Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

New Features and Changes

★ Upcoming: 7☆ Tyranitar Tera Raid Event
✬ Pokemon HOME Dex Completion Shiny Rewards:
Meloetta | Manaphy | Enamorus | Keldeo | Meltan
Regulation G is now back! ▶︎ Indigo Disk Tier List
▶︎ Game8 Tera Raid Damage Calculator | Game8 Discord
★ The DLC Epilogue is now available! ▶︎ How to Start

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Paldea Map
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) are the newest Gen 9 titles in the Pokemon series and will take players into a brand new region for an unforgettable adventure. Read on to learn everything about the new mainline games, the changes from its predecessors, and the new features included in both games.

All New Features and Changes Explained

As a new generation, there's a ton of new features we can expect from Scarlet and Violet, We've compiled what we know so far in a summary video! If you enjoyed it, be sure to subscribe to our channel as we'll be posting more news and guide videos on Scarlet and Violet!

New Campaign Features

New Campaign Features

Three Stories

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Treasure Hunt
The staple storyline in all mainline Pokemon games is to defeat all the Gym Leaders and Elite Four to become the Champion.

However unlike the previous Pokemon games, the gyms do not have a set order, so you can battle the Gym Leaders in any order you want. Once you defeat all of them, you will take the Champion Assessment and will be given the Champion Rank if you pass the test.

Alongside becoming the Champion, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has two other different storylines called Path of Legends, and Starfall Street which features Team Star.

Complete Story Walkthrough

Rideable Legendary Pokemon

Both legendaries' designs call inspiration from vehicles with Koraidon appearing as a motor-bike and Miraidon appearing as a hover-bike.

This design is not just for show as both Koraidon and Miraidon have multiple alternate forms that allow them to be better equipped for traversing the Paldea Region.

All Koraidon and Miraidon Ride Upgrades and How to Unlock

Version Exclusive Professors

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Professor Sada and Professor Turo

From left to right: Professor Sada and Professor Turo

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet features two professors that are exclusive depending on the version of the game you play.

Professor Sada appears in Pokemon Scarlet while Professor Turo appears in Pokemon Violet.
List of Characters

Gym Tests

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Gym Tests In-Game

Prior to challenging a Gym, players must go through a Gym Test to see if they are worthy of battling the Gym Leader. These tests are unique to each town, and provide some insight about the town, its residents, and the Gym Leader!

All Gym Challenge Guides (Gym Puzzle Tests)

Take the Champion Assessment to Challenge the Elite Four

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Nemona Speaking About Pokemon League
The staple storyline in all mainline Pokemon games is to defeat all the Gym Leaders and Elite Four to become the Champion.

However unlike the previous Pokemon games, the gyms do not have a set order, so you can battle the Gym Leaders in any order you want. Once you defeat all of them, you will take the Champion Assessment. This requires you to pass a test before defeating the Elite Four and Champion to earn your title!

Become The Champion

Titan Pokemon

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Sprigatito vs Titan Klawf

Titan Pokemon are much larger and stronger versions of Pokemon that are exclusive to the Paldea region. These bigger versions are said to be guarding Herba Mystica, which are rare herbs said to heal instantly after consuming. Players will be helping out Arven in finding these rare herbs, so prepare to battle against strong opponents!

Path of Legends Walkthrough: Titan Order and Levels

Academy Classes

Taking a Class
While classes on Pokemon are nothing terribly new, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet elevates it to a new level by going in-depth with their new classes and teaching new and veteran players about the game!

Classes Answers and Rewards

Academy Ace Tournament

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - Academy Ace Tournament
In the Post game, players will not only get to battle the Gym Leaders and Team Star Members again, they will also get to participate in the Academy Ace Tournament! This is a 4-round tournament where you can battle faculty and students to determine the school champion!

Academy Ace Tournament

New Game Mechanics

New Game Mechanics

The Terastal Phenomenon

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV -  Phenomenon that Makes Pokemon Shine
The Terastal Phenomenon is a unique phenomenon exclusive to the Paldea region. A Terastallized Pokemon will glisten similar to a gemstone and its type will change according to its Tera Type.

The Terastal Phenomenon

Wild Tera Pokemon Visible in Overworld

Pokemon SV - Glowing Pokemon Overworld
The October 6 Trailer revealed that wild Pokemon that can Terastrallize glow and are visible in the Overworld. These Wild Tera Pokemon are also stronger and often have different Tera types different from their regular type.

