - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) Mr. Saguaro

Paldea Gym Leaders

Team Star Leaders

Elite Four and Champion

Geeta Champion Match - Pokemon Scarlet and VioletGeeta


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