All Wild Tera Pokemon Locations

Tera Raid Battles

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Tera Raid Battle VS Terastalized Gardevoir
Tera Raid battles are a new cooperative battle format where up to 4 trainers will group together to take on Terastallized wild Pokemon within a certain time limit.

Unlike Max Raid Battles, where only one Pokemon could Dynamax at a time, all four participating Pokemon can Terastallize in Tera Raid Battles as long as they fulfill the required conditions.

Tera Raid Battles

Black Crystal Tera Raid Battles

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Dragapult Tera Raid Battle

In Black Crystal Tera Raid Battles, you'll face rare Pokemon that are stronger compared to regular raid battles. These raid battles are only available post-game after finishing the story and completing certain post-game events.

Black Crystal Tera Raid Battles

New Character Customization

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Player Taking Selfie
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet boasts many customization options for its players, allowing them to express themselves through their outfits. You can also collect accessories from boutiques across the Paldea region.

Character Customization and All Appearance Options

Customize Your Character At Any Time (Except Hair)

At any point in the game, Trainers can customize their character through the variety of clothing and appearance options! The only exception being hair, which can only be changed at the salon.

List of Clothes and How to Change Clothes

A Seamless Open World

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Player Running Up Hill

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet take the Pokemon series to its next evolutionary step by allowing players to freely explore an open world for the first time in the series!

Towns and locations blend seamlessly into the wilds, letting players traverse and explore to their hearts content without borders!

Game Genre: Is It an Open World?

Pokemon Populate the World

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Wild Psyduck in the Rain

Building on its predecessors' advancements, the new Pokemon games now feature locales visually inhabited by Pokemon.

Players will be able to encounter Pokemon in the forests, seas, the skies and even the streets and battle and catch them in real-time!

Paldea Pokedex: List of All Pokemon

Multiplayer With Up to Four Players

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Four Players Running
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet allows you to team up with up to four players, a first in the mainline Pokemon games.

Discover new Pokemon as you explore the various areas of the region with friends and family!

Poke Portal And Union Circle

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Tsareena and Hydreigon vs Gardevoir and Pelipper Union Circle
Trade and battle with trainers all over the world with Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's new Poke Portal feature.
Use the Nintendo Switch's local wireless to connect with friends nearby or connect through the internet with people all over the world.

The new Union Circle feature added to the Poke Portal allows you and three friends to adventure together, cheer each other on as you battle wild Pokemon or show each other your favorite Pokemon that can walk alongside you.

List of Multiplayer Features

Let's Go! Feature

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Let

A brand new feature added in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, Let's Go! allows trainers to let one of their Pokemon in the party to roam out to where you direct them to. It can end up retrieving items for you by itself, and even automatically get into battles with wild Pokemon.

Auto Battle

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Auto Battle

For the first time, a Pokemon can now be sent out to automatically battle wild Pokemon on its own! Using the Let's Go feature, one of your Pokemon can be sent out in the wild to battle without the need for orders. As the Pokemon battles, players can do other things like find items or watch over it.

How to Use Auto Battles

Updated Pokemon Models

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet feature updated Pokemon models and animations showcasing Pokemon in brand new and striking detail!

Trainer Battles Are Optional

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - Pokemon Trainer Battles
True to the open world style, players are free to skip trainer battles and will not be forced into battle when another trainer spots them.

Instead, they will have to speak to these trainers to engage in battle!

Have a Picnic

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet SV - Multiple Players at a Picnic

In Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, players can choose to have a picnic with their Pokemon and other trainers anywhere in the vast areas of the Paldea Region.

During picnics, you can shower your Pokemon, play and take pictures with them, cook different recipes, and prepare sandwiches for boosts. If you're lucky, you might even get an egg!

How to Picnic: All Features and Benefits

Boost Your Team With Sandwiches

Pokemon Scarlet & Violet SV - Picnic Rating Time

The most rewarding part of every picnic is the food. You now have to prepare sandwiches for your beloved Pokemon, choosing from a variety of ingredients found in your inventory.

These sandwiches provide boosts like increasing your chance of encountering a certain type of Pokemon! Some sandwiches can even increase your chance of encountering a shiny Pokemon.

List of All Sandwiches and Recipes

No Pokemon Nursery

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - What Does Egg Power Do.png

Similar to Pokemon Arceus, there is no Pokemon Nursery in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Instead, players can breed Pokemon during picnics and will receive eggs in the basket!

Breeding Guide: How to Breed Pokemon and Get Eggs

Incense is No Longer Needed

In addition to the lack of Pokemon Nurseries, trainers will no longer need incense to hatch baby Pokemon!

Transfer Egg Moves Freely

Now, Pokemon are no longer limited to transferring Eggs moves through breeding with those in the same egg group! All you need is a Mirror Herb and an empty move slot on your Pokemon of choice!

How to Learn and Transfer Egg Moves

No Need to Select Potions to Heal

How to Use Auto Heal and Items Used - Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)

While previous games allowed for easy selection of Potions from the menu, Scarlet and Violet will allow your Pokemon to recover HP with Auto Heal, a one-click option that automatically uses Potions.

How to Use Auto Heal and Items Used

Make TMs with the TM Machine

Pokemon SV - TM Machine

The TM Machine is a new feature that lets you create Technical Machines (TMs) that allow you to teach Pokemon certain moves.

You can find these machines installed in all Pokemon Centers throughout the Paldea Region, and require League Points and certain items to create your own TM!

TM Machines and How to Use Them

Take Selfies With Your Pokemon

Set Your Profile Picture

Players can take snapshots and selfies with the Camera App complete with filters that let you take cool photos of your journey with your Pokemon!

Camera App Guide: How to Take Selfies

New Accessibility to Competitive Improvements

New Game Mechanics

Battle Items Not Consumed

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) - Battle Items
Unlike previous games, in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Battle Items such as Air Balloon or Focus Sash are no longer consumed in battles with Wild Pokemon and Trainers!

List of Battle Items and How to Get

Hyper Training More Accessible

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV Hyper Training NPC Montenevera.png
Bottle Caps are now purchasable items! In previous games, these could not be purchased and needed 100 for Hyper Training. Now they can be bought and only 50 are required!

Bottle Cap Location and How to Get

Everything You Need To Know

Everything You Need To Know

Set in a Brand New Region

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Paldea Town and Mountains

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet take place in a brand new region called the Paldea Region, boasting a mosaic habitat featuring impressive mountain ranges, grassy plains, and even sandy desert areas.

It appears to be based on the Iberian Peninsula with the cities and towns taking inspiration from Barcelona, Spain.
What Country is Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Based On?

New Starter Pokemon

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV -  Starter Pokemon

Players will once again begin their Pokemon adventure with a choice between the three brand new starter Pokemon - the Grass-type Sprigatito, the Fire-type Fuecoco, and the Water-type Quaxly.

Gen 9 Starter Pokemon and Evolutions

Version Exclusives

Pokemon Scarlet Exclusives

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Scarlet LogoPokemon Scarlet Exclusives
New Pokemon
Koraidon ImageKoraidon Armarouge ImageArmarouge Great Tusk ImageGreat Tusk
Scream Tail ImageScream Tail Brute Bonnet ImageBrute Bonnet Flutter Mane ImageFlutter Mane
Slither Wing ImageSlither Wing Sandy Shocks ImageSandy Shocks Roaring Moon ImageRoaring Moon
Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Fire Form) ImagePaldean Tauros (Fighting/Fire Form) - -
Returning Pokemon Drifloon ImageDrifloon Drifblim ImageDrifblim Oranguru ImageOranguru
Stunky ImageStunky Skuntank ImageSkuntank Stonjourner ImageStonjourner
Larvitar ImageLarvitar Pupitar ImagePupitar Tyranitar ImageTyranitar
Deino ImageDeino Zweilous ImageZweilous Hydreigon ImageHydreigon
Skrelp ImageSkrelp Dragalge ImageDragalge -

Pokemon Violet Exclusives

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Pokemon Violet LogoPokemon Violet Exclusives
New Pokemon
Miraidon ImageMiraidon Ceruledge ImageCeruledge Iron Treads ImageIron Treads
Iron Bundle ImageIron Bundle Iron Hands ImageIron Hands Iron Jugulis ImageIron Jugulis
Iron Moth ImageIron Moth Iron Thorns ImageIron Thorns Iron Valiant ImageIron Valiant
Paldean Tauros (Fighting/Water Form) ImagePaldean Tauros (Fighting/Water Form) - -
Returning Pokemon Misdreavus ImageMisdreavus Mismagius ImageMismagius Passimian ImagePassimian
Gulpin ImageGulpin Swalot ImageSwalot Eiscue (Ice Face) ImageEiscue (Ice Face)
Bagon ImageBagon Shelgon ImageShelgon Salamence ImageSalamence
Dreepy ImageDreepy Drakloak ImageDrakloak Dragapult ImageDragapult
Clauncher ImageClauncher Clawitzer ImageClawitzer -

Version Exclusive content is once again confirmed for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet!

Player character's uniforms will differ between the two versions.

Version Exclusives and Differences

Pokemon HOME Support

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Hisuian Zoroark.png

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will receive Pokemon HOME support in Spring 2023.

Aside from allowing you to bring select Pokemon from past games to the Paldea region, Pokemon HOME will also allow you to view Battle Stadium Statistics like Trainer rankings, frequently used Pokemon, and Online Competitions from its mobile device version. You'll also be able to see what Moves, Abilities, and Held Items are being used in battles the most!

Pokemon HOME Support and Release Date

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Related Links

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - News Banner

Latest News and Game Info

DLC Epilogue

DLC Story Epilogue
Pokemon SV The Indigo Disk - DLC Story Epilogue DLC Story Epilogue
The story epilogue for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's
The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero DLC is now live!
How to Start ・Complete Base Game, Teal Mask, Indigo Disk
・Complete Academy Ace Tournament
・Get Mythical Pecha Berry Mystery Gift

Current & Upcoming Tera Raid Events

Tera Raid Events
Pokemon SV - Tyranitar Raid Banner7☆ Unrivaled Tyranitar Raid Event Round 1!
Start Date Mar 28, 2025 (Fri) at 00:00 UTC
End Date Mar 30, 2025 (Sun) at 11:59 UTC
Other Tera Raid Events
Event Description
Pokemon SV - Tyranitar Raid Banner7☆ Tyranitar Raid Event Round 2 Featured Pokemon:
Level 100 Tyranitar with the Unrivaled Mark
Duration: 04/04/2025 (12:00 AM) ~ 1/06/2025 (11:59 PM)
Pokemon Scarlet Violet - Blissey Raid Banner.png5-Star Blissey Tera Shard Event Featured Pokemon:
Blissey with increased odds to drop Tera Shards and Candies
Duration: 04/04/2025 (12:00 AM) ~ 1/06/2025 (11:59 PM)

Current & Upcoming Mass Outbreak Events

Mass Outbreak Events
Event Description
No active Mass Outbreak Events!

Current & Upcoming Tournaments, Online Competitions and Ranked Battle Season

Event Description
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet SV - Series GRanked Battle Regulation G
Ruleset: Paradox, Sub-Legendary, and Legendaries are allowed in Regulation G again!

Current Mystery Gift Codes

All Mystery Gift Codes
Code/Method Reward Start / End
Book Cover Rotom Phone CaseBook Cover Rotom Phone Case Feb 27, 2025
ELEMENTST0NES Fire StoneEvolution Stones Set 1 Nov 18, 2024
Dec 31, 2025
C0SM1CST0NES Sun StoneEvolution Stones Set 2 Nov 18, 2024
Dec 31, 2025
V1TAM1NS VitaminsVitamins Set Nov 18, 2024
Dec 31, 2025
Collect Serial Codes From Merchandise
Deoxys Normal FormeKeldeo OrdinaryZarude
Mythical Pokemon Campaign
Nov 22, 2024
April 30, 2025
NE0R0T0MC0VER Pokemon SV Neo-Kitakami Case Rotom Phone Icon.pngNeo-Kitakami Rotom Phone Case Jan 15, 2024
Pokemon HOME Dex Completion Reward Shiny MeloettaPokemon HOME Shiny Meloetta Permanent
Get via Internet
Mythical Pecha BerryMythical Pecha Berry N/A
Connect to Pokemon HOME
Gen 9 HA Starters
May 3, 2023
No Expiration

Server Maintenance Status

Server Maintenance Status (November 2024)
No Scheduled Server Maintenance!

Latest News

Pre-Release News

All Gen 9 Pre-Release Trailers


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